Question Bank Class Six

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La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank First Term

Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: Geography
Q. Encircle the best answer. (20)
1. Sun is a ___ :
a) planet b) star c) satellite d) glaxay
2. The largest continent is:
a) Africa b) Europe c) North America d) Asia
3. There are ____ continent on the Earth:
a) seven b) six c) nine d) eight
4. A huge mass of water is called:
a) sea b) ocean c) river d) lake
5. The percentage of Earth surface covered by water is:
a) 29 b) 50 c) 71 d) 90
6. The Earth completes a rotation about its axis in:
a) 1 year b) 1 hour c) 72 days d) 24 hours
7. The Earth completes a revolution around its orbit in:
a) 24 hours b) 1 year c) 2 years d) 12 years
8. The ocean in the east of Asia is:
a) Atlantic b) Pacific c) Indian d) Arctic
9. The uninhabited continent is:
a) Australia b) Europe c) Asia d) Antarctica
10. There are five ----- on the Earth:
a) continents b) planets c) oceans d) stars
11. The model of Earth is called:
a) map b) sketch c) globe d) graph
12. Situated in the east of Pakistan is:
a) Arabian sea b) China c) Afghanistan d) India
13. How many latitudes are:
a) 180° b) 360° c) 260° d) 90°
14. 0° latitude is called:
a) equator b) prime meridian c) North pole d) dateline
15. How many longitudes are:
a) 90° b) 180° c) 360° d) 260°
16. If we stand facing east, on our right side is:
a) West b) North West c) South d) North
17. East, West, North and South are called ----- points:
a) Cardinal b) Contours c) Zones d) Zero
18. The type of scale shown as a statement is called ----- scale:
a) Fraction b) Statement c) Linear d) Graphic
19. The collection of maps in shape of a book is called ----- :
a) Atlas b) Dictionary c) Projection d) Thesaurus
20. A presentation of Earth or part of it on a flat surface is called:
a) Globe b) Equator c) Map d) Directions
21. The gaseous envelope surrounding our Earth is called:
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
22. Sphere of life is:
a) Atmosphere b) Biosphere c) Lithosphere d) Hydrosphere
23. Which gas shields us from dangerous ultra-violet rays of the Sun?
a) Carbon dioxide b) Ozone c) Nitrogen d) Oxygen
24. Due to which gas, life is possible on Earth?
a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Water vapours d) Ozone
25. What is the percentage of population settled in the plains?
a) 10 b) 20 c) 40 d) 80
26. What is the percentage of fish caught from the ocean?
a) 20 b) 43 c) 64 d) 85
27. Forests provide us:
a) Carbon dioxide b) Ozone c) Nitrogen d) Oxygen
28. Which area receive least rainfall
a) mountains b) plains c) oceans d) deserts
29. Natural silk comes from:
a) forests b) silkworm c) industries d) plants
30. ------- is the only planet of the solar system where life exists:
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Neptune
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank First Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: Geography
Q. Write short answers of any five (5) questions. (10)
1. What is meant by Big Bang Theory?
2. What is Milky Way Galaxy?
3. What is meant by Solar system?
4. Define continents.
5. What is ocean?
6. What is meant by Globe?
7. What is Atlas?
8. What is map?
9. What is meant by conventional signs?
10. Name two countries which are situated in the West of Pakistan.
11. What is meant by Atmosphere?
12. What is meant by Lithosphere?
13. What is meant by Hydrosphere?
14. What is meant by Biosphere?
15. What three components make the Earth habitable?
Q. Write detailed answer of any two questions. (20)
1. Draw and name the planets of Solar system.
2. Define continent and write their names.
3. How does a Lunar and Solar eclipse occur?
4. What is the difference between map and globe?
5. Name secondary directions with diagram.
6. Write five advantages of forests.
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Second Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: Geography
Q. Encircle the best answer. (20)
1. One of these is a volcano:
a) Himalayas b) Krakatoa c) Rockies d) Harz
2. One of these is block mountain:
a) Harz b) Rockies c) Mayon d) Enta
3. One of these is a fold mountain range:
a) Fuji Yama b) Himalayas c) Cotopaxi d) Harz
