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A reply to the questions: Is God really good?
Did God create hell?


Dr. Alexandre Kalomiros
I,""" _UT ... ,. ..ukmas,
"....., ... dot "'-r,
UI I"'" .",.. UI My thotm pettpk,
U. pettpk ...... IjomttJ for Myxif
1M u., ..light dtotl ..,., My ""'

(1uMh #J

A re!� ID 0" If""l loll5: "God really good?
Did God ",.1, h,ll?
Dr AleXillldre Kalomiro5

Covrr liIustr.lllion:
1Vn.! EM fI/u. 161! ",,1Iory Mt1tW#ry c{V.-...u, R_ ...



.",., Rivet 01 fitt· ..... IN key.- IIdcl.- ddi..,red .t 1M

Orthodooc Youth c:o.u-noe tpOnIIOm;I by IIw perish of SL Necwb
AmIrican Orthodoo< Ow.... .1 SNItIt.. w� d"rin& July 22-25,

Tho _ ddlw-Nd in Enpsh uod ...... ftUiwd.. 1M MofI

••"d Al<hbllllop 0I�. Vitoly, ...� }Q ..trni..tion noc
""'" ...Iwn ... MId thai ·ftkIom ..... _ IUd oud\ _ whkh bmolho
forth the &.fi. .... both oIlrue knowledp uod 01 pn...w ... ..... .
by Aleundre KalomiTO!l bul _ mole ...Iwn he pe.-..Dy onkftd the -.14
... to bo l....uled
and prinwd in � and f.mcll edltionI..
All righu res«vt<i. Dr KUomI_ hN blat known UId .� in Ihe En&!ish'
IfINItinSOrlho6ox world ...... the publi<»1K>r\ of Api ..1 FalK 1)1lio.ll'

IraNIMed InIO EnsJIth from the Crftk by Georp c.brieI....t publdlled

by Holy Tnmofil""liorI Mon.stay, Thi. book. wtUch hat sone ink>.
fourth printlna. publlthed by 0\1' poriAh, .... bHn ..trnUm for ito datil)'
in dmooNI"lIn& 0I1h0d00; -1aioIosY and � and refulins !he
fIand.""",, � Iop!riho.t motl...1loti '01. the Ecurnonl<al "..,.l .,...,.., 1M
1m!*, of Ihlt book .-1_ ....,.,Id bftn �sIt 10 pin Dr. KIoIorniJom •
ST, NECTARIOS !'RESS '"f'e<1ed pl.... in the ..rue. of I.... and dediaoled thecl�
10300 ASIIWORTlI AVENUE NORTII How_., 1111 FlpM of 'IlI1... Celestl.I', wlticll not only vrpoo.lI,dtd
SEATrLE, WASlm�GTON 98133·9410 the IhtoJosiaoI found.ilon.of IN 01..""'" ilR 01 Jconost-phy, bul
1·800-643-4233; 1·2()6.. 522-4471 ",,,pled • devo!Ior\.J ...ndoen!andil\li ...hlclt ;mpin�1 on Myttery,
Fax: 1·2()6..523-O550 verified 10 the El\aliJh"puklrll world thai N ..... . man ...ho I\ad
WWW,51n«lIrioSDrt5HOm I�td U�L.N ocadank thecIosY and p� thI! U"1nc.
...pnimtlal thtcoIoc 0I11w Holy fau.n..
Tho fomtd ....1"". 01 Byuntlne Ic"""snphy in c-. the Mute.
Icct'IoSnphH Foe;. Kontoa,lOu. tIuouslt pI' oorresporod..-.. with
Dr KaIomlros ...hIlt he wu ytI • mtdiclll JtUdml in SwiturlAnd,
...ndentood hII caIlIwe. and orn<oU.apd !lim in his p&lrisOc studies.

'A ____ "., ' ' '"''' ....... ,; ..... _p'__ InMI
1oJ"' __ ...... �� ..._ Io. N·i1 ..
IiC �r_
_ _ " I. "pc.1oIw _ -.-. .... . . 1. "' ... � ••
iI10... -,.-(pp.� r...�_, VcoL I f'). A-.n "'"
� AnIIabIo ""'" St. _J>N&
In the Name of the FlI�. and of the Son, and of !he Holy
KontOSIou WIOle ." intro,h.ctIon 10 n., firs! C_k edition of AII";ut
The� .. no doubc Wt we are li..inll in the lI8e or apostay
FaIN U..lolI, pu� in 19W, In which heo� hi' o.dmifltion for
pt"edicled for the Lut dayl. In Pfaclice, fI06l people are,
the authot and d-nbft him., • ,,.. Orthc>doo 1heoJos ..... ""*<I. Dr
ahboll&,h many oflhenl theoretically SliIl believe.lndiffemu and
Kaloml... fftf\LIIOIb ..... oIlNt oIIwt phyJinan who rurrwd hit tWId 10
the spirit 0( litis world pmoail everywhere. Whit it the reascoa for
1NoIosY, EuM••o.. A....III, In the ...-mtemlh and
this Ita"'?
<entu_ who WM • IumiIlOUt tuidle....d apoiopt for ltc �
The reason it the cool"" of love. Lovt for God no Il"JO£e bums
0\'th0d0ll of tMte bma Hit wnring!: _ � and pn ..1ecI
in human hearts, and in oonsequence,lovebelweea US isdead. 100.
by the Ecummlc.oll'_""..:hIote and Ihe PalriaoclLote 01 Aleundria. B"
W1w is the atu5e of Ihil ...nIna of men's love for God? The
WMohm called upon by thftn 10 publldy� IIwOrthoo;loo. Faith.
·cr, tfttImly. .. Jill. Sin it the duk eloud which does not
Apparently, . prophet if; no)! without ""'- aoepc in IUs own
" pmllli God'i light 10 n:aeh our eyes.
rounl,.,.: lor '" apllIt! 01 the _i,'.w:t.1i on by KonIoKlou ...d Iho ....... But lID llwa)'l did "lSI So how did "C arnvc aI the poilll of
01 Dr ]{abniIW' other wntlnp. the -..-. of fire" hid Md .... Creft not $;"1'IY icnorina God, but of aaualy haling Him? Man's
i!di_ w..._, .lIhouato II exiSied '" ootvon! foto4n �SQ aUilude: toward God loWly ill not rull)' i�, ..r really
"'vin& Mc-n. M we, orisuWly "'n_'" £n&Ii<h. Fi.-.lly, in 1m. Indifftrence. If you rumine men carefully you will notice tIw
Cfftk ,.....tion by �... !lobi. wu pubf;,toed by Zaphy... lheir i,roorance or indifTtmIU ill !.Ilnted by • deep hatt BUI.
pubf.... in � It _ that ltc InltW pubflootion of thi5 "'II<. nobody hales an)'uuna tIw does IlOl exist
'Lone wilh theother add_ of OUr 1980 OrIhod"" Youth c:oru..� I hIove the 5U$picion lhat men lCiday bdieve in God mo� than
puhliah«l orilli...lIy by our ....ritoh. "'" found il. way not only into Ihe at any other time in hlllTlln hlslOI)'. MCI knowthe ,ospel, the
� of mlny 01 tIw t.ithful on Ihlt o;onll....t,
even in f.....w.y
. bul teachlna oflhe Cburdl, Ind God', nOliOll oolellhan It any other
mmI'''' of Ihe WQrid JUII _dy, tIw p.-..t ","pet by Or. KalomiI"Oll time 1bey hIo..e I profound cconsciousness of His uistence. Their
appeared In a �rbIan tfiMlalion, publistoed, 'p","m>IIy, by 1M atheitm II not • rul disbelief. It is ralK! an ...ersion loward
TheoIoIl;o;al A�.my 0/ lIIol,rado somebody we know very well but wllom we hale wilh all our
The "1Iiver of FI....• I, no)! only .n alUi])"i, 01 Qrthod"" toteriology, hell1, euell)' as !he dcmoll!l 110.
01 the wo.idnp of Cod', dl�tion and OUr Redemption. We hate God, lhal is why we ipre Hm, overlootin.g Him as
demonst.atln& that Qnhod"" t'-'osY hal • unique und .... "'ndi nS if we did not fee llim, and pretending 10 be llheisu. In reality we
.. tho .....,Jation 01 Cod II tpNib � ""'"' to .... , dri--. tou.t coll!lide:r IIlm o ur enemy par exccliera. Our negation ill au r
IOrmmlc!d by triaLa. wh o .... in ""'peration: �Iow <an Cod Who is ,00<1 venatanc:e. our .tbeilOl it our �cnge.
permit..rn "viII How can U. <'Of\d.emn .... "'...... Ihew tcmptotioN and But why do men hale God? They halt: Him not only because
trialilUrpMI by IIrm,th to resiK? If II" if; .....
riful.nd I......... how can their deeds an dark while God is lig>I. but abo because they
Herondemn l1"li10 ilUdllU� he ... and in tho lile IOcomel Wl"4idcr Him III. tnena«, as an invninm and ncmal danger. III
an advenary in COlIn. as aD oppollem aI II",. IS I public pro:KW­
The �, pubfiotion io au. coHMn, 10 u.... many wounded
tor and an etemal pe-n«Utor. T.. tbem, God ill no more the, t"'- known 10 UI and tt.... unlo:nown. who can only 6nd a1mipy ph)'liclall who came 10 _Ibcn! from illness and death.
CONiOIootion to.. I.... -.uw. '" tho ....... "'!he lovin, Felton
but IMber e aucl JudlC and ...engeful inquisilor.
COJl7ri&kt 1-. 20112 St. NKl.o
..... '- You _, the devil managed to mike 111m believe tIw God does
not rull), love us. tIw He really ooIy loves Himself. and that He

aceepu us only i( we behI� IS He WlIU us 10 behlve; thai He puni� (rom God God considcred all men JUilly o( Adam'1
lwei III if we do nCII behlve IS He onIered III 10 bdIa'"e. and is lin and pwmhcd them by deaIb, that is by MtillS them.....y. from
offended by our inlubordilWion 10 aucb • degree that we ttalSI pay HimseI(; dcpnyina them of Hillifc-Jiving eoergy, aDd so killin&
for il by elemal tortures. uemd by Him for that JIWPOIl'. them Jpiritually at fil1l and later bodily, by IIOInC $Oft of spUnal
Who can love. torturer? Even those who If)' hard 10 saye ltlrIation. AUJUSliDc interprus the passage in Genesis IS. 'Ifyou
tJx:mseIYC$ from the wrath of God cannCII really 10ve Him. They eat of the foull of this tree, you will d� the dalh.·'
love only themlelus. uyinc 10 eICIpC GOd's � aDd 10 Some Protottnll oonslder death oot IS a punishment but IS
IIdtieve �emal bhu by rnaNlillJ 10 please Ihi$ feanomc aDd .omethi", nKUnJ. 8uI is IlOl God the eteaIor oC all natural thinp1
utremdy qnous Cn:uor So in botb t:aICI. God - for them - 15 the real cmse of dea!h.
Do you perceive the devinllander of our aU-Iovins. all-kind. And this is true oot only (01' the dWh oflhe body. b is �ty
and abtoIwely JOOd God'! 'IbM is wily in Grcck the devil ....., true (or the death oCthe $0111. Do nCII Western lheoklJians consider
livm the name &Mo�. "the alllIIkr�.· hell. the ecemalJpiriruai death ofllWl. IS a punWunmt (rom God?
And do they IlOl eonsider the dnil II I minWer of God fOl' the
z. elcmal punisbrnetII of IIIeI1 In hell?
The "God' of the W� is an offended and aogry God. full of
8m ....hIt was the imtl1lfllelll of the devirl II-smng o( God'? wrath (01' the diJobedlmee of mtn, Who desires in His desuuctiVi:
What means d id he use in oNcr to COIIyilEC humanity . in order to pa»ion 10 ,orment all hurnJ,nlly I11III0 Clcrnity for their lilll. unless
pervert humaI'I thoua,M? Hc =eiv� an infinite salisfaaion for HIS offended pride.
Hc UIed "theolop.· He fin! inIl'Oduced a llip a1tention in What is tlx Weslern dosma orsa]yation? Did nCII God till God
theoIosY Whlch, once II WN KCqlIcU. he manaaed 10 inc:.eue in onkr 10 misty HIS pride, which !he Westerners eupbemlStjg,lIy
mou and molC 10 the dq:rcc thai. Christianity became compl�cly call jllSliee? And is il IlOl by this infinite Jll.LSfaaio n thai He deigns
unm:oJIliubk:. This il what 'file call 'Walern theology.' 10 accqII the salvation of 50rrIe of us?
Did you cvcr Iry 10 pinpoint what is the princ:ipa! char.tncristic What II salvalion (or Western theoiOIY? Is it DDI sal...ion from
of Weatcrn theoloJY'1 Well, iu principal chuactni$lic is lhal it the wrath o( God�
COIl!;idcn God .. the real cause of all evil. Do you K'e, then, ,lui Western theoloB)' teaclx:l that our real
What is evil? Is it IlOl the estnn&cmeN (rom God Who is Lifc1' dangcr and our 11111 enemy Is our Crealor and God? Salvation. for
Is 11Il0l dealh? What '*' Western theology 1C8Ch IIbout de:uh1 All Wellcmcn, il to be saved from the hands of God!
Rocnan Catholia and most ProU::SWlll OOIIIidcr deuh IS • How can one � Iw:h • God? How � wc hayC failb ill
IOn'ICOI'Ie we dete:5l'1 Flilh in ita deeper essence is • product of
love. therefore:, it would be our desire that one: who threatcnIus

2. tU.�:I·'. .MiIoIul"·_ ' '........ _a; 'If

,.. .. ... .. .... 01 ... .... 1_ .... ,... -
1. �n.. ,Olio; ..,...,.;/'ice t!',; _ ..... ".,
_. �I' ...
"'-1J_ ItdoIIoe __ ......._...... __.. �
". _ .. lie tIoo-.d _ .... , ". ...wy III oil , � ... GooL "
�:..-.. "-"" 191001Eo: .,.....,.. 0 w.... E'pU....
(_ 0-.), _ nt, U Ap:iI 1910

