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Preparatoria | Per" eum SS abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Medulo 1 y2 [Attached Question of Tag Questions objetivo: El estudiante comprendera y asimilaré el uso correcto do los tag questions en las oraciones. ‘+ Funelén de los Tag questions Las oraciones gramaticales pueden cambiar a una pregunta do yes! no ‘gregindoles un tag question al nal de a oracion EI tag question en alguno de sus cambios gramaticales en ingles, se traduird al espariol por zvordad? © zno es certo? Ejempios "Ti ia oraciin precedente es afimalva, ol tag question doberd ser nogatWve Tag auason - teste “have stomata ween B L 4 t + They ae butertios,aren'tthay? _Yes, hey are —* * Sia oracién precedente es negativ, el tag question deberd Ser atimative. etna |] ease err & 4 4 Mzslones wasn’ athome this moring, was he? _No,hewasn ji FA Preparatoria | fez oe SB abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa + Formacién del Tag Question en diferentes tiempos verbales + Presente y pasado del verbo to be Cuando en la oracén gramatical se usa 1 verbo 19 be (am, i, are, was 0 were), sto mismo se utliza en el tag question. Tome en cuenta que los adverbios de frecuencia negatives (never, Seldom 0 rarely), también se usan para nega. His locker is never closed, is t2 “The children are reading thelr books now, aren't they? Yes, they are No, itisnt + Pasado simple ‘Cuando el verbo est en tiempo pasado simple, se usara el aux didn't en el tag juestion ‘Jack played a good game of tennis yesterday, didn't he? 2 Yes, he id + Presente simple Cuando el verbo esta on presente simple en tg question se witzara como auxllar ddon'to doesnt dependiondo del sujet. Los conejos correnrépido, zverdad? You don't read without glasses, do you? © No, dont Nolleas sin lentes, verdad? oe No, he doesn't ~ Preparatoria | Per" eum SS abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be ‘+ Vorbos modales: can, could, should, would, may, might ete ‘Cuando el verbo de mi oracién es precedida por uno 0 mas auxlistes, el primer ‘auntar se repito en al tag question | can swim faster than you, can't? Yes, you can Sie Boys shouldn't ght, should they? No, toy should’ gre z yp has, have and had Bil had boon in the hospital before, hadn't he? Yes, ne had fe = ete eee We have won the race, haven'twe? Yes, we have +. Uso there is/are! was! werelwill be! nasi have ‘Cuando there se cotoca antes del verbo TO BE, éstesigniflca Haber y siempre se ccoloca antes de cualquier asian, There will There are " & ul ‘There was a man hurtin he sccdent, wasn't there? Yes, there was Preparatoria | cae Sa abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa 1The chron, reading ther books no a)arelarethey bjarethey are @prelarentihey darerhey arent 2.Thero ve bores hoe 2 a)are/ are there b)arehore are ¢)arathore arent @)arel arent there 3, John ives in Canad, he? ais b) does isnt Oeoosnt 4. Angel rather eat the apples from the tree, he? a) mustn¥ must b)would/ would c) mus must @)wouldhwouldnt Gis should hav foowed my advice, they? @srouldet should oes 4) doesnt 6-Mary’s never seen an elephant 2 @pesnisne ny sneisnt cynassne a) snes The baby hasnt had his cereal ye > @ras she __byhasntshe edad shed hadnt she 8-My grades have boon satisfactory, ___? a)have they byhaventthey _c) have they been @) havent they boon. 8.You need to buy another notebook, you? Bon", bysidnt need x0 410.