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Lesson Plan

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title:
Targeted Grade Level: 3-5
Teacher(s) Name(s): Evelyn Wilke-Grimm
Lesson Plan Rationale
1. Big Idea:
Distance communication incorporates a science standard.
Designing Distance Communication 1.PS4.C.1 Use tools & materials to design & build a device
that uses light or sound to solve the problem of
communicating over a distance
Designing the system includes development of artistic skills
and creativity.
2. Key Concepts:
1. Communication is the ability to exchange information Designing a way to communicate over distance will introduce
and ideas with another person students to using light, sound, physical signs, etc. to problem
solve ways to modify communication.
2. Distance communication often requires devices that
make the exchange of information & ideas over
distances possible

3. Throughout history, distance communication devices

have been designed for both function & beauty.

3. Essential Questions:
1. How do you normally communicate with your family? With 1. Student can connect to the learning material and
your friends? start brainstorming ideas as to how and why
communication is so important. The student will start
to draw upon their previous experience so it will be
fresh in their mind when it is time to start problem

2. Student will expand on their prior knowledge by

2. What are examples of distance communication devices? thinking of other ways of communication. They will
also be able to hear their classmate’s ideas which
results in them gathering new information.

3. Student will begin to make the connection between

3. What kinds of distance communication devices have been engineering and art. Being able to identify how art,
designed to be functional & beautiful? expression, and functionality affect each other is an
important concept to consider when they are creating
4. Objectives:

1. Students will be able to explain how a device can aid in 1. This objective is important because it lays out how to
communicating over a distance. assess the students in their learning. Being able to
explain why these devices are effective is integral to
their ability to complete the project, as well as their
way of forming a deep understanding of the content.

2. Students will design and create a device to communicate 2. This objective is the action portion of the lesson. This
over a distance. is important because it outlines how students will
demonstrate their understanding of the concepts
they are exploring. It is also a good learning
opportunity because they will have to engage in trial
and error to find a prototype that could work.

3. Students will incorporate artistic techniques into their 3. This portion is important because it is the artistic
designs. element of this project. By incorporating art
techniques into their projects, they will gain
invaluable understanding of the role of aesthetics and
the artistic hand in engineering today. The creative
component is also the way students will connect to
the content material and engage with the project.
5. Standards:
National Core Arts Standards: Students generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
1. Anchor Standard 1 by focusing on the design portion of this lesson.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Students develop and refine their devices to make sure they
2. Anchor Standard 5 are functional. They will also be planning to present their
Develop and refine artistic work for presentation. work to groups/the class.

National Core English Language Arts Standards: Students are using written language to interpret information
1. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to to accomplish a written plan
accomplish their own purposes
Students are using their knowledge of language to
2. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual communicate their plan and reasoning behind their decisions
language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to for the teacher and their classmates.
communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for
different purposes.
National Core Science Standards: Students are directly tackling this standard by building a
1. Students use tools & materials to design & build a device device that allows them to communicate with light/sound
that uses light or sound to solve the problem of over a distance.
communicating over a distance
Students have a problem defined by the tasks set for them,
2. Define a simple problem that can be solved through the then they use tools and create an object that solves the
development of a new or improved object or tool problem of communication over distance.

6. Teaching Resources: Rationale for each teaching resource and HOW they work
Art: (Artist and thumbnail photo of examples shared)
Art- This article is a good resource to inform my guided questions. It explains function and beauty in design.

English Language Arts: ELA- This article can be used as supplementary to the engage
process. Children can read independently or as a group. It discusses distance communication with different methods
reading-material/communication-over-distances-reading- and examples.
Science- This is a short 10-minute video with engaging
Science: imagery. It goes over the science behind distance communication and how it appears in everyday life.

7. Lesson Plan Sequence:

Day 1 Day 1 is the introduction to the concepts and activities. This

will be the time for students to acclimate themselves to the
concepts and draw upon their previous knowledge. During
this time students will brainstorm a few ideas for their
personal projects.

1. Introduce students to the concept via guided 1. The guided questions outlined in the beginning of this
questions and explanatory videos. lesson plan will help the students build their ideas off
of each other.

2. Present teacher exemplar plans and discuss what 2. I will present my exemplar blueprint and final project
information is required for a sufficient blueprint in steps to give the students the framework required
to plan for their own

3. Writing worksheet where students brainstorm ideas 3. Short answer questions will prompt the students to
for their device. write out their thinking process and brainstorm how
they will create their device. This step also
incorporates ELA by having them practice writing out
a plan of action and interpreting their thoughts into
written form. These sheets are also a form of
formative assessment so data can be kept on student

Day 2 Day 2 is the days of designing and determining what they

will require to complete the project. Students apply the
previous day’s information to the designing of a device.
4. Refresh information on creating a blueprint with call 4. In order to reiterate expectations and instructions, a
and response activity. short recap of the previous day will be necessary.
Recapping using the call and response method will
keep the students engaged in the material.