4. The plateau situated between high mountains is called ----- plateau:
a) Intermontane b) Raft Valley c) Continental d) Piedmont
5. The plain formed by the erosion of wind, river and glaciers are called ----- plain:
a) Erosional b) Depositional c) Flood d) Loess
6. Plains formed of limestone are called ----- plain:
a) Loess b) Desert c) Karst d) Glacial
7. Alps are ----- mountain:
a) Block b) Fold c) volcanoes d) Plateau
8. The largest loess plain is situated in:
a) Pakistan b) Afghanistan c) Germany d) China
9. Nile is the largest ----- of the World:
a) sea b) ocean c) river d) mountain
10. Mountains, plateaus and plains are major ----- :
a) Landforms b) volcanoes c) slopes d) rocks
11. One of these is part of Northern mountain range:
a) Sufaid Koh b) Kirthar c) Hindukush d) Himalayas
12. One of these is part of Western mountain range:
a) Siwalik b) Karakoram c) Suleman d) Himalayas
13. K2 is the highest peak of ----- mountains:
a) Hindu Kush b) Karakoram c) Himalayas d) Suleman
14. One of these is the river of Baluchistan:
a) Ravi b) Sutlej c) Indus d) Bolan
15. The mountain range situated between Baluchistan and Sindh is:
a) Himalayas b) Hindukush c) Suleman d) Kirthar
16. The height of K2 is ----- metres:
a) 7690 b) 8125 c) 8611 d) 3487
17. Situated between Mithan Kot and Thatta is called:
a) Upper Indus Plain b) Lower Indus Plain
c) Suleman Mountain d) Waziristan Hills
18. The desert situated in Sindh is:
a) Cholistan b) Thal c) Kharan d) Thar
19. The length of coastal belt of Sindh is about:
a) 300 km b) 700 km c) 1000 km d) 1500 km
20. The sea situated in the South of Pakistan is ----- sea
a) Mediterranean b) Bay of Bengal c) Red d) Arabian
21. The percentage of world population living in Asia is about:
a) 6 b) 11 c) 14 d) 60
22. What is the density of world population ----- persons /
a) 10 b) 48 c) 212 d) 1000
23. Which country has the maximum growth rate of population:
a) Australia b) Liberia c) South Africa d) Pakitan
24. Which country has maximum percentage of old persons:
a) Liberia b) Germany c) Uganda d) Japan
25. Which country has the minimum growth rate of population:
a) Niger b) USA c) Ugenda d) Italy
26. How many people are adding up annually in the world population ---- million?
a) 82 b) 50 c) 30 d) 3
27. The least populated province of Pakistan is:
a) Punjab b) KPK c) Sindh d) Baluchitan
28. The percentage of females in the population of Pakistan is:
a) 51.35 b) 48.65 c) 30.65 d) 20.35
29. Which province of Pakistan has the maximum Urban population?
a) Sindh b) Punjab c) Baluchistan d) KPK
30. Which province of Pakistan has the maximum Rural population?
a) KPK b) Sindh c) Baluchistan d) Punjab
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Second Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: Geography
Q. Write short answers of any five (5) questions. (10)
1. How land forms are formed?
2. What is mountain?
3. What is meant by plain?
4. Write the names of three types of plateaus.
5. What is meant by Geomorphology?|
6. Which the highest mountain of the World?
7. Where the largest Salt Mine of the World?
8. With whom countries the famous Khyber Pass connected?
9. Which is the longest river of Pakistan?
10. Which route connects Pakistan with China?
11. What is meant by Demography?
12. What is census?
13. What is meant by Migration?
14. Write two main factors of migration ?
15. Why does the majority of population live in Rural areas in Pakistan?
(Questions for Detailed Answers)
Q. Write detailed answer of any two question. (20)
1. What is plateau? Write names of its types.
2. What is meant by mountain? Write the names of its types.
3. Write the names of four deserts and six important ports of Pakistan?
4. Names five rivers of Pakistan and Baluchistan?
5. How many types of migration? Define each one.
6. Write five problems faced by Pakistan due to population growth.
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Third Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: Geography
Q. Encircle the best answer. (20)
1. Lahore is situated on the bank of river -----:
a) Indus b) Jhelum c) Chenab d) Ravi
2. The ancient city “Babylon” is situated in:
a) China b) Pakistan c) Iraq d) Mexico
3. The settlements situated along the river are
a) Rounded b) Linear c) Square d) Dispersed
4. Mohenjo Daro is the ancient city of:
a) Pakistan b) Iraq c) Egypt d) China
5. The settlement in which houses are located far from each other, is called
a) Magapolis b) Hamlet c) Town d) Village
6. Makkah, Jerusalem and Vatican cites are:
a) Commercial Centres b) Capitals
c) Holy Places d) Tourist Places
7. The capital of Japan is:
a) Karachi b) New York c) Tokyo d) London
8. One of these is situated on the coast of Pacific Ocean:
a) London b) Makkah c) Shanghai d) Karachi
9. One of these cities is not a port:
a) Karachi b) Mumbai c) Makkah d) New York
10. The settlement which is bigger than village and smaller than city is called
a) Town b) Dispersed c) Hamlet d) Megalopolis
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Third Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: Geography
Q. Write short answers of the following questions. (10)
1. What is meant by primate city?
2. What is nucleated settlement?
3. Define Dispersed Settlement?
4. What is Town?
5. What is meant by Metropolitan city?
Q. Write detailed answers of the following questions. (20)
1. Write characteristics of Rural and Urban settlement?
2. Name five countries and there largest citites?
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank First Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: History
Q. Encircle the best answer. (20)
1. History is such an organized study of ___ :
a) present b) past c) modern age d) future
2. Indus valley is one of the ___ civilization of the world:
a) latest b) new c) oldest d) present
3. Harappa is the ___ most important city of the Indus valley:
a) second b) third c) fourth d) sixth
4. The ___ had also been used as currency:
a) wheat b) rice c) sugar d) grain
5. The Aryans were:
a) worriers b) graceful c) peaceful d) joyful
6. Which city had kept the status of central place in the Indus valley:
a) Mohenjo Daro b) Harappa c) Multan d) Taxila
7. What profession Indus valley civilization had inhabitants:
a) agricultural b) industry c) fishery d) laboure
8. Who destroyed the Indus valley civilization:
a) Local people b) Aryans c) Egyptians d) Hindus
9. Which animal was the symbol of civilization in Indus valley:
a) horse b) bull c) cow d) sheep
10. What types of people were inhabitants in Indus valley:
a) civilized b) uncivilized c) back ward d) worrier
11. The Aryans came to India as ----- :
a) guests b) workers c) refugees d) rulers
12. The head of the tribe was called------:
a) king b) raja c) sultan d) sir
13. The woman of Aryans prepared mats and cloths at-----:
a) homes b) shops c) factories d) bazars
14. Hindu society was divided in------ castes:
a) three b) four c) five d) six
15. Chandragupta Maurya belonged to----- family:
a) Brahmin b) Shudras c) Kshatriy d) Vaishyas
16. From where did the Aryans come into South Asia:
a) North Asia b) Middle East c) Greece d) China
17. Who were defeated by Aryans in South Asia?
a) Sumerians b) Turks c) Dravidians d) Chines
18. Which was the religion of Ashok became the follower after the war?
a) Christianity b) Buddhism c) Hinduism d) Jainism
19. What is mentioned clearly in the teachings of Buddhism?
a) equality b) violence c) caste system d) bath
20. Which was the religion whose founder was Mahaveer?
a) Hinduism b) Jainism c) Sikhism d) Buddhism
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank First Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: History
Q. Write short answers of any five (5) questions. (10)
1. Where Indus valley civilization is situated?
2. Write the names of important cities of Indus valley civilization?
3. Which was the major profession of Indus Valley people?
4. Which civilizations had been engaged in trade with Indus valley
5. Where had migrated the local population after the arrival of Aryans?
6. In how many parts the Aryans society was divided?
7. Who was Gautama Buddha?
8. Who was the founder of Jainism?
9. To which family Chandragupta Maura belonged?
10. Who was Samundra Gupta?
(Questions for Detailed Answers)
Q. Write detailed answer of any two questions. (20)
1. From where the signs of ancient civilization have been found?
2. Narrate the religious beliefs of Indus valley.
3. Describe the caste system of Indian society?
4. Write in brief the religious idea of Hinduism.
Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C.
Column A Column B Column C

