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=============== Night Slave ===========
=============== FAQ/Walkthrough Guide ===========
=============== By Jason Adam Wayne Andrew Paul (Txpot, ZERO-00) ===========
=============== Version 1.0 ===========
=============== 26/2/10 ===========

Contents of Guide



Hello there! Welcome to my second FAQ! This is my tribute to GameFAQs

(And any other FAQ guide website), after reading a lot of FAQs!
This guide is for Night Slave by Melody. I have wrote this guide because I
have not seen any guide of this game at all, let alone in general. This is so
that people can use this guide to learn about the game, and to enjoy it,
regardless of language barriers!

Thank you for taking the time to read this FAQ! Please enjoy this guide, and
without further adieu, it's time for the guide!!!

NOTE: Having trouble with this guide? Ctrl+F is your friend!



*NOTE*: These are the controls for the menu screen.

Arrow Keys: Move cursor.

SPACE: Confirm selection.
ESC: Cancel, Exit menu.

*NOTE*: These are the controls for the in-game screen.

Arrow Keys Left/Right: Move character.

Arrow Keys Up/Down: Move weapon up or down.
SPACE or Z: Press to shoot your primary and your secondary weapon.
X: Press to jump. Press and hold while in the air to boost jump.
C: use your collected items to power yourself up.
ESC: Press to pause game. Press again to resume play.


The objective of the game is to go through the level, defeating opponents

until you find the boss and defeat it. This is much like most shooters, except
this has taken it to platforming standards.


The gameplay has a power-up system that is much like "Gradius". You don't
directly collect power-ups: instead you collect items in the form of energy
icons (I call them "Energy Balls") that give you access to one of the five
power-up options on the bottom of the screen. The order of what power you'll
get is as follows: Energy, Gun-W, Sub-W, Shield, and A.R.B. The power-up you
can use is highlighted in red. If you collect another energy ball while a
power-up is highlighted, it will move to the next power-up.

For example, if you have the "Energy" power-up highlighted, and you collect an
energy ball, the "Energy" power-up that was highlighted will now switch to the
"Gun-W" power-up.

*NOTE*: Your main and sub weapon has a levelling up system. For each time you
choose their power-ups, your weapon's "Exp" points goes up by one. When the
"Exp" points have reached their maximum levels, that weapon's level goes up by
one. when this happens, the weapon will have permanently powered up and gain
extra benefits, like increased power or firing speed. However, the amount of
points you need to level up your weapon again increases!


1. Energy

What it does: It gives you five points of health on your health meter.


2. Gun

What it does: It increases the points of your main weapon by one. If you have
enough points, your weapon levels up by one and the amount of points you need
to level up your weapon again increases.

NOTE: Once your weapon reaches Level 3, you cannot use this option anymore!


3. Sub-W

What it does: It increases the points of your sub weapon by one. If you have
enough points, your weapon levels up by one and the amount of points you need
to level up your weapon again increases.

NOTE: Once your weapon reaches Level 3, you cannot use this option anymore!


4. Shield

What it does: It gives you a shield that can take up to about 10 hits before
it is destroyed. As long as the shield is on you, you won't take any damage!


5. A.R.B

What it does: It clears all enemies on the screen.


These are all the weapons in the game.

NOTE: The "Exp" needed for each weapon is increased at each level until the
maximum level is reached. The required amount of "Exp" are as follows:

For Main weapons, follow this chart.

Level : Exp needed

Level 1: 0 (All weapons start out at this level.)
Level 2: 4
Level 3: 12
Level 4: 20
Level 5: 28
Level 6: 36

For Sub weapons, follow this chart.

Level : Exp needed

Level 1: 0 (All weapons start out at this level.)

Level 2: 8
Level 3: 12
Level 4: 16

NOTE: You may not be able to go past level 3 in any weapon or increase the
points at all at first, but it seems that you may have to beat the game once
before you can access Level 4. The reason being is the fact that on my second
playthrough, I was able to add points to my Assault Rifle even while being at
Level 3! Unless it's the only weapon that can go past Level 3, I don't have a
clue on what has happened here. However, if you have any information on
this that may bring out the insight to this, please contact me by my e-mail:
It's at the top of the page!

