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16, 2022




Nutrition Assessment and Dietary

Interventions in Heart Failure
JACC Review Topic of the Week

Elissa Driggin, MD,a Laura P. Cohen, MD, MPP,a Dympna Gallagher, EDD,b
Wahida Karmally, DRPH, MS, RDN, CDCES, CLS,c Thomas Maddox, MD, MSC,d Scott L. Hummel, MD, MS,e
Salvatore Carbone, PHD, MS,f,g Mathew S. Maurer, MDa


Despite the high prevalence of nutrition disorders in patients with heart failure (HF), major HF guidelines lack specific
nutrition recommendations. Because of the lack of standardized definitions and assessment tools to quantify nutritional
status, nutrition disorders are often missed in patients with HF. Additionally, a wide range of dietary interventions and
overall dietary patterns have been studied in this population. The resulting evidence of benefit is, however, conflicting,
making it challenging to determine which strategies are the most beneficial. In this document, we review the available
nutritional status assessment tools for patients with HF. In addition, we appraise the current evidence for dietary in-
terventions in HF, including sodium restriction, obesity, malnutrition, dietary patterns, and specific macronutrient and
micronutrient supplementation. Furthermore, we discuss the feasibility and challenges associated with the implemen-
tation of multimodal nutrition interventions and delineate potential solutions to facilitate addressing nutrition in patients
with HF. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2022;79:1623–1635) © 2022 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

A s the prevalence of heart failure (HF) rises

with time, a multidisciplinary approach to
treatment is paramount. Nutrition disorders,
including abnormalities in body composition such as
because of a lack of consensus on how to effectively
treat them.3-6 Accordingly, we reviewed the available
published reports related to nutrition and HF using
an online search strategy outlined in the
obesity and malnutrition and/or macronutrient and Supplemental Appendix. In this review, we discuss
micronutrient deficiencies, are highly prevalent in the major assessment tools and focus areas for nutri-
HF, with the potential to affect the disease trajec- tion in HF. Furthermore, we describe the challenges
tory. 1,2 Despite this, major HF guidelines have very associated with implementing nutrition interventions
limited recommendations on nutrition disorders and offer potential solutions to mitigate these

From the aDivision of Cardiology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New
Listen to this manuscript’s York, USA; bInstitute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York, USA; cColumbia
audio summary by University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York, USA; dDivision of Cardiology, Washington University School of Medicine,
Editor-in-Chief St Louis, Missouri, USA; eAnn Arbor Veterans Affairs Health System, University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center, Ann
Dr Valentin Fuster on Arbor, Michigan, USA; fDepartment of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, College of Humanities & Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA; and the gVirginia Commonwealth University Pauley Heart Center, Division of Cardiology,
Department of Internal Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received January 5, 2022; revised manuscript received February 15, 2022, accepted February 17, 2022.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

1624 Driggin et al JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022

Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635

ABBREVIATIONS challenges so that nutrition becomes a focus

area of future attention and research as a
treatment target in HF (Central Illustration).  Nutritional disorders are often over-
BMI = body mass index
looked in patients with heart failure
CRF = cardiorespiratory fitness QUANTIFYING NUTRITIONAL STATUS
because of a paucity of standardized
DASH = Dietary Approaches to IN HF
Stop Hypertension
definitions and accurate tools to assess
The prevalence of malnutrition in HF is
nutritional status in this population.
FFM = fat free mass

HF = heart failure estimated at 15% to 90%, depending on the  Evidence is controversial for in-
HFpEF = heart failure assessment method and, when present, is terventions targeting nutrition issues
preserved ejection fraction associated with more than double the risk for pertinent to patients with heart failure,
n-3 PUFA = omega-3 mortality.3,7 Given the heterogeneity of including sodium restriction, obesity,
polyunsaturated fatty acids nutrition disorders and limited comprehen- malnutrition, dietary patterns, and
UFA = unsaturated fatty acids sive head-to-head studies comparing assess- micronutrient supplementation.
ment tools, there is no gold standard for assessing
 There are several patient, provider, and
malnutrition in HF.8 In this section, we will outline
and appraise common assessment methods (Table 1).
societal barriers to the implementation of
effective nutrition interventions in the
BODY MASS INDEX. The most common tool to
management of heart failure.
approximate nutritional status is body mass index
(BMI). Although easy to measure in routine clinical
purpose of body composition analysis may be accurate
practice, BMI does not distinguish weight attributable
in HF, although they are not yet widely available.12
to excess fluid vs lean and/or fat mass. 9 In this
Despite the potentially high discriminatory ability of
context, patients with HF who are volume overloaded
these modalities, the lack of diagnostic criteria for
may be classified according to the World Health Or-
nutrition disorders based on fat and FFM mass quan-
ganization criteria as having falsely normal or high
tification limits their clinical utility to date.
BMI yet still have low lean body mass and/or
malnutrition.9 Additionally, a significant proportion BIOMARKERS. There are multiple candidate bio-

