Web-Based Information Systemsjune 2014

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BSc (Hons.

) Computing and Information Systems

Cohort BCIS/13B/PT, BCIS/13A/PT & BCIS/12/PT

Examinations for 2013 - 2014 / Semester 2



Duration: 3 Hours

Instructions to Candidates:

1. Answer ALL questions.

2. Questions may be answered in any order but you must indicate
clearly the question number.
3. Start your answer to each question on a fresh page.
4. All questions carry equal marks [25].
5. Total marks = 100.

This question paper contains 4 questions and 5 pages.

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Web-Based Information Systems (WAT3115C) SITE/VK 2013-2014 S2


(a) Outline five main basic rules for a legal XML document. (5 marks)

(b) Distinguish between Complex Type and Simple Type

elements as used in XML Schema. Illustrate your answer with
extract codes. (4 marks)

(c) Consider the following two element declarations from an XML

<!ELEMENT book (author *, title?, isbn, price)>
<!ELEMENT author (first-name?, last-name)>

where all elements not declared are assumed to have content

models of #PCDATA. Write down an XML document of type
book that is valid with respect to the above DTD using the
fewest number of elements possible. (6 marks)

(d) Suppose that there is a special kind of paper that must have a
title, an author and a body. We assign the author a unique ID
and may include his or her address as an optional attribute.
The body consists of one or more chapters, followed by a
series of references. Because this paper belongs to the
company “XYZ international,” a copyright claim may appear in
the paper.
(i) Write a DTD to define the above structure for
documents of type docpaper. (6 marks)
(ii) Give a sample XML document using the DTD you
wrote in part (i). (4 marks)

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Web-Based Information Systems (WAT3115C) SITE/VK 2013-2014 S2

(a) HTTP is a "stateless” protocol. Describe how the Session

technique is used to solve the problem of statelessness. (6 marks)

(b) Explain the following built-in functions and illustrate each using
simple examples. Specify all possible parameters where

(i) len() (2 marks)

(ii) strReverse() (2 marks)

(c) Distinguish between the following Access Modifiers and

provide an example for each:

(i) Public (2 marks)

(ii) Private (2 marks)
(iii) Protected. (2 marks)

(d) Write an asp.net program that allows you to choose a product

from a DropDownList control. The program must also respond
by displaying the product name in a label control once an item
has been chosen.

Note: the DropDownList must contain the following products: (9 marks)

Hair Dryer, Electric Comb and Shaving Cream.

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Web-Based Information Systems (WAT3115C) SITE/VK 2013-2014 S2

(a) Briefly contrast Connected and Disconnected data access in

ADO.NET. (6 marks)

(b) Describe five benefits of Business components in an

ASP.NET application. (5 marks)

(c) Explain fully the main steps to create and use a Business
Component. (5 marks)

(d) List three ways to prevent SQL database injection attacks. (3 marks)

(e) Write extract codes to demonstrate how you can achieve the

(i) set a persistent cookie from the value entered in the

“txtPassword” TextBox control (2 marks)
(ii) retrieve the cookie value (2 marks)
(iii) delete the cookie. (2 marks)


(a) List any four settings that can be configured in the web.config
file. (4 marks)

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Web-Based Information Systems (WAT3115C) SITE/VK 2013-2014 S2
(b) Distinguish between the following methods as used in

(i) ExecuteReader() (2 marks)

(ii) ExecuteNonQuery() (2 marks)
(iii) ExecuteScalar(). (2 marks)

(c) The “Student” database records data on student marks as

listed below:

1. Table Name: tblStudent

2. Database Name: studentDB.mdf

studentNo Student_Name Marks

1 Greham 68
2 Rahul 82

(i) Write an asp.net program that allows you to perform a

search by student name and displays its corresponding name
(11 marks)
and marks in a DataList control.

(1 mark)
(ii) The program must trigger once the TextBox control loses

(3 marks)
(iii) Show how the DataList is used to display data.

Note: The Student name comes from the text box:



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Web-Based Information Systems (WAT3115C) SITE/VK 2013-2014 S2

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