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Archdiocese of Tuguegarao

Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:
SUBJECT TITLE and CODE : Physical Education 1 – LOT PE1-001C
Professor : Mr. Allan E. Samonte

Module No. and Name : Module 3 - HEALTH and BEHAVIOR

Session No. and Name : 3 – (week 3 and 4 of Sept.)
Expected completion : Online class Oct 5 @ 4:30 pm


1. Discuss transtheoretical model of behavior change (TTM), and how effective it is in eliminating
behavior problems
2. Examine what motivates behavior changes.

Life continually offers us with abundant opportunities in achieving what we desire. Thomas (2006)
in his book stressed the self-change approach, according to him, “most of us strive to be self-changers” He
defined self-change as a behavior which is controlled by the person himself. This means, when change is
necessary to happen, a person can do it. What is good about this approach is, a person has the control over
change and change happens according to his desired way.
Lifestyle change is self-change; anyone is capable of stopping what threats then or pushing what
he or she want to do. The quitting in smoking, alcoholic drinks, and drug addiction is a personal choice,
and anybody can do it. A person has to evaluate what changes in health behavior he wants to implore
and then observe proper stages in the shift in behavior.


Prochaska, Norcross & DiClemente (1994) introduced a behavioral change model called transtheoretical
model of behavior change (TTM), this model is based on time and psychological theories. TTM has identified
five (5) stages of change necessary in eliminating problems in behaviors and adopting new healthy
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

Precontemplation stage The stage signifies resistance to change, or “I will not” stage.
Individual in this juncture are unwilling, unaware, and discouraged to
change. Often they think risk will never happens to them or not
serious at all, so they remain in their old practices

Contemplation stage This is the “I might” stage. Individual acknowledge that they
have a problem and begin to think seriously about overcoming
it. They become aware of the problems that behavior might
bring but made no commitment yet to act. Contemplators in this
stage are not totally convinced.

Preparation stage In this stage the individual is determined to take action; the “I
will” stage. Person in this stage realized that the behavior
change is necessary for them, and eventually, they find meaning in
doing it.

Action stage This stage the actual change is taking place or the “I am” stage.
Individuals are making a significant effort to change, and in
some sort, has achieved some degree of success with the modification.

Maintenance stage Consistency is happening at this stage or “I have” stage.

Individuals are committed to continue what they have started
and maintain the level of result. Behavior practice in this stage become
a habit.

Termination stage Individuals in this stage have complete confidence that they can cope
with behavioral risk and without fear of relapse.


Healthy lifestyle as a product of change must be consistently monitored. Behavior modification helps
people understand what motivates them and what actions are required to make permanent changes in
behavior. The following behavior modification principle can contribute to change behavior. Hoeger and
Hoeger (2007).
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

Self-Analysis ❖ The first step in modifying behavior. If a person has no interest in changing
behavior, he will not do it. As part of self-analysis, it is better for a person to
prepare a list of reasons changing behavior is necessary and otherwise. If the
result has ousted the reasons not changing, the person is ready for the next

Behavior Analysis ❖ In this principle, the frequency, circumstances of the behavior should be
determined as the basis for alteration or implementation. For instant, the
desired outcome is to consume less fat, find out in your diet, what are the foods
that are high in fat, and make it as the basis for change.

Goal Setting ❖ A goal motivates change in behavior. The stronger the goal, or desire, the more
motivated the person to unwanted behaviors to healthy behaviors.

Social Support ❖ A person is getting support from the people around him. Peer support is a
strong incentive for behavior change.

Monitoring ❖ During the action and maintenance stages, continuous monitoring of behavior
increases the awareness of the desired out come. If the diet is monitored dully
according to what is prescribed by the nutritionist parallel to the activity given,
this helps the person achieve total change.

Positive Outlook ❖ This refers to an optimistic approach on the outcome of a change from the start
it was implemented all the way to the end.

Reinforcement ❖ When a positive behavior becomes habitual and become part of the person’s
system, he deserves a reward. Vacation away from home, buy something for
remembrance, and dine out, among others

Accomplish the paper at the next page and submit on the date agreed in our virtual lecture and
for those using only the modular plat form submit the accomplishment a week after the receipt of this

Print and submit on the day required ( wait for the announcement on the GC or google classroom)

Alave, Jun C.. Physical Education and Health Book 1. Ist Ed. JFS Publishing Services. Pasay City,
Philippines, 2016, pp 21-26

Guided test question shall be prepared for evaluation.
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:
Name:____________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Course and year:_________________ Schedule of Class:____________ Contact No.________________
Please indicate which response most accurately describes your stage of change for three
behaviors (in the blank space identify the behavior: smoking, drinking liquor, physical activity, stress,
nutrition, weight control, etc.). Next, select the statement (select only one) that best presents your
current behavior pattern. To select the most appropriate, fill in the blank for one of the first three
statements. If your current behavior is a problem behavior. (for example you might say “ I currently
smoke and I do not intend to change in the foreseeable future” or I current do not exercise but I am
contemplating changing in the next six (6) months”)
If you have already started to make changes, fill in the blank in one of the last three statements.
(In this case, you may say “I currently eat a low fat diet but have done so only within the last 6 months.”
Or “ I currently practice adequate stress management techniques and I have done so for more than 6
You may use this technique to identify your stage of change for any type of health-related
behavior. Now write a specific goal and identify three behavior modification principle that will aid you
with the process of change.

Behavior 1: __________________________________________
1. I currently ________________________ and I do not intend to change in the foreseeable future.
2. I currently_______________________but I am contemplating changing in the next 6 months.
3. I currently__________________________ regularly but intend to change in the next month.
4. I currently ___________________________ but have done so only within the last 6 months.
5. I currently ______________________________ and I have done so far more than 6 months.
6. I currently ________________________________ and I have done so for more than 5 years.
Stages of Change:_________________________________________________________________
Specific goal and date to accomplish: __________________________________________________
Principles of behavior modification to be used ___________________________________________

Behavior 2: __________________________________________
1. I currently ________________________ and I do not intend to change in the foreseeable future.
2. I currently_______________________but I am contemplating changing in the next 6 months.
3. I currently__________________________ regularly but intend to change in the next month.
4. I currently ___________________________ but have done so only within the last 6 months.
5. I currently ______________________________ and I have done so far more than 6 months.
6. I currently ________________________________ and I have done so for more than 5 years.
Stages of Change:_________________________________________________________________
Specific goal and date to accomplish: __________________________________________________
Principles of behavior modification to be used ___________________________________________

Behavior 3: __________________________________________
1. I currently ________________________ and I do not intend to change in the foreseeable future.
2. I currently_______________________but I am contemplating changing in the next 6 months.
3. I currently__________________________ regularly but intend to change in the next month.
4. I currently ___________________________ but have done so only within the last 6 months.
5. I currently ______________________________ and I have done so far more than 6 months.
6. I currently ________________________________ and I have done so for more than 5 years.
Stages of Change:_________________________________________________________________
Specific goal and date to accomplish: __________________________________________________
Principles of behavior modification to be used ___________________________________________

Stages of change: refer to the module

Adopted from:

Welner W. K. Hoeger & Sharon A. Hoeger (2007), Fitness and Wellness – Seventh Edition, 10 Davis Drive
Belmont, CA 94002-3098

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