of patients with HF and obesity are malnourished or markers as surrogates for nutritional status in HF
at risk of malnutrition, estimated at 10% to 50%, (Table 1). Serum albumin is a hepatic protein affected
depending on the population and screening instru- by nutrition that has been studied extensively
ment. 10
Furthermore, among patients with excess fat regarding HF prognosis. In large HF cohort studies,
mass, BMI does not reflect adipose distribution (ie, hypoalbuminemia (ie, serum albumin of <3.4 g/dL)
visceral vs subcutaneous), which may have prog- was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality.13
nostic implications in HF. 11 A reliance on BMI alone as Similarly, low prealbumin level, lymphopenia, and
a measure of nutritional status clearly misses patients low serum cholesterol level have all been implicated
at risk for poor outcomes. as poor nutrition-related prognostic indicators in

BODY COMPOSITION. Body composition analysis is

HF.14-16 Despite these associations, these biomarkers

an important assessment tool in HF that informs the are affected by comorbidities, medications, volume

proportion of body mass that is fat mass vs fat-free status, and inflammation, and they are difficult to

mass (FFM). However, HF-related increases in body interpret in isolation. Importantly, there are several

water and reductions in muscle mass violate the un- candidate biomarkers specific to cardiac cachexia,

derlying assumptions for many body composition such as ghrelin, adiponectin, and myostatin, that are

assessment techniques, rendering them inaccurate.9,12 the subject of future research and may aid in the

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, though an efficient diagnosis of this high-risk condition in advanced

and highly accurate technique to assess bone, lean, HF.17 In addition, metabolomics, including amino

and fat mass, assumes minimal effects of hydration on acid profiling, have identified elevated 3-methyl-

FFM, which is inaccurate in HF. 12

Although magnetic histidine (3-Me-His), a histidine derivative, as a

resonance imaging and computed tomography are marker of cardiac cachexia that predicts poor prog-

ideal to quantify muscle and fat mass, their clinical use nosis in patients with HF. 18

is limited by impracticality and cost as well as contra- MULTIDIMENSIONAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS. There
indications to magnetic resonance imaging such as are numerous multidimensional tools to diagnose
claustrophobia and/or incompatible pacemakers or malnutrition in HF (Table 1). 8,10 These assessment
defibrillators. Quantitative magnetic resonance tech- methods incorporate several parameters related to
niques with short scan times developed for the nutrition and often use a scoring system to categorize
JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022 Driggin et al 1625
APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635 Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Major Heart Failure Nutrition Domains and Challenges

to Implementation

Driggin E, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022;79(16):1623–1635.

Schematic representing the major nutrition-related research focus areas in the context of potential challenges to the implementation of
nutrition interventions in heart failure.

the severity of malnutrition. Given the potential con- findings such as muscle wasting and loss of subcu-
founding clinical factors in HF associated with any taneous fat, has also been identified as one of the most
individual measurement, these assessment tools are specific malnutrition assessments in HF. 19 Notably,
potentially useful because they take into account there is no accepted gold standard instrument, and
variable combinations of anthropometrics, bio- although these scores are often quick to calculate,
markers, and appetite assessments.8 Although there their results may reflect the severity of the patient’s
are limited head-to-head studies that have compared underlying illness rather than malnutrition directly.
these assessment methods directly, the Geriatric
Nutritional Risk Index, which assesses current body CURRENT FOCUS AREAS IN NUTRITION AND HF
weight indexed to ideal body weight and serum albu-
min level, and the Mini Nutritional Assessment, which To date, there are several nutrition disorders known
assesses dietary intake, mobility, and BMI, have to affect HF incidence, progression, and prognosis. 1,3
shown the strongest association with mortality risk in Although the evidence to support interventions for
HF cohort studies.8,10 The Subjective Global Assess- some nutrition disorders is robust, in others it is
ment, which incorporates physical examination lacking, resulting in limited nutrition-related
1626 Driggin et al JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022

Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635

T A B L E 1 Nutritional Status Assessment Methods in Heart Failure

Method Measures Advantages Disadvantages

BMI Weight indexed to height squared (kg/m2) Easy to calculate Does not differentiate lean vs fat vs fluid mass
Routinely measured Does not reflect distribution of adiposity
High clinical awareness
Body composition  DXA Differentiates lean vs fat vs fluid mass Certain measures inaccurate with excess body
analysis  MRI water (ie, DXA, BIA)
 CT Certain methods expensive and/or impractical
 Quantitative MRI (ie, MRI)
No established cutoffs for nutritional disorders
Biomarkers Albumin Easy to measure Confounded by comorbidity, hepatopathy,
Prealbumin medication, and inflammation