========================== GUN-WEAPONS ======================================

*IMPORTANT NOTICE* I may not have cracked the weapon-collecting at all! The
first time I played the game, I got both the Laser Rifle and the Flame
Launcher at the end of the 6th Mission. The second time I played this game, I
got the Flame Launcher at the end of the 4th Mission! Maybe it has something
to do with levelling up weapons. However, if you have any information on
this that may bring out the insight to this, please contact me by my e-mail:
It's at the top of the page!

= KEY =

When do you get it?: When do you get the weapon?

(The description goes here.)

At Level 1: Overview of what the gun can do before it's powered up.

At Level 2: Overview of what the gun can do when powered up at this level.

At Level 3: Overview of what the gun can do when powered up at this level.

= 1. Assault Rifle =

When do you get it?: You start the game with it!
The first Gun-Weapon you have. This weapon can fire a hail of bullets at any
direction you shoot at. Relatively weak, but most enemies won't be that hard
to beat until mission 4.

At Level 1: The gun can now spray its bullets around in any direction you
shoot at.

At Level 2: The gun's bullets can now bounce off walls, floors, and ceilings,
once. The gun's attack power has been increased by a little.

At Level 3: The gun's bullets can now bounce off walls, floors, and ceilings,
twice. The gun's attack power has been increased by a little.

At Level 4: The gun's bullets can now bounce off walls, floors, and ceilings,
three times. The gun's attack power has been increased by a little.

At Level 5: The gun's bullets can now bounce off walls, floors, and ceilings,
four times. The gun's attack power has been increased by a little, and the
accuracy of the gun is smaller than usual, since it can now spray its bullets
around a lot.

= 2. 88mm Bazooka =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 2 (1st time play), End of Mission 1(Beat
game once).

The second Gun-Weapon you get. This weapon can fire a slow-moving missile at
any direction you shoot at. Strong, but has a pretty long delay in-between
shots. It's not good againsed fast enemies.

At Level 1: This launcher can only shoot a missile every 1.1 seconds.

At Level 2: The gun's attack power has been increased, and it can
now shoot a missile every 0.7 seconds.

At Level 3: The gun's attack power has been increased, and it can
now shoot a missile every 0.4 seconds.

= 3. Laser Rifle =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 5.

The third Gun-Weapon you get. This weapon can fire a single laser shot that
pierces through enemies and walls, but not through all surfaces. Stronger than
the Assault Rifle and the 88mm Bazooka, but its rate of fire is rubbish until
you power this weapon up to level 2.

At Level 1: This gun can shoot a laser every 0.5 seconds.

At Level 2: This gun's firing rate is increased and can now shoot a laser
every 0.2 seconds. The attack power has been decreased.

At Level 3: This gun's firing rate is so high that it can rival the firing
rate of an Assault Rifle! The attack power remains the same as Level 2.
= 4. Flame Launcher =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 5 (1st time play), End of Mission 4 (Beat
game once).

The fourth main gun you get. This weapon can fire a stream of fire that
pierces through enemies and walls. Stronger than the Assault Rifle, but its
firing range is poor until you power this weapon up to level 2.

At Level 1: This gun's range is incredibly low, but it's attack power is the
highest of all the levels.

At Level 2: This gun's range has been increased by 2.5x. The attack power has
been decreased (because the gun's flame blasts are less focused).

At Level 3: This gun's range has been increased by a further 2.5x. The attack
power has been decreased (because the gun's flame blasts are less focused).

========================== SUB-WEAPONS ======================================

= 1. Missile Pod =

When do you get it?: You start the game with it!

The first Sub Weapon you have. This weapon can fire a small homing missile at
the nearest target (Including item boxes!) A bit weak, but its stronger than
the Assault Rifle and it's better than most of the Sub Weapons you get.

At Level 1: This simple Sub Weapon can shoot a missile every 0.7 seconds.

At Level 2: The attack power has been increased, and it can shoot a missile
every 0.4 seconds.

At Level 3: The Sub Weapon can now shoot a missile every 0.2 seconds.

= 2. Sailing Vulcan =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 4 (1st time play), End of Mission 3 (Beat
game once).

The second Sub Weapon you get. This weapon can fire a hail of bullets at one
direction. Stronger than the Assault Rifle, but it can only fire in one
direction, which is diagonal upwards. This weapon seems to be created only
for dealing with the 5th and 6th boss.

