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Name of Classification Dose, Frequency, Mechanism of action Indication Contraindications Adverse Precautions &

Drug and route Effects Nursing

Salbutamo Bronchodilator - one It relieves nasal Duavent is  Hypersensitivit Nervousness Precautions:
l Sulfate s inhalation congestion and indicated for y to any of Restlessness 1. Cardiac disease
four times a reversible use in patients the Tremor including
Brand day( 3ml bronchospasm by with chronic ingredients Headache coronary
Name: vial relaxing the smooth obstructive in Duavent Insomnia insufficiency, a
Duavent administere muscles of the pulmonary  Hypersensitivit Chest pain history of
d 4 times bronchioles. The relief disease y to atropine Palpitations stroke, coronary
per day with from nasal congestion (COPD) on a or any of its Angina artery disease
up to 2 and bronchospasm is regular aerosol derivatives Arrhythmias and cardiac
additional made possible by the bronchodilator COMBIVENT Hypertension arrhythmias
3ml doses following mechanism who continue Inhalation Aerosol Nausea and 2. Hypertension
allowed per that takes place when to have is contraindicated in vomiting 3. Hyperthyroidis
day Salbutamol is evidence of patients with a Hyperglycemi m
Route: administered. bronchospasm history of a 4. Diabetes
- Nebulizer 1. First, it binds to and who hypersensitivity to Hypokalemia 5. Glaucoma
the beta2- require a soya lecithin or 6. Geriatric
adrenergic second related food patients – older
receptors in the bronchodilator products such as individuals are
airway of the . soybean and peanut. at higher risk
smooth muscle COMBIVENT for adverse
which then Inhalation Aerosol reactions and
leads to the is also may require
activation of contraindicated in lower dosage
the adenyl patients 7. Pregnancy
cyclase and hypersensitive to especially near
increased any other term
levels of components of the 8. Lactation
cyclic- 3’5’- drug product or to 9. Children less
adenosine atropine or its than 2 years of
monophosphate derivatives. age because
(cAMP). Duavent safety of its use
2. When cAMP (ipratropium has not been
increases, bromide and established
kinases are albuterol sulfate) is 10. Excess inhaler
activated. contraindicated in use which may
3. Kinases inhibit patients with a lead to tolerance
the history of and paradoxical
phosphorylatio hypersensitivity to bronchospasm
n of myosin any of its Nursing
and decrease components, or to Responsibilities:
intracellular atropine and its 1. Assess lung
calcium. derivatives. sounds, PR and
4. Decreased in BP before drug
intracellular administration
calcium will and during peak
result to the of medication.
relaxation of 2. Observe fore
the smooth paradoxical
muscle spasm and
airways. withhold
medication and
notify physician
if condition
3. Administer PO
with meals to
gastric irritation.
4. Extended-
release tablet
should be
whole. It should
not be crushed
or chewed.
5. If administering
allow at least 1
minute between
inhalation of
6. Advise the
patient to rinse
mouth with
water after each
inhalation to
minimize dry
7. Inform the
patient that this
medication may
cause an
unusual or bad

Name of Drug Classification Dose, Mechanism of Indication Contraindications Adverse Precautions & Nursing
Frequency, action Effects Responsibilities
and route
Dexamethason Long-acting Dose: suppresses  is indicated Contraindicated in vision changes, Precautions:
e Corticosteroid inflammation and for the patients swelling, Use cautiously in patients
Frequency: the normal effective hypersensitive to rapid weight with GI ulcer, renal
Brand Name: immune response. management of drug or its gain, disease, HTN,
Decilone Forte Route: PO It prevents the various ingredients, in those sleep problems osteoporosis, diabetes
release of inflammatory with systemic (insomnia), mellitus, hypothyroidism,
substances in the and allergic fungal infections, mood changes, cirrhosis, diverticulitis,
body that causes conditions and in those acne, nonspecific ulcerative
inflammation. which respond receiving dry skin, colitis, recent intestinal
to immunosuppressive thinning skin, anastomoses,
corticosteroid doses together with bruising or thromboembolic disorders,
therapy, such live-virus vaccines. discoloration, seizures, myasthenia
as: skin slow wound gravis, Heart failure, TB,
diseases, healing, active hepatitis, ocular
collagen increased HSV infection, emotional
diseases, sweating, instability, or psychotic
blood headache, tendencies
dyscrasias, dizziness,
certain spinning Nursing Responsibilities:
neoplastic sensation, - Observe for signs
diseases, and nausea, of adverse
adrenocortical stomach pain, reactions. Monitor
insufficiency bloating, blood pressure 2 - 3
muscle times daily. Test for
weakness, or glycosuria daily. If
changes in the urine is positive for
shape or sugar, check each
location of urine.
body fat - Monitor intake and
(especially in output of patient.
your arms, legs, - Observe the patient
face, neck, for peripheral
breasts, and edema, steady
waist). weight gain, rales
or crackles or
Rare instances dyspnea. Notify the
of severe physician
allergic immediately if
reactions these clinical
(anaphylaxis) manifestations are
have occurred noted.
in patients - For patients with
receiving cerebral edema,
corticosteroid assess then for level
therapy such as of consciousness
dexamethasone. changes and
headache during the
- Guaiac-test stools
should be carried
out. Guaiac-
positive stools
should be reported
to the physician
- Administer with
meals to minimize
GI irritation.
- For patients with
swallowing, tablets
can be crushed and
administered with
fluids or food.
However, capsules
should be
swallowed whole.
- Educate the patient
to take missed
doses as soon as
remembered, unless
almost time for the
next dose skip the
missed dose and
continue your
regular dosing
schedule. Do not
take a double dose
to make up for a
missed one.
- Instruct patient to
avoid people with
known infection
and contagious
illnesses as
and may mask
symptoms of

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