Lymphocyte count
Total cholesterol
Biomarkers of cardiac cachexia:
 C-terminal agrin fragment
 Growth differentiation factor 15
 Atrial natriuretic peptide
 N-terminal propeptide of type III
 Type VI collagen N-terminal globular,
domain epitope
Multidimensional  CONUT Easy to measure Low clinical awareness
assessment tools  GLIM Incorporate multiple domains of Reflects severity of underlying illness rather than
 GNRI nutrition status assessment (ie, malnutrition directly (ie, nonspecific)
 NRI anthropometrics, biomarkers,
 NRS intake patterns, and so on)

BIA ¼ bioelectrical impedance analysis; CONUT ¼ Controlling Nutritional Status score; DXA ¼ dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; GLIM ¼ Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition;
GNRI ¼ Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index; MNA ¼ Mini Nutritional Assessment; MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging; MSRA ¼ Mini Sarcopenia Risk Assessment; NRI ¼ Nutritional Risk Index;
NRS ¼ Nutritional Risk Screening; NUTRIC ¼Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill; PNI ¼ Prognostic Nutritional Index; SARC-F ¼ Strength, Assistance With Walking, Rising From a Chair, Climbing
Stairs, and Falls.

recommendations in the HF guidelines. In this sec- restriction in HF, demonstrating higher levels of hor-
tion, we summarize the evidence for and contro- mones associated with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
versies related to the major nutrition focus areas in system activation and worse renal function compared
HF (Table 2).20-43 to those with more liberalized sodium intake.22,47
SODIUM RESTRICTION. The most common dietary Potential mechanisms include intravascular volume
recommendation in HF is sodium restriction. Howev- depletion, decreased renal perfusion, and lower so-
er, recent data are conflicting, leading to the down- dium delivery to nephrons; however, confounding by
grading of this recommendation in the major HF medication use cannot be excluded. 44 Regarding hard
guidelines. The data on sodium restriction in HF is outcomes, sodium restriction has been associated with
largely observational in nature and varies widely in increased hospitalizations and mortality, which may
study design, patient population, and sodium and/or be confounded by the lower intake of calorie and
fluid restriction strategy, making the results difficult micronutrients associated with the prescription of
to interpret in aggregate.44 Some studies to date have low-sodium diets.25,26 SODIUM-HF (Study of Dietary
shown potential benefits to reduce congestive symp- Intervention Under 100 mmol in Heart Failure) is an
toms, improve functional class, and reduce diuretic ongoing multicenter trial in ambulatory patients with
dose.20,46 Contrastingly, other studies have reported chronic HF that will study the impact of a low-sodium
neurohormonal activation in response to sodium diet on a composite of all-cause mortality, HF
JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022 Driggin et al 1627
APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635 Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure

T A B L E 2 Nutrition Domains in Heart Failure: Societal Recommendations, Considerations for Intervention, and Key Areas for Future Research

Nutrition Sodium Dietary Macronutrient and

Domain Restriction Obesity Malnutrition Patterns Micronutrient Supplements

Society recommendations
HFSA, 2010 Restrict sodium to 2-3 g, BMI of <30 kg/m2 to Caloric supplementation for None Consider n-3 PUFA in NYHA
consider <2g in prevent HF; treat cardiac cachexia class II-IV HFrEF
moderate to severe “severe obesity” in
HF established HF
ACC/AHA, 2013 Reasonable if Weight loss to prevent None None Intravenous iron in NYHA
symptomatic HF; unknown efficacy class II-IV HF with iron
for treatment in deficiency
established HF n-3 PUFA reasonable in
ESC, 2021 None Same as ACC/AHA 2013 None None Consider intravenous iron in
HFrEF with symptoms
or recent hospitalization
and iron deficiency
Considerations with intervention
Potential benefits Improve symptoms20 Reduce incidence of HF Potential mortality benefit Reduce incidence of HF with Improved exercise capacity
with weight loss27 with malnutrition plant-based diet35 with intravenous iron38
interventions32-34 Potential mortality benefit in
women with DASH diet36
Lower diuretic doses Improve CRF with weight Fewer HF hospitalizations Improve symptoms with DASH Improved quality of life
loss 28 with malnutrition diet with intravenous iron38
Potential mortality Improved functional capacity Improve quality of life with Improved quality of life
benefit in NYHA classes and quality of life with DASH diet37 with n-3 PUFA39
III-IV21 malnutrition Lower HF hospitalization
interventions33,34 with n-3 PUFA40
Potential mortality benefit
with n-3 PUFA40
Improved exercise capacity
with UFA41
Potential mortality benefit
with coenzyme Q42
Potential harms Neurohormonal Potential for increased Potential for gastrointestinal Potential for malnutrition Potential for
activation22-24 mortality in side effects with attributable to lower gastrointestinal side
established HF, ie, the supplements to treat overall intake with plant- effects with oral iron
obesity paradox29-31 malnutrition33 based diet26 and n-3 PUFA
Potential increase in HF Lean mass loss with Higher infection risk with
hospitalizations22,23,25 caloric restriction intravenous iron
Potential increased Long-term weight regain Increased incidence of atrial
mortality, especially after weight loss fibrillation with n-3 PUFA
in NYHA class I-II HF supplementation43
Malnutrition attributable
to lower overall intake
with sodium
Future research Patient-level factors that Influence of body Ideal method to quantify Impact of the Mediterranean Need for micronutrient
influence sodium composition on the malnutrition in HF diet in HF supplementation in
restriction obesity paradox context of well-rounded
recommendations whole-food diet
Specific strategies for Specific strategies for Effective and practical Role for other diets (ie,
HFpEF vs HFrEF HFpEF vs HFrEF malnutrition intervention ketogenic) in HF
strategies in HF

ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; BMI ¼ body mass index; CRF ¼ cardiorespiratory fitness; DASH ¼ Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; ESC ¼ European
Society of Cardiology; HF ¼ heart failure; HFpEF ¼ heart failure preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF ¼ heart failure reduced ejection fraction; HFSA ¼ Heart Failure Society of America; n-3 PUFA ¼omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids; NYHA ¼ New York Heart Association; UFA ¼ unsaturated fatty acids.

hospitalization, and/or HF emergency department Maintaining a healthy weight across the lifespan
visits (NCT02012179). substantially decreases the risk of developing HF
OBESITY. Obesity, or excess body fat, is an inde- and among patients with obesity, weight loss
pendent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such through bariatric surgery reduces incident HF by
as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery dis- 35%.27 As such, major HF guidelines recommend
ease that, in turn, promote the development of HF. intentional weight reduction to reduce adiposity to
1628 Driggin et al JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022

Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635

F I G U R E 1 Pathophysiologic Mechanisms for Malnutrition and Wasting in Heart Failure


Proinflammatory Hyperadrenergic state Increased metabolic Physical

cytokines (ncortisol, nepinephrine, requirements inactivity
(nTNFD, nIL-6, nIL-1) nnorepinephrine)

Renin-angiotensin- Prescription of Inaccurate calculation

aldosterone activation sodium of energy and protein
restricted diets requirements

High catabolic, Poor appetite Vasoconstriction Volume retention pMuscle mass,

low anabolic (altered ghrelin, nfat mass
state (pIGF-1) leptin signaling) Bowel Gut Insufficient
malperfusion edema dietary intake

Muscle wasting pOverall Malabsorption pCardiorespiratory

(nCAF, dietary intake fitness
nGDF-15, nP3NP)
Macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies

Physical inactivity, HEART FAILURE WASTING

pQuality of life
pFunctional capacity
Sarcopenic obesity

Schematic representing of the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in the development and progression of malnutrition and wasting in patients with HF, including
inflammation, neurohormonal activation, and reduced intake and/or physical activity. CAF ¼ C-terminal agrin fragment; GDF ¼ growth differentiation factor;
IL ¼ interleukin; P3NP ¼ N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen; TNF ¼ tumor necrosis factor.

lower the risk of incident HF. 4-6 In addition, obesity Despite the association between obesity and inci-
is thought to play a pathogenic role in heart failure dent HF, numerous studies show a protective effect
with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) specifically of class I or II obesity on survival in established HF,
and is associated with distinct echocardiographic, termed the obesity paradox.29 Whether measured by
hemodynamic, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF)– BMI, percent body fat, or waist circumference, over-
related attributes that differ from other HFpEF weight and obesity are consistently associated with
phenotypes.48 In a randomized trial of 100 patients improved short-term prognosis compared to normal
with HFpEF and obesity, caloric restriction and/or or underweight. Even in those patients with HFpEF
aerobic exercise led to significant improvement in for which obesity may be pathogenic, overweight and
CRF with loss of body weight. 28 However, in this obesity (classes I-III) were associated with improved
study, patients had low severity of illness and survival in 2,501 ambulatory patients. 30 Potential
impressive adherence to the intervention because mechanisms include higher metabolic reserve,
meals were provided by the research team, which increased muscle mass, and improved CRF in those
may not be generalizable. Whether these benefits meeting BMI criteria for overweight or obesity. 31 Of
can be achieved with real-world caloric restriction– note, despite the potential benefit for survival,
induced weight loss without bariatric surgery re- obesity is still associated with a greater risk for HF
mains unclear. hospitalizations, which is counterintuitive given the
JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022 Driggin et al 1629
APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635 Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure

F I G U R E 2 Approach to the Management of Malnutrition in Heart Failure

Screening Diagnostics Intervention

History Nutrition Counseling
Assessment Tool

Weight loss Subjective Global Establish protein

Reduced intake Assessment calorie goals
Declining functional Mini Nutrition Liberalize diet
capacity Assessment Refer to registered
Geriatric Nutritional dietitian
Risk Index
Prescribe Nutrition
Physical Exam
Consider Body Supplement
Composition Analysis
Muscle wasting High calorie and high
Loss of subcutaneous Appendicular limb protein
fat DXA Tailor to
Muscle weakness Quantitative MR if comorbidities and
available patient preferences
Laboratory Data