1 ]
IIIX even niSI, especially when this threal is eternal, interpretation of God', jllSlice, was oothill8 else than !he project.ion
Even if thI:re e,ds!s I IIlWlI of c:supin& !he eternal wnth of or human P'Sllons on 11leoI0IY' It wu • rerum to !he pagan
this omrupDIcnt buI wicked Being (Ihe death of HIs Son ill our J!IIlUSS of humanLlLlII god and deifyill3 man. Men are vexed and
Jl.e.I). iI WQUld be much bener if this Ikin& did 001 e�L5I. This anaerm when noc taken senously and consider it I humilwion
was the LI'IOtI lo&icII "",Iullon of !he mind and o f Jhco hun of !he ..llich only vencrancc rtmove:. whrlhrr it is by «iIm or by
WcstCTllpeopl�, 'becIuKrvtIl ctemal Paradisewouklbc: ab/Jol!U. duel This wu !he worklly. puslorwe aluceplion of jusuce
WIth IIICh • tl\lC:l God. Thu.I wu Ithe:isrn born, and !his is why !he pIn'tlLII, in the minds of, so-aJled "Chri$tian" �iuy.
Wcst wu iu billhplaee Atheism was II!LbJov.Tl ill Eastern We5IemCluUlianl though(.oo.n God'sjustiee ill the wnc_y
Clmsd.llIly Unlit WQlcm LheoIosy was inlrodul;ed Iherr, too. also; God, the infinite Iktlll' ..;., infuuldy Insulred. by Adam',
A!he1S/'ll is the consequm;:e of WQlCTll 1hec:Nogy.' Atbrivn IS !he dLsobedJnU. He decided that the guilt or Atbm', disobedience
dmIlLl, !he t'Il'ption of UI evil God. Men bc:came albeists LD order duc'ILded equally to all HIS childrm. and ttw all were 10 be
10 be: saved from God, hidLntI !he,r head and closwa their eyes like Knlmecd to 0eIlh for Adam', SIn, ...hich !hey did not convrut
UI (JI(lich A!heI$lTL, my brothen, is !he LYplion or !he Roman God"JLISILU for WQlcrnen operaIed like I vmdetll. Not only the
CalhoIiL: and ProtC$llnl God A!heilm is not our real enemy. The man who iRSulted you. but liso all his family must die. And wlvLt
.eat many IS thai f.lsifled IIId distorted "ClLriilimity," _ IrI,ic for men. 10 the poLJII ofhopelessness th:a! no RIm,

not e\lcn all humlnLl),. (ould appease: God'i IRStdled dignity, ev m

3. if all men In hwory wert 10 be: SlL:rifoced God', dignily could be:
saved only if He ((JUld pUI'L1sl'1 someone of the $III'le di8rury as lie,
WCllcmcrs speak frequently of the Good God."J Western
" So In order 10 savc both God', dlJlliIY and manIond. there wu no
Europe and Amuio:a, howe\lCI. were never «>nvi� thai such. other iOlUlion than t� incarnaLion or Hil Son. so that I man of
Good God uisced On the tonIrary, lhey we.e eallill8 God good ,ooly dillnLly o;ould be 5aCnrK:ed 10 save God'i honour
in the wly Gr�kI c.alled the curse and malediaion of smallpolL,
evloaia (.�Mv<"). thai i,. 1 bleuing, I benediction. in order 10 4.
exorcise il and th.'ITIll it Iway. For lhe ume rCiSOn, the Blad: Se.I
Will tailed lhe Evh� Il,,� - the hospitable 5eI - although ThLS pagamllic: tono::eption of God's juslice which demands
it was, in fact, • dreadful and treacherous su, Deep Lnside the infinile sacrifices in order to be appeased clearly mak� God our
Western IOUI. God Will fell 10 be the wicked lllliJe, Who never leal enemy and Lhc QIISC of all our misfonunes. MoreoVCT, iI is I
forlO' rvtIl!he ,mallest ofe
f nse done 10 Him in our tntlS,rc:ssions justice ....hich ill noc It all Just SInce il punishes and demandl
of Hit laws. Satisfaction ftOll! pel'lDllS which ....
ere not It all TC$pOnsihle for !he
This juridical a:mctplion of God, thIS �Ietety dislorted lin of t.hcLr forefathers.· In other _rds. what WCJ{erroers call

.. "T...ty ..... ....r-,

.. .... t.d.... 011 .... '. '.. """ ..-I.�. .. "DolL .... .,., ..mty ..... ,.,.. 1M by ........, .. Lbo <110_
.." ..... ... God. ,,� """' ... \osI ;. ... __ • � ..". ..,.. 11M '_ M_g 5 ' .. ....... .. -. .... _ ..... ... _
OR it __ 111 m... I ...... LIocif _ .. _ 111 .... .... ...,. __ _ ... ..... ... .. � WIooI ..... ..... ' .. .., .. do .... .., How
_ � _ LIoe poe!. ... ...... ....." 11M Ik aisa .. 011, nile ... . � .... .. ..... _ ... t> .. .... 'I>CfO ' d ... _-. .... �
_ ....... Hiooo . .... toe-c ....... IIbt it it< . ... _ III ...... it< • < .....,. God.,.,. "n& ..... ...... ... 1Ic ""' .. ..... ... .... -.. MII k_ .....
... ..,001; . .... ... ..... ..... it . ...... lllGod." Sl 8I$iI_ GmLI. EJIE. ... "" pool "' ..... ... _1Wotn; ha,_ ..... .. . las .... ... ., to...t.

....... 7, to. HI.�SlnI)". .... ... _ ...._ .... _ .... ____ .......
S. • "- ...... *.. . ....... .....,.. __ ..- ..... "'God. ( .... )

• ,
justa c:JU&hI: rather 10 be: talled resen&merIt and v� of the misunderstandtnp.
worst kind. E� Christ's love IUd nttiflCC lola iu Jipflalll:e -1'" (dil:oo:J mrJ brings to nund an
Fim of all. tilt word &....
and Joste in IhIs sdliwid notion of. God who kills G od in �r fqIW disnibution, This is why it is � b y ,�mee. The
10 Ulisfy the so-c.aI)ed juJlx:e 01 God &ood � rewarded and w bid � punished by burnm society in
Does this conr.epIKIII of jusl:klt luve anythi08 10 do with the • fair way. This is human jllS!iu. W I)Ile which tales place: in
ju$lice tIw God re\leaIed 10 111> 1 Does the "juJliI;:c of God" �.
luve this lDW'Iing in the Old and New TCSllUl1elU1 Is this Ihe mu.nm& of God'J ju$ti�, ho...evCf?
�rhap$ the bc:giMing of the miMakm inlerprelalion of the word The word &,_w., "jU$lice: is • transluion of the lIebnri<;
jusfitt in the Holy Scriptura wu ii, translation by the Greek word word rstdoU.' This word mt.ns "Ihe divine energy wllich
,!ua......v.".' NOI that it is I mistakm translation, but be<:ause this acoomplishes nun', salvation.' II is paullel and almost synony·
wor\l, beina I W(lrd of the �glll, hwnlnislle. Greek eiviliutioo, Il'I(lU$ to Lhe OIher Hebraic word, haM ...hich LTlClIns "men:y:
wu charged wim human notioos whi<;h eould easily Iud to "COI1lplUion,· ·Iove.· and to the word, mlirh whi<;h LTlClIIlI
"fidelity." "truth: This. u you tee, lives a completcly OIhrr
dimmsion to WhaL we II$tWly roncClVC u jllS!icc' This is how Ihe
'" (",.. d)
OJurch undastood God'I jllS!icc Thil is 1iIhat Ihe FIlhcn of the
.... �__ o(....,.., .. .... woy r.. A___ r...-...-
Md lilt ..:Ibis life In ........ "' .......... MI)'. ... ...10010 _ .... Church tauJht of iI. "How an yOli call God jtw," writes SaiTI

_ Dr """IloI "" . ....... .-. ..:I .. IoooI)r .... � Md _ .;n yOli IUd the � on Ihe ...... liven
1uac Ihe Syrian, ",.

�=,:,_� __ -.
.... .....,. �I pkaft .... .......,. iii< ___ or :

_, ". ....
,,,,,,,,"- _ 100 lOt _ .. .... __
, ....... pIcaswoo: Md .......-- , _ 1000 .. _01 .. 11<*.
'" 10 Ihe workers? 'Friend, I do lIB no wl'Ollll. 1 will B'VC 1.1110
1 thll
IasI even as \IIllO thee who worked for me from Ihe first boor Ii
.. _ ......, .... � ._ I . . ..... Iaw � __ --..... thinr eye evil, bccai4C I am JOOd?'" "How can a AWl all God
...... _ ....... .. � ....... _ of .. -. L•• A"-. _ ill< ..,. oho jllS!." continues SaiOl lsuc. "when he comes ICf05Ilhe JlUU&c on
bcoo:_ .......1101.. ........ 1OtdIn ..... A.-. - r", .... , did DOt .....
01 oil_ buI .. 100: ... _ 1101 _ 0I'b>d0 ..... foo l'" ..... doe low of ... Ihe prodipl son, who walted hll wealth in riotous living. and �
bocaux 0( diJobcd:....ce . """'"" ...... . -'- toot.. .. r ... ..·ioh � only for the 4:OIlln1;on v.llich he lihowed, Ihe faahcr ran and fell
oM iii .... ....... -.., lnlJOduwl .... L · SI. Cyril of A....",h,
upon his DCCk • •nd I've him IUtoorilY ovel' all hill wealth1 None
iIw,."...Wi<><t �dw EpMIt ",dw R_V'C7' 71..719) •....... ft",I0 __
lr!hoy "bo ..... bam r.... AdaID """""'" __ 011 ........ of h.. I....� ill OIher but His very Son pid these things concerning Him lal wc
oil juJlotc, 1I><y"", DOl loabIo, r", Ihc)' dol IlOl brc...... ...... 0( """'
....1.<'; o:Ioubt it, and thus He bIorc wit� i:OnCcnting Him. Wh«c. then,
IlIel'd. .. .... ImiI ....... II .... ....001 . of·___ boc_ dcaIi is ....
peMIIy 01.... Sioa: ill ........1IooIoionoo;I __ � 011 ....,.
..-bo ... .. .... ...... of ... bttadilr 'I "Y .... -'OIoIy ...."
Eoodo)t z. ...... �Pi"'_." E,IJ....... "-, j 19
7, . Sloe. , .... '""'" os .... 1UidrraI
IU ....,111 _101 be _ "'"" iii ... �� ":
be ,
- __ r!.-....��-:
no',zI .: .", ..ul--'ly] ....
. .:::.....,;;-:;"!�
.", .'.�.��
ia." boIIitaIy. ill ...... of !lie 0I'0I'd .,..... . • eo. wood .
..... ii.....
.. ,..,.... iii no I,.· by -.. '" ... I ... I'1:1' .,., joosIity
� " .. .... -. .... Md ...... ...... to ... £.ncIi*. ... --'
..... 100... toea • II"" "jooodoo, " .. k II Ci a • -.. EocIiIII- no
(ndo; ...,..! wtoi<tI -.lot ... nnslMod u"jrooIIII"" ••• otioc .. joarikaI
jooao<e" is "__"F•• """,,*," 4ih; , oIlhi1.-- ....iHE MOIlAl.
IDEA 01' TIlE MAIN DOGMAS Of TIlE fArm. � "'*-1
�ibIt;" S)'IIIXit I'mI. 1914, ..... PII. 102·10S

