1 1 Place Value and Rounding Updated

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IB Math Studies Yr 1

Date: ____________
Lesson 1-1: Place Value and Rounding
Learning Goals:
#1: How can we use our prior math knowledge of place value to help us
round numbers?

Let’s review Place Value

Three easy steps:
1. Circle: circle the number in the place value you want to round to
2. Check: check the number to the right
3. Change: change the circled number
4. Every number to the right of the rounded number becomes zeros!

o If the number is 5 or more:

o If the number is less than five:

a. Round 4.768 to the nearest tenth b. Round 1, 745 to the nearest hundred.

c. Round 459.87 to the nearest tens d. Round 8,256.7598 to the nearest thousandth
IB Math Studies Yr 1
Converting Decimals to Fractions
 Determine the place the number is rounded to (hundreds, thousands, etc.)

 Place the entire number over that place value (100 or 1000 or etc.)

You can also count how many numbers are to the right of the decimal point. Put the entire number over 1
and this amount of zeros:

.656 --> three places to the right, so the conversion to a fraction would be:

Examples: Convert the following decimals to fractions.

a. 0.875 b. 0.97

Wait! There is a shortcut!

Calculator short cut for converting Decimals to Fractions
Type the decimal into the home screen.
Hit MATH, ENTER, ENTER Now you try some using the shortcut!

Convert the below decimals to fractions

using your calculator
a. 0.5678 b. 0.14
IB Math Studies Yr 1

1) Round the following to the nearest tenth.
a) 5.678 b) 12.41 c) 64.15783

2) Round the following to the nearest hundredth.

a) 5.672 b) 12.4177 c) 64.15783

3) Round the following to the nearest whole number.

a) 5.672 b) 12.4177 c) 64.15783

4) Given the following dollar amounts, round each to the nearest cent.
a) $176.89742 b) $0.82133 c) $27.19999

5) Given the following dollar amounts, round each to the nearest dollar.
a) $176.89742 b) $0.82133 c) $27.19999
IB Math Studies Yr 1
6) Given the following measures of angles, round to the nearest degree.
a) 76.443° b) 2.58° c) 37.0001°

7) Given the following measurements, round to the nearest meter.

a) 19.7655 meters b) 7.23 meters c) 1509.64 meters

8) Push your thinking!

a) Round to the nearest thousandths

b) Round to the nearest whole number

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