Bull Dirty water

Drainage system Transportation

The land Peaceful life

People led Bronze

Tools fertile

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C.

Column A Column B Column C

Aryan original homeland Natural surroundings

Aryan divided Founder of Jainism

Aryan worshipped Different tribes

Mahaveer was Revival of Hinduism

Gupta age Central Asia

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank Second Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: History
Q. Encircle the best answer. (20)
1. The Arabs were ----- by profession:
a) Businessman b) doctor c) teacher d) traders
2. Debal was a famous ----- of Sindh near Karachi:
a) picnic-point b) sea-port c) city d) bazar
3. Sanskrit books were translated into----- :
a) English b) Science c) Arabic d) Math
4. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi said “I am the ---- of idols and not the seller of idols:
a) Breaker b) maker c) founder d) follower
5. Qutubuddin Aibak was the founder of ---- Dynasty:
a) Khilji b) Tughlaq c) Slaves d) Lodhi
6.Who robbed Arab’s trade ship?
a) Makranis b) robbers c) pirates d) fishermen
7. What did Muhammad Bin Qasim bring with him to throw stones to encounter
Raja Dahir?
a) Munjnique b) cannon c) gun d) tank
8. How many times did Muhammad Ghaznavi invade on India?
a) fifteen b) sixteen c) seventeen d) eighteen
9. Against whom did Shahab-ud-Din Ghauri fight the first battle of Tarian?
a) Prithiviraj b) Mahmood Ghaznavi
c) Ibrahim Lodhi d) Razia Sultana

10. Whose daughter was Razia Sultana?

a) Qutubuddin Aibak b) Sultan Ghias-ud-Din
c) Sultan Altumish d) Nasir-ud-Din
11. A large number of Mughals ---- Islam:
a) Embraced b) forget c) rejected d) refused
12. Allauddin got much riches including:
a) gold b) silver c) diamonds d) all of these
13. Allauddin Khilji is considered among a few great ---- :
a) slaves b) sultans c) kings d) rajas
14. During Ghias-ud-Din Tughlaq period the ---- of grain were low:
a) quality b) prices c) quantity d) demand
15. Hindu states of Rajputana were vert ----- states:
a) weak b) ruling c) powerful d) cruel
16. Allauddin was the king who established----- system:
a) rationing b) shopping c) online d) educational
17. Which was the king who changed capital from Dehli to Doulatabad?
a) Jalaluddin b) Allauddin
c) Muhammad Tughlaq d) Khilji
18. The king who took with him Artisans in large number from India:
a) Babar b) Ameer Taimur
c) Mahmood Ghaznavi d) Allauddin
19. From which race Khiljis belonged?
a) Turk b) Afghan c) Arab d) Mughal
20. Muhammad Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to ------ :
a) Daccan b) Gujrat c) Daulatabad d) Bengal
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Second Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: History
Q. Write short answers of any five (5) questions. (10)
1. Which Raja was ruling on Sindh at the time of Arabs invasion on
Sindh ?
2. How many wars were fought by Mahmood Ghaznavi?
3. In which A.D. Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh?
4. What do you about Somnath?
5. Who was the conqueror of the second war of Tarian ?
6. Who was Allaudin?
7. Who shifted the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad?
8. Who was Ameer Taimur?
9. From which tribe Behlol Lodhi belonged?
10. Write any two causes of decline of Delhi Sultanate.
(Questions for Detailed Answers)
Q. Write detailed answer of any two questions. (20)
1. What is the belief of Hindus about their temple?
2. Write a brief note on Slave Dynasty?
3. Write a brief note on Khilji Dynasty?
4. Name any five causes of decline of Sultanate Delhi.
Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C.

