Tips For Writing Resume For NI Internship Positions

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Tips for Writing Resume for NI Internship Positions

One general tip is to always read and understand the job descriptions of
the internship position that you want to apply for, then tailor the information in
your resume to address the requirements of the position.

1. Include your full name and contact info (email, home address, and phone number)
at the top for quick access. Sharing social media page like LinkedIn is a good way to
show your character to your potential employer too.
2. State your internship period clearly with the start date and end date.
3. Include your education info such as university name, course, current year of study,
CGPA, major, etc.
4. Mention if you are a JPA scholar or bonded to any institution.
5. List down academic achievements such as dean list, gold medals, awards in
competitions, scholarships, etc.
6. List down interesting projects and assignments that are relevant to the internship
position that you want to apply for, for example, building a web-based home
surveillance system using Python (if you want to apply for the position of software
intern). You can mention your role in the project and the outcome of the project. You
can also share links to your work in the format of word document, pdf, power point
presentations, or even YouTube video so that interviewer can understand and
appreciate your work more.
7. List down relevant working experiences and previous internship if applicable.
Explain your position, what you have learned, and significant achievements or
learning throughout your tenure.
8. Share if you have held or still holding key positions in any clubs or society. In short,
highlight any leadership experience.
9. You can also mention your participation in extra-curricular activities or
competitions even if you did not win anything. For example, joined the Robocon
team. Participation in voluntary events can be included also.

1. Showing IC number because it is supposed to be a confidential information.
2. Using funny email address that is not for professional purposes.
3. Using non-standard fonts type and size and colored background. It is better to
keep it simple with majority white or light background.
4. Including long list of courses attended in university, e.g. your academic transcript.
They are not very helpful in general, and it dilutes the key message in your resume
and makes your resume to look lengthy.

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