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Progress test (gr and voc, 5 units)

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1 Choose the correct word or phrase to f ill each gap.

My Morning

Usually on a school day I only have (1) time to get ready. (2) my parents work so they are usually
moving as fast as me in the morning. I’ve got two brothers and (3) go to my school. We’ve only got one
bathroom so (4) one of us has to have a shower quickly. Fortunately, my brothers don’t take
(5) time which means I get (6) minutes extra. I usually have cereal with (7) milk and
sometimes (8) biscuits. Some days I do my homework while I am eating my breakfast, but (9) days I
do it the night before. My dad drives us to school. T here isn’t (10) space in his car so my brothers and I are
always glad when we arrive at school and get out!

1 A few B a few C a little

2 A Each B Both of C Most of
3 A both B each C every
4 A most B some C each
5 A most B many C much
6 A a number B a few C a little
7 A amount of B a little C lots
8 A a few B a piece of C most of
9 A the most B most C most of
10 A much B many C lot of

Score: / 10

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous.

1 I (drop) my mobile while I (cross) the road and a car drove over it!
2 While we (study) history yesterday, I (read) that most Roman houses were made
of wood.
3 Last week we (buy) some new furniture. When they brought it to the flat we
(realise) it was too big to go through the door!
4 Steve (have) his lunch when the doorbell (ring).
5 It’s very annoying. I (play) my new DVD and then it suddenly (stop).

Score: / 10
3 Choose the correct word or phrase to f ill each gap.

1 When we arrived in Zurich we needed information about hotels.

A many B an C some

2 T here were lots in our hotel.

A tourists B of tourists C of tourist

3 I’ve never drunk so water before as I did walking around Pompeii!

A many B amount of C much

4 T he coffee from the hotel coffee machine very bad!

A was B were C tasting

5 T here were tourists in Munich than Jan had imagined.

A some B fewer C much

6 It took us time to find a great place to eat.

A a number B many C little

7 people were trying to catch the same train as us.

A A lot B Lots of C Much

8 We had when we tried to enter the museum. It was closed.

A some bad news B few bad news C a bad news

9 I think my favourite in Barcelona was a paella with chicken.

A meals B meal C foods

10 When I saw that there any furniture in the room, I called the reception.

A weren’t B wasn’t C aren’t

Score: / 10

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous.

1 Because my last class (finish) at 6 pm, it’s always difficult to get to hockey practice at 6:30.
2 I have to practise my dance steps because I (enter) a dance competition on Friday.
3 What time your favourite series (start)?
4 I’m running for my bus because it always (arrive) on time.
5 Alison is a bit nervous because she (see) the dentist tomorrow.
6 I (meet) my friend Paul for lunch at 2 pm. Would you like to join us?
7 T his summer we (stay) in our own city because it’s cheaper.
8 T he film (not / begin) until 7:30 pm so let’s buy some popcorn!
9 Hurry up, Zara. T he post office (close) at 5 o’clock and we need to post these letters.
10 I (have) my third driving lesson tomorrow morning because I’m busy in the afternoon.

Score: / 10
5 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 My dad doesn’t let /allow me eat my dinner in front of the television.

2 I think you should /ought to cheer up. Being sad all day won’t help.
3 My mum says I allowed /can go to the concert if I help my grandfather at the weekend.
4 Kate’s mum believes that all mobile phones should /must to be switched off during meals.
5 I could /must remember to take my medicine three times a day. It’s very important!
6 Our teacher allows /lets us to use our mobiles to look up words in English.
7 Jessica broke her leg. She won’t be able /can’t to walk for three months.
8 It gets me down sometimes when I can’t /won’t be able do something that I am trying to do.
9 At our school you need not /don’t have to wear a uniform. It’s not necessary.
10 I remember when I was little I am able to /could hide under my bed. Now I’m too big!

Score: / 10


6 Complete the dialogue with the correct f orm of the words in brackets.

Sam: Look, Emily! T he local cinema is looking for new staff. T hey are looking for people with a positive
(1) (person) and someone who is very (2) (rely) .
Emily: T hat isn’t good for me. I suffer from (3) (shy) and I’m not very (4) (depend) at all! I
am looking for something more artistic – you know, a job with a bit more (5) (create) . My perfect
job would be designing the graphics for video games. Just out of (6) (curious) , how much are they
Sam: T he advert doesn’t say.
Emily: It’s probably not much. Working in a cinema doesn’t pay very (7) (generous) .
Sam: So much (8) (negative) ! I think it could be a great experience. I’m going to apply.

