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The Routine Activity Theory, In this theory it refers to generalized pattern of social activities in

the community it also aim to explained why people commit crimes what motivate them to
commit crimes and not how the crime was committed mostly people commit crime due to the
economy is blooming and economy welfare is expanding significantly during this
time. Economic crisis and then their macroeconomics and social change is mostly unaffected
and by this also cause unemployment rates, poverty, inequality In Addition the routine activity
theory it focused the background level view and then precise broad scale shift of the pattern
of victim and offender behaviour, it also focuses of specific crime events in offender behaviour
or decision this theory was commonly used after the second world war,   according to Felson
and Cohen the reason for the increase that prosperity of contemporary society offer more
opportunity for crimes to occur in Routine activity theory. The characteristics of the routine
activity theory are that three elements must be present at the same time: An available and
suitable target a victim that they interested. A motivated offender an offender someone who
willingly to commit .No presence of an authority figure to prevent a crime from occurring an
environment that has lack or un attend area that no police or personnel in charge.

An available and suitable target, a motivated offender, and the absence of an authority figure
can result in a crime being committed. The routine activity theory describes how likely
offenders come to commit a crime partly based on their normal everyday activities. Routine
travel and activities can bring a motivated offender into contact with a desirable though
vulnerable asset without appropriate guardianship. The simultaneous concurrence of the
three elements of the routine activity theory will witness the possible occurrence of a crime
however, The routine activity theory has evolved from the rational choice theory, which seeks
the most cost-effective means to achieve a specific goal without reflecting on the worthiness
of the goal. It is a main theoretical approach in the paradigm of microeconomics, and is a
proponent of human decision-making in the behaviour of individuals in microeconomic models
and analysis. Because the rational choice theory has a deficiency in the understanding of
consumer motivation, some economic researchers restrict its application to understanding
business behaviour where goals are well stated. The theory assumes that humans make
decisions in a rational manner, which implies that their behaviour can be modelled, and so
predictions can be made on future activities (Clifton L. Smith, 2012). United State of America
also in the United Kingdom where this theory is adapt .because in nowadays poverty and
unemployment rate are the most problem in our country also there is a pandemic that cause
more to our society.

I see that the routine activity theory is I think our society has adapted I watch news in
Television how police investigate in large crime or small one the scientific method they used
are similarly in routine activity theory for example if the offender you looking for you must
know where he/she work, live, and the relatives by this you can dig the root of the crime and
explain why crime is committed.

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