Natividad Jadilynne B. HUM112 Week3

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Student’s Activity Worksheet

3rd Term
HUM 112 (Contemporary Arts)
S.Y 2021-2022
Name of the Student: John Alexis R saavedra Date:
Subject Area: Contemporary Arts Grade Level: 11
Week No.: 3 Activity Sheet No.: 7
Lesson Title: Materials in Contemporary Arts
Checking for Understanding:
Title of Activity: Question and Answer
1. Answer the following questions below:
a) The local can refer to material that is easily available.
b) The combination of old school events like the fiesta and web platforms illustrate how the local
and traditional can converge to generate new ideas and forms of expressing and communicating,
in local, global and cyber spheres .
c) Why is Ang Post Office considered a contemporary artwork?
- Post Office is considered contemporary artwork since it depicts people's and society's lives in the
modern day. Similarly to how sellers promote their products.


Productive Collaboration

Title of Activity: Write your discussion

1. Work with your partner
2. Think of a festival in the Philippines
3. It would be best if it is a festival in one of your member’s hometown or locality
4. Each member should answer the given questions

 What is the festival and what is it about?

 What are the common practices done during that festival? What are the reasons
behind these practices?

Sinulog Festival
- The Sinulog Festival focuses around at the feast honoring Señ or Sto. Niñ o. Devotees express their
appreciation and confidence in the infant Jesus.  The costumes and props themselves, as well as
various contests, are common practices.

Zamboanga Hermosa Festiva

- This festival celebrates the feast of the Lady of Pilar, the city's patroness. The Lady of Pilar is said
to be the one who governs the city. The most common tradition is the nine-day novena, during
which the Zamboangueo people worship at the fort pilar. And the Regatta event, in which local
vintas are raced as a symbol of art, culture, and history. During this celebration, Zamboanga is also
known for its vivid colours.

SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022

B. Processing Questions
(Content Analysis)

1. What are the common materials (props, design tools, symbols, costumes, etc) used for the festival?
 Fabrics and color patterns, the wonderful decorations employed, and some similarity in
their costumes, as well as flowers of various kinds and colors, are the common materials
used for the festivals.
2. What are the reasons behind these materials?
 I think the aim of these materials is to commemorate and emphasize the event itself.
Through this they can also showcase their cultures and traditions.

(Experience Analysis)
1. What LMS did you use to communicate with your partner?
- Messenger app was utilized for communication.
2. Which part of the activity did you find exciting and/or challenging?

Title of Activity: Exploring your locality!

1. Find out what materials, which are potential to be used as art medium, are rich in
your locality (ex. Bamboo, metal, shells).
2. List it down and name the artwork created by you locality using these materials.
3. On the other column, you may write your own idea of artwork which you think is
also great for the material you listed.
Artwork made by your
Materials found in
locality out of the Your own idea
your locality
material listed
Example: Tin Cans Coin bank Welded into a
vintage/metallic style
cupcake holder
1. Coconut shells Painted hanging decorations Lamp
2. Plastic wrappers Lantern Colored the wrap and wrap it to a
ball shaped box with holes to make
if into a party ball
3. Plastic bottles Pots for plants Pen holder
4. Old tires Pots for plants Chairs
5. Torn clothes Face masks Bags

SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022

Student’s Activity Worksheet
3rd Term
HUM 112 (Contemporary Arts)
S.Y 2021-2022
Name of the Student: John Alexis R Saavedra Date:
Subject Area: Contemporary Arts Grade Level: 11
Week No.: 3 Activity Sheet No.: 8
Lesson Title: Traditional Techniques Applied to Contemporary Arts Creation
Checking for Understanding:
Title of Activity: Question and answer
1. Answer the following questions:
1. The sculptor uses metal, wood, stone, clay, and glass. Sculptures fall within the category of “three-
dimensional” arts because they occupy space and have volume. Pottery is a form of sculpture. Other
examples are nudes or figures such as Guillermo Tolentino’s Oblatio n, ritual objects such as bulul
wood carvings in the Cordillera, or the santos or carvings of saints in Christian churches.
2. The musician uses sound and instruments (including the human voice), while the dancer uses the
body. A T’boli chanter sings creation stories in a way that is different from a classical singer or pop
music singer influenced by the Western music scale.
3. The theatre artist integrates all the arts and uses the stage, production design, performance
elements, and script to enable the visual, musical, dance and other aspects to come together as a
whole work.
4. What is the difference between materials and techniques?
 Materials are the objects being utilized, whereas techniques are the methods, patterns  that the
artist employs to make art.
A. Productive Collaboration
Title of Activity: Drawing time!
1. Work with your partner
2. Discuss the possibility of creating a new art festival for your community.
3. Draw a map of your festival ideas and exhibition-activity sites
3. Consider the following questions:
4. Member 1 will answer questions 1 and 2 and member 2 will answer question 3.