Column A Column B Column C

Muhammad Bin Qasim Slave of Qutubuddin Aibak

Qutubddin Aibak in1206 Loved knowledge

Sultan Shamasuddin Daughter of Iltumish

Razia Sultana Throne in Lahore

Sultan Ghias Balban Conqueror of Sindh

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C.

Column A Column B Column C

Jalaluddin was founder Its production

Khilji family ruled Khilji Dynasty

Allauddin introduced Turk race

Tughlaq belonged The economics

Duba region was fertile Thirty years

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Third Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: History
Q. Encircle the best answer. (20)
1. The Sufism was introduced in ----- century A.D in the Sub-continent:
a) 7th b) 8th c) 9th d) 10th
2. The mail was sent by ----- or footmen:
a) Women b) boys c) girls d) horses
3. Countless people accepted---- by affected of the teachings of Data Gunj Bakksh:
a) Christianity b) Islam c) Hinduism d) Sikhism
4. Hazrat Chishti Ajmer learnt the Holy Quran by ----- from Samarqand:
a) Heart b) brain c) people d) others
5. The Urs of Hazrat Baba Farid Shakar Ganj is celebrated every ------ :
a) week b) year c) day d) month
6. Who laid the foundation of Masjid Quwwat-ul-Islam?
a) Iltumish b) Qutubuddin Aibak
c) Alauddin d) Muhammad Tughlaq
7. Which affairs were dealt in Diwan-e-Wizarat ------ affairs:
a) financial b) administrative c) religious d) military
8. What was called the head of Shaqq?
a) Shiqq-Dar b) Soob-e-Dar c) Nazim d) Kotwal
9. What was called the highest authority (Hakim-e-Ala) of the country?
a) Governor b) Sultan (king) c) Wazir d) Diwan
10. What was called the head of the Diwan-e-Arz?
a) Sadr-us-Sadr b) Shib-e-Diwan c) Wazir d) Arz
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank Third Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: History
Q. Write short answers the following questions. (10)
1. Where is the tomb of Syed Ali Hajwari (R.A)?
2. Write the real name of Hazrat Nizamuddin (R.A)?
3. Who laid the foundation of Qutub Minar?
4. Who wrote “ Tarikh -e- Feroz Shahi”?
5. What job did Kotwal performed?
Q. Write detailed answers of the following questions. (20)
1. Name at least five government system of Delhi Kingdom.
2. Write a brief note on the Art of Calligraphy
Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C.
Column A Column B Column C

Data Ganj Bakhsh wrote Tabraiz (Iran)

Shahabuddin Soharwardi Kashf-ul-Majoob

Hazrat Lal Qalandar Religious matters

Diwan-e-Risalat Highest officer in court

Ameer Hajib Founder of Suharwardiah

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C. 1 (10)

Column A Column B Column C

Bull Dirty water

Drainage system Transportation

The land Peaceful life

People led Bronze

Tools Fertile

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C. 2 (10)

Column A Column B Column C

Aryan original homeland Natural surroundings

Aryan divided Founder of Jainism

Aryan worshipped Different tribes

Mahaveer was Revival of Hinduism

Gupta age Central Asia

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C. 3 (10)
Column A Column B Column C

Muhammad Bin Qasim Slave of Qutubuddin Aibak

Qutubddin Aibak in1206 Loved knowledge

Sultan Shamasuddin Daughter of Iltumish

Razia Sultana Throne in Lahore

Sultan Ghias Balban Conqueror of Sindh

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C. 4 (10)