Downtrend in albumin,

Suggested considerations for screening, diagnostics, and intervention with regard to malnutrition in heart failure. DXA ¼ dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry; MR ¼ magnetic resonance.

association of HF hospitalizations with survival.49 Several dietary interventions have been trialed in
Clearly, further studies are needed to elucidate patients with HF and malnutrition. The PICNIC (Pro-
these mechanisms. grama de IntervenCión Nutricional en pacientes hos-
MALNUTRITION: CARDIAC CACHEXIA AND SARCOPENIA. pitalizados por Insuficiencia Cardiaca desnutrido) trial
In a recent meta-analysis including 12,537 patients, randomized 120 patients to a 6-month intervention
malnutrition, diagnosed using a variety of multidi- involving diet optimization and/or nutrition supple-
mensional assessment tools, more than doubled the ment prescriptions, which resulted in a significant
risk for all-cause mortality in patients with HF (HR: reduction in all-cause death or readmission for HF
2.15; 95% CI: 1.89-2.45). 7 Cardiac cachexia, or the (HR: 0.45; 95% CI: 0.19-0.62). 32 The NOURISH (Nutri-
unintentional loss of >5% of edema-free body weight tion effect On Unplanned ReadmIssions and Survival
over 6 to 12 months, is associated with a particularly in Hospitalized patients) trial randomized 652
poor prognosis in HF.50 Sarcopenia, or loss of muscle malnourished hospitalized patients $65 years of age,
strength, quantity, and/or physical performance, is 25% of whom had HF, to a protein supplement or pla-
estimated at up to 20% prevalence in patients with cebo for 90 days. 33 Although there was no difference in
HF and is associated with worse functional class, CRF, the primary endpoint of death or readmission, 90-day
and quality of life.9 Given that sarcopenia may occur mortality was significantly lower in the supplement
with excess fat mass, termed sarcopenic obesity, this group (RR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.27-0.90). Most recently, a
consequence of malnutrition is highly likely to be secondary analysis of the EFFORT (Effect of early
missed. 9 Proposed pathophysiologic mechanisms nutritional support on Frailty, Functional Outcomes,
linking HF with the development of malnutrition and and Recovery of malnourished medical inpatients
wasting are depicted in Figure 1. 50 Trial) including 645 hospitalized patients with HF and
1630 Driggin et al JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022

Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635

T A B L E 3 Key Micronutrient Deficiencies With Potential Involvement in HF Pathogenesis and Considerations for Supplementation

Micronutrient Deficiency Significance in HF Evidence for a Direct HF Benefit with Supplementation a

Calcium Most common micronutrient deficiency in HF52 Not applicable
Severe hypocalcemia (but not calcium deficiency)
can lead to cardiac dysfunction53
Coenzyme Q Antioxidant activity Reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events (all-cause
Deficiency associated with worse cardiac function mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and hospitalizations for
and worse biomarker profile1 HF) at 2-y follow-up in a randomized trial among patients
with HFrEF and HFpEF42
Folate Common micronutrient deficiency in HF52 May consider supplementation if on diuretic agents and
restricted diets3
Iron Iron deficiency anemia common and compounds Intravenous but not oral iron supplementation improved HF
reduced exercise capacity in HF38 functional status, objective exercise capacity, and quality of
Magnesium Common micronutrient deficiency in HF52 May consider in high burden of ventricular arrhythmia or
prolonged QT interval
Selenium Deficiency common in HF52 Some evidence for improvement in cardiac function with
Severe deficiency can lead to reversible supplementation3
cardiomyopathy (Keshan disease)
Zinc Common deficiency in HF52 Trial results pending for a prospective study on zinc
Modulates oxidative stress supplementation in nonischemic cardiomyopathy
Susceptible with angiotensin-converting enzyme
and aldosterone receptor blockers associated
with reduced serum zinc because of increased
urinary excretion3
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Common deficiency in HF52 In select observational (n < 30) and randomized control trials
Severe deficiency can lead to reversible (n < 50), thiamine supplementation improved ejection
cardiomyopathy (wet beriberi) fraction1

Susceptible with renal excretion of water-soluble

vitamins in the setting of diuretic use3
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Less common deficiency May consider supplementation if on diuretic agents and
Susceptible with renal excretion of water-soluble restricted diets3
vitamins in the setting of diuretic use3
Vitamin B12 Less common deficiency May consider supplementation if on diuretic agents and
Increased renal excretion of water-soluble vitamins restricted diets3
in the setting of diuretic use3
Vitamin C Deficiency common in HF52 May improve endothelial function in HF1
Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of
HF, and vitamin C is an antioxidant1
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin D Lower vitamin D associated with increased mortality No major improvements in symptoms or outcomes with
in HF1 supplementation
Susceptible with decreased exercise tolerance and May increase the incidence of mechanical circulatory support
less sun exposure with supplementation (possible confounding by critical
Vitamin E Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of Possible role in improvements in markers of oxidative stress1
HF, and vitamin E is an antioxidant1
Vitamin K Common deficiency in HF52 Not applicable