Score: /8

7 Complete the sentences with the correct word f rom the box. You may use each word more than once.

down in out up

1 Max wants to do his room and paint it in the colours of his football team.
2 I’m very excited about our new house! We’re moving next week.
3 T he local council have started pulling old flats to build new ones.
4 When I was in London, my friend Colin put me for a couple of days.
5 My aunt is renting her second flat to tourists during the summer.
6 When Ian changed schools, it was a long time before he settled and made new friends.
7 Before visitors come over, we all have to tidy the house.

Score: /7
8 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the words in brackets.

1 Julie’s room was so (tidy) that she was unable to see the floor.
2 It is (legal) to get on a train without a ticket.
3 What’s the problem Mr Jones? Are you (happy) with your room?
4 I don’t like waiting for buses. I’m too (patient). I usually start walking before the bus arrives.
5 I think that camping is (popular) with adults because they prefer to sleep in a bed.
6 I tried to buy a ticket in France, but the man at the ticket office was very (helpful).
7 Jerry was sad because he was (able) to go to his favourite festival.
8 I am (certain) when we will arrive because our train is delayed.

Score: /8

9 Complete the sentences with the correct word f rom the box. You may use each word more than once.

in off out together up

1 Nuria is working at the gym to get stronger.

2 Sonia and Liz enjoy getting every Friday to talk about their week.
3 Chris didn’t stay late watching T V because he was going skiing the next day.
4 Alex loves going every Monday to meet her friends at the drama club.
5 T omorrow is Saturday, so I’m going to sleep until 10 o’clock!
6 What was the last new hobby that you took ? Did you like it?
7 We are calling our skiing trip because there isn’t enough snow.

Score: /7

10 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of have, take, make or do.

1 I can’t believe I have so many mistakes on this exam!

2 My little brother is not very well so I am going to care of him.
3 It’s not nice to fun of people. You wouldn’t like it if they did it to you.
4 Julie has been her homework for three hours.
5 Sarah is in the bathroom. She might still be her hair. It usually takes a long time.
6 T he first thing I do when I wake up is my bed.
7 I think I am going to lie down – I a terrible headache.

Score: /7

11 Choose the correct word to f ill each gap.

Helping Gran

My grandma has lived on her own for years, but now she is very old and needs someone to look (1) her. We
visit her at weekends and I always (2) forward to our time together. I think we have created a great
(3) . I enjoy listening to her stories about when my mother was a child. I help her with the computer and
together we look (4) information about her friends and the area where she lived. I like looking
(5) her past like a detective and discovering her old friends online.

My gran is a very (6) person so she’s always making things like scarves or birthday cards. We are making a
scrapbook together at the moment for my mum’s 50th birthday. Every week we make a new page. It started as an idea
for a present, but now it has (7) into my favourite hobby. I am excited to see my mum’s reaction when she
turns (8) the last page and discovers that I made it with her mother. My gran has got a television but only
turns it (9) to watch tennis. Sometimes she falls asleep in the middle of the matches and I have to
(10) the T V off before I leave.

1 A for B after C down D over

2 A look B see C get D come
3 A curiosity B generosity C friendship D popularity
4 A after B up C down D before
5 A into B down C for D to
6 A shy B dependable C polite D creative
7 A become B made C turned D come
8 A in B over C for D on
9 A off B in C down D on
10 A close B turn C shut D pull

Score: / 10
12 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the f irst sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. You must use between two and f ive words, including the word given.
1 Although she wasn’t a great swimmer, Sasha went sailing with her parents.
In a great swimmer, Sasha went sailing with SPITE
her parents.
2 Despite the warm weather, she wore a jumper and a jacket.
Although , she wore a jumper and a jacket. WAS
3 She had no experience, but her dad showed her what to do.
Her dad showed her what to do no experience. EVEN

4 She wasn’t strong, but she still managed to turn the wheel.
Despite , she still managed to turn the wheel. NOT

5 It was difficult at times, but she still enjoyed herself.

She enjoyed herself that it was difficult at times. FACT
6 Later, it started to rain, but they kept on sailing.
T hey kept on sailing to rain. DESPITE

7 In spite of not liking fish, Sasha decided to catch one.

Although Sasha fish, she decided to catch one. LIKE

8 Despite not having any experience, she caught five fish!

She caught five fish, have any experience. THOUGH
9 She was enjoying herself, but stopped as she was hungry.
She stopped as she was hungry, that she was IN
enjoying herself.

10 Although she caught a lot of fish, she refused to eat them.

In a lot of fish, she refused to eat them. CATCHING

Score: / 10

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