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Answer the following questions

1. What is clinical setting?

The clinical setting involves the direct medical treatment or testing of patients this is
mostly located or means in a hospital clinic or outpatient facility s

2. Relate your learning/practice teaching in this subject (PMSTHE) to clinical practice

(RLE) as midwifery student.

I prefer a learning method as a tradional method mix with visual learning because if you
see it in a visual way you can imagine it and the topic of pmsthe and clinical practice is most
need a actual teaching.

3. What are the sources of learner stress in the clinical setting?

The sources of learner’s stress in clinical settings are anxiety and using equipment and
having to worry more about you communicating with other or if you have a wrong procedure to .

4. How the learner stress be reduced?

To reduces stress is to be open to others specially about the lesson or you encounter
difficulties in some subjects and encourage also the student to speak freely to express their

5. Can this stress ever have a positive aspect? Explain.

Yes, because I also encounter this feeling of stress and it as a positive aspect for my self
and also other people they encounter this feelings.

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