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e-Ticket 759876 / 2463753

Termeni si conditii
Atentie! E-ticket-ul reprezinta un bilet valid cu care se poate face
accesul la eveniment.
EXIT FESTIVAL 2022 Acesta nu este transmisibil sub nici o forma comerciala unei alte
Petrovaradin Fortress persoane si nu poate fi imprimata decat o singura data!
Pastrati e-ticket-ul intr-un loc sigur pentru a evita situatiile
Novi Sad neplacute de furt / pierdere / deteriorare!
Disclaimer: * Biletele sunt disponibile doar
cetatenilor romani. Acestia vor trebui sa faca
FESTIVAL TICKET dovada ca sunt cetateni romani la intrarea in
locatie prezentand pasaportul sau buletinul. Biletul
trebuie sa fie printat, altfel este considerat invalid.
* Pentru accesul in locatie biletul dvs. va fi
schimbat cu o bratara de acces. Informatii despre
acces vor fi comunicate in timp util pe
Bratara este valida doar pentru o singura persoana
si asigura doar o singura intrare in zona festivalului
286.00 RON pentru fiecare zi. Nu se vor returna bani pentru
bilete deja achizitionate. O bratara deteriorata este
considerata invalida.

Warning! The e-ticket is a valid ticket and it offers access to the

event for which it was bought!
It cannot be transferred to another person for any commercial use
and it can be printed only once!
Please keep the e-ticket in a safe, dry place in order to avoid
unforeseen situations of theft / loss / deterioration!
Disclaimer: * Tickets are available only for Romaian citizens
which will be proved upon arrival by presenting passport or
Serie 8796 Nr. 227 ID. The ticket has to be printed; tickets that have not been
printed are considered invalid * You will exchange this e-
EXIT ASSOCIATION ticket for a wristband which will enable your festival entrance.
More information about the exchange will be available in due

time Sea Star Festival official website. The wristband is valid
for one person, and enables the festival entrance on every
festival day. Money refunds for purchased tickets are not not
possible. Damaged wristband is not valid for use.

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