None of the micronutrients listed in this table are currently recommended for routine use with the exception of intravenous iron in cases of deficiency
HF ¼ heart failure.

malnutrition revealed that a dietitian-led inpatient intervention strategies to date.4-6 A suggested

intervention to reach daily calorie and protein goals approach to the diagnosis and treatment of malnutri-
was associated with lower all-cause 30-day mortality tion in HF is depicted in Figure 2.50
compared to control with a median intervention time DIETARY PATTERNS. Although there are no guideline
of only 10 days (OR: 0.44; 95% CI: 0.26-0.75).34 Despite recommendations to endorse a specific diet in the
these results, there are no specific recommendations management of HF, there are data in support of spe-
to treat malnutrition in the major HF guidelines, likely cific dietary patterns. The most well researched are the
because of underdiagnosis and heterogeneity of DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) and
JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022 Driggin et al 1631
APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635 Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure

T A B L E 4 Barriers to Implementation for Nutrition Interventions in Heart Failure and Potential Solutions

Access Adherence Practicality Education

Patient-level Insurance coverage Preference for high-sodium foods Time and financial investment Lack of nutrition education at all
barriers associated with nutrition age levels
Affordability of nutrition Cultural preferences at odds with interventions Lack of culturally sensitive
interventions prescribed nutrition nutrition education
Potential side effects of nutrition
interventions (ie, nausea or
diarrhea with supplements)
Health care Lack of nutrition-related Lack of adherence measurement Time limits preventing nutrition Lack of nutrition education
provider–level resources techniques counseling
barriers Insufficient number of trained Lack of clear referral patterns to Low awareness of certain
dietitians dietitians nutritional disorders
Societal-level Disparities in access to care for Strong emphasis on Strong emphasis on efficiency in Lack of nutrition-related
barriers those of racial and ethnic pharmacologic and invasive patient-provider interactions guidelines in HF
minorities solutions and lower emphasis on
Disparities in insurance coverage prevention

Low availability of fresh fruit

and vegetables
Neighborhoods and regions
designated as “food deserts”
Potential solutions Programs to reduce racial and Programs to adapt diets consistent Incentives or compensation for Patient education initiatives
ethnic bias in nutrition- with patient preferences physician nutrition regarding the importance of
related HF care counseling nutrition
Increase insurance coverage for Improve technologies to measure Electronic medical record Nutrition education curricula in
effective nutrition adherence prompt for referral to medical school
interventions dietitians
Routine integration of Telehealth dietitian visits Specific nutrition-related HF
registered dietitians into the guidelines
development of HF clinical
Leverage remote delivery of

HF ¼ heart failure.

the Mediterranean diet, which entail a base of fruits, reduced ejection fraction but not HFpEF (ie, a
vegetables, whole grains, unsalted nuts, legumes, and “Southern” high–saturated fat/high-sugar diet).35
seafood, as well as low intake of processed foods and Whether specific dietary patterns can be used for the
red meats. In a cohort of more than 16,000 healthy precision prevention of HF based on etiology and other
adults enrolled in the REGARDS (REasons for phenotypic features is an important subject for
Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) study, future research.51
adherence to a plant-based diet was inversely associ- MACRONUTRIENT AND MICRONUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION.
ated with HF risk over 8.7 years of median follow-up Micronutrient supplementation is a subject of great
(HR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.41-0.86).35 Among those with interest in HF, given the association between micro-
established HF, women enrolled in the Women’s nutrient deficiencies and poor outcomes.52 Micro-
Health Initiative had lower mortality risk with greater nutrient deficiencies in HF can result from
adherence to the DASH diet in a dose-dependent inadequate dietary intake as well as urinary losses
manner (most adherent HR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.70- with diuretic agents. 3,26 Although the quantity and
1.00). In the GOURMET-HF (Geriatric Out-of-Hospi- quality of evidence for micronutrient supplementa-
tal Randomized Meal Trial in Heart Failure) trial in tion in HF is highly variable, iron supplementation
which patients $65 years were randomized to 4 weeks with iron deficiency is one strategy with a robust
of home-delivered DASH-compliant meals following research base to date.38 Although oral iron supple-
an HF hospitalization, those randomized to the inter- mentation does not improve clinical outcomes,
vention experienced benefit with regard to symptoms, intravenous iron has shown benefit for functional
functional capacity, and hospitalizations. 37 It is capacity and quality of life.38 To date, the evidence
notable that in a study examining the impact of several for improvement in mortality and hospitalization
dietary patterns on HF risk, certain patterns were rates are less clear, although one trial is ongoing for
associated with the development of heart failure these endpoints (FAIR-HF2 [Intravenous Iron in
1632 Driggin et al JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022

Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635

F I G U R E 3 Multidisciplinary Care Team for Nutrition Disorders in Heart Failure