• 7
So ""c sec dw God is IIOi JUSI, with the: Inunan lI\l:aoing of this
is God's justice, for ....hil51 we wen: sinnet), Christ died for us!'"
word. but ....e sec thai His j�ice means Hisgoodncss. aOO lo�e,
whicll arc gi�cn in an unjust manner, lhat is. God al....ays gi�cs
....ithoul Ill;", anything in recum, and He gives 10 persons like Wi
Ie. 'If. _ ft:odil)' and joyfully "'<qIIJ. 10$11 for 1M JO/<. of God. be II
in...ardl y p""'. And if he doeI .... look _'II "fI<I'I ... y man beaux of b .. ....ho �rc Il(l( wonhy of rccci�i"ll' is ....hy Saint Isaac lcaci1cs
okrocto. io .uy ""'" lie i< � If. man is .... pkaoe<l willi __ '""" Wi: '00 Il(l( e.all God jWit. for His jUl;lic;e is 001 manifest in the
horooun �un. ..,. dlSpleosed ""'" _ IfI'ho dishonoun h .... he is ...... 10 1M
c ing you. And if Da�id calls Ilim just and upright,
thilll! coocm
world .,;I ICI lhiJ lire Tho: _hflolnal of dixmllnml II JUperior .. e>'C1)'
disc""ine of ...... """""'J'Ii in ..y ..wy .. on)' de&-. His $on revealed to us thai He is.good and kind. 'He 11 good •• He
'Do not 1II1e !he sinntr For .... � IIlIIdaI ..i lll pill If for !he sUe of layS. '10 the elli! and impious."11
God )'l1li'" ...,.td "' oppose h ...... up"" ., h .... 111jI 11 do r Oll hOI< him ? I IaI<
God is good, lovn i g. and kind loward tI10sc who disregard,
hiJ .... and P"'Y fOr h ......... you may ...... ChruI Who ...... ..,. """"" � iIh
""""'... t... inl«<...... !'or!ban. Do you "'" see howH . c�., '....7 ..
W. ... IDO<ktd by 1M <leva in rn...y _cs. so .....y "'""'1<1 .... haw: 1M .......
who is _..:Iby �im ....... """, b os abot Why, 0 man. do you hOI< Ibo lUI<><I'l
CtJuId iI be � ... is "'" .. �I 1S)'tN7 !lui w ...... iJ y""r riaJneouso
ness when Y"" ha,'. "" love? ""'by do)'llll "'" oiled IeI<S O'o'et him? !luI)'IIII
_... h ..... In � _ .... "",ftd ,,"" MI<", �iDa .........1>'..
10 be disc<....n . of ill< W<IIIi. of sin.... .
"Be: • "".. Id of God', ,,,,,... ,, for God nlics ""... }"'" ""'MlIy !hoop 10. \.. _lIIIII<d)
Y"" 1ft:, far IlItIou&Io your _ 10 Him is 110 1"'11. yc\ II. is "'" ..on ....... will!his 011' booIy ISj'TJIC: 0.. """'fI1I>OIl f<lt iha, 11r.� Ap.on. �·he"".
pa)....,. (rom you, ond f""" lIw: ..,.,U ,,<:lib )'l1li "" II" ....IOWS ,,..,, """""" """"",,, !he ncM;'" of""""'ledv in"' ...... O .... ,.ondrood .... roy ..rGod' 0
...... YOlO. 00 .... � God jIdI. fOf It .. ,iosl>« is .... monlfosl HI \lie d"nlf ...._""""'''' II .... """nl)' of"'" God """ C-"'" 0 misl" for "hJCII .n II
.........,)'OIL AM if D .. id u11s II l11\jIdt ond """"', (.f 1'1. l4:&. 144 11), possib..1 0 .... immc_ .-.... IhII tJnnp our ..- ...............
lIis Snn ..>'UIctI II> ... lhot 11. is .- ond kir4. '1'< if pod: II. ooys. '11> tho """"" "'" be, II>HiI ..,<O<nIJOII ond ",JOl Who is ...IT", ,..,, '" JIorify IIcm11k
... it ond IClIbo ionpiouo ' {d. .. L b 6JS� fto,. .... yo. <aU God juoI "bon )'llll mootup the �ond blosphernet. he........,. dull ...ndo,,·�..,til -.
_ """'" .... Sc ripllnl ......,. "" .... ,.,. ....... 10 ...... orton1 ' rriend. mole ;" , it noIic>Ml ond <QIII dJCudi",
I" ond .... ...1I<ICd and in ....ib. .. dust on<!
I do 1IIec 110"""" 1 will live ""'" this .... ..... IS un"' ...... 1$ thine eye ...11 tho ..- kllJ<S II• ...u.... �.... I. ...... worthy 0(Jbou&In. 1lIc! ...... is
110<' 0&1$< I .... ,oolr
r (MIlt. 2O'11-t' � I""" ... . ""'" u11 God ju;o: ..,.... ... onab.. ICI <".".. ...... \he.,ac:c of U .... 1UtT'I!UiooI . "'1Ierc .... tw:n... lhII ...,
....... ...cos . .... I'IJOIIC on 1M prodipl .... ..,., WOSO«I b il w .. hb .."" rioIoIH amJ<t ",' ....'IIm
. iIpc:nIiIion, !hot lerrifoes .. in _y .. ..,ysWld """""b .. \hej<>y
li.ilI&. how for Ihe ...... .... lion ...... wII ic:h II< � Ihe r....... "" WId fell ofll" 10••1 ADd_ifpn....< ompatt<! .."" .... 1IfO« ofH.. �lioa.
"""" his _k MIl JAv. bon � 0'" 011 Mt _? (L.... 1':11 fI'_� ....... lie ""II rai>e \IS _ 1I:odc, and a.... our oomJpbbIe Nlu", II> lit d"" i n
N.... _ butHil '01)' SOlI SlId "",.. lIIinp coneemin&Hom. Iesl ..., cIoubI iI: irJConupIlon. ond � up .. JIoI). hial ..... has f.U." ..... llodn�
and!h.. Ik "-...- ..-em",,, 1Ii.n. \VII=, wfIoq iI 06<1', ju<lic:c, for -C............ of dise....-nl. ond be filled "."".......sn1 ....... monel ..
wII il<I,... "'" sinnm Christ d>ocI ror ",! (d. RnI.s.•), IIwI if ..... II. is me""fuI, 1lIff",i<ndy wile ond ....... 11ous 10 ........ ' _il)' 01 .... bounl)' o f..... CrcMor1
.... COlO)' 1I<1ic>c _ II. will ,.,. m...,. [i.e.. .. cqorcIJ ..... ... . 011<. cS<ach, Iii< """"pe " n.. o f Ii.... is...... in$Icod orljusI � ,H . ..... ...:Is ......
_ SI. 1.... .... IIIioru ... ;" l i mit bclo,,·� ,.
. iI/t � 0li<l ...... ... of ...". _ ... wich "to;eh .hq o:arnpkd U{i'IXl H "
"f"he • thai we -.Jd ever lhcnk JUdI . . iniqulC)l "'"' God "",,1<1 ""- .... II< -.lhe m wrtb perfon ,lor) ond 00r0rtupti<J0L [S L Isu< speaks. here
........, ; ""11 For !he PfOII<'IY of Divinity .... ,.,. '1IIrI& ' .. do "",",Is. G od of _ who "'"•• cqw:r>IOd , IS is ,"n' rionI _ similar PNP&'C$in h is -- I
.... II<It 0tqIIft � wllicll I I< .... ,.,. .......... __ II< '-. .... 'Thor. ...... "."" "'" .. JnWJeCItd olin ... ",", . ....... Is ........ !han !be
....,a. _ill _ II< .... hi ..., .. do .... lIIO<I brin&J. But what Ooct Iw &am ... ..... . wIIi<h broop' .. ioIo he"" ............ ".'" not. Glory be "' Thine
Iqinnin&. II< wiU have ond bioi 1II1II 1... 1 ....... 1 end. .. 1he b.... CrriI _ .....,..,.,
... Ic ru. 0 Lordi Behold, Lord, the ...... of Thy pe <Iooo III)'
in his _naery ... Oenosis , r.. God, he .yo, OUt of lew. !Of II.... II1II il0l mouth widt "lctJC.. oDd "'"'" is,.,.. """'&bIlcfl in .... btforc \he roc:. of Thy
for ... -. ....... tboI Ik Iw bcaI p.tu. ..... .. Him .. you cq:hIlO ...... !honkqi..... WhM """""" .... _f... Thy pno;,." 0.- Kin&. n.o.. Wloo
Him: II<It for what lk MIl Ji•• )'<HI in 1he fulurr. IouI for ",hat,... ha... �....t. 1oY<SII our life? Glory he II> Tho:< foc: .... """ ,..",.... ,"'bleb 'lbou l>osI ...... d for
WId lOr this -.....leI ...... ....... h He has <.. 1IItd for ... 1M1 II the ___ .... our ...... ond doloaJot. \codin, '" by III m.... which 'lbou did .. fuh.... II> !he
......y Him? Wbm is Hi< �nl '" be ro..d in ..... ......, Who penuad u-'Icd&c of Thy ,lory, !'rom now and ""'" \he "I<f. A ..... .• So. .....
I tho
Ii.. in 1M lqinn int 10 brio>f; .. ioo1O beia&? Who . .. , cdQ Jbr '" btfoKH .... Synaot, II� 60.
"..... ...,11\0.11 possessoo[/io;ully of! --..y, 1$"""'" ........ tJtiskd7 Wbo II. lind.


diKlbey, and lanore Him." He never returns e\'il for e\'U. He gralilUde. The irnlionaJ beuu know !hal !heir Masin and God is
never likes ven,:eance.1J His punishmmui are loving means of (See allO
not evil am wicked am vm&<:nol, but rather full of love.
corm:I:ion, at Iona at anythirc can Ix corra:led and braled in this St. Isaac of Syria, t..l'i¥woo 'A�qn«ei IArhenI. 1811], PII. 9S-
life.\0 TIley nt¥U eJ.lmcllO elernily. He c� evCf)'1hina Cood.lf 96,) He protected am $aved us when we feU. The ec:mWly e\'il
The wild beuts � as Ihcir mISIer !he ChrUtian who MI /IOthUI& 10 do WIth God. II comes nllm from !he will of His
throu&h humilif)' has pined !he likmcss of God. They dnw nev free , Iotical CTwura, .nd Ibis will He respec1J."
10 him not with fear. bill with joy. ill JrMduI and loving submiI­
DeIlh.".. not inflicted upon \IS by God." We fell irl;o il by our
.ion; Ihc:y ..... their heads and lick his hands am 5el'Ve him with 1n'Ol1. God is Ufe am Ufe is God. We revolted apinst God, 'Nt:
cloHd our PIes 10 His hfe-livi", crxc." 'For • much • he
deplned from life.' wrote Sli,. hil. "by 10 much did he draw
ncarff 10 death. For God � Ufe. depfi"'lIion ottife is dealh.,"
11. "'.(lad.� .. .....w •• ,-H.. o.I)ol._ s.._ ....
b i1. ' No! 111M , .. UIIIId _ ..... ,,* •• .,. -. _ ... He ....... 'God did not CI'CIIC dalh, - OOiIlIl'US.sao,. BasiJ. "but we bl'\ltllhl
. .... .. 11 0 1 . ....... .. .. _._,... ....... .. .... it upon ounelvrs" "Not at all, however. did He hir.kT !he
OIIlltioo.l) s.. -."1 ..... ..,..._ pru;o.._ Hits-. diuoiutlOll . . 50 IhII He would not make !he infinnily ifrwooml
Ii< _ ... .... Ji>G it ... _ Ala. ioo ...... 11M ....... iI_ ... -'" be

'"-"' ..... . 'I__ OOO IlfH.. I I ...... I .._ _ ,-- .... y� in Uf. -. As SIInI II'CIIKIIS puIS 11 -SqlaraIion from God is dWh,
10 _ r.-s-. .-....p • _ � '" 11_ .. .. . ; ... lie Itt • be io ICp.lration from li&hl is darknrss am it � not 1M hCM which
_!hoi .. __ .lOn...... 1110 ..... .. ........ 01_ .....
..iI.- SI. _.., s,.,;.,1'-'Iy II
u. • .. _01 ....
r t )._IWIIO_IoIDlllld .... Lood'. 1
.... 10 Pn<o-, 10 foo&ivc
....- _ ......'.COiI)' -. __ F... lie _

,..... ... od 10_ .... H .....If .. fw-.' St. lcno�
u.Mtr <I DtWM .un.... s..,. 26 (0-: lIoIy T....fipnI:.... �.
1911� po ,.1
14. '" _ ...100 io just """ "Qo is like (lad b<c-. lie ...'.. ch .... I .....
in .......... _....,., "'" 0111)' in order 10 <om.:! him, ... !hoi oGers be
o6aId.' St. '- .... Syrlon. H� 71 "Ood .,......t .... pal be...r� 10_;
!hoi he .... obicIo: in ......... okmity" ThcopbIIus of Anliodl To A""""'", 1.26.
IS, -,.".. Ood .... 011_ ....... IhoI fie bid onado:, MIl bchokl. they ..... very
$Ood."Genait 1 . 11 1(lad1 t-.d .� ...b .h _ tood quolilies, but ....
pooII ..-cy of "'" detnono ... ...... ... of !he � of ........ fOr C"iI
__ """ ,,"" or nil
&he. II'r .. ....ich done ..... it ""'" IIM:m ond _ hili
.... paht (lad," T _ AllInu 10 "'" Gr..b '7, -n.o � ......
;. $Ood. ..... !he �" _ ,.... 11 io bM." tbod. 19 "F... _"I ""'" 1110 firSI
_ .... ..U .,. God. ..... all Ibio&< &ood. ,..., very $Ood.- TIooophi.... 0(
• !tnIIocII T"Jloooo/)noo 1. 17 "!'ow 1"Ioebre... Ie ocuiNo I'.. ".. --. ..
IIooubf. L<'" .. v'" ".. <10 10 __ Le _ .. lib ....' n-Of ..,
11clftw. pa<qItiIoIo ..... ... _ ... il, _ ... ..,. 4oapi. . (1iI.. a
o .),
EriI .... ... _ t- .... � ;''¥UJ' ...... .,c. T .
u-I_lohMh llo., • <"-19$)� "'t-. . ...... .. w. ooIIdo
....... por\Ikt "'.. IoooooIituI .... """"" 51. Dio:cQ_ lie AnI, . 010
IIIor lJtol. "_V'G} lOt), "1'Ofeveo ilobo _ ""' _ ... _
... -.... .. ... .. ""-be_io_ ....... ...... niI ....
.,..., pOoI.' 51. BooiI _ ....... EJIE, 7, Ill. "F. it . ... _ ,... 01 ......
__ .......... _. 1M OM. ....... 1ix:lI) plOd,;'-.Dy
..... .....' ".,•m. c..a.....y 16

I. "
brina' upon !hem lhe puni,lunenl of blindne5$. _I, corne at the behesi of God bul as I consequence of Adam',
"�Ib." NY' Saini MUIII1US !he Confes$Ol'. "ill principally Ihe seven"1 hiJ relations w'tll the wurce of Life. by lIis disobedience;
sepu111011 from God. from which followed n -n
... nrily Ihe deatb IIId God 11\ lIis klndneu did only warn lIim of it.
of lhe body. life is principally He who Aid. '1 am the Ufe.'·U ·The Iree of knowlc4Ce IIKlf.· P)'S Theoph.ilUi of Amioch.
And why did deJJh come upon lhe whole ofhum&nily1 Why did '_ JOOd. and it. frull was lood For it l1l'i$ 00l the tree, as some
those who did DOlI .m w,lb Adam doe A did Adam? Here is the i
IbUlk. thai had death in il. ilia the di5Obedimct: which had deub n
rrply 0( Sal.lll ANSlaSius the SIII.ite, ·We became the mbc:ritOfl of it; for � was ngthi", dse ill !he fruit but knowledge�. and
!he CUQe ,n Adam i "''e hold disobeyed
We w� IlOl punished as f knowlc4JC is JOOd when (II'Ie U$c:ll 1I properly ·IS The Fa�rs leach
tha divine COInIlWIdmm: 1.1011& with Adl.m; bu.1 t.eryv Adam UI lhIt !he prohibllion 10 lISle !he � of krio9>'lcdle "'U IlOl
became mortal. he tranwuued lin 10 Ius posterity. We bcume IbIolute but t� Adam W)!J I 5pllltual infanl Not all foods
monaI IIIJDe we were bom from a moruol ·U arc aood for [nfanu. Some foods mIIy even kilt tbtm Iltllough
And Saini OreJOf)' l'abmu makc:s ibIS poInI; ·,Godl did 001 -,,,lIS W(lUid find them wholesome The lree of knIrA'!edge _
Ny 10 Adam; rerum 10 whence Ihou wast tuen: bul ile RId 10 planIed by God for man. 11 "'IS &GOd and nlJ\lriWoa. But iI: "..111
him Eanh thou In and UnIO !he canh Ihou sllilt return .... He did $OIid food ..1'ti!e Adam wulble to d;,esc only milk.