At Level 1: This simple Sub Weapon can shoot a bullet every 0.1 seconds.

At Level 2: The attack power has been increased, and can now shoot a bullet
every 0.08 seconds.
At Level 3: It can now shoot a bullet every 0.04 seconds.

= 3. D-Mine =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 6 (1st time play), End of Mission 5 (Beat
game once).

The third Sub Weapon you get. This weapon can launch bouncing mines backwards
from your mech. Stronger than the Missile Pod, but it's range is poor and it
can only fire backwards.

At Level 1: This simple Sub Weapon can drop a mine every 0.7 seconds.

At Level 2: It can now shoot a mine every 0.5 seconds.

At Level 3: It can now shoot a mine every 0.3 seconds.

= 4. Grenade =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 4 (Beat game once).

The 4th Sub Weapon you get. You get this weapon when you beat the game once
and start a fresh file. This weapon can launch mines forwards from your mech
at a good range. Stronger than all the sub weapons, but it's range is a bit

At Level 1: This simple Sub Weapon can shoot a mine every 0.8 seconds.

At Level 2: This Sub Weapon now shoot a mine every 0.5 seconds.

At Level 3: This Sub Weapon now shoot a mine every 0.3 seconds.

========================== OPTION ======================================

= 1. Flight Unit =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 7.

The first Option part you get. This unit can let you boost jump for an
unlimited amount of time!

= 2. Satellite Funnel =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 7 (1st time play), End of Mission 6 (Beat
game once).
The second Option part you get. This unit can shoot out a projectile that
hones in on the enemy! It has the same penetration power of the Laser Rifle!
Unfortunately, for it to attack the enemy, you need to shoot at an enemy or
destructible thing!

= 3. Assault Armour =

When do you get it?: End of Mission 8.

The third Option part you get. This unit can shoot out a projectile that goes
straight. It also gives you a defence boost! However, it decreases movement
and dashing speed.


==Main Menu Screen==

Start: Story mode. Allows you to play the game's story mode.

Continue: Load Game. Allows you to load the game from the point after each

Configuration: Options Menu. Allows you to change various settings.

M DOS: End Game. Shuts down the game.

========================== STORY MODE ======================================

When you select this option, you start from the beginning of the game. You'll
see an introduction telling you what this is about (skippable by pressing the
Z, X, C, or SPACE key), a screen where you can select your weapons (which is
useless at this point), and then the game begins!

========================== LOAD GAME ======================================

Let's you load a previous save of the game. The game auto-saves after each
mission, so your progress can be loaded right up to the last mission you

========================== OPTIONS MODE ======================================

This is the order in which the options came up in, from top to bottom. Press
Up or Down to highlight options, and press Left or Right to change settings.
Select "EXIT" to get out of the menu and confirm changes.

Trigger Type: Allows you to change the way you shoot in a direction. "Hold"
means you have a fixed direction while moving, while "Free" means you can move
your gun while shooting.


View Mode: Allows you to change the way the camera views your surroundings.
"Auto" means the view scrolls to the left and right automatically as you turn,
while "Normal" means the view scrolls the more you move in a direction. "Fast"
is like Normal, except faster, while "Fastest" scrolls at the fastest rate,
but makes the game more choppy!

*NOTE*: You should leave this at Auto if it is, otherwise, change it to that


Music Type: Allows you to change the way the music is played. "FM1 (Inner)"
plays the music louder than the sounds, while "FM2 (Option)" Plays both music
and sound effects at the same volume."Midi (MPu/RS-232G)" plays only sound
effects, while "None" is silent!


Egc Mode: (I don't know what it does, but it may have something to do with
the autosave feature.)


Joystick Port: Allows you to change joystick ports. However, it's best to
leave it as it is, unless you have trouble with the joystick port you have!


Visual Scene: Sick of seeing the cutscenes and the adult-orientated action
in-between missions? use this option to turn it on or off!

*NOTE*: There is currently no way to turn off one thing and keep the other.
(e.g. You want to skip the talking scenes and get on to the girl-on-girl


3rd option: Allows you to listen to all of the music in the game.