Column A Column B Column C

Jalaluddin was founder Its production

Khilji family ruled Khilji Dynasty

Allauddin introduced Turk race

Tughlaq belonged The economics

Duba region was fertile Thirty years

Q. Match the column A with column B and write answer in column C. 5 (10)
Column A Column B Column C

Data Ganj Bakhsh wrote Tabraiz (Iran)

Shahabuddin Soharwardi Kashf-ul-Majoob

Hazrat Lal Qalandar Religious matters

Diwan-e-Risalat Highest officer in court

Ameer Hajib Founder of Suharwardiah


La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank First Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: English
Q. Encircle the best answer. (30)
1. The meaning of “foundation” is:
a) base b) picture c) design d) sketch
2. “Dealing” means:
a) decisions b) business c) heartedly d) impression
3. Who acted upon the teachings of the Rasool, His ------:
a) companions b) relatives c) neighbour d) enemies
4. Companions of the Rasool also followed His -----:
a) saying b) golden examples c) writing d) way
5. Companions of the Rasool apply these qualities in:
a) Business dealing b) syllabus c) meeting d) law
6. The name of common person, place or thing is called ----- noun:
a) noun b) verb c) common d) proper
7. Which one of the following is a common noun?
a) Najma b) Lahore c) Abid d) girl
8. The name of a person, place or thing is called -----:
a) article b) verb c) adjective d) noun
9. Proper noun always start with the -----:
a) full stop b) capital letter c) small letter d) comma
10. Which one of the following is a proper noun:
a) Masjid b) Aslim c) table d) girl
11. The meaning of the word “Unity” is:
a) dirty b) clean c) bright d) light
12. The meaning of “rubbish” is:
a) first b) garbage c) mud d) water
13. “Garbage” means:
a) waste b) pavement c) wrong thing d) time
14. The word with correct spelling is:
a) enveronment b) environment c) envronment d) envaronment
15. People usually do not feel :
a) good b) happy c) guilty d) sadness
16. People think that it is the duty of ----- to clean the city:
a) person b) sweepers c) gardener d) pion
17. If we make a little effort to ------ of garbage, our surrounding will be clean:
a) scatter b) throw-out c) dispose d) put out
18. The things which we can count are called ------ noun:
a) countable b) uncountable c) common d) verb
19. Which is countable noun?
a) water b) oil c) books d) sand
20. Encircle the uncountable noun:
a) pen b) milk c) apple d) spoon
21. The natural beauty of Chitral attracts the ----- :
a) tourists b) women c) children d) workers
22. The Kalash women wear ----- dress:
a) red b) black c) white d) yellow

23. The Kalash people perform their special ----- at different festivals:
a) feasts b) tricks c) dances d) performance
24. The Kalash people live in simple houses made of ----- and mud:
a) bricks b) stones c) cement d) wood
25. “Kalash” means:
a) yellow b) white c) black d) blue
26. The Kalash people are fond of music and----- :
a) wine b) tea c) meat d) dance
27. The Chitral Valley is in the ----- of Pakistan:
a) North b) East c) West d) South
28. First letter of the statement always start with:
a) A b) An c) capital letter d) The
29.Which one of the following is definite article?
a) an b) a c) or d) the
30. The group of indefinite articles is:
a) a - an b) a - the c) an - the d) the - an
31. The correct pair of rhyming word is:
a) sits - smiles b) moon - seek c) silent - nest d) shine - mine
32. The sun descending in the :
a) West b) East c) North d) South
33. The birds are silent in their :
a) homes b) nests c) houses d) caves
34. The Moon looks like a :
a) leave b) glass c) flower d) finger

35. The stars shine in the :

a) moring b) evening c) afternoon d) night
36. ------ brings silence and rest for us:
a) night b) morning c) moon d) sun
37. The rhyming word of “West “ is:
a) mine b) nest c) bower d) night
38. The word “heaven” means:
a) paradise b) hell c) home d) city
39.” My mother’s bag is brown” this sentence is ------ noun:
a) verb b) common c) possessive d) proper
40. “ The yellow one is my dad’s car” in this sentence the possessive noun is:
a) yellow b) dad’s car c) one d) my