-The childron didnt go to bed, 2 a)didathe jhe did Gis they they di Preparatoria | P25 SARE abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulo 3 Expressions Objetivo: Elestudiante incu en sus oraciones las expresiones stil, anymore, already € yet "= Still (fodavia o aun) — Anymore(¥a) Indica que i actividad no na, India que la actividad ave ers embiado. ¢$ lamisma previamente. reviamenteafirativa,shara cambia. ‘anegativa. Ena forma afimatva stl se coloca Se colocs al final do la oracibn y ‘Jespuss del verbo To be y antes de siempre con oraciones en forma otras verdes, negativa, He isnt sick anymore He is sti sick ——> (yano est enformo) (Todaviafain eta enfermo) He stil works — (ai trabaja) He doesn't work anymore a (yao reba) —; En Ia forma negativa, stil se coloca ‘ants del verbo fa be 0 de cualquier verbo. He sei isnt well He Still doesnt understand + Already (ya) ‘+ Yot todavia 6 in) — Normalmente se refiere a periodos de Normalmente se reflere a periodos de tiempo cores y se refere a que una. tempo largos y se refiere a una. ‘civil ya ha sido completada. ‘am hungry already ‘Se coloc al fral de a oracin y en {(ya tengo hambre) t Preparatoria | cae Sa abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa a ‘Se use en oraciones negatvas o en preguntas que indiquen sorpresa 0 {cuando la respuesta esperada 68 un ‘You haven't done the work already, have you? ‘A.veoes se coloca antes del verbo principal per le sigue al verbo To be, también puede colocarse al final do lavoracta, He has already bought a car (todavia no tengo hambre) ‘Se coloca anal cuando ta oracon es cotta y antes de! verbo principal ‘uando es larga He hasn't bought a car yet Yr Preparatoria | cae Sa abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa t __) Choose the corect answer and complete the sontonco 1.-Mary and Joan are fends a yet 2) anymore ou éjnus 2.-The boys arent playing the piano “They are very tred ayyet @onymore eat o)thus ashe makes her own dothes qu anymore yet a) rence 4.:Thecaris outside. havent putitin the garage a)anymore — Gyet sti ayous 5.-He eaten _ hes hungry. @oosiyot_ _—_dyhasnvyet_—_e)has/ anymore has anymore e-Mary notin bed ‘She ss watehing TV sylervyet ——_byis/yet. cyan anymore @)is/ anymore Ace clearing the house —— she is playing te plano ayA)ianyet —byivyet @ienfonymore ds anymore @-My tend ____watk because he had an acidont a)shouldsV anymore @Deanv anymore c)can'yet__dshouldnV yet. ‘9:1donit have money because! work a)amfanymore —(@)didnVanymore —cXdonUyet dar yot| 10.-The boy is an adutt Osi by anymore yet jeready a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulo 4 Proper verbs and agent noun objetivo, Elestudiante analiza la derivacion de ls sufjos y los iferontes signiicados {que pueden toner algunas verbos. + Prefijos y sufios Los preflos son vocablos agregadas al comienzo de sustantios, adjetvos, pronambres de pertanencia, atverbias y vorbos, con el propésito de obtener un Signiicado diferente Los euflos son vocablos agregadas al nal de sustanvos, adetives,y verbos, Camblando sustantvos en adjetivos, adjetvos en adverbios, verbos ef Ssustantivos o en adjtivos, ete. Ejempio Base: royal Sul: oyalty Las dorivaciones de os sutjos pueden cambiar de: De un sustantivo a un adjetve Magic magica! De un adjetivo a un verbo Sharp sharpen De un sustantivo a un verbo Sympathy sympathize De un verbo @ un sustantve también lamadios Agent Nouns{ agentes) Make maker Los agent nouns terminan en “er, or el cual significa “engaged in’ (dedicarse 2), por ejemplo: a ‘A person wha plays isa player (Una persona que juega es un s Jugador é ota eo sia G . a Preparatoria | Perr ou SF abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa retainer, picher, farmer, invader, banker, bulder, diver, teacher, ceane, Smoker, consumer, painter, dancer, offender, dealer, explorer, reporter, lighter, recorde: ‘Operator, volatsr, projector, instruct, investor, surveyor, survvor, liberator, lwansiator, collector, director, creator, editor, generator, executor, inhenitor, “administrator, actor. EE ‘Mull, respect, feat, oy", regret, thenkul, power, Pept, pall ‘wastefl, fal, doubt, sku, plenty plot, peaceul, event, boast, forceful, stu, success, tactul, meaningi. ‘+ Special difficultios ‘En ingles exision algunos verbos que en la eseritura se paracen mucho y ‘otros que Senen varios signicades. Ejompos ‘. tO oaaee area sceeceeciecameacs Preparatoria | porto Bp abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa ies ‘sacar bil | The boy shines shoes every day. bolear | doesnt he? e ee Tevaniarse | Aman usualy ros to offer Seat tothe ladies. ay valse Sievar | Tom aises te window Tor is matnor ay] racer] The farmer aoa com Ws Fad. He also rises falimeniar | chickens, Gu Tnerementar | The Boss rises my salary every year Be Tan, [Tynan Org 3 Tay ones, | Te boy lays is book on Te olocar | floor Sa. sit Seriaree | Mary sis atthe table now et poner, ‘She sale dishes on ho tbo olocar raw ‘ajar | Dick draws the teacher on the blackboard now. Ta aa a arastar | ianar — Ta a oy For (dinero) | the bank today. aver ‘The gis beaut | She draws attention Preparatoria | ter weose FR abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa ‘Angel please own 2) sot bie Ow asi 2.-Did you your hana? aye yay nse @ wate 3. The bird is —— an 99 in er nest ayaying Dyputting siting @Oasna 4-Ron______. onthe grass a) sts bhlies Ors ysis ‘5-May, please ———— your shoes @srne byte ejay sot 6-Sne ——— the heavy bag onthe sidewalk an called a tax Dat le yay asi T-Tom hie ams quicty 2) le bylay iso Braces Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulo 5-8 Passive voice Objetivo: Elestudante estucturaré oraciones. en voz pasva incluyendo on al agen. Primero es importante observar y analizarlsformulaci6n de oraciones en voz activa, ya que de esta manera se podré observar el cambio para la voz pasiva + Enta vor activa Et sujet realiza a aceién expresada por e vorbo y ! objeto recibe la accén. Ejorple: Sujeto verbo Objeto 4 0 ‘Leonardo da Vino painted the Mona Lisa + Enlavor pasiva El objeto do Ia oracin activa co conviorto on al eujoto de la oxacién pasiva, y recbe la accién dal verbo quo se esta expresando, ‘Sil agente es importante debe ser mencionado, inroduciéndolo con by para ‘complete! significado dela oracion @ haceria més cara. En caso contraio, se ‘puede omit Sujeto verbo gente “The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci La forma verbal de la vor pasiva Para conjugar corectamente les verbos en voz pasiva es importante ‘aprenderea los verbos regulares @ irequlaes en pasado partciio. Praserte patcpio (ado, ido, to, $0 cho} Make ‘made Do done Work worked Use used Preparatoria | fort oum SbieitaOsIne recat RN Tas Saints] ote ] Sinsie pasar —] Sve prions "San a kn SOT By BS Tine past | Wasivere ¥ partes | Vaur children ware taken to school by | bs Present progressive | isiare + being» participio | Your children are being taken to school bibs Past progressive ‘wasiwere + being + ‘Your children were being taken to fomope School by is Future with going to | is/are + going to be + ‘Your children are going to be taken to renee Sopot by us STATS Taare [a= 66> aC] Your craw Bo kan Taha he z Hear aeaes Sa SOOT “Tr SYRFEN CTU be Ta Tudrrustmay+ bet | choo by bus an = FrSsant parece BOW ¥ FOS |Your ra Rave boos kan Wo hoa hye |Past perfect d+ been participio | Your chikdren had been taken to school Woe Fala paSeE—— Ww ave BSG | Your enon wT Rave Boo To _“[esriseo school + Uso dol Got on la voz pasiva 1.