IlOl uy 'in whaUoc:va Iby ye sIull eat of il. die!' bill. 'in
",1Ii(S(Ie\'a <by ye J.hall eat of it. ye J.ha.II ilUrely die.· Nor did He ••
•ftawards l.Iy: 'return /lOW UnlO (he eanh.· but lie sDd.·thou shall
return: in Ibi, I1\.aMrr forewunin&. jlAlly penninina and 001 So in lhe IIIII� of the Holy Scriptures. ·just· � lood
obstrucllna -.-hat shall come (0 pull .� We see � death did IlOl and 10\'1111. We lpCll of the just rom of lhe Old Teswnent TII3I
duel not """an IIIiI they were loodjudles bill tIw they were kind
IIId God·loY'na people. When we uy that God s i jusi. ....'e do noc
1'. "Boo. '" _1" dqIM (;om GooI by ..... OWI! .� He inn;.". tIIaI mean thM Ik is • lood judie Who Icnow1 how to punish men
....- ... hom It.Mdr<h IMy ho •• <boxn of lIItir ""'" � &t equillbly 11«0«11"1 to !he Illivity of liltir crimes. bul on (he
........... (;om GooI If daIh. ..... ''I'l'/1II0II from I"", is __ , h If -.
C(lI1Irary. we mean (hat He is kind .nd lovi"l. forgivilli III
-..... liioi .... 1'IiM .... Inni<'k<l "port ...... !he ....11)'.. at dArlnoss." So.
(........ ,!pOOl ,,,....... , 21 J• •&, 0Ihen ""'" !tie I"", ..., JepanIt'-
Ih<tnS<fva ftom Ood • I,"",. , 2t I
U. f'ilJJoUIlIo, .01. J. p, 21 (o...t od,"....� So. Ma:" """ "'" Conf..,...
. 1t. I_coni"","",)
lJ. ·W. ""- .... ". . . of . . � "' ...-. C<RainIy .... """" DOl
..... ...
_. Ih< ..II'.
.....haI u...... .... b:I dioobeyed .... <....... ....... ..... b..... Iou! t...;a.,.. 11-. ..... "_111M Ood ·�od ..,. _. _. (Wiodom ( U�
_ 10)' '•
he boamo IIIOIItJ, he __ Iho lin .. "" ....a; .., ......, bam -a '- 00 1ho body. •, foo ...... ;.. f..,. p.. .... <00.. d fk didobIoD cat oil.
• 1BOItoI " Sl. ..._ ... s_ '9 Viok "_N K_ � _ )'< .... . ... 01 ... Goor bat '\00 ,,·_ 'a <by rc
_ ...,.
""" did fk af/L , • •" "", _ _ _
4rytoton.;( """',,, � �.. K� £.. �. II- lJ, rc ... .-l)' die' to.... Z,I1).

.. jUJdy
U. �'I ' : .- ..- "," er-'.� ......., 1ho_'. .. ..: boll .no. ..... ...". (Gcto. l "� iI ... _ ..
.. ..foe '- "" " __�SL Goqol)'

- -- ... rtroa. ,...... ow .......... fonoot GooI ud ...... .. .. .... .... .... ..,. I, Ct
i ' • �l (PC lln-I I60�
.... _ .... w. .. ' ' .... _ .J .
t "" ...... .. ____ -'-I b ,...,,,11 �� JoknJ " fnx,... 0
. .... _ pod. Foo it ...
... _ .... .. ... _ ....... God '""-slY .. .
..""' _01... _ u. "T\oc .... fIl_"",," ..... _ pod. ..
... ddt1 _ """
M *""- .... � .. .
J . .. -..c ol.... .... "body._ "" .. _ ... ... _ Io ll, ._ ....
fNiI MIt .... .. I,. .-.; floc
_ 10 11; " """ _ .... .. .... ..
.. Ho,," . ... , .. � . � .... ,... . .. ..,..ot H •
. no I'" AMiodo"':
...... iM .. . ; I 1 .11..... ... ... I " did _ ny .. �
· - .. ....... ..... - ..... · . · _ .... lII. iM __ .... _
........ . .. . pool .... .. _ _ iI
... ....,..., L :IS. "T\oc .. olio! _.. t ...... .. Goo!
.. ..,. ..
c;:..". .
<lid ""
_·(O"ll'� ,.,... """.... ... .... • __ ... , OJ!I_....· .. Sl� D
1": __
, JWy S ., '0 (I'(;' '' "la�

12 13
lransgressions and di&0bc4�es, and that He wants 10 save us by
llal't won God OWf atId III(Il/t hllft fO d!iJIIgt, bill thal
all lUWll, and never rtq...
ilCS evil for e\'11.1OO In 1be fin! volume of
IhfOl<gh ()IlT actions and Oflf /liming 10 Iht Di..uul)', ...,
the PllilotDliQ lhe� it 1 I1IIIniflCCTll tUt of Anthony which '(hdMu 0Jtd $I) Of!« trWNt NJI't
htnY CIIrtd ()Il1 ..
1 1tlll$ol read 10 yOll helli'
OIfil)'mnll ofGod'J goodlln" 11wt /I) say lhat God �ms
alOV)' from Iht wictrel is litt say/llg that lht 1l1li hlda
God is good. dispDSSi(}ftQu, (lIt(/ ilN1llUQb/t. Nqw d{from
Iu tilt blind n f(}t(Jp IlOJ
1_ ,"",0 lhinb U fflISombituNIlfllt 10 affi"" IMl
God don IIIX driJngt, ntI1J wrI/ ast 1Io'w. in IMt tast. il ••
is fIODiblt 10 Jpd 0{ God QS ft}oidng OWf IlImt .. #10
Oft good Qnd showing IIItrry to rhost who honour HIIII, You ste now. I how God was sbndered by Western
Qnd as I"ming a>oV)" IfiJfPI 1M "'cknl uNI bnll' <JIll,.,
theology, A...gusti�. Anstlm. Tbonw Aquinu and a)l their pupIls
",rII $I·nMfl. To rillS II lll/Ulbt QllSwtrtd111m G«J "mh"
eonlribllled 10 Ihis "theologICal" c.alumny. And they Itt 1be
rtJoicn 1I0f glOwI ongry. 10f 10 rtjoict wuI 10 be oJJttrd­
fOllncbtions of We5ImI 1htcIogy, wtonher PapiR or ProtCSWJl
rei Qf,pasJiOftS; _ is Ht _ OWf by 1M I,," of lhast cte:arly that
Cmainly these theologi.ns do IlOl. say e�pressly and
:Ito honouf 11(111, lor IIlDI "'YJUld fMfI" lit il I"''a)·td by
God is . wicked and passionate bemS They tailltr CQIISidcr God
pltw"rt. II is /IOf rl,hl tlttJl 1M DI.,nJl)' lui pI�..ft Of :abI
as bellla chained by I SUfl("rior foree, by I gloomy .-I i�.:
displtw"f'jrom h_ condIlioru. lit is JOOd, uNlllt
N�ity hke the one wlllch lovemc d the pagln Jodi Th�
011/)' btlloWl blnsings and n�r don lID,,", rtmDining
Neecsslty obhges HIIII to ret...m evil for evi l .-l ooe. not
a/lOV}"s Iht SQIM. Wt 1IItI'I, Of! lh, OIhu hond, If ..... evil done: ",aiM! Hl$ "",II. unless
111m to pardon and 10 forJCI lhe
,tmDill JOOd through rtumhl,ng God, Oft IIIIIltti 10 llim, In in!inlle WisfloClion is offered to HIm
bin If "''f' � ffll IhrrJIlgh /IOf rtstmbim, God, ".,
We open hcl"e the greal 1jUe5I10Il of p.l!an. Gredt influence on
aft StpGflllnltr- Hi ll.l By Ii..,., ill hQI,nt$l WI!' dtdl.,
Chrisllanity. .
10 God; bill by b«omtll8 ""did ..., mait llim Ofj, [\
1"111: pasan mentality was in 1be fOllndalion of &11 heresICS
mtlN)" II is /IOf � lit "OWl 0/11,., wid! .., in an In the East, bcc:I I
use lhe East ..
-as !be road
c-:oss of
was ''CI)" $1l'0III
omlrory I0'Il)'. tNt il is (JIl' 01071 siru IIIDI pftl"tlll God .11 phllosophic.allnd Ilillgioulo;1.lrTetIU. Bull! we Iliad ,n 1be Ne�
from shining "llhill .., and �t .., II) dtmOru ..M TestamctII, ".. here sin tboundcd, Vaec: did IlIIoldI more abound
IINfIlrt lIS. And Ifl/lr()llgh prrr)'u and (J(IJ 0{ rompau/(Jft and
So when hcrcslC$ Ilourished. Onhodo�y flOIIlUihed ilI50.
"-e ,om rtlfWtlrom 011' sins. (his don IlOl mtall dUll "-e it al ys
although il was persoecllied by 1be mighly of thIS world.
survived vic:toriclu$. In lhe West. 011 the eomnry. the IAPIl

mentalily elllered in unobl lu

s ivcly, wIthout wd�1be � of
u. "·...116 "hoi io • """,11'ul
, t.o.n'/. It .. die 1Io:an', bumina; rot .... ..... . 01.... tau dicWed
heresy. II rTlered III through 1be multitude of n
..,,;,. --. b ...... b bords, _ ....... _ .-- ODd _ �.-.d
-..: ODd bJ lit • • • ODd ..... ot_ ... "1CI ot . .... it.I _ ,.... by AUlU$line. bi$hop of Hippo. Sr.illl John C.UIIII �ho
WIS hm
. �
font! iIi\O.IndOIII ..,. F""" .... ....... .... .."" " .... , mercy ..· h .... pip< IIiI htaII
lhen in the West undcw.ood the poison WI wu In Augusu ne !
IIId Ilum Us put n "", loa Us IIeaII il looo.hIoooI ODd _ _ _ _ ... .....
lilt ... _ .., ....,. _ ...... _ iIi .-. rlllt .... _ I>< • .,. tuebl llP, .-I fought � iI. But 1be flC! that Ausmtlllc's
0iIIIttI ..,1artW _. CYftI b imoIioBoI ....... .... .... _ ... 01 .. '""" _
for "'* ,..100 ....... h .... .... III<)' \Ie prOIOClO<I ud .-;. . � ....... ill like
__ lot __ � "" ... foooIIy 01 tqIIiIa t-x 01 ... ..,... ;
.. .... . _ \lan ........ _ il ... �oIGod.. S l. 1 _ " ll. " � is nat God ..100 it �I<. buI n; rot God " ...,..". _ik," $I. ""'"
S)'rioooI. Hc./Iy II � (I'G 61, .71�

" 15
boob wcre wrinen in Llein and !he fact Uw !hey were: u�ly Israel believel in God.
Im&thy did noc permil their study by !he otlw:r FiUhmi of I� Papnism believel in ,realion That is 10 say, in pqanWn
Churdl. and 10 they were never oo!ldemned as Origen's worb crc:.uion is deified. For me �, God and cre.uion are one and
vnfe c:ondemIled ni \he EasI. This fact pmmned them \0 utrtise me same thi", God is iJnpenOfW, personirled in J. IlWltirude 0
I II10llI influenu bta" in Wale", though! and theoIoaY. In Ihe ....
W�I. linle by lillie krlMiledte of the Greek IqIugc Y'oi.bed, israel (and when we 1pC:J.k: oflsnd we: mean the trve Israel. me
and AUlUMme'1 ruu were the only boob dalina from spirinW 10m of Abnlwn. those who IYve me faith givm by God
ancieN: limes in II� I.II'denIOor.I !here, SO the WesllClCeivcd 10 His cho5m people, noI tlDc 1IIbo hlve J.bIrKIoncd thill faith
as OItLSlian • texhull wbieh was in many of its aspea:s papn. The real IORI of Abnlwn an: the Owreh or Chri$I:, and not liJoK
Cao:mo-paplSl 6cvt1opmms n i Rome did IIDI permit any healthy carnal clcscmdJ.m, the JewISh nee). Israel knooIo'S that God and
reKlion \0 thIS lIMe of aff',n, and so the West wu drowned in crution an: IWO Bdlcally diffcrenl kinds ofuistenet. God is self·
!he hwnauiSlK:, pqan thou&hI which prevails 10 Ibis d�y.· existent. pcrsorW. Claml, immortal. Life and the: Swrcc: or life,
So '1ft have the East on the OtIC side which. speaking and ExIStence .nd the Swrcc or eJ;utence; God is the only rc:J.I
wrilina Greet, remained esstnually !he New Isncl with IsrxliC It Ex.i§lenet 0 ':Il� 1M ElIislinc, the Only Existin&: litis is tho:
tbouJhI and 6aereO ("",Ilion, I!1d Ibc West DIllhe' OIlier side which meanilll of the Inkle 0 It
havllli forgotlen !he Gmt Ian'\lalc IJld having been an off from Creation, on the tonIr.ry, has no sc:lf-u.isteRCe. It is IOIJ.lly
the Ea$km iwe, inb:riled �an Grulr. thouaJU am illl menI.llil),.
and fonned with It an .when/cd Christian leaching
In realny, tile opposiliOll between Onhodoxy and Wesltm
ChrisrWlily is nothill& else: blJl rhe pet'J)mWion of the oppo$ilioo
between Israel and UeU••
We IJIUJI never forgel Uw the Flthcn ohhc Olurch oomidered
thmlKlveji [0 he the 1M: spiritual �hi1dren of Abraham, t1w the
Church considered luelf 10 he the New Israel. and tIw tile
Orthodox peoplet, whelher Gm:k. Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian,
Ronwtlan, CIt , were: conscious of being like Nathaniel, tnIe
Israel;u:., me People of God. And ....lIile this was the re;J con·
8Ciousness of Eastern Ov i.lianily, me West became more and
more I. tbild of papn, IIW1W1istk Greece and ROIne.

