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Want to be an engineer?
Are you an outstanding student with high test scores AND have a financial need? This
scholarship is for you!
Benefits include:
 Mentoring
 Tutoring 
 Specialized academic advising
 Weekend retreats 
 Travel funds for research conferences 
 Job search preparation
 Incoming Freshman
 Full time enrollment
 A major offered through the College of Engineering
o Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering,
Construction Management, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Tech, Engineering Tech Undecided, Engineering-Undesignated, Fire &
Safety Engineering Tech, Fire Safety Engineering Tech, Mechanical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Tech, Systems Engineering
 Family income reported through the 2022 Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) must indicate the student is eligible for a Federal Pell Grant
 Student must have unmet financial needs in excess of $5,000
 Completion of at least a pre-calculus course in high school and the ability to
enroll in college calculus during the first semester at UNC Charlotte
 Grade of C or better in all high school math courses
How to apply:
First, apply for admission to Charlotte
Then apply for the scholarship here.
Priority deadline:
February 1, 2023 for March 15 award decision
Main Deadline:
March 1, 2023 for April 15 award decision
After March 1:
Remaining available funds are distributed on a rolling basis 
Scholarship applicants who are selected as finalists will be contacted for brief interviews
with members of the selection committee.
Additional information:
Students can receive scholarships for up to $10,000 per year. Scholarship recipients will
be supported for additional years as long as their total award does not exceed $40,000
and their academic performance remains satisfactory. S-STEM scholarship support will
be discontinued if the scholar transfers out of a College of Engineering major program,
the scholar is not making significant progress through the engineering major curriculum,
when the S-STEM project ends, or the scholar's academic performance falters.
Recipients whose grade point average falls below 3.0 will enter a probationary period
for one semester and be required to use extra advising and reapply once grades
improve to a GPA of 3.0. If the student's cumulative grade point average falls below
2.75, they will lose their eligibility for an award in the following semester and until their
grades improve.
Continuing scholars will complete an annual re-application process through which the
scholarship administrator will evaluate their academic progress and continued alignment
with programmatic priorities (engagement, personal and professional development,
participation in cohort activities, etc.).  
Engineering Academic Pathways is sponsored by the NSF Scholarships in
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics program (S-STEM).

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