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Readability refers to the simplicity of reading and understanding the information

being conveyed. Therefore the information should be clear and concise to avoid
any misconception of the ideas. Readability is a key figure in enhancing writing
and hence improves confidence, reduces the number of errors in an essay, and
makes the writing more easily understandable without the reader or the audience
it was intended for straining.
Readability formulas usually look at factors like sentence length, syllable
density, and word familiarity as part of their calculations. Rudolf Flesch is one of
the better-known experts known for the readability formula calleyyiknknd Flesch
-Kincaid grade level. His formula uses the number of syllables per 100 words and
the average number of words per sentence. We trace the origin of readability
formulas during the late 19th century in the United States.
The importance of Readability is completely undeniable as it has various
importance in writing. Foremost it increases the flow of the story. This helps the
writer to understand that he/she should be direct to the important points without
complicating issues. The flow of the story also helps the reader to analyze
different character traits, make predictions and even highlight key points that
might be needed for reference.
Not only does Readability increase the flow of the story but also
emphasizes the use of clear and simple language structure. This makes the
writer's essay easily understood by various age groups including the young,
people with different education levels, as good writing should be easily
acceptable by all without any group feeling excluded. The use of simple words
also minimizes the chances of reference from other sources as the words might
be wrongly interpreted hence losing the meaning and leaving the reader
Aiming for high readability improves the likelihood that the reader will
clearly understand your thoughts and ideas. High readability lessens
misunderstanding and lets the reader easily process the information that is
conveyed without spending a lot of energy. In business, particularly in marketing,
readability is very important, because it can affect how engaged readers are with
your content. For example, if a product is filled with complex details that the
reader cannot understand quickly, they might lose interest and decide to not
make a purchase hence chances of loss to the organization.
Readability can also be improved by shortening sentences because short
sentences are easy to digest. Searchers are goal-oriented and want to find the
answer to their questions as effectively as possible. If sentences are long and
rambling they are more easily likely to exit and look elsewhere. On the other
hand, concise sentences aid mental filter by being straightforward in your
content; this will make the reader more satisfied and will spend more time on
your writing.
In conclusion, the higher the level of readability the easier an essay is to
read and understand, which makes the reader feel like reading your work is
effortless, other than work. Readability also boosts creativity and other styles that
attribute to writing including the use of metaphor.

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