====================== Mission 1 ===================================

*1st Area*
When you finally gain control of your character, wait around until other
robots leave the area. Proceed to the next part of the area by heading right.

*Tip!* Need quick energy? Shoot the robot near the left side of the screen,
and it will drop four energy balls for you to pick up!

*2nd Area*

Keep heading to the right, shooting enemies to gain energy. This is an easy
area to beat, so take your time to shoot everything that moves. Look out for
Anti-Air guns and turrent guns, because both of those can take chunks of your
life bar if you're not careful. The Anti-Air guns have two parts for you to
destroy: the cannon, and the base. You can't completely destroy it until you
get rid of both parts.

Around the middle part of the area, you'll see a tunnel. Messages will appear
when you're either in the tunnel or above it. You can skip it, but if you go
in it, you'll find FIVE energy containers! However, when you get to the first
two, a convoy of vehicles starts coming at you! shoot them down and continue
down the tunnel to get the rest of the containers. However, to get out, you
have to go ALL THE WAY BACK!

At the end of the area, you'll see an entrance to the 3rd area. After a brief
pause from the cutscene, shoot the door (In the form of a steel bar) to gain

*3rd Area*

Your first Labyrinth! This can get confusing, especially if it's your first
time playing this game. However, all maze-like areas have only one way to get
somewhere, and once you get through this area, you'll realize how easy it is.

I have created a map out of letters and keys to determine where you need to
go. Study it and give the enemies hell!


* : Energy Container
/ : Ramp
| - _ : Wall
~ : Platform
@ : Starting Position

| __ ________ || *|| *** __ |
|@ / | | \____ *|| _____ __|| ~~~| | |
|-------| |------------ _||* | | |___| | | BOSS! |
|* |_| / ||_______ | | ~~~| | |
|~ _______ ________/ ||------- | / ~~~ | |____________|
| ____/ | *|| _______| |* * * | _______________
| | | ~~~ ------|| --------- |______________ / * *|
| |----------- * || \ / ---------|
| ______ ~~~~~ ||_______ \______________/ |
| | _| ||------- |-| ~~~~ |
|_____| / ________________||* ___ ___ _ _______ |
| / / ||__________/ \ / \_| |______/ / /
|________/ / _ _ _ _ | | / /
| * / _| |_| |_| |_| |____ ________| |___________________/ /
| ~~~~~ |__/ |__| /
| ______________ /
|_____________/ \_______________________________________/

You'll encounter numerous amounts of sentry cannons and robots, but they're
all a piece of cake to handle. In fact, if you can get all though this mission
to the boss, while collecting all the energy balls and not taking much damage,
you can upgrade your Assault Rifle to Level 3!

= BOSS #1 - Giant Two-Legged Robot! =

This boss reminds me of those machines from "The Matrix"!

To defeat him, shoot either the turrent or the main body of the boss. You can
shoot the turrent to get extra points, but that's about it.

The boss can do a variety of attacks, including;

1. The turrent gun: Aims anywhere but right below the boss, and up on the
ledge you started from. Very powerful, but easy to avoid once you get on
the ledge or behind him.

2. The floating mines: They float around for about 3 seconds before turning
into homing projectiles that hone in on your position for a limited time!
Destroy them before they change into homing projectiles, or you won't be able
to attack them!

3. The homing missiles: They hone on your position, and they take a long time
to destroy, but standing on the ledge .

Defeat him, then watch the cutscenes and enjoy your easy victory!

====================== Mission 2 ===================================

*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, wait until you can head to
the right. After a load of text from the plane, the plane will assist you on
defeating enemies.

Just in case you didn't understand the Japanese language, basically you have
to get past this area within around 10-15 minutes. If you don't, you
automatically fail the mission! Even if you hang around before the plane gets
destroyed, if time expires and then the plane is destroyed, you fail the
mission afterwards! When time is almost up, various messages start appearing
and different music starts to play. Other than that, that is the only way you
know when you need to hurry up!

The best way to beat the area is to speed through the smaller robots and
enemies and only stop when there are energy containers or giant blue robots
in the area (You can get energy from the blue robots, and they are usually in
green square containers). When the plane gets destroyed, try destroying parts
of the ship the cutscene happened to get more energy. When the music changes
and time starts running low, get your arse outta there and proceed to the
next area! Be careful, though; Falling into the water at any time will damage
your mech, so stay out of it!

