Gene Therapy

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GSTS | Saint Louis University (PH)

Study guide, definitions & notes

Gene Therapy
Tuesday, 2 November 2021 5:01 am

➢ Video: gene therapy basics

○ Introduction/removal/change of DNA (part only)
○ Can prevent disease ganon
○ Delivery of gene through vectors
▪ Use of virus, pero walang infection para hndi magkasakit.
▪ In vivo, ex vivo approach
➢ How gene therapy works
○ Defective gene results
▪ Failure of protein production
▪ Production of a non-functional protein
▪ Over production of protein
○ Gene therapy
▪ Experimental treatment - insertion of gene to correct effects of a
defective gene
- To treat illness
○ Types of Gene therapy
a. Somatic gt
- Transfer of a gene to any cell of the body that does not produce
- Effects of therapy will not be passed to patient's children
b. Germline gt
- Transfer of gene to cells that reproduce
- Effects passed to children

○ Gene therapy techniques

a. Gene augmentation therapy
- Used if protein is absent/non-functional
• Cystic Fibrosis

b. Gene inhibition therapy

- Disease related cell = new gene is inserted to defective
gene/activity of gene.
• Cancer

c. Killing of specific cells

- Targets diseased cells
• Cancer cells
1. Insertion of suicide gene
2. Insertion of gene that produces protein that marks the
diseased cell

GSTS Page 51
diseased cell

➢ Challenges of gene therapy

a. Targeting the right cells
b. Avoiding the immune response
c. Making sure that the delivered gene does not disrupt the other gene
d. High cost of gt
e. Moral and ethical issues

GSTS Page 52

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