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Questions 3, 4 on p.

3. Why is it necessary to maintain intellectual capital?
If intellectual capital is not maintained, it will depreciate by 7% every year.
Intellectual capital needs radical improvement. It is necessary to do everything so as
not to lead to a lack of skills.
4. What is a brain drain?
Brain drain is people who do not have enough skills for their use in industry. There is
a lack of involvement of young people in science, science in schools and the
connection between industry and education.
Exercise 1 on p.51
сильний суперник - tough rivals;
тривожна тенденція - disturbing trend;
справлятися з наслідками - to cope with the consequences;
професiйно технічна освіта - professional and technical education;
перепідготовка - retraining;
радикальне поліпшення - radical improvement;
залучати молодь до науки - attract young people into science;
подовжена освіта - extended education;
реагувати на потреби - respond to needs;
уникати відпливу спеціалістів - to avoid a brain drain;
процвітати - to prosper;
прискорювати процес - speed up the process.

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