*2nd Area*

Keep going forwards and jump over the sea onto the submarine. Go forwards
until more messages come up. Now you have to destroy the radio part of the
submarine you're on. It's near the edge on the right side of the screen. Shoot
at it, while shooting at the enemies that constantly appear from the water.

When it's destroyed, the enemies that keep reappearing will disappear too! Go
forwards until there is no more sub for you to walk on. Now it's time for a
boss fight: a giant crab machine!

= BOSS #2 - Giant Crab Machine! =

This boss is a bit annoying to defeat. Here's what it'll do until the next
part of the boss battle:

1. It uses a laser attachment on the top of it to shoot you with a powerful

beam. This attack is used in conjunction with its claw, so you'll know when
the claw attack is coming when the beam happens. Jump over it to avoid it!

2. It uses its claw in a spinning kind of motion. It's almost unavoidable, but
it's not that hard to dodge it. The most annoying thing about it is that it's
immune to all types of attacks, so it can be used as a shield. You could ride
on it, but it can also damage you while riding it.

3. It fires a missile at you. This attack is used in conjunction with its

laser, so you'll know when the laser attack is coming when the missile comes
at you. Jump over or shoot it to avoid getting hurt!

4. It sinks into the sea, and then fires a hail of missiles that rain down at
you. This attack comes in after you destroy the laser attachment. Shoot at
them to prevent you from getting hit.

5. It constantly fires homing missiles at you. This attack comes in after you
destroy the cover for the missile silo. Shoot at the missiles to prevent

To defeat him, first shoot at the missile silo located at where the claw
usually rests. When the cover is destroyed, you can finally shoot at the
machine itself! The missiles that come out of it are only a nuscience to you,
so don't let up on your attacks! However, if you can't hit the base of the
boss, destroy the laser attachment as well!

After the boss is defeated, watch the long cutscene and then the mission is

====================== Mission 3 ===================================
*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, head to the right. Keep going
right, defeating enemies as you go. Watch out for Chinooks, because they drop
enemies near you! Shoot the Chinooks to take them out, but to get rid
of the robots it spawned, run away from them so that the screen covers all the
robots and come back. Because the robots were part of the Chinook and not
part of the level, they will disappear!

Carry on until you come across a miniboss; a giant, wheeled robot! To defeat
him, shoot at the missile hold on it's back! It will fire hails of bullets,
missiles, and drones that shoot at you on the floor, but stay on it! Keep
shooting at the missile hold until it's destroyed, and then head left to that
ledge. While the boss is shooting at you and becoming reckless, most of its
gun attacks will never hit you as long as you're on that ledge. Now shoot at
the base of the robot until it's destroyed!

Head to the right to complete this area!

*2nd Area*

Here comes an annoying enemy! It's a coiling snake-like machine! It will coil
round and around you, trying to crush you between itself and the floors,
walls, and ceilings! It reminds me of that snake-like thing in Black's board
game back at Gunstar Heroes!

To defeat him, you need to shoot at all of the segments on the "snake", but
there is a catch; there are six energy containers on the roof, and to get to
them, you need to ride the "snake" up there! Of course, if you feel that you
can survive without them, head to the right of the screen and exit this area!

*3rd Area*

Another maze-like place to go through. However, unlike the one in Mission 1,

there is only one path you have to take, so it's less confusing than the
areforementioned mission! Look out for energy containers and deactivated
robots that stand still; they can give you energy!

Carry on the level, shooting energy containers and robots you find, until you
get to a dead end! It may seem that you're stuck, but fear not, as there may
be some breakable pipes on the floor! Shoot those to gain access to the rest
of the level.

The worst enemy you have to watch out for are the robots that shoot out small
energy projectiles and the deactivated robots that can reactivate themselves
and shoot missiles at you! Avoid getting hit by those enemies and defeat them
quickly, because they can take chunks of life from you! To get rid of the
deactivated robots, run away from them so that the screen covers all the
robots and come back. Because the robots are not part of the level when they
reactivate, they will disappear! However, this only works for robots that were
deactivated in the first place!

*4th Area*

There are five energy containers in the corridor. Power yourself up and then
after the following cutscene, lets do battle with the 3rd boss!

