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Guided Reading Pg 508-515

As you read Lesson 4 Aggressors Invade Nations answer the following


1. What event led the Japanese to turn against the government and
begin to support the military leaders? After the Great Depression the
Japanese people were unhappy so they suppose the military more.

2. How did Japanese military leaders plan to solve the country’s economic
problems? They decided to extend into foreign cerritery.

3. What was the first direct challenge to the League of Nations? The
Japanese attack on Manchuria.

4. What three nations posed the greatest threat to world peace?

Germany Italy and Japan
5. h

Critical thinking:
6. Why was this the case? (This answer is not in the book, use
background knowledge from classwork) They only command it but
didn't intervene.

7. What did the league of nations do when Mussolini ordered an attack on

Ethiopia? You realize the Raymond and developed and airforce.

8. Describe two ways that Hitler disobeyed the Treaty of Versailles:

Given into aggression for peace

9. Define appeasement:
Why do you think the British urged for appeasement when Hitler
disobeyed the treaty? He obviously started pushing for more it was he
did when he discarded a contract and invaded

10. Make an inference: How did Hitler feel when he was able to
break the terms of the treaty of Versailles and not face any resistance
or consequences? Germany Italy and Japan
11. Which nations formed the Axis Powers?

12. Define isolationism:

13. Make an inference: Why did Hitler choose to invade Austria and
Czechoslovakia and make them part of the German Empire?

14. Which countries were included in the Munich Conference?

15. Critical thinking: What similar goal did Hitler, Hirohito, and
Mussolini share?

16. Form an opinion: Do you think appeasement of Hitler was a good

idea? Why or why not, explain your response.

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