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April 2, 2022 Prof. Dr. A.

Plasma Physics (Phys 446) LATEX
Second Semester 2021/2022
Set Nr. B

1. Given the following nuclear reactions,

1D + 1 D2 −→ 3 1
2 He (0.82 MeV) + 0 n (2.45 MeV) → (3.27 MeV) (1)
2 2 3 1
1 D + 1 D −→ 1 T (1.01 MeV) + 1 p (3.03 MeV) → 4.04 MeV (2)
3 2 4 1
1 T + 1 D −→ 2 He (3.52 MeV) + 0 n (14.06 MeV) → 17.6 MeV (3)
2 3 4 1
1 D + 2 He −→ 2 He (3.67 MeV) + 1 p (14.06 MeV) → 17.73 MeV (4)
6 1 3 4
3 Li + 0 n −→ 1 T + 2 He → 4.8 MeV (5)

Calculate the above energy yields (output) in each nuclear reaction. Use the relation 1.a.u.≡
931.5 MeV, and the following masses in atomic units (a.u.),

(a) m(0 n1 ) = 1.0086654 a.u.

(b) m(1 H 1 ) = m(1 p1 ) = 1.007825 a.u.
(c) m(1 D2 ) = 2.014102 a.u.
(d) m(1 T 3 ) = 3.016050 a.u.
(e) m(2 He3 ) = 3.016030 a.u.
(f ) m(2 He4 ) = 4.002603 a.u.
(g) m(3 Li6 ) = 6.015123 a.u.

2. Electron Volt (eV)

The relation between the temperature of a gas is T in Kelvin and the average velocity of the thermal motion
vth is,

1 2 1
mvth = kB T
2 2

where kB is Boltzmann constant kB = 1.380658 × 10−23 J/K and kB T indicates the thermal energy. Therefore
the unit of kB T is Joule (J) in SI units. In many fields of physics, one electron volt (eV) is frequently used as
a unit of energy. This is the energy necessary to move an electron, charge e = 1.60217733 × 10−19 Coulomb,
against a potential difference of 1 volt:

U = q∆φ = 1.60217733 × 10−19 Coulomb × 1 volt = 1.60217733 × 10−19 Joule = 1eV

The temperature corresponding to the thermal energy of 1eV is 11605 Kelvin, namely, 1eV = kB T . The
ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Even if the thermal energy (average energy) of hydrogen gas is
1 eV, that is T = 11605 K, small amount of electrons with energy higher than 13.6 eV exist and ionize the gas
to a hydrogen plasma.
1 Dept. of Physics, YU, Irbid, Jordan

April 2, 2022 Prof. Dr. A. Al-Khateeb2
Plasma Physics (Phys 446) LATEX
Second Semester 2021/2022

3. Debye length of a plasma species with temperature T , energy ε = kB T and density n has the following forms
[1 eV = 1.6 × 10−19 J] and [1 K ≡ 8.62 × 10−5 eV], 1 eV=11605 K,

r s s
0 kB T [K] T [K]
λD = = 69 [m] (6)
e2 n[m−3 ] n[m−3 ]
T [eV]
= 640 [m] (7)
n[cm−3 ]

Evaluate the electron thermal speed υth , electron Debye length λDe and the electron plasma parameter Λe =
ne λ3De for the following Plasmas :
(a) A tokamak or mirror machine with Te ∼ 1keV and ne ∼ 1013 cm−3 = 1019 m−3
(b) The solar wind near the earth with Te ∼ 10eV and ne ∼ 10 cm−3
(c) The ionosphere at 300 km above the earth’s surface with Te ∼ 0.1eV and ne ∼ 106 cm−3
(d) A laser fusion, electron beam fusion, or ion beam fusion plasma with Te ∼ 1keV and ne ∼ 1020 cm−3
(e) The sun’s center with Te ∼ 1keV and ne ∼ 1023 cm−3
4. A plasma is a quasi-neutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective
behavior. Discuss this definition of plasma.
5. What are the criteria or conditions that an ionized gas must satisfy to be called a plasma ?
6. Electrostatic screening
The first theoretical treatment of screening, due to Peter Debye and Erich Hueckel (1923), dealt with a stationary
point charge embedded in a fluid. This is known as ” electrostatic screening”.
Consider a fluid of electrons in a background of heavy, positively-charged ions. For simplicity, we ignore the
motion and spatial distribution of the ions, approximating them as a uniform background charge. This is
permissible since the electrons are lighter and more mobile than the ions, and provided we consider distances
much larger than the ionic separation.
Let ne denote the number density of electrons, and φ the electric potential. At first, the electrons are evenly
distributed so that there is zero net charge at every point. Therefore, φ is initially a constant as well.
We now introduce a fixed test point charge q0 at the origin. The associated charge density is q0 δ(~r), where δ(~r)
is the Dirac delta function. After the system has returned to equilibrium, let the change in the electron density
and electric potential be n1e = ne − n0e and φ1 (~r) = φ(~r) − φ0 (~r), respectively.

