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WRITTEN RESPONSES (CREATED INDEPENDENTLY) Submit your responses to prompts 3a – 3d,

which are described below. Your response to all prompts combined must not exceed 750 words (program
code is not included in the word count). Collaboration is not allowed on the written responses. Instructions
for submitting your written responses are available on the AP Computer Science Principles Exam Page
on AP Central. Scoring Guidelines are available from AP Central.

College Board has provided a Video Walkthrough of Project Guidelines and Submission Instructions
● Exam overview: 1:55
● Project Expectations walkthrough 4:47
● Program Code requirements 6:38
● Video Requirements: 12:00
● Writen Responses: 14:12
● Part 3a: 15:12
● Part 3b: 16:12
● Part 3c: 18:40
● Part 3d: 20:10
● Plagarism Policy & submission guidelines: 22:20
● Scoring Guidelines: 29:16
● Submitting on AP Classroom: 38:36
3a. Video walkthrough 15:12 Provide a written response that:
(Approx. 150 words, for all subparts of 3a combined)
i. Describes the overall purpose of the program;

The purpose of my program is to create a scene with the moon that changes sizes with each click and
stars that change in color and size with each click.

ii. Describes what functionality the video illustrates; (You are not making a video for this project just
describe in detail what you would see when running it.)

When the program is first run you see a moon and stars, then when you click run again you see the
moon change sizes each time and the stars change in color, shape, size, and placement.

iii. Describes the output of the program shown in the video(You are not making a video for this
project just describe in detail what you would see when running it.)

The output of the video is running a scene and then once the scene is run again a different
scene is displayed
3a. Scoring Guidelines

3c. Video walkthrough 18:40 Capture and paste two program code segments you developed during the
administration of this task that contain a student-developed procedure which implements an algorithm
used in your program and a call to that procedure.
(Approx. 200 words, for all subparts of 3c combined, excluding program code)
** Important: Built-in or existing procedures and language structures, such as event handlers and main
methods, are not considered student developed.

i. This first program code segment must be a student-developed procedure that:

● Defines the procedure’s name and return type (if necessary)
● Contains and uses one or more parameters that have an effect on the functionality of the
procedure; and
● Implements an algorithm that includes sequencing, selection and iteration.

Place your function definition here

for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ds(randomNumber(20, 70));

ii. The second program code segment must show where the student-developed procedure is being
called in your program
Place code that calls to that function here
function ds(size) {
moveTo(randomNumber(0, 300), randomNumber(0, 200));
penRGB(randomNumber(0, 255), randomNumber(0, 255), randomNumber(0, 255));
penWidth(randomNumber(3, 5));

Then, provide a written response that does both of the following:

iii. Describes in general what the selected procedure does and how it contributes to the overall
functionality of the program
Tip: think about how your code would be different if you didn’t make the function.
The program aboved is the code i used to make the stars, and if i didnt add that then my project would
essentially be meaningless because there would be no purpose of just a moon on a background.

iv. Explains in detailed steps how the algorithm implemented in the selected procedure
accomplishes its task. Your explanation must be detailed enough for someone else to recreate it.
This is talking about the code identified in 3.c.i NOT 3.c.ii
Just explain what all the lines in your function do / accomplish.
The lines in my function work together in order to produce 20 stars in different colors and
sizes and refresh them when the scene is rerun.

3c. Scoring Guidelines

3d. Video Walkthrough 20:10 Provide a written response that does all three of the following:
(Approx. 200 words, for all subparts of 3d combined, excluding program code)

i. Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must
pass different arguments that cause a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute;
Clearly Identify AND describe 2 calls to the procedure with different parameters

If you call your function in a loop with different parameters that counts for both calls. Just describe how
the parameters change in the loop.
First call:
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ds(randomNumber(20, 70));

Second call:
function dm() {
moveTo(201, 81);
dot(randomNumber(20, 100));

ii. Describes how the parameters value changes what the function does..

How it affects the first call:

It affects the first call by adding 20 fish to the background

How it affects the second call:

It affects the second call by adding a moon to the backdrop of my scene

iii. Identifies the result of each call.

Result of the first call:

20 stars are made in different colors shapes and sizes on the background

Result of the second call:

A moon is put on the background

3d. Scoring Guidelines

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