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ANCHOR 1: News casting live from UNO-R, Bacolod.

ANCHOR 2: Good afternoon, Bacolod, and Hello, Philippines!



Abraham Maslow was born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He

was first of seven children born to his parents, who themselves
were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. His, parents
hoping for the best for their children in the new world, pushed him
hard for academic success. No surprisingly, he became very lonely
as a boy and his refuge in books.

Abraham Maslow emerged from obscurity to become one of the

most important and influential psychologists of the 20 th century. His
development of the hierarchy of Needs and contributions to
humanistic psychology changed the way the field of psychology
approached the study of human behaviour and modeled one
human mind.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states

that five categories of human needs dictate an individuals
behaviour. Those needs are psychological needs, safety needs, love
and belonging needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs.
This hierarchy of needs in a pyramid shape, with basic needs at the
bottom of the pyramid and more high -level, intangible needs at
top. A person can only move on the addressing to higher-level
needs when their basic need are adequately fulfilled.


The consequence of the “new normal” created by the COVID-19

pandemic has provided an opportunity for a renewed application
and interpretation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Physiological
needs have had a substantial impact on all nations, as the need for
basics such as food and groceries were often experienced globally.

Despite the fact that the first two levels of Maslow's Hierarchy, the
physiological needs have been difficult to achieve, in respect to
community compliance with COVID-19 safety guidelines, the third
level appears to have been even more challenging, and
problematic. Physical and social distancing issues relate directly to
Maslow's third level need, belongingness and love. This was a
testing situation for members of the community; since it often
required people to maintain physical and social distancing from
"loved-ones" in the family, extended family, friends and work
colleagues. However, many global communities and individuals
have been very positive during the COVID-19 pandemic and
complied with the safety rules and regulations. In doing so global
communities have made the best out of a life-threatening situation,
and seen "the light at the end of the tunnel". But many other
members of the global community have found these
unprecedented times extremely difficult to cope and have been
unmotivated. Whatever the desire may have been for the
individual, the motivation to ascend to the final level just wasn't

The simplest way to explain the theory is that ethical behavior is
born of moral reasoning and moral reasoning can be identified by
six traits. Each of these stages helps respond to a moral dilemma
with each growing stage being better able to offer a response.

The six stages are broken down into three levels: Level 1 is Pte-
Conventional, Level 2 is Conventional, and Level 3 is Post-
Conventional. Each level has two unique components reflecting the
ladder to the consecutive focused on philosophers such as James Mark Baldwin and George
stages. Level 1 centers on Herbert Mead. He combined the work of both these philosophers
obedience/punishment and with his own study on human development. He also studied the
self-interest. Level 2 deals with findings from Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist. Kohlberg was
conformity and authority. Level interested in learning about Piaget’s theory of child development.
3 centers on social contracts He went on to publish an extension to Piaget’s theory in five years.
and universal ethics. The next step he did was to create the field within psychology for
“moral development.”
Experiments with these stages
of moral theory were often
conducted by presenting
subjects with moral dilemmas
and seeing how they The development of moral competence is central to the profession
responded to them. Later in his of nursing and its practice. Nurses engage in moral decision making
studies, Kohlberg felt that it that impacts the health of people, families, and communities. It is
might be possible to extend the important, then, to ensure that nursing graduates possess the
stages to include moral necessary moral development for engaging in professional
regression. practice.In the area of nursing theory Lawrence Kohlberg’s theories
of moral development are very influential. The ethics of nursing are
influenced by moral development, as nurses must develop a strong
Lawrence was born into a system of morals in order to uphold the strict ethics required of
wealthy family in Bronxville, them. 
New York, on October 25,
1927. During his childhood, he
attended the Andover
Academy in Massachusetts. He
was a sailor during the Second
World War where he helped
smuggle Jews out of
Palestine.He completed his
graduate work and received a
Ph.D. in psychology in 1958. His
dissertation was based on his
research into moral choices
adolescent boys make and this
is what led to a life devoted to
the exploration of ethical and
moral development among the

Lawrence Kohlberg was a

psychologist and nursing
theorist from America. He’s
known for his Theories of
Moral Development. His work

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