• 7_

WIllI. wm tile pnneipfl thulClnUtics of IhiI differm;e of

IlIou&hI bct....eetl Isnd and papnism? I call your �ion to IhiI
very impon&nc mMter.

.. ,, . :,:�

_ ... (10 o-t) (AdIeu. Iff7}.

.. 17
dependenc on the will of God. II exi�1S only 50 10ng ;iS God wants bumanity made men incapable of receiving the divine light and of
i IlOI eternal. It had /10 existellCC. It was null. t
it to ui$(. It � i wa having any union with the Living God. The consequence WLii to
compkfely notbillj. It was created OUt of IlOIbingness ." By iuelf consider as SOI!1ething divn i e lhe creation wllich they ,,"I" bcfo�
it has 00 force of existCllC;C it is kept in existence by God's tbent e�ry- day.
Energy. If thi$ lovillj Energy of God ever stops, CfUlion and .U Paganism considers crear.ion as being somethillj self-eJ'.istent
created beings, illlellectual or roon-intellectu.ll. rational or rntiona[
i and immonal. something that always existed and will always e"w.
will vanish illlo non--existenct.:. Wt; know that God's lo� for Hi� In paganism the gods are put of creation. They did not create il
cn:ation i� etcTnal. We know from Him that Ht; will never let us from nothingness. they only fortntd the e�isting mauer. M iner can
tall into non-eJI:istma, from which He brouglu us into being. This tau diffen:nt forms. Forms caine imo nistcnce and vanish. bUi
is our !lope and God s i true in His promises. We, Created beings, maner itself si eternal. Angels. demons • • 00 lhe soul! of men are
mgels, and men. will live in eternity. root because we have in us tlte real gods. Eternal by their Ralun:. IS is maner ilKlf, Lhey are.
the power of eternity. bin becau$C this is the will of God Who however. higher titan nuueT. l11ey mighl take diffen:nt material
loves us. By ourselves we are /IOIbillj. We have I>Ot the least forms in a s,equeroc:e of material existences but they remain
energy of life and of uistence in our natu�; that wbich we have essentially spirirual.
tomc:S entirely from God; nothillj is ours. We an: din of tile earth, So in paganism we see two fundamental tharacteristics: (I) An
and wben we forgot it. God in His merq permintd tlt.:il we rerum auributing of the tllanocttri5lics of godhood 10 tile whole of
to what we an:. in order that we l"eTnain humble and have exact creation. that is: eternity. immonality, self-existenc:e. (2) A
knowledge of our nothingness." "God," uys Saini John Damas­ distinction betweet1 lhe spiritual 100 the material and an antagon­
cene clsewhere. "can 00 all that He wills. even though tie does not ism between tbe two IS between spmething higher aoo romething
will all things thot lie can do - for He can dc:Mroy creation, but lower.
He does not will 10 do 50." (Ibid. I. I"� Paganism and humanism Ire one and the .wne thing. In
In the Crw EudwloglQtr (Venice, 1862), I fundamental Jl-3lanism, man is god becaU$C he is eternal by nature. This is why
liturgiCIJ booi; of the Church, we read: paJani$ITI is always llaug.hly. It is narcissism. It is self-adoration.
-0 God. the ,rw and most high. Thou Who alone basI In Greece. the gods had human wTlll(terwics. Greek n:ligion was
irNnonllity- [7th prayer of Vespers, p. 131; lhe pagan adoration of man The soul of man was considered hii

-Thou Who ll� an life-living by nature...O onJ)' m i monaJ" real being, and was immonai by IlitUre.
[Ode S. Funeral CllJIOn for Laymen, p. 4\OJ; So we see thal in pII,anism IIIe devil suc:cceded in creating J
"Thou an the only immonal : [po 410J; uni� beliefwt men were gods and IO did not need God. Thb
" The only One Who s i immo naJ because of His godly nature" is why pride was so 1Ii&h in GIftCC and why Iwmiluy was
[Ode I, Funeral Canon for Laymen, p. 4711. iCJ:onCeivable. In his work The NichomDchMII Ethics, Aristotle
This is the faith of Israel. wriles lhe following words: "Not 10 resent offenses is the marJ[ of
What is the teaching of paganism? Paganism is the t:On5eq_ a base and slavish man." The man who is convinced by tbt: devil
of the lou of eoll\.ad with God. The rtwltituck of the sill$ of (0) btl� in the error IIItt soul is eternal by nature. can never
be humble and can never really believe in God. because be does
not need God. beingGod himself. iii his error makes him believe.
This is wily. from the very- first. the Fathers of the CIturth,
.10. ·11. _MOd wiIhouI .....- . St. l",," etoy_ (I'(; ". 3(1).
understanding the danger of this stupid error, WJrDed the Chris·
It. St. lam 1lonIao<coe, ",.<iL 1 . 14
3l. St. Jolin � ",. cit. 1. I. tians of the fact that, as SaiDl irenaeu.s putS ;1: "The teaching that

I. I.

the burN.n 5011] is lIIIunlJy immorul is from the devil" (Proofof O!risIiln taching by the various heresies This is Wllal happened
� Apaf,olic PrttJdli,.,. m. 20. I). W� f md the samc: warning in In the Wesc, 100. "l"hey bepn 10 dIStinguish IlOI ba..__ God and
SaiIM Justin «()jlllog� wi,h Trypho 6. ]-2). in Tbeoplllius of His crution. but baween spirit and mallt!".loO They bepn 10 think
....ruioch (ro Au,oIyaiJ 2. 97). in Titian (To Iht a,.«ks 13). etc. of the _I o( man IS of somethilll ccemal in itself. and be8:m 10
SalIM JU$ uplains the fundammtaI atheism wbicb nlsu in consider !he condition of man IftCf de.IIb 00II as I sJeep in !he
the belief of the lIIIunl ccemity and invnortality of the iaIman bands of God, but as !he ltfe of man.- 10 which !he resurrec­
50111. He writes: "Thc� � someOlbers who. llav;", suppoIed that tion of !be dead. hid lJI)(hing 10 add and even the need of the
the soul is immonal lJ1d imnulerbl. believe though lbey hive resurrection was doubtfUl. l1Ie feu! of the Resurrection of OIlr
comnuned evil they WIll 00II wffer punislunclM (for that wbich is Lord. which is the culminalion' of III feuls in Orthodoxy. belln
imrrulerial is also ll"lStnsbi lc). 100 tlla the 50111. in consequene<: of to fall into second place. because its neal ..... as UiCOllipldJens.ible

ill invnonality needs IlOIhing from God" (Dilliogut ..lIh rrypho 10 the Western CbrlSllam as il was 10 the AtheniAnS wbo beard the
I). 5ClTTIOn of the Apoltle Paul.
PllganiPtl is ignorance Ilf the true God. an CTllJoneOUS betief that SuI wlw. is more important for our suhject. lhey belan 10 feel
HIS ereahOO is divine:. rully a cod. This cod. howevet". "'110 is lhal God Ilo')l subject 10 Neceuity. 10 this tllionalislic Nea:s:sily
N.IIure . is impersonal, I blind force. above.1l personal gods. and wIuch was nothi,. dse but human loti!: They dCl:larl'd HlRI
Is called Necessity ('A""""'I). ]n reality. IhlS Necessity is the uapable of wrllllll into concact with inferior bei.., like men.
projection of human reuon. &l; , mathem.u�al necenilY ,ov�ming becaU$e their rationllistic. philosopltical t0tlCqll1om did not permit
the world It is I projea.ioo of ...iooaJism upon nant� This it. and u .... this beliefwbich _ the fOllndllion of the hes�
ruion:l.listic NtteaSity is the true, lupreme blind rod of the �. disputes. it had lI.--1y begun wllb AlIJII$ woo t&U&:hI �I i,
The papn gods are �rll of lhe world. and lhey are lmmonal WIll IlOl: God Who IpoII:e to Moses but :m lIlJel I""cad

because of the immo nility of IWU� which is their essence In Ibis It if in Ihil eontext of Necess ily. which e�en gods obey. thai we
pq.m mrntallty. man s i also cod lib: tbc: «hen. because for the lTAISI wder$Iand the Westernjuridical conc:ep!ion ofGod'ljustice

pIIpns the �al man is only his 5OII].)J and they believe �I man's It ..... -"'1 for God 10 punish man'l disobedience It .....
soul s i Immonal in ilself. sine<: it is pan of the essence of the impouibl� (or Him to pahIon. I superior N«essily dClJWlded
wtiverv. ..t .llth is COIlIidered n i itself and sel(-exiMent. vengeance:. Even if God was in reality ,ood and loving . He ....
So man .tso is rod and I 1IlCI5U� o( III minas IlOI able 10 aa Iovinaly. He was obl igl'd to KI COIItrU)' 10 HIS
But the &ods arc: IlOI free. "l"hey � governed by NecessIty love; the only !luna He oouId do. in order 10 $Ive humuuly, ....
wbich is Impersonal. 10 punish His Son in the plac� of men. and by this meaJ15 was
N«ess;ty wisr.ed.


II is tlli5 pagan wly of !hough! IIw Willi mixed with the . CO" _� ... deriL
:w. "1'... oodt .". ...... all<r .. k..t, is a body. II< II ....L
StIbde Ihowp tbc)' _ ..n .. . t ....... tbono< ... . WId ...... occ onl"" '" "'"
� oftlri- r ; � • •__ floor ..., _ bod.. - So. Mocontn the (ftoI,
� � �. .. '.
.l5.. 't.cI . .. .. ....... in .. .... ... _ II _ be-.. lbod for _
-' . _�." c.w. £.rioJ.,p. ev..,itc, (162), p. 41' """... joIII _ .... Iipt
wbat II _ .. .... � io nor. IGot. ... _ .... _Ii>... ...... II> III< .,."" Of
if -..: )'<t lit io po
.... ed for .. do... 01 ... .
. _ ..... . Sc. JoM


20 2,
•• oflhc eternal. spirilWll death ofthoK who arc damned. D.amnarion
II an act of God an act of God', jultiec. an act of n«:eu.iIy or

Thi$ il 1M IrilllTlpll of Hellemstic thougl!! in Christianit)' As . .nltlly', M • result. OrigCll tbouJhl that if _ arc 10 remalO
Iltllcnis.!. Orlgen had Jrrivcd al 1M same conclusions. God WiIS a ChristW\S, if we are to cominue 10 believe thai God 1I 1T.lly lood,
judge by He was oblipl lo punllh. 10 '''mae, 10 �nd wc IIUL$I believe IIw hell is not I:IctTIIIl, bul will luive ilII end, ,0
people 10 btU Hell _ GooJ', trUlion. II "'as I punllfuneg; spilc of all tlUt is Wllltm 10 Ihc Holy Scriptl,lres and of whal: \he
demarw;Itd by juSlice Thi$ demlnd of jllSfice vas a IlC«SSlIy. God Church believes. Thill ill the faw, perfeaty locieaJ conelulIIon, If

WIS obhgcd 10 submll 10 it. He was no! permi(led 10 forgive

God i. lhe cause of hell, hell m� have an end, or else God is an
There was I wperior fOfte. I N�'I)' ""!lich did 1101 permit Him evil God.
10 love uncono1ilkm:aUy
However. Origen was also I ChrislW! and he knew IIIaI God >G.
was full of lovc. How is It possIble 10 acknowledge a loving God
Who keeps people in torment elcnlllly1lfGod is the cawe othell, Origcn, and all r1IionaIi5� who arc like him. was not able 10
by Jlle(e$SIIY ttlm t1xrc n,ISI be: an mel 10 ii, Dlben.;� we ann(JI undcnland thai Ihc aca:ptanCC: or Ihe rejcaion of God', grace
c:oncedo: thJI,od is good Ind 1(W11li This juridical CQnCqllIOI1 of depends I,'hrdy 011 !he raional creatures; tIw God, like the sun,
God as In instrument of I superior. imperso�1 forte or !kit)' �r lIopI Ihining 011 lood or wicked alike; that mional .rUlUres
named Necessity. lads loaiaJly 10 DpQta!asfllJlJ. "!he reuOtallOll lIT, however, mlilTly free to accept or rejec
t Ihis arxe and lovc,
of all things and !he Gdlruccion ofhdl," (Itbmr,'iK we mtIM lidmll and thai God in HII ,etlUmc love doe5 not fora HIS 'l'CIIures 10
I�I God is cruel. xcept Hun, bu1 rapecI$ lbsoIutdy !he" free decision.» He doeI
The pagan Greek menul ity cwld noI comprehend li'lal lhe eausc not wnlldrAw Hil grlCe .nd love, bul the attitude of the logical
of hell wu no! God but Bis IOlical creiIlUf". If God was noI .reatur� IOwan! thill unuasina &race and love i$ lhe dIfference
teally rift, since lie _ l<M'med by Neauit)', how could lIis bcI:_ p.l1'Mli5C and bdl. Tbo$.e ..110 love God are hippy WIth
crcal"'� bot free? God oould noI giYC IIOII'IeIhilll ..
- hid! He did not 11"", thoK who hale Him are uucmel)' mlSCnble by be,.
posst$s Himself. Morcover. HIe pqan Greek mernalil), C(lO.Ild no! obli@ed 10 h�e in HIS pl"esCntC. and there is 110 place: one
i lhe 1IiJhc:st
l:OI'ICeive of disilllcrested love Freedom. howC\'er. s ean escape !he lavina: omnipresence of God
,ift It... God coold ,ive 10' Cl'afUTr. becau$e f..
.Worn makes Ihc PandIK or hell depmd.s DrI ho... "'c ...111 xcept God', love
Ioatal eTWures like God This wu an meon.eivable ,ift for Will � retllt)1 lovc for IoYe. or will ...e rapond 10 II I1 Iovc w,th
ptgan Greeks. TIley eould 001 ima&ine I creature which could llay hate? This is Ihe .riual differenoe. Am this difference dcpend$
"00" 10 an almiatuy God. !rGod wu almigluy. crealU� eould noI mlirel)' OIl us, on our freedom, OIl our innel'll'lO$l free choice, on
I perfectly f= IIl1tude ..,1ucII II not IIII1I.1C1lC1:d by wernal
loll)' "110" 10 Him. So if God pve men HilI,I'JU, men could IlOl
c:ond'lJOIII or iDtetTIIIl fat:aor1 of our nwerial and psycholocicll

ITJeCl '1 0lhcrwi5C God would IlOl be almi""y. If we MlITII! It...