-Se ubliza en as oraciones donde se usa be He was hit he got hit Itwas broken it got broken “The driver was paid- the driver got paid ‘They are being marieg- they are geting marred 2-Con algunos adjetvos . a Preparatoria | Perr ou SF abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa He was seasick: he go! seasick ‘She was fat- she got fat His mother was angry: his mather got angry ‘+ Especiales Dificutades con la Exprestén “wa In this way: inthis manner Inthe way: obstructing ln the way: manner, flowing instructions (on the way: through the route taken By the way: incidentally Ina way:to a certain extent Ejemplos He aways takes notes In this way, he always knows the ancwers i Do the exercise inthe way the teacher taught you. | met John Brown on the way tothe bank. In away, itis useful to, leam English a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be ‘Choose the correct answer and complete the sentence {Are beavers. protected from extinction by the government now? @being by been ©) going to d)abieto 2-Sugar ——not—— from honey @ islobtained —_b)doesy obtain c)is/ obtain) dovs/ obtained 2:Themeal wil been __by dinner time 4) has prepared @Phave prepared c)hae preparing.) have! prepang 4:Boy scouts we ___torecogncn tadnow )beentaupht being eughi <) been teaching) being teaching 5+ ___theswoaterbe__incold water? 2)ddot/shown — @ may! shown) idnito stow) may to show would the ambassador rather be___ to Mexico? Next month a)now! send ‘by how! sent e)whenv'send_-—-@wnervsent 7. the bulting going ____7 On Elm Stoot 42) How wil to const 1) How art to be constructed Gere wi to contuct were ar! to be consruted B-The thief was by the paticemen 2)caten prt cjoatches catching 9.The china cups were _ 2) break ») broke )beeaking —_@ broken 10-The book __ be _ whan we get othe last page awl fish )is going! fish @uilvrished —d) is going! fished Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulo 9 Connectors: ‘and...00""and..other” and "but Objetive: Estructurara oraciones con las siguientes expresiones “and..t00" , and ‘either and "but fand..tooy and so + Eluso de “and.....100" en estructuras afirmativas. ‘And conecta palabras, frases u oraciones del mismo grado. Muestra la relacion entre las ideas, Too se coloca al fnal y 0 junto con and en las ‘estructcas afrmatvas, El auxilar que presente en la primera oracion se respetara en la siguiente tomando en cuenta al sujet, ‘and 80. ‘Auxiiar postive Aurliar postive Auxilar positive Auxliar positive i i i 4 Moryichungry and Alco ic too Mary ie hungry and so is Alice (Maria Gone hambre y Alicia también) ‘Observe come funciona con los tiempos verbales + Presente del verbo To be y presente continuo ‘Awiliary: Amis, are omelet The heroes lear the cow i too % ear + Pasado dol verbo To be y pasado continuo Auwrliary: Was! were empla: Angel vas playing football and Andrea was too Preparatoria | cae Sa abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa «Fs any ee Ejemplo: The gi wil goby plane and her father wil t00 + Presente y pasado perfecto ‘Auxitary: Hasihave- has! have Ejemplo: Mr brown has lived here for years and his wife has loo ‘© Vorbos modales ‘Auxllary: Can! could/ would should- Can could/ would should Ejemplo: You can stay here and he cen too iImportantet Sion la oracién principal no se tiene un auxiliae sino un verbo, entonces deberdn usarse los auxillares do -does para el presente simpie y did para + Prosonte simple ‘Auxiliary do does. Ejemplo: My brother wears glasses and my boyriond dovs too + Pasado simple Awsliary: did empl: Marina sang and Margarta dis too i # ji FA Preparatoria | fez oe SB abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa ‘and her y and nei + Eluso de “and, either” on oraciones negativas. ‘and ..elther ‘and neith el negativo y por OBSERVE: La palabra wither se coloca después del aux contrario neihar se coloca antes del auxiiarafrrativo. ‘Auxilarnegativo —Auxliar negative Auliarnegativo Auxlar posvo Mary ent hungry and Allee isn't elther Mary srt hungry and neither is Aico (aria no tone hambre y Alicia tampoco) tos ejemplos: “Joke didn't goto work and Peter didn't ether ‘Don doesnt play the piano and David doesnt ether Norma wesr't in school today and Olga wasn't ether doyeo can't walk and Moras cart either Ejempo: ‘Ale is either sick or tres (Alia © esta enferma 0 ests cansada) + nolther...nora veces se utliza para deci fo uno nfo aio @ ningun eos dos, Ejempo: “The git neither sick nor tired . (Canina al est enferma nl esta cansada) a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be ut But conecta palabras, frases _u oraciones de diferente rango, rormalmente conecta expresiones conrastantes, ‘Auxliar postive Auiiar negative i i Ejemplos: Maryis hungry but Alice isnt (Maria tone hambre pero Alicia no) ‘Ausliar negativo —Avsllar posto 4 4 Mary isnt hungry but Alice is (Wara no tone hambre pero Alias) tos ejempos: Jobin was here but Mary wasn't Betty invited her but et ‘She needs money but dont ‘She will ve a demonstration but | won't | eit want to see it but my sister cet “This exercises short but the other one isn't He can't send a telegram but | can a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be choose the correct sswor and complete the sentence 1. She did har Christmas shopping early Voi yan 0 10 Gand te0 «bul 20 ans 99 @owvive Ga - they ve a)andi so b)buv'to0 @and/too d) uso 2-He was watching TV. 3.- Margarita sang id Marina, a)andtoo b)bultoo @andso d)butso 4-Theresa dosen't workin an office 1 a) bul does @)but/ do.) either does W) either! do ‘5-David might not walk soon and you a)either are b) nether are.) ether might @ neither might 6-That boy is handsome clever. Only, he's very stupid teqetter ror @ratned or ejeineor «nother nor 7-1 diet want to see you Ope 4 Gow dito) ter did) eters 0 my fiend —— Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulot0 y 14 Relative words Objetive: El estudante formula oraciones usando las palabras relatvas. Hasta ahora se han estudado y utlizado cléusulas principales u oraciones simples que tienen un solo suelo y un predicado, las cuales expresan ideas complatas. [Ahora estudiaremos araciones con dos sujetos y dos predicados unidas por luna palabra relativa, ‘A mi cldusula principal sole afadia una causula depenciente Una edusula dependiente suborcinada también tiene un sujoto y un predicado, pero no expresa una idea completa, por lo tanto no signiica nada por si sole ‘abe uniree ala oraién principal para dare un significado claro, por eso se le llama dependientes Ejempio Oracién principal Oracién dependiente Mane isthe git ‘who sees Jery) now Idea complota Jane isthe gid wine s2es Jory naw ‘Observe que para unir estas dos oraciones se necesita una palabra retatva, Estas deben cotocarse al principio de ia clausula depenciente, Estas palabras relatvas pueden ser los siguientes: The relative pronouns are who (Para personas, o cuata cual) + that (Para todos, el quefa que) whieh (Para cosas, el cualia cua) ‘The relative Adverbs are -awhere (Pars lugares) -when (para tiempo) -why (para razén) . a Preparatoria | Perr ou SF abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa The relative adjoctive is: Whose (Persons, cuyolouya) ‘Adjetival cause ‘Adjetival clause Cléusulas adjetivas tres ejemplos Frankl a rankfurtis the man tht | talked to you about ‘A co-educational school, whe men and women study, is near my house En preguntas: Is the man who fies that aeplane an Do you know the costumer to whom Do you know the customer that! spoke to? + Cliusulas sustantivas Subject clauses ‘Como oraciones subjetivas Ejempio = What you ordered, has arrived = Lo the new president ofthe Lins Ci wb isnt & oun hoover was her, lt this room a mess. an Preparatoria | cae Sa abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa Object clauses Come raciones objetivas | saw who was inthe other oom know what he has just fished a Be: iimportantel Enlas clausulas depencientes le precede la palabra relativa, os importante ‘observar que después de sta, se coloca la siguiente oracién como decarativa ‘no coma pregunta, Porlo tanto esta seria a estructura: Cores: ow what be ba us frsned aes Inconcto know wnat haa hale (ne question) ‘Ausliafy} pronoun verbo a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be ‘Choose the correct answer and complete the sentence {-Mewisen, ult anew house for them. who is an engineer) what is an engineer whois a doctor <) what isa doctr. 