 What will it be about?

 What medium, techniques, and practices will it use?
 Which places would you like to activate as a site of exhibitions and other related activities? What
are your considerations in making your selection? It can be in schools, the market grounds, a
historic house, or public part among others.

SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022

B. Processing Questions
(Content Analysis)
1. How would you be able to come up
with creating new art?
To be able to come up with a new art, I need to be creative enough, I must have a wide imagination
and the skills.

(Experience Analysis)
1. What LMS did you use to communicate with your partner?
- We used the messenger app
2. Did your partner give some effort?

Title of Activity: Check and Reflect!
1. Fill in the box with your answers
I think I need more I have a minimal I am confident that I
time and assistance understanding of it can do this with ease.
I can define and /
identify local materials
used in contemporary
I can justify the use of /
local materials in
contemporary arts
I can name techniques /
and practices used in
contemporary arts
Reflect: Art is a very fine thing that uses technique and meticulous skill.
I find art techniques the most interesting because each and every artist uses different
techniques in their own arts.
I got three checks because I understand most of it.
I need to improve on practicing my own art techniques because I believe that it can still be
I need to practice more so that I can utilize my skills because doing an artwork requires not
just only time and energy, but also skills.
I plan to work on the techniques that I need to master to fully be knowledgeable on art.

Student’s Activity SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022 Worksheet

3rd Term
HUM 112 (Contemporary Arts)
S.Y 2021-2022
Name of the Student: John Alexis r saavedra Date:
Subject Area: Contemporary Arts Grade Level: 11
Week No.: 3 Activity Sheet No.: 9
Lesson Title: Local materials and techniques
Checking for Understanding:
Title of Activity: Question and answer
1. Answer the following questions:
1. Among all of the materials, which one is more appropriate when presenting your
locality? Why or why not?
bamboo, it’s easier to find and more efficient to use than most materials.
. Productive Collaboration
Title of Activity: Find ways!
1. With your partner
2. Evaluate you have listed available in your locality
3. Member 1 will do the (1-3) and member 2 (4-6)
4. Consider the factors given and rate each material with 1-5, one(1) as the lowest rate &
five(5) as the highest. Mark your rate with a check Materials with the highest total score
may be a potential artwork in terms of audience appreciation and for business.

SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022

Name of Material: bamboo
Factors to Consider 1 2 3 4 5 Total Score
1. Availability 4
2. Less Cost 3
3. Less Process Needs 4
4. Durability 5
5. Resourcefulness and 5
6. Number of possible 4
B. Processing Questions
(Content Analysis)
(Experience Analysis)
1. What LMS did you use with your partner?
-We used messenger app

2. Did he/she give his/her ideas?

-Yes , she gave his ideas

Title of Activity: Become the artist!

1. Using the evaluation above, choose three materials with the highest score and present
your ideas.
2. You may present using the sample order of presentation given.
3. You will be rated with the Rubrics below.

Order of Presentation

 Introduction
 Background and information of the Material & related products made out of it
 How is it processed to create a material for artwork
 What artwork are you planning to create out of it?
 What is the process, the needs and the cost?
 What is the purpose or function of the artwork?
 Who are your target audiences?
 What made you decide to use these materials and artwork?
 Do you think your audience will embrace it?
 Do you think it will be a good business or tourist attraction to your locality?

SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022

SJSFI Learning Worksheet 2021-2022

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