God is tlmigtKy. then His grace must be irresistible, Men elMO! 1\UIUl:, bcaUH il is not an external It:! but In inlCfior ltI

� from il. llIII means 111M IboK men who .re deprived of comilli from the bottom of our heart, eonditionina IlOI our lilli,
God'i ana are dcpn� beause God did IlOl ,i� His ,I'JU 10 but Ihe way _ thint about our JiN. II il is clearl)' IIttII io Ihe
Ihcm. So Ihc loa of God'I 1race, whieb is eltrnal, spintWlI dc:aIh,
in other words. hel l. is In rcality an ICI lotall)' �ent on God.
It i$ God Who is punilhln& � people by deprivilli than of His
crace, by not pmnirtm, iI to slime upon !bern. So God ill !he QUH

•• 13
case of !he publican and !he pharisee and in lhe case of lhe two inexorlble MOI!;l Cbmlians. even Onhodo� Cbriltians, havc ,.lIen
,obbclJ truclroed willi Orist. This freedom, Ihis tOOke. Ihis inner inlo III!, pi!. They CQnSkier God �poi'ISiblc> for our becng
anil\lde tow.rd our Cla!or II !he inncnnoM core of OUt eternal pardoned or our beina punished. This. m)' brothers. 1$ • terrible
pmoollli ),. it iI !he most profound of OUt charaaeriSlQ, it II faJ5dIood which mates moSI men lose ttemaJ life. pnoclpally
wha! mattJ lIS thai: wbicb we an. it is our etelllll face _ bnght or becl'rse in considerina God', love. they QlIlVince Ihems.cIVQ thM
dark. lovlna or h aing.
t God. in H.. love, ...iII pardon them. God is alwaYl lovma, Ile is
No, my brothers. unhappil)' for \IS, pltlldi K or hell does no4 alway. p.rdoning. Ile Is always I friend of man. However, lilal
<kpcnd on God. If it depended on God. wC' would llave nothing 10 wtcktc never pardon5, WI whleb !leVer is • rriend of man, iI lin,
(Qr, We have nothina 10 fear from Love Bill il does flOC depmd :and � llCYet think: of il u we ought 10 Sin desIroys our soul
on God.II dqlmds enll�ly upon WI, and dll, b the ..
'hoIc Irqcd)' indepcnde ly
nl of the love of God. bcaus.e lin IJ pfttiscly the rOId
God waftS lIS 10 be: ill H.. inuge, tlemaJl)' free He �pec:u WI ...tuch leads .way from God. bec:aw.c: "n erec:u a Will ",him

absoIulcl),. ThIJ is love. WlthouI respec:c, we et/UlOI! speale: of love. 5qW'IIICS tiS from God. bec:aLI$C sin dCSlrO)lll our spiringl eycs and
We .re Illefl be<:ause we arc free:. If we were IlOl free:. we would makes us IIlIIblc> 10 see God's lighl, The demons Willi 10 make U5
be: dever .ninuJs , IlOl Illefl. God will neva' taU back this lilt of always thUlk of our salvalion or OIIr Ipirituai death in
freedom ..hich rmtkn WI ",hit we an. Thill means thai: we ",ill lerms, 'They ""'Ill us 10 tIunk that either sillV,"on or
ahnyt be we want 10 be. friends or enemies of God. and tlcmat dealh is I question of God'I decision. No. my brothers. we
I�re iI no dlanging In Ihll our decpeSI Kif In lIIis life. lbere Irc ITIUM Iwaken inon;Ier not to be 1061 Our WVlItion or our tlerrgl

profound or superficial dlangtJ in our IIfc. in our char-.:ter. in our dealh is IlOl I question of God's decision. but it is I questIon of
belief., but all lhrsc dwlles .re only lhe expression in lime of our O/t, decision. il is a queslion of tho decis,.,., of our (ree will which
deqlesl tlernaJ self. This deep eternal self is tlmul. With all the God resp«u absoIulcly Let us IlOl fool out$elvcs with conf1dence
meanina of the ......,.u This is why par-'isc and hell an also in God', love The dan«erdoeI lIOI awne from God; it OJ"'" from
etern:&l. There iI no c:han&ina III what we rcally I�, Our len'IpOnd our own Kif
dw1CIC1Uliai and our 1I�0t)' In life depend. on many JUpe:rlIc:la1
things .mitll vanWi wilh death, bul our ral personaJily Is flOC 12.
$UpCrfceul and docs IlOl depmd on chanaina and Yanislling thinas.
II is OIIr real Kif, II remains Willi 115 when we sleep n
i the lrave. Many WIll sa)': 'Don IlOl 1I00y Scripture ilKlf often Ipe:Ik
and will be OIIr real fxc III the rcsurrcaioD, II is eternal. about the anacr of God? b il flOC God Himself Who says thai He
will puniJh us or thai I�e "'il1 patdon usl l1 il not wrinrn thai 'lie
II. i s . KWlrder of them tlw dIligently I«k Him' (Hb.11 6)?" Does
He IlOl say lhat �engunce il His :and thai Ue will roquilc the
• Saml John of the LacIder $1)'$ $OIllCWhe:re In his worle: thai: wicle:edness done 10 1IS1 I. 11 Il0l wrilten that il is fearful 10 fillt 11Il0
'before OIIr fall the delllOl. $I)' 10 \IS that God
ill frim;I of man;
but aftef our filli. they Sly thai: He is iuaorable.· This Is the
wnnina lie or !he devil: 10 convince lIS that any harm In OIIr life
has 15 iu cause God'1 dilpOlilion; thai iI ill God Who will fora:ive
us or Who will pwtis/I us. Wbhln& to throw lIS into sin and then
to mate lIS 10K any tq.c: of freeina OIInclva from iI. they _Ie:
JJ. ....... -c.. _ ...,. � _ ....
51 • __ p.-.
_ __
10 present God u lOmCtima fora:ivlna all li�. md lOmCtina _ "Con'....
. IIcIftws '0'35

.. 25
the hands of the livinl God?"· I hteral �... tho5c who hive . mioo undenllOd this" (Homily
83. p. 317).
11'1 his di$OOlfl Se milled nw God U IlOl lire (au of E";I,
Sail'l Basil lhe Oreal wmes the followilll: "But 00II: 1liiy say. f i
Sail'l Bali! in the WIle discourse"" giva the cxplarwion of
God IJ IlOl lUpOI'ISible for evil thillgs, why i, .t said in the book of these uprcu.tOnS of the Holy Scriptures: "II is because fear: J.t)'l
be, 'edifIeS simpler people: and !his is true IlOl only for simple
£saia. 'I am He that prcpmd haht tIld Who formed 1Artnc:ss.
Who matea people buI for aU ofus. After our ,.U, we Deed fear in order tooo
peICe U1d WOO �rt:aICS evils' (.S:7).' Aoo . apin any profitable: thiDl and any JOOd 10 OW1dves or to ochers. In
'There came: dowa evil. from Ibc Lord upoo the gates of Jcrusa­
order 10 unOmand the Holy Scriptures, say the Fatbers. we IDISI
lan' (Midi. I:12). /too, "ShlII Ihcre be evil in the City wllicll the
hive in mud their PUrpoH ...hit;h is 10 J.tVC US. and 10 brine ...
Lord IwlI I'lOl �'" (Amos 3:6). /too in the great Ode of
hnlc: by lillie to an undcTstaooilll of our CreaIOI" God and of our
Moles. 'Bdiokl. I am and Ibcre is 110 god beside Me. I will sIOlY.
wrctdlCd oondllion.
and I w.lI make 10 live; I will NIU�. and I will heaI- (Dan 32:39)
But the wnc 1I0ly Scr!plures in OIhe1" pllII;CII apWn tous trIOR
But � of these alMlons. 10 him '"ho Wldcntands the docpn
. who is lbe real cause of our evils. In Jemny 2: 17.19.
meaniq of the Holy Scriprurea, casu any blame on God. &S if He
we read "llath IlOl thy forJakiq Me brough!. these th.1lP upon
...cre the CIU$C of evils and their crealor, for He Who said. '[ am
thee? Allh tht. l..ord thy God .. Thine apmmy shall chastHC thee
the One Who man. Ugh!. and cblknest;,' shows Hunself.u the
and thy ...ickt:dness $hill reprove thee; blow then, and _ Ihat thy
Crealor of the uni\'crsc, IlOl that He is the Crealor of any evil . . ..
forsakin8 Me bath been biner 10 lbe!:. Aith the Lon! thy God.'
"Ue Creales ev,...· 1ha! means, "He fulnoRS them ..ain &lid briOCS
The Holy So:nptUfCI tpe:ak our lanc�. the l.�ge ....hich we
lhem t o . betLe�l'l .o dial they kave lheir evilllll:SS, 10 lake 011
undcntalll:l in our fallen stale As $liN Grqary the "TheologIan

the nature of good ,,.

Slyl. "For -.:card'na 10 our own comprehentiiott. _ have given
As Saini Isaac the Syrian writes, "Very often many tIunp Ire
nlmC'S 'rom our own IItribulcl 10 !hose of God'" And SainI Joim
said by the Holy Scripturea .l'1li in it many nanJeS are used 1101 in
Damucc:ne uplaiRS I'unMT that ....hat in the Holy ScripruTCli "is
Aid of God as if He had • body. ;s Aid symbolically ... [II
COIll.aInIJ some hidden meani"" which Ihroush thin&s COrrt::5flOoo·
illl 10 our l\IIure. IUches ui things which exceed our Mture.-01


However. tbere IfC punishmcnta Imposed upon us by God, or

rather evil. done 10 us by the devil and permitted by God. But
these punishmenQ IfC what ...e call pecb&ogieal ptIIIishmew. They
have as aim our colTtclion III fItis "fe, or 11 least the
correction of oIbtn would rake I lesson from our �

.... IbW. 19'

.1. So. GretooY .. T' ,va F'IJo 1M 'ruJ � ]l (,..:l l6. U7).
n. Sl. .. D .,. ... 1 It

UId correct Ihcrn&clves by far. Tbere I� lIso punL.l.luneDl$ whicb All Ihc:5e punWlrnelllll � and have llIeir purpose in llus
do no! hive lilc pu� of c:onetlina anybody bul simply pul .n rorrupced SIIIe of Ibinp; lhey do no! Ulend beyond Ibis corrupted
end 10 evil by pulhoa an end 10 !hose who are p�illj il. 10 hfe. The,r purpose it 10 COrrtd. whil can be co/reeled, and 10
ItIaI !he eareh may be saved from perpetual tomIp(ion UId local chan&e thinp lOWI.Id. I bener coM. , lion, wllile tlungs can $Iii!
dc:s!rvttion; such was !he ease in lhe Oood during Noe's lime. UId chMwe In t/ut chan&illl world After 1M COI't1D'IOIl Re$urm:tion no
In Sodom'1 dealrvttlOll " � whalever can �ke plaee. Eumity and inconupc,bihly I�
1M 5Im of u� things; no llterU.ionII wtullt1:oer happen
then, only ckvdopmenu in !he 5Im choseD by flft penonalilio:s:
�l. "F....... """ ....... """ IIoodJ ..., __ plop« <If".... """ _ (lemal UId infinltc dtvc:lopmelU.but no ct.angina:, 110 Iltrnuion of
...0:11 oiord 1hc ,.._." ..�. � ,. . ... pIoj._ dlreelion. no JO'na t:.c;k Tbe chingLlll world we.$ee Il'OOnd \IS is
� if .. � _ ,.... ... ...,..",. ID Ib< body (lor 1Ioo ...._ ...'" ill<
d_. ... """ ....... III< ..trcm� .. .. .... _ __ God is """" "'.... chanalna bc:eause It is COI"rupubie. Tbe r(emat New 1I��D5 and
Idol. • ..._ ID t •• ).. ....... III<_ <Jl pMi<ubr ;
; ; New Earth whJcll God will brina aboUl in His Sccocd Comma an
!lui t'" """ .....,. 40 ,.... ... ;peo/I: �OI) "' ... "..,.... ...... ... _ ineorrupliblc, thal �, 0(]( chan&i11l. So in chis New World
_ .... ,... .-.un -.. -.dac_ -, _ < i '..Iy ... die body. ever. Iherdoce, pec!aaOSIC,lI
there CIIn be no collection ... .,..,
\IuI)'O'O.... I'.'c .... _ """ oddtta .. IS .,_ -. be COI'I&<i _
d_ .. . "O .... """'" .....r......,. _.- _"""'" body I�, punl5l'1mC'nu I� no kwl&er neces.uf)' , Arty punishmml from God
.. ... )'ClIO ... . <I )'
, ...... . 11I1 .
00m . ' io _ .....,...., .. I ...... .." on chili New World of Resurrectio n would be durly and WUhoul
_. . .. ... oU IoMo;b. )011 do> """ $IonDIo: ro- .. _ I t.!o'I' ••
...... ...... ... .... PIo)...... """ s.._ ' 51 8uil 1IIo GreM, .... cil. 1," I doubt • revenadul .cI. inappropnl le and motiYaied by hate,
. ...... tOIl -r K«pI 1IIo ...... ' 1 bll -.d I wIl _ .. live' (D<u. U;l') wlthoul any good intemKln or purpose,
1....1ly. of )"\Olll ..osIo, IIncc St. odllld ill< _ ..... ' '1 ..
·m "",.. """ I ..m If we eonsidcr hell J$ I punl5hmetII from God, we �I admit
"..I' (ON.. )2J9� k is "",r_ lUbe...... 1 duo '-- 1-.011). ,... Ib<
....... ......... r.." ,,'h,lo III< 1IulioI, ...... .. .... &. � IS p<mt0l<d l....
lhal II is I _less punWunenl. unless we admll thaI God is an
... ... . k>I\.o<r ...._... of.... �•• 1 wilI .lly """"'" nfinitely
I wicked bcioa
.io """ ...u ID I.... -ch . ....... '!lul IIIoIo&h ..... ....-anI .. "'"" pmsh,
Iu Saini IJUt tbe Syrian says: ")Ie woo applies pcd:i10l1Cll
� doc 10 ,,-...1 ...... tS ........ od <lay II)' <loy' (11 Co< . 16� Thmfbtt, H..... "'"
punishmclls l in ortkr 10 live hellLh, si punuhinB with love, bul he
I loy Ollt • ...:I .". �f. ID IIIO!hn. bu'_*" ...._""'.... I:edry1,He."..
lof. ID. -. ond lie """1$0 _ ..od'I ..... "bl<. H. ""lit. hila. K<XIIIl"" ,,>I'" who IS looklnB for vengeance, is devoid of love. God punisheS
prot",,,, ",'h;c,h ooy... ·f... lbou ....k btl, hIm "iIh III< tod, ...:I ...... deliV<f II" f.r it - but He wams to
_I ""'" de""" (Prow 2J 14) So III< IInh • d...tMd for .... ..... ID bebtaltd.
wllh love, no! defending Himself - be
ond mil ",,' 1D drOll! 1'0< � ID Ii.'� \\bnI )'OII _ "lbtn: ikI1I be heal His irnase, Ind lie does no! keep lIis wrath for long. This
IID"� .. aclty ... bloh Ih: I. on! __ .. """bt' (ef, "'- ) "� .... r>tond by wly of love is !he way of upri�, and II does not ehan&e wilh
"'" _ ' ,.11' N' 1110 ..on! .._.... .... lri blllal .... bn>J&hI upce ...... 1'0< 1110
<omni:Ooo ofolr...... For � 00). ... 'For i tJ1Iio:It<j ..... """iIA,....... 1Ioce.
passion 10 • dc:fe1l$C. A mill who is just iI!Id wise: is like God
ID dO """" ID ...... (er 110M, I.l� 10 !DO is ln'IIIirIaIcd bc lilln: iI "';Ib DIll
�U5e he nc:ver cilutises • man in revCTlle for wickt:d!letll, bul
-.-...s. II . ...... diU ... ....1 IIDIdo bock • ri..... only 10 order 10 coma him or thai others be .fnJd" (Honuty 11).
·r... .... ..-., ......o(,..... III<l ...... ...... bIrmmos$ o(1II<
So "' see Ilw God punishes as Ion& as theK is hope for
.... oo:d", _ tWI\(a. � . . .... life of ...... MofI'lbc ....... or
... n... _ . .... .- t.. God 10 II II> """"" .... ..... .....ih. b
die Ir't I't., fIlill< body IIIdall ,..t\It .. ,... WIIIIouI IIa•• btoeOI dtnied
..... .. ,oA. ... '" _ (Iod, .....rc.... ox;'" ..-;I: ....... ....iI rr... God
TIoc_ofe....... .... .. "ond -.. .... _<Jl_ ....._ k; <U. ( ')
... .. 'I ...... ..,., .... ..... _ ... ... ... .. ... .. ... "'... II n "'..iI, .,... ... _mspoo... · ildepaII* ,.... .......
n.. ... ""*- -. ...... .. ... -... 01 ... � __ God II> ..... &0. ..;I .. 10 be .. ...,.
-or ill< .... .-ia, _ ..., ...... . be --'"' b ... _lot til
.-.- poobIot cri ... ...... oc-aa
"1'Iot ,...... ...... _,., .....,., io _ _ ...... . _1liiy .....,. -... -toiIo _ _ .. ... � tII... oo:d _ ... b _ �
(.. ' ) 1D ..u ...... ... ..... • SL BIIiI ... 0.-. op,,,," 7. "102

