3.3 How To Live To Be 100+

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1. Where are the Blue Zone areas of the world that Dan finds and visits?

(2 pts)

Loma Linda, ca

Costarica-nicoya peninsula



2. List the myths about aging that Dan describes. What is one
fact from each myth that is new to you? (3 pts)
“If I try really hard, I can live to be 100.”

“Treatments exist that can slow aging.” = our body has more
than 35 trillion cells and every 8 years to change and when they
do they make some damages and build up multiple.

3. What is the age for human capacity in general? What is it for

Americans? (2 pts)

Human capacity in general 90 years but for Americans only 78 years.

4. What does the term "ikigai" mean? How is it practiced in the

culture that uses it? (2 pts)
According to Japanese culture, Ikigai, which means to "A
Reason for being," is a Japanese idea. This offers a person a
sense of purpose and a cause to live.
5. What are the 4 main categories of "common denominators"
from the research that contribute to the longer lifespan for
people in these areas? (4 pts)
Move on.

Right outlook: downshift, purpose now.

Eat wisely: wine@5, plant slant, 80% rule.

Connect: loved ones first, belong, right tribe.

6. What are 2 of the habits you've learned from this research

that you can start to incorporate into your regular routine right
away? (2 pts)
Eat wisely which means for me don’t eat trash and fat food only healthy food
and connect to some power is really important for being in life to know your
purpose. Don’t try to make something o does something you think it will give
you more life time.

Adil Touzani

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