= BOSS #3 - BIG RED ROBOT! = (Seriously, I don't know its name!)

This boss is a bit annoying to defeat, as it will constantly shoot projectiles

at you. It will also fly around and bombard the arena with bombs and other
weird looking projectiles that hurt you! The most annoying thing about this
boss is the shield that protects this robot's front. It protects from all
attacks and cannot be deactivated!

To defeat it, concentrate your fire at the back of the boss! This is its only
weakness! The best way is to go right through the boss and start shooting
at the back! While you're doing this, the robot will fire in the wrong
direction until it turns around. When it turns around, go through her and
continue the assault on her back!

There is a platform at the middle of the arena of the boss battle. To get up
there, use the "DOUBLE JUMP!" trick (Explained in "Tips and tricks" section)
to get up there. From then on, keep jumping upwards until you come across four
energy containers as your prize!

After the boss is defeated, watch the long cutscene and then the mission is

====================== Mission 4 ===================================

Prepare yourself for the shortest mission in the game!

*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, go forward to trigger a

cutscene about decommissioned robots. Carry on going right. You'll see some
powerful robots that you need to take care of. Not only are they powerful
enough to wipe you out, they also drop energy when you destroy them! Power
yourself up and then prepare yourself, because a boss will come up in the form
of orangey-red robots! However, they only come after you destroy the plane
that has landed on the ground.

= BOSS #4 - ORANGY ROBOTS! = (Team orangey-red robots?)

To defeat the boss, go after the smaller flying robot first. It drops mines
and shoots at you constantly. If you don't defeat him first, you'll get hurt
by the mines! Next, go after the smallest robot that jumps around you and
unleashes a flamethrower at you! Finally, defeat the large robot that shoots
missiles at you! Go right into him to prevent him from attacking you! Each
robot drops energy, so heal yourself up!

After you defeat the three robots, the last robot will attack with a laser
and by dropping land mines that will trigger when you go close to them,
causing you damage! Shoot at him and destroy him!

The mission is complete when you destroy that last robot!

====================== Mission 5 ===================================
*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, move forward to find some
rubble of destroyed robots. Carry on to find enemy ski robots and helicopters
to destroy. You don't have to fight them if you don't want to, but the enemy
you shouldn't overlook is the brown walker-like one that attacks using an
arm that extends and retracts; These drop energy balls when defeated!

Carry on until you find yourself near an entrance to an underground lab. Jump
in the middle of it to proceed to the next area, but don't just yet! If you
continue right, beyond that entrance, you'll find two robots taking to each
other. They may be the same as the ski robots you've encountered, but these
ones drop energy when defeated!

*2nd Area*

You'll be in an elevator that starts going downwards. You can ride it down to
the bottom, or you can just leave it and continue downwards. Avoid or shoot
the ceiling robots, as they will shoot laser beams at you that do a lot of

You'll see a ledge to the left, but you'll need to boost-jump or use the
elevator to get to it. Ignore it for now, because there are some energy to
collect at the bottom of the elevator shaft!

At the bottom, you'll fight a new type of enemy: a red, organic-like alien!
Shoot it, and then continue to where the source is, which turns out to be
an alien nest. Destroy this and other ones you may come across to gain vital
energy and stop those aliens from respawning from them! There are some energy
containers as well down here.

You know that ledge to the left you saw as you were coming down? Get up there
and continue your journey into the heart of the underground lab. However,
before you can continue further down that corridor after the ledge, your old
enemy you defeated from Mission 3 has come back! This enemy may seem to be
after you, but after a long cutscene, it will join you! Like the plane from
Mission 2, it will shoot at things randomly. However, unlike the plane, this
"companion" has a habit of making things harder for you! It shoots at a
direction that is the same as your current position from it; for example, if
you go to the left of the robot, it will shoot left, and vice-versa. Because
it wildly shoots at anything in its direction, it often destroys enemies and
energy containers off-screen (And, when an energy container or enemy drops
energy off-screen, it disappears entirely!).

Continue on that corridor, jumping over the gap to destroy alien nests and
energy containers. Go down the gap and shoot anything you see. From here on
end, the way to go should become obvious, but don't overlook the energy
containers at the end of each corridor!

