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Paper Towns Essay Questions

1. Why does Quentin begin to believe that Margo may have committed suicide?
What clues make this seem like a viable solution to the mystery of her
whereabouts? What clues make this seem not viable?
2. Discuss the road trip to find Margo. What are the most important events along
the way? How does this adventure mirror the one Margo and Quentin had in the
beginning of the book? Compare and contrast the two.
3. The definition of a "paper town" changes many times in the book. Describe the
evolution of its meaning. How does it relate to the mystery and the themes of the
4. Who is the "true" Margo? Which character comes closest to understanding who
Margo really is? Do you think Margo understands herself? Point to a moment in
the text where she seems to understand herself or lack understanding.
5. The book is divided into three sections: The Strings, The Grass, and The Vessel.
What is the connection between the sections/titles and the content within those
sections? They are obviously symbolic metaphors, discuss.
6. Quentin and his friends are on many forms of technology: instant messenger, cell
phone, video games, Omnictionary, etc. Discuss the role of computers and
technology in Paper Towns. When is technology helpful, and when does it fall
7. Friendship is an important theme in the novel. Discuss the role played by
Quentin’s best friends, Ben and Radar, in the novel, as well as his relationship to
each. How does his changing relationships with them relate to his understanding
of Margo?
8. After Margo disappears, we learn that she has run away several times before.
Describe her other adventures, and the common threads between the trips. What
makes her final disappearance so different?
9. Every time Margo disappears, she leaves clues behind. What clues does she
leave behind after her night out with Quentin? Are these clues different from the
clues she has left previously? If so, how?
10. Compare and contrast the movie and the book.
11. Discuss the symbolism of mirrors and windows.
12. “Margo was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and
precious thing. She was a girl.” Discuss this quote as it pertains to Q’s
understanding of Margo and the evolution of that throughout the novel.
13. Discuss the importance of the Osprey (the abandoned mini-mall)
14. Write one of your own (but clear it with Mr. Moore first).

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