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Smart automation
Smart automation in designing aircraft is revolutionizing the aerospace sector. Designers may
now determine the magnitude of the screw needed to implement a particular element and the
degree of pressure necessary by analyzing the surface layer made up of metal with an iPad or
sophisticated “smart glass” (Tripathi, et al., 2021). An “automated robotic system” then uses this
data to complete the required duties.

1.2. 3D printing
Engineering and processing are processes in any sector that require a lot of energy and time, and
the aerospace industry is no exception. In the current environment, there is a huge demand for
quick and precise production procedures. The aerospace sector has shifted to 3D printing as a
strategy to fix postponed and time-consuming industrial procedures. In the aircraft business, 3D
printing has dramatically enhanced production methods (Wang et al., 2019). There is a thriving
market for replacement components that need to be replaced, and 3D printing provides the best
answer. It is also reported to assist reduce production inefficiencies, material costs, and end
goods load.

1.3. Advanced materials

Advances in materials engineering have aided aerospace producers tremendously. Several of the
latest materials used throughout aerospace engineering to optimize the effectiveness of airplane
wings are “graphene and carbon nanotubes”. Aircraft with “graphene and carbon nanotubes” are
lighter and more energy economical. To improve the production processes and improve
efficiency, “MIT and NASA” have established a "morphing" section in their production line. For
accelerating the processing time, sophisticated robotics are utilized to construct lighter modules
in this "morphing" side (Zobeiry et al., 2020).

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