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank First Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: English
Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)
1. What made the Rasool famous even before his Nabuwat?
2. Why did Hazrat Khadija deside to marry Hazrat Muhammad?
3. Why did the Rasool instruct his companions to be fair in business dealing?
4. What is the impact of avoiding doubtful things in business dealing?
5. How can we be honest and fair in our dealing?
6. What is littering?
7. What excuses do people give about littering public places?
8. What diseases can spread due to littering?
9. How do our good and bad habits affect our invironment?
10. What solutions does the writer give to keep the environment clean?
11. Where is Chitral Valley situated?
12. What is the head-dress of the Kalash women?
13. What is the main attraction for the tourists in Chitral Valley?
14. Why do we call the people of Chitral valley “ Kalash” ?
15. What do you like the most about Kalash people?
16. Who is the poet of the poem “ Night” ?
17. When do the stars shine?
18. What does the night bring for us?
19. What makes the Moon happy?
20. Why are the birds silent in their nests?
Q. Write detailed answers of the following questions. (60)
Q. Choose the suitable words and fill in the blanks. (10)
( associated, doubtful, trader, mercy, skills)
1. In His young age, he became a _______________ .
2. The people of Makkah were much impressed by His trading ________ .
3. The truthful and trustworthy merchant is ___With the anbiya and the Martyrs.
4. Who against ____________ things keeps his religion and his honour blameless.
5. Allah shows ___________ to the man who is kind when he sells.
Q. Choose the suitable words and fill in the blanks.
( sweepers, dispose, littering, habit, harmful)
1. Littering has become a common ____________.
2. It is a sad fact that people do not feel guilty about _______________ .
3. Many people think that it is the duty of ____________ to keep the area clean.
4. Littering is extremely ____________ for our health.
5. If we ____________ of garbage, our surroundings will be clean and safe.
Q. Choose the suitable words and fill in the blanks.
( weaving, fond, beautiful, kalash , populated)
1. Chitral Valley is one of the most ____________ valleys.
2. Chitral Valley is not thickly ________________ .
3. The Kalash women expert in spinning and _____________ .
4. The people of Chitral Valley are called ______ after their black dresses.
5.The Kalash people are ________ of music and dance.

Q. Write meanings of any five words. (10)

( associated, dealing, impressed, trustworthy, embraced, consequences,
environment, guilty, impact, mess, attraction, charming, festival, performance,
vacations, bower, delight, heaven, seek, silent)
Q. Write an essay on any one of the topic. (10)
1. Night 2. My best Friend 3. Person you admired in your childhood
4. Uses and Benefits of latest Inventions
Q. Write an application to your principal --------- . (10)
1. for sick leave. 2. For urgent piece of work. 3. For leave to attend the
marriage party of your brother. 4. For school leaving certificate.
Q. Write a letter to your -------- . (10)
1. Father asking him for money 2. Friend congratulating him on his success
in the exams. 3. Friend inviting him to the marriage party of your brother.
Q. Write a story on any one of the topic. (10)
1. A Greedy Dog 2. Thirsty Crow 3. The Grapes are sour
4. All that glitters is not gold.

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank Second Term
Class: Six (M.C.Q’s) Subject: English
Q. Encircle the best answer. (30)
a b c d
a b c d
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a b c d
a b c d
A b c d

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank Second Term
Class: Six (Short Answers) Subject: English
Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)

Q. Choose the suitable words and fill in the are blanks.


First Assessment May 2022

Class: Six Paper: History Marks: 25
(Subjective Type)
Q. Write short answers of these questions. (10)
1. Where is Indus valley civilization situated?
2. Write the important cities of Indus valley civilization?
3.Which was the major profession of Indus valley people?
4. Which civilization had been engaged in trade with Indus valley civilization?
5. Where had migrated the local people of Indus valley after the arrival of Aryan?

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