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Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles (Level-6) Coursework Marking Criteria

Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles is assessed by an Unseen Exam worth 80%, and a piece of
coursework (i.e. a modelling, computation exercise, and report) worth 20%. The assessment below applies
to the coursework component.

Mark range Description

85 - 100 Marks in this range will be awarded for outstanding work that exhibits all the attributes
of excellent work and also has substantial elements of originality and flair. The work
will have been executed following a plan which is clearly articulated against the aims
and objectives. The final achievement will be of an outstanding standard, with
objectives achieved and indicative of either a high level of independence. The report
will be superbly organised, structured and presented, giving a masterly account of the
work and an evaluation of the achievement of objectives. It will be written in exemplary
English, with correct use of references and a comprehensive set of supporting sources
of information.
70 - 84 Marks in this range will be awarded for excellent work that also, at the higher end of
the scale, shows originality and flair. The work will have been executed following a plan
which is clearly articulated against the aims and objectives. The final achievement will
be of an excellent standard with objectives substantially achieved and indicative of
independence. The report will be well organised, structured and presented, giving a
comprehensive account of the work and an evaluation of the achievement of
objectives. It will be written in clear and appropriate English, with correct use of
references and an appropriate set of supporting sources of information.
60 - 69 A clear plan will have been followed in accordance with the work aims and objectives.
The final achievement will be of a good to very good standard, with good progress
towards the achievement of objectives. The report will be well organised, structured
and presented, giving a comprehensive account of the work and an evaluation of the
progress towards the achievement of objectives. It will be written in clear and
appropriate English, with correct use of references and an appropriate set of
supporting sources of information.
50 - 59 A clear plan will have been produced and the final work achievement will be of a
satisfactory standard, with some progress towards the achievement of objectives. The
report will be reasonably well organised, structured and presented, giving an account
of the work and an evaluation of the progress towards the achievement of objectives. It
will be written in understandable English and show an appreciation of the correct use
of references and some supporting sources of information.
40 - 49 A plan will have been produced and the final work achievement will be of an
acceptable standard, with some progress towards the achievement of objectives. The
report will be acceptably organised, structured and presented, giving an account of the
work and progress towards the achievement of objectives. It will be written in
understandable English and show an appreciation of the correct use of references.
There will be some evidence of research.
30 - 39 Contains work of some merit that addresses the work requirements with some degree
of conviction, but falls short in key respects of achievement of the objectives and/or a
satisfactory account in terms of content or presentation.
15 - 29 May have some correct and relevant material, but has major flaws and/or omissions
that make it quite unreliable. Some signs of appreciation of the work requirements.
0 - 14 Very little of relevance, none of the work requirements addressed in a serious manner.

Professor Peter Fussey, Module Convenor


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