2-Lot's go to the library, Is pear my house. je ae what whom 3-Tomorowis he day ve go swimming ajwnen vere) what ouho ct know lady speaks fe languages 2) what @)who ‘eywhen ¢) that 5-The man you spe to my teacher. a) what bywhen ©) whom @yro 6:1 nave the same kindof car 1 bought st year 2) who @ma whom ey whose Thats the necklace | want for my bthday. a) who @ithat ‘c) where 4) when aoa Pots ac sen he ccdent epee poe, @ywhom b) who ¢) when d) where 9h ron planta in my gan is earn ft Goa Dyvtet te yen 10,-Theman laugh ver oud 2) What heard te joke ro hers ne joe €) what said the new who said te new. Preparatoria | cae Sa abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa 11.-The two paces ‘wore Washington and New York 8) Where did he study b) which he visited ‘Where he studio’ A) which did he vist 12-Sho gave me a git 2) hich gave you rat tk very ch <} Which oi you Brat cote very much 13.4ati the name of ple lost year a)where you gob) wend you vat Gunereyoumedt” ——_G)anich you ated 14-The ideas xe revotuonay. 2) What does thin @ whic ne dtonds ej nat he is ‘}unicn doe e defend 1-9 you tl me re oxat ne__—the pane tess, Qvren nye tat ano 16-______ho sas didnt owe. @whsiever——Hywomevere}hicnever——_d) whowver Preparatoria | Perr ou SF abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa Méduto 12 ‘Connecting words for noun clauses Objetivo: Eleestudianteformularé oraciones insertando las conjunciones that y whether. En el médulo anterior, se_mencionaron aigunas palabras relatives que intoducian clausulas dependientes a una oracion principal, éste para completar Taidea, ‘Ahora veremos que la relacién entre la idea principal y la idea subordinante pueden introducise a tavés de una conjuncén subordinante, Estas ‘conjunciones unen dos clausuias, pero no actian como un elemento dento {dela misma, incluso la eldusula por si sola puede actuar come sujelo, objeto 0 ‘complemento dela racion principal Las principales conjunciones subordinantes son that and whether oF not). ‘Subordinating conjunctions [Subject position [Object postion a eed ETE SE oon =o: Z se ¥ ‘+ Cuando los sujetos de la oracién principal y el de lacldusula whether som los mismos, el sujato puede Ser sustiuido por to + verb. a FA Preparatoria | i. one $5 abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa * Ejempla: | dont know whether | should go with you or not } |ldon't know whether io 99 with you or not 'Aigunos verbos siguen transformaciones pasivas: think, syppose,relieve, fear, understand, expec, find out, discover, hear, judge, imagine, consider, assume, acknowodge. Ejornplo Presente: Everybody knows that she wears a wing She ls known to wear a wing. (To presente) Pasado: Everybody knows that he left by plane, He is known to have lot by plane. (Tot presente perfecto) + Nominalizacién: IT La nominalzacidn con céusulas sustantvasformadas por Adjaciva + that (what, how much, how. where, whom, ete) Noune that Verb that Ejompice ‘Adjective 2 seems obvious thatthe ety police isan important unt ofthe municipal ‘administration {is amazing what fremen do to save human life and property. {is important te her weight how much she eats Noun twas miracle tha the shark didn't eat you twas @ disgrace how he tore his clothes. seems a shame where he ves Ver It pleased me that you subscribe to Time magazine. It Westies me that the roo wil leak, a FA Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Choose the correct answor and complete the sentence 1-1dontremember___the partys going tobe today a) that oywhetier ohow or 2.She hast decided she wil be mariodin June or July 2} why yea Qunemrer —_aywhat. 