Patient and Caregiver

• Engagement with the
multidisciplinary team to
personalize nutrition
interventions in order to Registered Dietitian
Heart Failure Specialist optimize adherence
• Nutrition assessment,
• HF management,
malnutrition screening,
recognize/treat associated
diet optimization/counseling,
nutrition disorders
supplement prescriptions

Social Worker
• Adequate social support, Multidisciplinary Care Team
• Address neurohormonal
insurance coverage, for Nutrition Disorders in
perturbations related to low
transportation to/from Heart Failure appetite in HF

Exercise Physiologist +
Physical Therapist
• Recognize/treat HF-related
• Address frailty, sarcopenia
gastroenterology issues
related to nutrition disorders,
including malabsorption,
physical inactivity, and reduced
poor appetite
cardiorespiratory fitness

Mental Health Specialist

Primary Care Provider • Address mental health issues
• Comorbidity management, that may contribute to
recognize/treat associated development and progression
nutrition disorders of nutrition disorders
(ie, depression)

Suggested members of the multidisciplinary team and potential contributions for the care of patients with HF and nutritional disorders. HF ¼ heart failure.

Patients With Systolic Heart Failure and Iron Defi- nell'Infarto miocardico-Heart Failure) trial, >7,000
ciency to Improve Morbidity and Mortality; patients with HF were randomized to n-3 PUFA or
NCT03036462). The evidence for other micronutrient placebo with a significant reduction in all-cause
supplementation in HF is limited to date, and further mortality over a mean follow-up of 3.9 years (HR:
large-scale trials are needed to establish their partic- 0.91; 95% CI: 0.83-1.00).40 However, a recent meta-
ular role in HF pathogenesis (Table 3). analysis demonstrated increased risk for incident
Overall, it is likely that most micronutrient de- atrial fibrillation with n-3 PUFA in patients with
ficiencies can be mitigated by a well-rounded diet. established or at high risk for cardiovascular disease
In terms of macronutrient supplementation, there (incidence rate ratio: 1.37; 95% CI: 1.22-1.54).43
have been data supporting a benefit with unsaturated Therefore, further studies, particularly in patients
fatty acid (UFA) supplementation. Supplementation with HFpEF at highest risk for atrial fibrillation, are
with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA) needed. UFA supplementation through dietary sour-
has been shown to improve CRF, ejection fraction, ces, such as extra-virgin olive oil, canola oil, and nuts,
and reduced rates of HF hospitalizations compared to has also been demonstrated as a feasible and effective
placebo in randomized trials.55 In the GISSI-HF intervention to improve CRF in patients with HFpEF
(Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza and obesity in a single-arm pilot study. 41 A
JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022 Driggin et al 1633
APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635 Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure

randomized controlled trial is ongoing (UFA-Pre- repeated in-person visits to the dietitian may be
sewrved2 [Unsaturated Fatty Acids to Improve impractical in the context of other work- and family-
Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Obesity and HFpEF]; related responsibilities.
NCT03966755). Finally, supplementation with amino
ADHERENCE. Measuring adherence is a major
acids and/or protein has shown modest benefits in
obstacle to determine the efficacy of any nutrition
CRF among patients with sarcopenia and/or cardiac
intervention, and there is no gold standard assess-
cachexia, although to date this is not recommended
ment tool. Methods that involve self-report are used
most frequently, including 24-hour dietary recalls,
3-day food diaries, and food frequency question-
naires; however, these are subject to significant recall
bias. 58 Whether photography methods using mobile
phone capabilities can be used as a more accurate
As the body of evidence for nutrition interventions in
measure of adherence is a subject of ongoing
HF continues to expand over time, it is important to
research. Measuring biomarkers that reflect recent
recognize the challenges in implementation. In this
intake is another candidate method; however, there
section, we outline potential barriers and offer po-
are no validated protocols. In a recent pilot trial
tential solutions that may improve the detection and
studying UFA supplementation in HFpEF, plasma
management of nutrition disorders in HF (Table 4).
UFA were measured to assess compliance and
Overall, it is likely that involvement of a multidisci-
increased with reported intake of supplemental UFA,
plinary care team is the best approach to the care of
providing both memory-based and objective
complex nutrition-related disorders among patients
operator-independent measures of adherence.41
with HF (Figure 3).
It is also important to consider patient-related
EDUCATION. A lack of population nutrition educa- barriers to adherence with nutrition interventions.
tion may hinder the implementation of nutrition in- In the NOURISH trial, despite finding a reduction in
terventions in HF. In U.S. schools that offer nutrition all-cause mortality with protein supplementation,
curricula, of which there are few, those with long- 45% of participants self-reported <25% adherence.33
term programs ($1 year) have shown reduction in Potential reasons may include cultural and/or per-
overweight/obesity among students.56 Culturally sonal preferences that are inconsistent with pre-
relevant nutrition education is necessary to make scribed diets. HF-related symptoms, such as nausea,
information more accessible for diverse populations. fatigue, and low exercise tolerance, as well as non–
Additionally, from a provider standpoint, there is an HF-related conditions, such as depression and anxi-
overall lack of nutrition education in medical school ety, may also contribute.59 Additionally, older pa-
and throughout postgraduate training. A meta- tients with limited functional and/or cognitive
analysis of 24 studies from diverse countries re- capacity may be unable to acquire or prepare food
ported that nutrition is insufficiently incorporated that complies with dietary recommendations.
into medical education regardless of country, setting,
ACCESS. Lack of access to resources that are neces-
or year of medical education, despite students’ desire
sary for a particular nutrition intervention may limit
to develop their skills in the field. 57 Therefore, edu-
its efficacy. We must keep in mind disparities in ac-
cation reform is necessary from both the patient and
cess to quality care for racial and ethnic minority as
provider standpoint to maximize the effectiveness of
well as socioeconomically disadvantaged pop-
all dietary interventions in HF.
ulations that may limit access to nutrition-related
PRACTICALITY. All health-related interventions, resources. Previous studies have shown that
including those for nutrition, require time and community-level engagement targeting nutrition-
financial investment. Types of interventions that related cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperten-
have been studied to date include intensive inpatient sion can be highly successful in high-risk minority
interventions, meal preparation and distribution, populations.60 Other access issues include environ-
prescription of supplements, and nutrition education mental factors such as neighborhood, which in-
and/or counseling, all of which vary widely in their fluences access to fresh fruits and vegetables, with
practicality. In the outpatient setting, time con- large disparities in the distribution of such resources
straints on provider-patient interactions may limit by location. For older adults with mobility disorders,
the time available to dedicate to nutrition counseling. the inability to travel because of physical or cogni-
Additionally, from a patient standpoint, nutrition tive limitations must be considered. Lack of physi-
interventions that require meal preparation and/or cian access to registered dietitians also limits the
1634 Driggin et al JACC VOL. 79, NO. 16, 2022