comaion. Alief !he CO".'1OiI Re$urreaion there u no question of The Light ofTru.h, God's Energy, God's grace which ....ill fall
on �n unll1ndtm1 by corrupt conditions in !he Day of Judgment,
any punishment from God. Hell i, '1lOt a punWuneOl from God but
I Kif «lI1de:mnalion, AI SaIni IbsiJ the Grw $30)'$, "The evil$ n
willbe the wne.IO III men. Tbcre wHl be no disunaion whatever
hell do noc have God II !he.r QU5e, buI ounc:lves,·.. All !he d.ffcrence: llet in tbo$e ....ho r�ive, IIOl in Him Who
aives The wn lIlira on healthy and di� e)U lliU, ....ithout
... any distineeion lleahhy cya enjoy light and bea... of iI K.:
clearly the baury which IU1TOlIIIds !hem. Diseased eyes fed pUn,
they h.ln. $lIffer, and wam 10 lUck from this same lighl which
One c:oukI insist, �". tbat \hc � �lipnu"eIlIld t/lc;
FatheT$IlWll)'$ spat. of God IS the Grw Judge who ....
ilI rn."Ird brinp IliCh Veil hllppineu to tIxm who Nve healthy eyes
lboie who were obed.enl to HIDI and ....iII purush !hose who � But alas, !here: is no Jonaer any JIOAibility of tsCI]Iina God's
disobcd_, In lhe day of !be Great JudJmmt (2Tm,4:6-8), How liam Durnil thlll life there _ In !he New CfUll(JII o f iht
are we 10 undenland thi, j\lclgmem if we IR 10 under$llnd !he
Raumaion, God will be CYCf)'Whcre and in evcrythina HIS hght
divine words noc in I human buI in I diVine manner? Wh3I is and love ....,11 anbrxe III There ....iIl be 00 place hiclden from

God', juc1gmcn11 God, .. wu iht cue clunna our corrupt ife l in !he kingdom of the

God ill Truth and Light God', juclgmrnl is noching else than prince of th� worlel Of The dcvil '. k1J!&dom will be cIe$poiled by
our corm", inlQ contact ....uh truth and light In !be day of the !he Comlllon . IIIr.e pouessiou apm of
Resurrection and God ...i
Grw Judgmelll all mm ....d l l(lpUr wed before this pcnnratina lIis crellion.- Love ....iIl cnrobe everything with iu sa<:red Rn:
liaN of truth The "boob" ....ill be opened, What are these which will flow like I rivcr from !he ihrone (If God and w.1I
,rri,ate paradise. BUI thu same rivcr of Love - for ibo$e who havc
"books"1 They are our heII s. Our hans ....iII be cpmed by !he
pcnetl'llina liam of God. and ....hal is in these heans will be IIIIc in their hcaru Will ruffocll.c and burn.

revealed If in thole hans � is love for God, tlxm heans will

"r...,r our God is I oonsumirc fire" (lfb.12:29). "The vcry fire
which purines ,old. allo consumes wood. Precious mclals &IIlroe in
rejoice in 5Ceina God's light. If. on the eoNraJ)'. there is hatrte!
it like iht $lin, rubbish bums with hllCk smokc. All are in the
for God in � heatU. thQe men wlllsulTer by receiving on their
wne. fire of Love, Some shine and otbcrs become black and dark.
opened heIIn• •his penetratma light oftruth which they detested all
!heir life In the 1&rIIe fUllIICe steel Mira like the lun. wherus clay lUrns
dark IRd is hardened h" Mone.
So 1I\aI whk:h will differentiate between oroe IIWl and another
will noc be • clceislon of God, I reward or a punisIunml from The d,ffcfencc is in man, IlOt in God, The difference 1$
eonditioned by the free choice of man, which God R$pecu
111m, but tN. ....hod! WJI in each one's heart; what was Ihett
.bsoIu.ely, God's judgmenl is !he revela"OIl of .he realilY which
be revealed in the Day of Judgrno:.-. If
duril1l III our life ....iII
III .n man,
there U I rewanl lnd I punilhmcnc in this revelatioo - and !here
ruJly u - il does noc a:mc from God but from !.he love or IlIIe
"'hich reip in our heart. Love has bliss n
i ii, hatred has
.s. "TIle dtviI bcaIoIt tile '1'nIIee 0(_� A& a.... �, 2', n,
bitterness , arid, affilcuon. wk:tedness, -ailil
ion, COMlfaon, """' 1" __ I tr
. .
. ...... "'" _.- .. - ...,. ... .
darkness, and &lI the other nterior
i condilions which ....
. ..
1p1lI5e hell �"wrl t ....... ..... .. poea ... ooyMIo
, ... "- ... ..
• _ ..--. .. .... ..... ... lIIId bca bc.,.- tor- _ did _
.... .. __ ... _ ... ...... ... _ ..... ...,. tdoi<ocl, 1OIaiocd
..... .. Goo!" SI. '- Monyr S«.-� ,.
... "... .... ..,.. ... S- <1lGoo! ..... t I _He .... ....." ..
-'" of ... 4eY11.' 1 ,... U.

30 31

Thus Saini Macanus ....r . ius, • And as the kingdom of cbrknes$, n.

and sin, an: hidOen i
n the: IOUl unlil lhe Day of RaulftClion, when
the bodies al$(I 0( liMen JlWI 1M: covered with the darkneu ttw 1 think !lw by now we lave reached the poi� ofllndr;Blandi�
is DOW hidden in the I0I1l, so Idso the KiQldom of Light, and the oorrectly whal etermi bell and eternal paradi$e really are, and who
Heavenly Image. JeJIIJ Christ, DOW myJlitalJ)' enliglun the soul, is ni reality responsible for the ddfelenoe.
and mgn in the soul of 1M airu. bul an hidden from the eye5 of In the icon of the Last Jlldtmmt � see Our Lord Jesus Chris!
men ... ullli] the: Day of Resurreaion, bul thon the body also shan seated OTII thro!lC', On flos ri,b!' we II« Bil friends. lhe bleued
be cowffil and glorified with the Li&!u oflile Lord, whith is now men and women who lived by llis love. On His left we ice His
in the man'li soul IfTom thi' tanhl), lIfeJ. thai the body .1so mil)' eroem.ies, all !hose wlx! passed lheir life hating Him, even if they
reign with \he iOUl ....hw.:h from now receives !he Kingdom of appeared 10 be pious and n:verell! And then:, in the midsl of the
Ouisl and re$1S and is enliahtened wilh etemIl lighl" (Homily 2). lWO. springing from Chris!'5 throne, we KC I r iver offin: oomina:
SaJlIl Symcon the New ThtolOilian $1)'1 tNt il is IlOI what man 10'I0-ard liS, What is !his fiver of fin:? I. it an insu,"ne� oftortun:?
doe$ which rounts in e1emal llfc but wh.tI he ii, whether he: is like Is it an _flY of Ventrance 00JI\Ina: 01.11 from God ,n O1dCT to
JalI$ CIuiR our Lord, or whecher he it dirremll and unlike 111m. vanquISh His enemies?
He $lI)'I, "In the funue life the OIriitian is IlOl examined if he has No. nothing of the ton This river of fire is the n"tr ..hich
.... "llCCd IJxo ...bole world for Orll11', love, or f
i he h.u dislribul­ 'arne OIl! from Eden to ,, Ihe" of old (Gn.2'IO). II
eel Ius rkbc:s 10 the poor or If he (wed or kepi vigil Of pnyal. Of is tbe river of the JBU 01 God ...hld\ irrigated God'. 5Iim fTom
if he orepl and lamcnIed to<- hil lllll, or if he has dolE any OIhH tbe begi"""". In I wonI, iI is !be OUI-pouri", of God', love for
aood in !his tife. but he is eumined aUmlively f i he lias any His en:wllu. Love It fire. Anyone who loves knows thiS. God is
'im,lnudc: with Christ. as • IoGII does with hIS '.ther.· Love, 10 God is Fire. And lire ton5umes all those woo are no! lire
lhan.selva. and renders briaht and lhinina all lhose who an: fire
... lhemselves (Hb,12:29),
God fNny limc:t appeared as fire. To Abnlwn, 10 Moses in lilt.
SainI Peltr the Damuecne writes: 'We all receive God', burning bush. 10 tbe people of 15rae1 lhowina !hem the wly in tbe
ble5sinp equally. But some of UI, receivina God'. fin:, lhal it, descn as I wlumn of fire by "I&hI and as a ,luning cloud by day
His word, become 10ft like beeswu, wbile !he OIhrni like clay ...ben He oovCHd Ihe IIbcrnatk with lIis ,lory (EJ..40:28,32l, and
bcromr Iwli as 5!One, And if we do no! want Him. He does no! ",ben He rained fin: on the IIIIMIII of Mount SlI'IIi. God was
fora. any ofus, bul lite the 5\111 He JaK!s His rays and IIh.umnales revealed IS fin: on the mouruin of Tnnsfigundion, and He Wd
the whole WOOd, and be ..' ho WIlU UI see Him, _ Him, tbIl He arne "to pili fire upon the earth" (U.12:�9), that is to the one wlx! does not Willi 10 see Him, is not forced by AY. \o-Ie, becml5e' . Saini JQ/m of the Ladder 5IYS. "Love: is the
Him. And no one is responsible for !his privllioa of light Hczpt IOIIfU oHire" (Step )(l, 18).
the one 'tIbo does no! WIll! 10 have it. God en:ated !he SUD and the The Greet ...mer, FOUl KontOSkN Aid IOI'I)e'fIbere tIut "Flith
eye. Man is free to receive the lUll'S liar. or not. lbe same is 1!lIe is tire, and ,iva warmth Ul the bean. The Holy Spiril eame down
�. God JaK!s the lishl ofkoowledge like rays to aJl, bul He aJso upon the heads of the �� in the form of 10f1IUCI of fire. The
la� us fai!h lite an eye. The one who W&!Q to recei ve knowleGae lWO disciples, when the was revealed to !bern. Aid '�id I'lOl
throu,h faith, keeps it by his works, and so God ,Iva him more our heart bum within WI. while He IIlked with us n i the WIY"