5. students use their writing prompts from previous day 5. Students are working in steps to create the blueprint
as a reference for their design plan for their design. Having the written plan already
made will allow for less hesitation in the design
6. students use measuring tools (ruler, measuring tape, 6. Students can use the measurement process to judge
etc.) to write down measurements of height, width, how tall, long, and wide their device will be. This will
length. be a good way to practice math and measuring skills.

7. students will use their blueprint to determine what 7. Students can use their measurements to estimate,
they will need from the provided materials, and in with teacher assistance, how much of each material
what quantity they will need it. they will need. This will build their experience in
planning ahead and help them in many future
projects both academic, professional, and personal.

Day 3

Day 3 is the day for building and creating. Students will be

faced with obstacles and may have to do some redesigning.
Teacher keeps record of which students may be struggling
8. Using their list of required materials, students will and which students are excelling as an observational
gather what they need. formative assessment.
8. This step has students translate their own plans and
9. with their blueprint as a reference, they create a calculate the amount of each material is needed.
model device, problem solving as problems come up
with teacher assistance. 9. Students are using their plans to create a structure.
They will gain experience with problem solving and
figure out what problems they could have foreseen
Day 4 while making the blueprint.

Day 4 is the day of testing and presenting the final project.

10. students who are not done have extra time to finish These presentations will be the summative assessments to
their designs. gauge the students grasp of the lesson.
10. This gives the students more time to reacclimate to
11. students gather and test their devices and work in their building process by adding final touches
partners/ groups to communicate across the
classroom. Students present their designs and state 11. Students can put their devices to the test and practice
what led them to come up with it. presenting their ideas to a group and explaining their

8. Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications:

For differentiation we could have learners choose whether Making a model, writing a paper, and doing research are all
they would like to make a physical model, research the topic, ways in which a student can meet the standards laid out in
and find a model online, or write in depth how they would the lesson, but in a way that allows a student the choice of
create a functional and beautiful device. what form they would most like to do it in.

An accommodation that can be made is allowing for an oral For accommodations, presenting orally still allows the
presentation as opposed to writing. student to relay their thoughts the same way as in written
Another accommodation can be having a struggling learner form, but without the barrier of writing.
work in a team on various steps in the lesson. Allowing students who may not be able to complete the
lesson themselves to work alongside a partner still allows
them the chance for individual discovery, but while having
additional support. The students can also observe how each
of them tackles each problem differently.

To modify the lesson to be accessible for learners who have a For modification, having a version of the lesson that does not
physical disability that does not allow them to build a design, rely on motor skills is very important when teaching students
we can use technology such as an online simulation. with physical disabilities.
Another modification that can be made is having devices Allowing students do tests on completed devices and make
already created and having the student test the devices and an argument on which works better modifies the lesson by
make an argument as to why one might work better than the eliminating the planning and construction portion, but gives
others. the students learning experience with the activity and
concepts being taught.

9. Assessment Strategies:

Formative Assessments Formative Assessment

1. Whole class guided questions 1. While asking the questions outlined in day 1, the
teacher can gather data on what kind of prior
knowledge each student has relating to the lesson.
2. Initial written plan 2. Students turn in the written plan on day 1, so the
teacher can collect data on what level of
understanding each child has of the lesson so far, and
which students may need extra support
3. Blueprint 3. During the blueprint phase on day 2, the teacher can
see how well each student is translating their
knowledge and applying it to their plans.
4. Observation during construction 4. During construction the teacher can observe how
each student attempts to carry out their intentions.

Summative Assessment Summative Assessment

5. Final presentation and discussion 5. While each student presents their creation, the
teacher can rate how well each student understood
the source material, applied it to their project,
10 Teacher Exemplar:
For my Teacher Exemplar I decided to make a device that
uses a phone flashlight to project a shadow onto a surface. I
used mathematics to measure my phone, and the axel upon
which different shapes can be rotated up in front of the light.
The phone flashlight shines through the funnel and creates a
circular “spotlight” onto a surface. This spotlight can be seen
with overhead lights on if the projected surface is close
enough to the light source. For best viewing experience,
darken the classroom. My revolving popsicle stick axel had a
flower on one side, and when flipped, there’s a piece of
tissue paper to block out the light.
Students can take inspiration from my exemplar, as well as
the engage video examples of stoplights, bird calls, morse
code, etc. to craft their own device.
I created a spotlight box with a rotating peg which allows me
to change the shadow images projected by the box.

11. Materials/Tools/Art supplies needed: Prior knowledge students will need to effectively use
- Flashlight materials:
- Sound makers (bells, whistles, squeakers, etc.) [Materials, prior knowledge, and skills required may vary
- Cardboard depending on what each student decides on for their
- Scissors project.]
- Glue
- Tape Students will need to be able to use scissors safely and
- Tissue paper effectively to cut various materials such as paper and
- Cans cardboard.
- Paper towel rolls Students must know how to use liquid glue, glue sticks, tape,
- Construction paper and other adhesives if applicable.
- Other misc. Recyclable items from home
12. References:

Achieve Inc. (2019, November 12). Communication over distances. Generation Genius. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from 

Speh, J. (2017, July 3). Beauty is function. Medium. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from

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