2. nda — oy hav ea siboreng 2) that ywnener how tien 4-We never doubted —— our tam was going twin 2) that b) whether oir @ury SItobvous you nave to study for your exams ay what by that even Qty cits commendable ___ ere respect their parents ay whera Ore ywnien aut 7. m sure ————— a) athe dd bum his ingore) hati you doit @natre bumed ns trgee 8) that ci ou say that 8-1 don't remember a) where has James gone where James has gone 6) what dd dames da ‘what ci lames say I don't know —__ 2) when wil people undersland each other. ‘@uhon poopie wil understand each other ©} winy dont people understand <) why isnt people happy 10-1 can' imagine a) why doesn your father come ® wy your father doesn't come ©) what does ho 4) what is she wrong a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulo 13 y 14 Connecting words for adverbial clauses. Objetive: Elestudianteformara oraciones compuesias usando los diferentes grupos de cconectoras. En este modulo, estudiaremos otros tipos de conectores nT eamsens ‘Connector of mo; betore, afer, since, whl, wien, as ‘Connector of frequency: as soon as, as offen as ‘Connector of cause: because, since, a, for ‘Connector of purpose: in order that so that ‘Connector of unexpected results: alfhough, even though, unless, but. -anyway. ‘Connector of provision: provided that ‘Connector of condition ‘Connector of comparison. asi as though, a5...a5, whereas: Ejemplos Time: when? “They stayin thir room wh I stayin mine sinspmantnteoritnapen QE samarium! Peter was crying when | arrived Preparatoria | Perr ou SF abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa Frequency: how soon? ‘As soon as he gave the explanation, Betsy understood it Pace: Where? ha He wanted to stay where he had met a nice Mexican gi ‘Cause: why? Many things have happened since | got married tmanicaytenneseraccr — gy Because of + noun Bobby wants to stay because of his friends. Because of + ing ’ ‘Bobby wants to stay because of his breaking the pata a... & Petite htt sh SS purpose: wy? Dring the war President Linco issued a proclamation so that slavery could be abolished in the Union. Lets take the bus so that wo can goto town early Sa We came to town in order to buy clothes. ft ey Mogical or unexpected results | won't go with you unless I have a vacation Please stay for supper even though | don't have anything special ‘even though he was sick. In spite of his being sick. Mr Brown lft the house without raincoat in spite of the rain, ng He did't fool ke going to work but he went anyway Preparatoria | ter weose FR abiertaOnline | wwrrmsiisacsm” fa Provision Provided | have a vacation, | wil go with you Condition | asked him hha change he a te There wie aparece te weathers 0d Comparison: ow? Wala you wer prpaing sper PS! ‘She acted as if she had a stomach ache. = Se ace as though hersomach acted hoo. ck sh oud bo Whereas yesterday | went to bed at eleven, today !'m going to bed at nine. a a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be ‘Choose the correct answer and complete the sentence ‘Please ming me take my coat eave. 2) ont by since @oter 2-Manythingsheveheppened ____1 got mare. by wile unt 00 aor Gun c)eesoonas reas, stay here ‘comeback, aunt byes soon as @wle 5.She's setting the table 'm preparing luneh @) before @since @)asoten as @)as often as a)untl bjassoonas hile 4) a8 often as 6-We're going tothe reus your father aves. @assconas —basollenas chile @) aston as 7 wore on my thesis rsh it a) sinoe enti yale a) betore 8-1 300 Peter lean a)atter 2) unt Qwhonever a) wherovor 9-1 bnssh my teeth ‘nave my meats eater ») before wile since 10-You never appreciate what you have you lost. a) since whatever ©) a8 soon as pnt a