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Tuba, Jullifer Joseph O.


Seatwork: Practice of Civil Engineers

1. In my own personal understanding, the most important obligation of a Civil Engineer is to

uphold his integrity as a professional by completing his duties with due skills, reason and care. A
Civil engineer fails in this obligation when he/she sacrifices safety for the sake of efficiency,
economical reasons, aesthetics, etc. In this sense, we can say that the role of a Civil Engineer is
to be the voice of reason in a hectic and idealistic project despite the pressures from other

2. In my own personal understanding, the most important obligation of a client in a project is to

enable the professionals (engineers, architects, contractors, etc.) to do their respective tasks.
This entails providing adequate budget, time, and authorization for the employed personnel to
complete their objectives reasonably as was stated in their contracts. When a client fails to supply
these provisions adequately, then the project consequently suffers and may lead to its total
failure altogether.

3. Hopefully as Civil engineer, I would like to be one that works on Engineering support services,
particularly services that focus on assessments and observations of sites, structures, equipment,
and facility. I believe that this type of job provides the greatest growth for myself as an engineer,
as it leads me to observe and experience many different methods and perspectives utilized by
many other engineers firsthand. In order to prepare myself towards this career goal, it would be
best if I start expanding my network this early on. Expanding my network opens up many more
opportunities for me not only in terms of being employed, but also finding more projects to work
on. Secondly, I will work on expanding my knowledge through studying and research on the
different types and areas of engineering works, so that I would be able to provide quality
assessment to various structures, equipment, and facilities when the time comes. Lastly, I will
look for mentors and apply myself to internships related to this career goal so that I can gain
hands on experience and valuable knowledge towards this career path.

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