Nutrition Considerations in Heart Failure APRIL 26, 2022:1623–1635

ability of patients with HF to receive adequate the New York Cardiological Society (May 2021); has received
compensation and travel expense reimbursement for American Col-
nutritional support.
lege of Cardiology leadership roles and meetings; is currently
employed as a cardiologist and vice president of digital products and
CONCLUSIONS innovation at BJC HealthCare/Washington University School of
Medicine, and in this capacity is advising Myia Labs, for which his

Because of a lack of clinically accepted and reliable employer is receiving equity compensation in the company (he is
receiving no individual compensation from the company); and is a
measures of nutritional status and ongoing contro-
compensated director for a New Mexico–based foundation, the J.F.
versy regarding the most effective interventions on a Maddox Foundation. Dr Hummel has grant support from the National
variety of nutritional disorders, nutrition-related rec- Institutes of Health (R01-HL39813, R01-AG062582, R61-HL155498),
American Heart Association (20-SFRN35370008), and Veterans Affairs
ommendations are lacking in the current HF guide-
Clinical Science Research & Development (CARA-009-16F9050); has
lines. Barriers related to education, practicality, received previous grant support from PurFoods, LLC; and has insti-
adherence, and access on the patient, provider, and tutional support in the form of clinical trial funding from Pfizer,
societal levels have also contributed. There is a need to Novartis, Corvia, and Axon Therapeutics. Dr Carbone is supported by
a Career Development Award (19CDA34660318) from the American
develop multimodal dietary interventions involving
Heart Association and by the Clinical and Translational Science
HF, nutrition, metabolism, and implementation sci- Awards Program (UL1TR002649) from the National Institutes of
ence so that we can most effectively target nutritional Health to Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr Maurer has grant
disorders to affect HF morbidity and mortality. support from the National Institutes of Health (R01HL139671,
R21AG058348, and K24AG036778); has received consulting income
FUNDING SUPPORT AND AUTHOR DISCLOSURES from Eidos, Prothena, Akcea, Alnylam, Intellia, and GlaxoSmithKline;
and has received institutional support in the form of clinical trial
funding from Pfizer, Ionis, Eidos, and Alnylam. All other authors have
Dr Gallagher has received grant support from National Institutes of
reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of
Health (UG3 DK128302-01, P30 DK26687-41 and 5T32DK007559-31). Dr
this paper to disclose.
Karmally is a health advisor at Sesame Workshop; and is a member of
Heali Diet Advisory Group and a member of the Abbott Diversity
Council. Dr Maddox has received grant funding from the National
Institutes of Health National Center for Advancing Translational
Sciences (1U24TR002306-01: A National Center for Digital Health gin, Columbia University Irving Medical Center/
Informatics Innovation); has received honoraria and/or expense NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, 630 West 168th
reimbursement in the past 3 years from the Henry Ford health system
Street, Box 93, PH10-203-1, New York, New York
(March 2019), the University of California, San Diego (January 2020),
the University of Chicago (January 2021), George Washington Uni-
10032, USA. E-mail:
versity (January 2021), Baylor College of Medicine (April 2021), and Twitter: @EDrigginMD.


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