Diving Into The Rye

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Valeria M.

Colón Noriega
Julio J. Bello Velazco
Karolina A. Rosa Viera
Ariana S. Rodriguez Perez

Diving into the Rye

1. What Rhetorical Appeal is Holden using whilst narrating the story? How so?

Holden uses the logos rhetorical appeal because in the book he tries to convince
you to be on his side by using logic.

2. What are some subjects dealt with in this book? What are the author's opinions
on these subjects? (Theme)

Some subjects dealt with in this book are Mental health as holden is not in the
right mental space. The author wants to tell and show people how mental health
patients can affect this world. In the novel we can see the loss of innocence of
holden as he is becoming more of a rebel person and doing bad things. The
author shows how if you have a bad beginning you can come to be a bad person.
In the book we can see prostitution when holden accepts the elevators guy
invitation to send him a girl but then he later refuses. The author is trying to show
that you can be strong if you really want to and no matter what you are going
through you should still be smart and take care of yourself. The last subject is
growing up we can see this all throughout the book as in the book we see holden
becoming a man and the challenges he faced all through his life from childhood
to adulthood. The author wants to show a life that went wrong so that people can
see and learn from it.

3. Up to where we have read, have we seen any changes in our protagonist? Has he
learnt anything? 

We haven't seen any significant changes in the protagonist up to this point, but
we can tell that he has developed a desire and has learnt more about sexuality.

4. How does our protagonist affect other characters?

Holden influences other characters by being untrustworthy and judgmental of


5. Why is the protagonist behaving like he is?

The protagonist is behaving like that because of the things he’s been through. He
is a lonely kid, he doesn’t know how to interact with people. He has no one in his
life, he is distant from his mother and all family bounds. Thanks to that he will
want to do things that maybe are not that good for his age because he has no
example to follow

6. What is the author's point of view toward the characters and the choices they
make? (Choose 3 characters)

The author’s point of view towards Holden is that he’s trying to deceive us
throughout the story. The point of view towards Sally Hayes is that she’s
everything Jane Gallagher isn’t. Towards Jane Gallagher is that she stands for
everything Holden loves or believes.

7. Fill in the blanks:

I know the theme is how you don't need a prostitute to lose your
innocence because in the text it says “She came in and took her coat off right
away and sort of chucked it on the bed. She had on a green dress underneath.
Then she sort of sat down sideways on the chair that went with the desk in the
room and started jiggling her foot up and down. She crossed her legs and started
jiggling this one foot up and down. She was very nervous, for a prostitute. She
really was. I think it was because she was young as hell. She was around my

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