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The OSAA Media pass is issued to persons requiring special access to cover OSAA member schools’ activities
and regularly generate original content (text, photography, audio, video) published by websites, radio and
television stations and member schools in a timely basis.
The decision to issue or revoke a media pass is at the sole and absolute discretion of the OSAA.
A. Considerations for issuing the OSAA Media Pass.
1) Established coverage
2) Need for immediate news coverage
3) Demonstrated a record of consistent and sustained coverage of Oregon high school sports
4) Covers high school activities at least weekly in all three sports seasons (fall, winter, spring)
5) Regularly posts coverage to an established website besides social media accounts
6) Needs to be on site and have special access – press box, press room, press row, football sideline,
basketball end line – to generate content for the purpose of news gathering, reporting or
7) Provides media services for an OSAA member school and requested by the school’s athletic director
B. The following will not be issued an OSAA Media Pass.
1) Personal social media accounts or personal page Internet site publishers not associated with a media
2) Freelancers or stringers for whom a pass was not requested by an outlet’s editor or director
3) Internet sites that solely list professional and college rank and recruiting prospect profiles
4) Commercial photography businesses, unless generating content regularly published by news media
outlets and/or OSAA member schools
5) Companies that predominantly are skills / player development, individual client promotion and
recruiting based
6) Those hired / assigned to specifically cover elite high school athletes, who, athlete themselves,
relatives, or associates, are paying a fee for services
7) Scouts and coaches
C. Grounds for Revocation.
1) The OSAA reserves the right to revoke an OSAA Media Pass from a media representative it deems to
be engaging in unprofessional or inappropriate behavior.
2) A media outlet granted the opportunity by an OSAA to request passes for its staff members,
freelancers or stringers must assure all said individuals are lawful to work in the state of Oregon and
in the proximity of schools and students. Failure to make this assurance will result in the immediate
revocation of the outlet’s media passes.
D. Media Access.
1) The OSAA operates under a closed locker room / dressing area policy at all events in the regular
season and postseason. At no time will media representatives be granted this access. Administrators
at schools hosting regular season and OSAA playoff events determine access policy. Access at OSAA
championships final sites and semifinal sites in football is determined by OSAA staff.
2) Media representatives are not permitted to contact contest officials at any time during or after an
OSAA event. This includes locker room / dressing area, area of competition and any area the official
must pass.

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