Disserttation I Work Plan 2022 - 2023

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YEAR V SEMESTER I: 2022/2023


Prof. L. H. Mosha and Francis Mirumbe


SUBJECT MASTERS: Prof. L. H. Mosha & Francis Mirumbe

Course Expected Learning Outcome

The students will be able to apply and improve research skills and scientific research methods
in addressing architectural design issues

1. Course Contents

 Identification of a particular architectural design issue/ problem,

 Formulating a Research problem statement
 Develop a methodology to address the problem, carry out research,
 Analyse data and generate findings
 Come up with conclusions and recommendations, on identified research problem which are
design oriented and can be applied in guiding the final dissertation work
 Report writing.

2. Inputs
a) Supervisor for continuous consultation and advice
b) Subject coordinators for advice and consultations
c) Presentations for critics, comments and discussions. Three presentations shall be marked.
d) Key references as identified by supervisors during consultations and in presentations
e) Research Method lecture notes and other relevant literature
f) Data and information generated from student’s research fieldwork is also part of the inputs.

3. Output:
An error free well bound PRE-Dissertation Report.

Format for the draft report Format for the final report
Loose spiral bound report in manila cover Black hard cover with “gold” letters
About 10,000 words About 10,000 words
1.5 spacing, font size 12 1.5 Spacing, font size 12
Including all illustrations references and Including all illustrations, references and
appendices appendices

Take note that you must budget for this careful.

4. The Proposed Pre-Dissertation Workplan


 Introduction to the Pre-dissertation process - 31.10.2022

 How to reconcile the Pre-Dissertation Process with the Studio programme.
2. Mobilization of the needed inputs
 Identify your supervisor; consult the supervisor and other experienced people
 Consult relevant literature to sharpen and focus the identified research issue
 Develop a research synopsis
 Previous pre-dissertation reports available in the department’s resource center are vital
reading material for this stage.
 Prepare for the first presentation

3. First presentation (10th November 2022)

 The purpose of this first presentation is to obtain assistance in reformulating your problem
statement and research objectives and to obtain departmental approval of your Pre-
dissertation Title.
 The presentation focuses on “An outline of the proposed research issue, problem
statement, objectives and the anticipated final dissertation project”
 The material is to be presented on proper paper format, preferably an A1 paper or Power
 A hard copy on an A4 typed document of the same synopsis is required for records.
 The first presentation is not marked but it is important as it marks the real starting point of
your work.
 Delay in getting your Topic approved may affect your performance in the subsequent steps.

4. Formulating a research proposal and a work plan

 Together with supervisors develop a research proposal and a work plan taking into account
available time and resources.
 Refer to appendix one for some ideas on the contents
 Previous works by former students are useful to show you the way

5. Second Presentation (24th November 2022)

The first marked presentation contributes 10% of the final assessment
Items to be assessed the corresponding maximum points are as follows
 Proposed research methodology, (3)
 Relevant literature for the study and key findings from literature (2)
 Identified case study (ies) (1)
 Brief on the selected cases (1)
 Presentation skills including graphics and written text (1)
 Ability to discuss your work during presentation, (2)

6. Carry out data collection and analysis

 Student work together with supervisors and other resource persons
 Consult and review relevant literature on data collection and analysis tools
 Previous pre-dissertation reports are vital reading material for this stage
 On the basis of the inputs from the above consultations, students will carry out data
collection, analysis and report the findings in relation to the approved research objectives.

7. Third presentation (05th January, 2023)

Second marked presentation: Research findings from the case studies in form of sketches, photos,
tables, maps and text as an attempt to respond to the research objectives.

These shall be presented marked in the following manner.

 How did the data collection and analysis methods performed 3%
 Summary of the main findings in relation to the research objectives 4%
 Presentation skills including graphics and written text (1)
 Ability to discuss your work during presentation, (2)

8. Producing first Draft

Student work together with supervisor to draw conclusions and recommendations in terms of
specific design parameters to address the design problem identified for the research:

Submit draft report to supervisors: 30th January 2023

12) Fourth Presentation (2nd February 2023)

Third marked presentation. Assessment shall base on the following:
 The extent to which findings and recommendations address the design
problems, (5)
 The extent to which recommendations take into account the Tanzanian
context (3)
 Presentation Skills: overall organization, graphics and self-expression, (2)

13. Students work with supervisors to produce error free final report

14. Submit two copies of final report on 9th February 2023, to the Head of Department

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