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Reece kadlec


Business and Marketing

Ms Sabot

1. List five words that describe the ad. Think of color, mood, emotion…

Athletic, Sports, Basketball, Active and Excitement

2. Describe the major focus of your ad in at least 4-5 sentences.

The major focus in my ad is to attract Basketball players with a machine that passes the ball back

to you without you having to move too far to get it. They did this because most people that have

played basketball can agree chasing your rebounds is really annoying. This also allows people to
improve their shot at a quicker rate and without losing your momentum once you make a few.

That is the major focus of my ad.

3. please describe in detail what the main focus of the ad is and what it looks like. How

much of the page does it take up? What color is the main item? Why do you think there

are no people in the ad?

The main focus of the ad is a machine/net that passes the basketball back to you. This ad takes up

about 70% of the page. The main item has a white and black color scheme. There is a person in

the ad to show what it will look like to the customer.

4. What are the main colors used in the ad? Why do you think that these colors were

chosen? What could the colors represent? Do they represent certain emotions?

The main colors used in the ad are black, blue and white. I believe these colors were chosen to

make the machine as natural as possible. The colors could represent the owner's favorite colors.

For me they create the emothis like excitement and ready to get out and play basketball.

5. Using the Advertising Strategies listed below, which advertising strategies do you think

are being used to sell the product? Explain. (Use the list of advertising strategies below to

help you with this question.)

I think the advertising strategies used in this ad are “Wahoo! Excitement!” and “Put Downs!” I

think these are used to show how much fun people could be having and how much better their

product is than others producing in more sales.

6. Is this an effective ad? Does it make you want to buy the product? Explain your answer in

at least 5 sentences.
This is an effective ad and it does make me want to buy the product. I would want to buy this

product because I can picture a lot of fun times with my friends using this. I would be able to

create a lot of competitions with this item such as who can make more shots in a certain amount

of time. I would be able to practice with this product. It gives me something to do to pass the

time. That is why I would buy this product.

7. Are there any harmful or negative stereotypes in this ad? Explain.

A harmful or negative effect it could have is having to walk up to the machine to turn it off and

getting punched in the face by a basketball unless there is an app or a sensor that can detect if

you are close to it and it stops so you can change settings or turn it off.

8. Who is the target audience for this ad? What age group? What gender? How do you


The target audience for this ad is kids/teens or adults that play basketball and want to shoot

around. I know this because this ad displays a great way to get better and improve your shot if

you are old enough to operate it.

9. Does the ad realistically portray the product? Is it believable? Explain.

This ad is believable because of the amazing job they did either getting the photo or editing their

product into the picture.

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