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Figure 1. Illustration of a turbine

connected to a generator
Figure 2. Stator


A stator is a component of a water turbine that helps change the

direction of the water flow. By redirecting the water flow, the stator
increases the efficiency of the turbine. The stator is made up of a
series of blades that are arranged in a spiral pattern. The blades are
usually made of metal or a composite material. The purpose of the
stator in a water turbine is to hold the blades in place so that they can
rotate. The blades are what actually create the power to turn the
turbine. The stator is like the frame of a car, it holds everything in
place and keeps it from moving around. The blades are attached to the
shaft of the turbine. The shaft is held in place by the bearings, which
are located in the stator. The stator has to be strong enough to hold the
blades in place while they are spinning at high speeds. The blades are
what create the power to turn the turbine. They are attached to the
shaft and rotate inside the stator. The stator has to be able to withstand
the force of the blades rotating.
Figure 3. Rotor


Rotor in water turbine is a rotating element of a water turbine. It

usually consists of a shaft with blades attached to it. The rotor
receives water from the turbine and transfers it to the blades, which in
turn transfer the water's energy to the shaft, causing it to rotate. The
rotation of the shaft drives the turbine. The purpose of the rotor is to
convert the kinetic energy of the moving water into mechanical
energy. The rotor consists of a shaft with blades attached to it. The
blades are angled so that when the water hits them, it pushes the shaft
and causes it to rotate. The faster the water moves, the more energy it
has, and the more power the rotor can generate.

Figure 4. Wicket Gate

Wicket Gate

A wicket gate is a type of valve used to regulate the flow of water in a

water turbine. Wicket gates are often used in Pelton wheel turbines, which are
used to generate electricity from moving water. Wicket gates are opened and
closed by a rotating shaft that is turned by a handle. When the handle is turned
to the open position, the wicket gates open and water flows into the turbine.
When the handle is turned to the closed position, the wicket gates close and
water flow is restricted.

Turbine blades are an essential

component of water turbines. They work
by converting the energy of flowing water
into rotational energy, which can then be
used to generate electricity. The efficiency
of a water turbine depends on the design
of its blades. In order to maximize
efficiency, turbine blades must be able to
extract as much energy from the water as
possible. Turbine blades are a critical
component of water turbines. They must
be carefully designed in order to extract as
much energy from the water as possible.
The efficiency of turbine blades is affected
Figure 5. Turbine Blades
by the shape of the blades and the material
from which they are made.
Turbine Blades

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