12 ]]
ChnS! compara filth 10 l 'bunting tudk ' �I): John the \nile of life; it ..... l lmillle and bu� toward infidels, but
Forenlllnu ulel in his smrons lhal Chnst will baptize men 'in the kindly .uuibk toward !he faithful. 001111111 to them the lip of
Holy Spin! Ind fire.' And truly, tile Lord lIid, ' 1 1m COITIC to 5md day.'· The same loving ftn brircs !lx day 10 thoR who respond
fire on the earth and willi will I if it be Ilrudy kindled?' Well, the 10 love with love, and. bums thoI.e who respond 10 love with
most langible cluncteriSlic of f.ilh Is wamuh; this is wily they hatred,
IpcIok .bout 'wlrm flith,' Dr 'f.ith provol(ing wlmuh,' And ('Ven Pandiu and. hell are one and the ume River of God, I loving
as !Ix distinc:llvc mark of flith is warmth, the SUR: mark of fire whith ernbtac:a and covers .U with the same bend'lCial will
unbelief is coldnss. witbout anydifference or dL5(rimillltion. The wne vivifyil18 Wile ;
'00 you want 10 know bow 10 undersUnd if I man his flith Of Is life elema] for the faithful and'death eternal for the inrtcie]$; for
unbo:lid? If you fcd "'lrmlh conting 0tIl of him - from his ern. Ihe fint it Is the" element of life. fOf the second it Is the lIISUU'
from his words, from his I!JIf\IICn - be ccnain tlw: he his f.ilh in mrnt 0( their etemal wff�ioo: paradi$e for the DOe Is hell for
his heiR. If Ipln you feel cold amina 0111 of his woole bcilll, lhe othrr 00 noc wnsm thb t'fIIICC The son who loves hill
thai meaJlI thai he has IXM faith. ...!wever he may say. He may fl1lxr will feel happy in his falbet', Inns, but if he does noc love
kneel down, he may bend his had humbly, he may uuer III JOrtS him, his f.ther', lovinS embrace will be I 10rtt1em 10 him This
of moral leac:hlnllS with I humble voice. bul 11I 1he$e will brealhe also Is why when we love lhe man who hales us, it is likened 10
forth • chIlli", brealh "'hich fill, upOll you 10 numb yoo wnh POUfllll liahleG co.1t and hex embers on hilt head..
"'" . . 'I say." wriles Saint lsuo:: the Syrian, 'thai !hoM: who are
Slil): ]uac: the S)'ri.ul $Il)'J that "Paradiso: is the love of God, In ....fferina in hell. au $IIfferm, in beq IoCOUfJCd by love .. ]1 iIt

11!hid! the bliss of III the beatnudes is muined,' and !hal. "the tOUlly rllse: 10 thir* that tbc ,inne:r) in hell au depnved ofGod',
trft of life is the love of God' (Homily 72). Ion. l.ove is I. dltld of the Ir.nDwled&e 0( 1rW!. IIld is ullCJU$lDI)o
'00 noc deceive yoursc.lf," u)'Il Sau'll Syme<JII the New ably liven OOfmlOnIy 10 &11. BlII Iove', power IICtS in lwo WI)'Il' it
1'heoIoa1lll,"God Is fire and when He � into the wOflll, and k 111 the same time il deli&hU u.o.e who have
10rmetQ linnen, whi
hecame man, He sent fire on the eaRh, as He H�lf says; thIS lived. n
i II((Oni ... lIh ii' (Homily 84)

fire IUrl'lJ about scardling 10 find malen21 thai is • d.isposition

God. II love. If we reaJlyhelieve IhlS lruth, we know thai God
and an Intention IhIot is good. - to flli lolo and 10 kindle; and for never hales, never punisbe5, OCVeT IIIkes vengeance. AI AbhII
u.o.e In whom this fin: will ilnite, it hec:oIlles I ,l'Ul flam:. whith Ammonu Dyl. "Love never hiles anyooe. DCVCI' reproves anyone,
IUChes Heaven . this flame 1\ fint punfies us from the poI]ulion never COUdtiiMd anyooe, never Jrieves lDyooe, never Ibhors
0( passions and then il bcromc::s in \IS food. Ind d.rink and litht and anyone, neitber failhful nDI' infidel nor ltraIlIer nor linnet !lOr
;0,., and. rmden WI li&hI OOrRlves because we p&rtic�e in Hit fomitalOf, nor lJlyone imp.m:, tu: insttad it is precisdy 1Uuw:n,
lip" (DuCOllTU 78). and weak and qliaml5DUlt that il \ovc:s more, and feelt PUI for
God is • 1ovi11l fin:. and He is • lDvillC fin: for Ill: aood or them and lricvc:s and Lamcnu, and it I'eeIt I� for the wlCbd

bad. There is. however, I ,!'CIt diffcrtncc in the way people and ,i_n, more than for !he aood, irn1tllilll Christ Who ailed
receive Ihilt lovina fire of God. Sllnl Basil $lYs thai 'the ,word of sinnen. and ate and drank With them, For lhis ruson, showilll
fire WII placed I1 lhe gate of paradi$e 10 auant the approach to lhe whl! real love ii, I�e LWghl sayina, 'Btcome aood and merciful

.. !k a..i ... GrCOII "".,.", Il. :z. •

_ , .. H-'1 ...... (1'G 11 U.
oM ." Im�

,. "
like yoor Pather in lleavcn.' .nd as lie rains on bad and good and be, perhaps. 10 go lway from their brothers and seard! for a biner
makct the lun to riK on JUS! and unjUSl .Iike, so also is the one isolation from tllem. bIIt !hey coukl nevcrdepart from God and His
who lias rW love, and has compusion. and pray! for all ..., lovc And wlw ;. more terrible is thlll in this eternal lifc, [n this
New Creation, God is CYcrythin& to HI$ erearura. As San.
18. Grqory of Nyua JaYS. 'In the present life the thinp we havc
relations w1m arc numcrow.. for;c ity, food
: time, air. IoaI
Now if anyone IS pcrpIcJ;cd and does IIOl understand how it is aDd drink. ellltllq. SWIIiV-, �i&ht. IIld other �ieI of
pouibk rOf God's loYe 10 rmkr anyooc pitifully wtC'lcbcd and tife, lIO!II! of ",JUcb, nuny thouJII tbey be, are God: that blessed
miserable and � bllmina as ,t were in fbmcs. let bim toD$ider i nectj of **' of these thinp. but the
satc wbk:h we hope for is n
the elder brodIer of the prod..*' son. Was he 00( in bis (llher'l D1vine Beina will bceoiQe all, and in the ilad of all 10 1lS.
cswc? Did "'" eo;eryduna in it �Ioa& to b,m" Did he "", 1uI"c his dwribuun& Humdf ptoponiomtely 10 every need of that exist·
fatila'l love? 0111 bis fatbl:r IIOl tome himself to mtra! and ence. II IS plain. 100. from the Holy Scriptures 0.. God IleoooItS
beKceh him 10 come and take pan in the joyrul banquet? WIllI 10 !bote who 0eJervt: it. Iocillty IIld horne and clothins and food
rendered bun tnl5C:ral>Ie and burned him ..ith inner biltemess and and drink and Ii".. and ticheI and kinpm. and everythilll thai
Iwe" Who refused bim 1nyt/l1ll,? Why was he not joyous II bis an � lhou&ht of and named that aoes to mate OUr life bappy'
brother's return? Why did he IIOl hI,'e love either 1000rd hi, falher (On /lit Sold lIIId /lit RUlUrffl;Ott),-
or loward hi. brotbl:?r Was it 001 because of his wicked, nner i In the new cternal lifc, God will be evcrymin, to His Crt.illura.
disposllion? Did he IIOl .CfIWI\ in bl:1I because: of o..? And whlll IIOl only 10 the &ood bul ilbo 10 the wicked, not only to 1ho5e who
...... thIS bl:1l1 Wu II any separate place? Wen: tkre any instru· love IIll'ii. but tikcwllC to IIIo$e who Iwe lIim, But how will those:
menu oftonure7 Did he IIOl oontinue to live in his father's house? who hlte Him endure 10 IuIve t:Ve1)'thina from the hands of H'1ll
What $Cp&nletl him from III the joyous people in the house If 001 Whom they !lettsl' 011. wlult 11\ eternal tOfJtl!:OI i, m'l, wtw 11\
his own !we and his own bluerneu1 Did his flther, o. even his eternal fire, what a gnuhina of leelhl
brOther, .top 10vil1& him? Was il not precisely this very love which Depart from Me, yc cursed., iOlo lhe everlastill& inner fire of
llardcned hi. he3n more and more? Was it IIOl the joy \hal made
him $ad? Wu IIOl IuItreti bumi", in his hean, !wn:d for his father
and hi, brother. hatred for the love of his fllher toward his brother
and for lhe love of his brother tOVlllrd his f:uher'1 This is hdl. the
ncgllion of Iovc� the return of batc for love; bitterness at scci"i
.� joy; 10 he surrounded by love and 10 line hate in one'l
ban This is the eternal c:ono:Iition of all the damrtcd, They IIC III
darly loved. They are: all invited 10 thejoyous �. They are
all livina in God', KlIlldom, in the New Earth and the New � ·'I.r-, 1 . _. l_IIo .... _ I .�w..pKc. I_bJoI,
Heavens. No one aptll them, EvCl1 if !hey ...1Ilted 10 go IVllIy
I ........ I _ -. I . h f '. oU ",,-_"- wIIat. 1 __ 'Be '
.... iI ... af""""'-- I .,.;0 be ....." • -. b r __ 10 _ . IlOl II be
lhey eould IIOl nee from 000'1 New Creaioo, nor hide from ..enod _ I . ....... ... ....,.. ... Iad, ... ....... ... ..... ... ,
God'l lmckrly loYina ormipres.ence Thrir only a1lernative would ..-...; I _ .n; ..,. ... ... .-.,. II> IlL I .... _ b "'":'"-
aM •
• 1 .. ... ..... .. .. c- ... ..... . ... IIIIOIlt ... ..... .... I _..
... _ IO .. F-. .. ... I . _ b .,. ... . t •I _ ..y
F.... r.. .. .. ..... . __. ... joioI_. _ ....... ... ....... .
•,.. ... '1 .... -r 51. .... 0. ) 1'-iIy 71 _ ,., �I '"
u.Jww(fG n_ 100).

16 17
hund." Kith the Lord. bee'''se I was tbirsly for your love IJ1d you like • river of fire. because IlO IYWler whal your heart has
)'011 did not live it to Me, I .... hun&rY for your bleuedneu and cho.Ien, you .re and you will eternally OI)IIIiwe 10 be, My

)'011 did not otTer it to Me, I ..,.. � in My tamw! nature children

and )'Oll did not � to visit Me in My chuR:h; )'O\I are (rer: 10 to Amm.
""IIcK )'OUT wicked desire wWw:s, .way from Me. in the tortutinI
hund of )'OUT whld! i� foman 10 My Iovina bean. whld!
k:aowI 110 hatred for anyone. Depart freely from Iovt to the
t'IfflasItrc torture of hate. IlIIknotm itId foreign 01 Me and 10
those who are with Me. but preplred by f1eu1ooll fOl" the devil,
from the cb)'$ 1 cruled My free. ntlOOlll creatures. 8uI wherever
you 10 In the dacknm of your lulU. My love wiU follow

SI •..,... _ "' .. ....'..w ...,.r . ... _ .._� 0(1he � 1M ..

• It II t• ..,..,.. ... .. ... " f _ -...y . .. . ....... "' ..
.,., A..t .. Lord ooiII ..... 1n p.ry __ ...... T....,.u wiIt __ MII
-. ..w. po-' 'Ilor)' wil ..-d io _ -.I MIl __ AI ..ilI ""'­
..... .. !he ...... mutinloo lk I'rop/Io<t DomoJ, op<at ... "' ",. I.­
loodpcnl. ...- __ .. """.... '" Ooys, Ihc I...... ... on II.. ""- MIl
be...... I... . . /\or)' _ (0.. "'·10]. f"ft io • .,....".., �.... . _
... Woe 111 1 _ ir ... .... toe<:ooMo • pM '" lou; _: .... \lie r.. wiD bum
",. _ b;""'lr.
"1lIiI """ ";U be tied.... wiIhio I _: .......... ero... ..... . ill
. "jooc<.
bIII ...... ...w twt """ _1I>J.ioB. 1mOI'. ud �. Thus will ..... be di.1Ikd
-...-.,.. Tho vvy _ or I ....,·1 , I0Il1 ..... h. . .. _ fide ... Ihc ochu. ..
ritIM ... .. Iof\.
"'T'Ioo __ ..Iousl)o ond po....notr I .... ..... ... 1<>Ward God .. hit life,
tho vo..... wih be ho Jof ""'"" ... fonn" 'C..... .... Me. )'< bIeucd.' An6
.........,. , ... _ WQrIIo .. iU <al1 1IIe lin: "' ...... aDd ....... OIl .... ,, 100
dod _ ..... U .. .. hol'kd ItId iIou&ho .. No
. lfl ' Il.. ...... lheir U ranol
"'T'Ioo ..... J....-. ....... "'"" .. --..os .. _ ......... 1 t>OI)1II ""
it ioootriI:coI io lit IOII If "'_ 1tId ....,. ....:onII. .... boob art ope....t . ....
' '.

, E� __ 01.. III all MIl 111 ....11 .
....... _ will CO III JfI1f, ..bilE ...... - III .......
'W1oooo '1IIe boob we opeD<d.' iI ..ill ...... 01 ...
... "'" .- "'... ......
"" . .. "'- -r.. _ "' . do -*:wd .. 1 1cdoer "","" Ioc: body .... dood.
_ ..,. .... .. ... . ..... _ NoI n- _ _ · r _ III _ ill _
-l llld .. ... _ ._ .... -'. _ irlhc _ ... _ tqICO*<I ''' Il00 _
_ ... .. hod ...,. ... .. M w'III _ III .. Lut Judc-M ....... _
_ ...... "" .. _ .,.jII _ .....,. ... ... II1II 10 ... $<l1li .... will be
.. ...... eI ...... _ ... _ � U j_ _ ..... ..· . . .. _
_ IF' . . ... .... .. d ,__ C •• j •• • -r- ... ... . ' . of_·
el .p. d lLw .... ... .. 0 I' ... of_
·It·"" ,-- ' - _Io" _ k " ..... .... wiII ... ..... _
. .... "'_· s.dI . .... _ofld.· ""tt 01 _ "'·' . ..... '"TIoe
t. J 's • (� ....., o-:o ....o,. I . 19M), 17'/·11.

lB l'

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