FA Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be objetivo: Elestudiantereconocerd y apicard las expresiones 60..that y such a..that ‘en oraciones compuestas, Laoxprosién s0...that so usa: + Con adjetives come: tall good, sick, Frightened, thirsty That se puede omit. Ejempio ig To isso sh dank lessee fate “ab ‘+ Con adverbios come: formally, fast, rapidly, carefully, te Ejempio “The boy érove so rapidly that he arrived in one tout ro ‘+ Con palabras cuantitativas como: much, many, litle, few Ejempio oF “They had planted so few tees that they dnt have much fu. La expression such a.....that se usa ‘. a Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Con adjetivos soguides por un sustantivo contable como: tall building, ‘900d boy, sick man, frightened gi ec. Sis0 usa con sustantvos incontables como water, coffee, se omite “a Ejempios ee FJ He was such a beautiful shit she boughtit ceccee twas such a smal box I eoul only hold 6 9g. He was such 2 poor man he couldn't buy any food. Preparatoria | Per" eum SS abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Choose the cortect answer and complet the sentnco {cttvas — hot — thoman ook this oat soln byauchaltan —QYanhat_ a) auchathat 2-Thosmatcarwas __exponivo __ he cout bu it sotten ——vischaltnn — @ealnet_—_ ah auchar tat 2. The ke was — nid at we cans acess aan Qe since oie AcThay mado veh se we i hearth telephone ng s)scinan——jsuchathan Qala — uch at Scltwas __fomatboy___ ne anys wore a coat. s)solhan——bsuatinan——g)trtnt—@)auchavnat 6.-Thay wero obedentboys — they wonttobed ato aysumaimat —ejanimet——uhat_——_ than 7ltwas teasing sum et thd many tos. Quenetynon eysunan——)800n @She was —rioe git — ne aro he as a) so! that @)such al that ©) softhan <) such al than Thanos hae many windows nati ook tke hoe a) such a bas @0 9) stil ‘o-ttke ® _carsuss_ hf otto water Qeirat b)such a that )solthan such a/than a FA Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Médulo 16 Conjunctive adverbs Objetivo: Elestuciante uniré oraciones independiente introduciendo corretamento las Conjunciones que afiaden, contrarian o dan resultado de informacion, La funciin de estos adverbios es unr dos oraciones independents. ‘+ Additional information: beside, in adéition, and, furthermore, ‘Similarly, moreover, ikewise. Ejempio He fed the animals ona farm, besides he operated a vactor + Contrary information: but, however, on the other hand, in contrast, nevertheless, on the contrary, stil, tharwise, yet intl A, Ejemplo — He wanted to go to the mountains; however, they went tothe beach ‘+ Result information: therefore, consequent, so, hence, accordingly, thus. Ejemplo ‘Jack would take the 8 o'clock bus; consequently, he always left at 7:80 ii il ae a FA Preparatoria | tea, 8 abiertaOniine | swcrescmsn Be Choose the correct anewer and complete the sentence {ote rove vey wel we arved fast @oonseqventy _v) besides a) howsver.—d fuathormoxe 2-He dos tke fa examinations; he tas gts good aden. a afuthermore Jhovernoless o)asaresut —d) 0 2c rPetor can speak tree or four foegn languages: he hap no roi raving. 2) 0 @urtermore ——epbut. 2) revise fe dank nary cs org ala _ he could? sleep s)inadsion —-@s0 cyhowever beside SHo cart fin his umbrella anywhere, he doesnt have a raincoat Hel get wet fr sue — a) posiae Dreverneiess ——_ey90 anmes 6. Sho wats to ose weight she's eating too much yout Dytherore ———e)consequenty @in action 7.The local bank was obbed;_____ several peop wore hut a) but b) on the other hand ¢) also @eonsequently Btls nd want rao he won't be able to pay he a) however b) 50, ‘con the contrary, @ moreover 91 forgot my umbraa: iy raincoat protected me nicely sypesilo a0 cyfurnemmore ®t 12:Shw's tng hr md rg, _ stoi son oti sand by mnadeton ——ejhowerer—@eotore

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