2 Dept. of Physics, YU, Irbid, Jordan

April 2, 2022 Prof. Dr. A. Al-Khateeb3
Plasma Physics (Phys 446) LATEX
Second Semester 2021/2022
The perturbed charge density and electric potential are related by Poisson’s equations, which for Zn0i = n0e
gives the following,
∇2 φ(~r) = q0 δ(~r) + Zen0i − ene (~r) , (8)
∇2 φ1 (~r) = q0 δ(~r) − en1e (~r) . (9)
To proceed, we must find a second independent equation relating n1e and φ1 . There are two possible ap-
proximations, under which the two quantities are proportional: the Debye-Hueckel approximation, valid at high
temperatures, and the Fermi-Thomas approximation, valid at low temperatures.

7. Debye-Hueckel approximation
In the Debye-Hueckel approximation, we maintain the system in thermodynamic equilibrium, at a temperature
T high enough that the fluid particles obey Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. At each point in space, the density
of electrons has the form
U e(φ(~r) − φ0 ) eφ1 (~r)
ne (~r) = n0e exp − = n0e exp = n0e exp
kB Te kB Te kB Te

where kB is Boltzmann’s constant. Expanding the exponential to first order, we obtain

2 ne2
e(ne − n0e ) = en1e (~r) ' 0 kDe φ1 (~r) , kDe ≡
0 kB Te

The associated length λDe ≡ kDe is called the electron Debye length which is the fundamental length scale of
classical plasmas.
8. Poisson’s equation for the electrostatic potential of a test charge qt at a distance r in the presence of spherically
symmetric shielding cloud is

d2 φ(r) 2 dφ(r)
+ = λ−2 2
D φ(r) = kD φ(r) (10)
dr2 r dr
where kD accounts for the cloud properties.
(a) find kD for a cloud (plasma) of hot electrons (Te 6= 0) and cold ions (Ti = 0 !!!),
(b) show that the substitution φ̃ = rφ leads to the following equation

d2 φ̃(r)
= λ−2 2
D φ̃(r) = kD φ̃(r)

(c) show that the solution for eqn.(10) which converges as r → ∞ is

qt − r qt
φ(r) = e λD = e−kD r
4π0 r 4π0 r

3 Dept. of Physics, YU, Irbid, Jordan

April 2, 2022 Prof. Dr. A. Al-Khateeb4
Plasma Physics (Phys 446) LATEX
Second Semester 2021/2022

9. Consider two infinite, parallel plates at x = ±d, set at a fixed potential φ(x = ±d) = 0. The
space between them is uniformly filled by a gas of density n0 of particles of charge q.
(a) Use Poisson’s equation to show that the potential is given by
n0 q 2
φ(x) = − x + a2 x + a3 , a1 , a2 and a3 are constants (11)

(b) Use the boundary conditions φ(x = ±d) = 0 to show that equation (11) becomes
n0 q 2
x − d2

φ(x) = − (12)

(c) For d = λD , show that the energy needed to transport a particle of charge q from x = ±d
to the mid plane (x = 0) is 21 kB T .

10. Assuming azimuthal symmetry, solve Poisson’s equation for the effective potential of a very
long conducting cylinder of radius R when putted inside a plasma of hot electrons with Te
and cold uniformly distributed ions,

1 ∂2φ ∂2φ
1 ∂ ∂φ ρ(~r)
∇2 φ(~r) = r + + 2 =− 2
= kDe φ
r ∂r ∂r r2 ∂θ2 ∂z 0

Find the unique solution for φ(r = R) = φ0 . Answer: φ = φ0 inside and φ = φ0 K0 (kD r)/K0 (kD R)
11. Consider a charged conducting sphere of radius R inside a plasma of electrons and positive ions (qi = Ze).
Assume that ions are cold and immobile and electrons are in local thermal equilibrium at temperature Te . Let
the potential on the sphere surface be φ0 ,

(a) Use Poisson’s equation to find the electrostatic potential in the plasma for eφ  kB Te ,
(b) Find the electric field inside the plasma at any point r,
(c) Use Gauß’s law to find the total charge on the surface of the sphere,
(d) Find the capacitance of the sphere.

4 Dept. of Physics, YU, Irbid, Jordan

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