*3rd Area*

This is more or less a lift shaft. Only thing is, there is no lift to help
you out! Time for some platforming action!

Jump down the ledges and you'll find yourself with two different types of
enemies; a worm-like alien that can spit a ball that explodes into damaging
shrapnels; and a flying capsule-like robot that has a machine gun that does
tremendous damage! Either avoid or shoot down those enemies to prevent further

Keep going downwards until you see a message box appear on the screen; that
indicates that you can stop going downwards and start heading right to go to
the next stage. Of course, you can head down a little further to net yourself
an energy container! (But mind the bottomless pit!)

*4th Area*

After a long cutscene, it's time for a boss! Your "companion" gets captured
by the boss, and you have to rescue her!


This is a pretty annoying boss to defeat, but it isn't that hard. The hardest
thing to worry about are the flying sperm-like creatures that have homing
properties on you! They do a lot of damage if you get into contact with them!
They come out of weird ball-like things that throb and spawn more of these
annoying things! Because of the alien's hard exterior, you may not be able to
destroy those spawners without the Flame Launcher or Laser Rifle. But if you
use the two guns to destroy those spawners before the talking ends, you'll
be able to get an advantage, and the boss battle will be much easier to bear!

To defeat this boss, concentrate your fire on the exposed part of the head.
When the creature extends its mouth to try and get you, jump over or avoid it
and shoot that exposed part (or rather, the head itself!). This is the only
time you get to hurt the boss, as the extendable mouth covers the boss's

Be careful with your fire in this boss fight; the boss is holding your
companion hostage, and if your friendly fire damages the companion enough to
get it destroyed, you fail the mission! Try to avoid this and defeat the boss!

The mission is complete when you destroy the boss! Also, all the sperm-like
creatures will disappear too!

====================== Mission 6 ===================================

*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, move around to get to know
your surroundings. You're in the big city now, but the army is trying to
defend itself againsed an armada of enemies! Your mission is to defend this

*Tip!* The Laser Gun, Missile Pod and the Sailing Vulcan are this mission's
best weapons. Whether you use them or not doesn't matter, but don't overlook

First, keep going to the right, as far as the edge of the screen to get an
advantage, because all the enemies will only appear at the far right of the
screen. Enemies will come after a bit of talking. This is the only indication
of when a wave of enemies finishes or starts.

Next, shoot down anything that flies or can be hit! These are the dropships,
chinooks, bike riders, everything thst is an enemy! Pay special attention to
the flying bomb-dropping ships on the first wave, the giant bike rider robot
on the second wave, and the giant dropships that drop robots on the third
wave; these drop energy balls when defeated!

You'll automatically proceed to the next area upon surviving and completing
the third wave, so hang in there until then!

*2nd Area*

Boss time!


This is a pretty easy boss to defeat, considering the fact that those waves of
evemies were a lot tougher! This is alo the first boss fight that also side-

To defeat it, shoot the bottom of the robot (which seems to be its legs). Try
to avoid most of its attacks, because they are powerful enough to finish you
quickly! Its main cannon is the most powerful attack it's got that can
actually hit you if you're not paying attention; other attacks will miss you
as long as you stay still on the left side of the screen!

When the legs are destroyed, the robot will now start flying around, shooting
at you with its main cannon and dropping bombs. The cannon attack will go
through you as long as you stay still, but the bombs will hit you! Destroy
them before you get hurt, and attack the boss!

After another explosion, the boss will switch tactics to firing a laser beam
at you, ruining the tactic of staying still to avoid damage! It will also
launch homing missiles that can be destroyed, and even go off the screen to
charge at you! Keep shooting at it to earn your victory!

NOTE: If you're not near the middle of the screen, the "Mission Complete"
message and music won't come up at all! But don't worry about it, you'll
still complete the mission!

====================== Mission 7 ===================================

*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, move around to get to know
your surroundings. You're in the desert now, but the enemy is ever persistent!

When you move around, defeating enemy robots, you'll notice that there are no
energy powerups at all; no powerup boxes or enemies that drop energy at all!
Fortunately, help is at hand! After about halfway through the desert, you'll
see a cutscene where some fighter jets are dropping bombs at your position!
Don't worry about the bombs, because the bombs are just canisters that contain
energy! However, these guys will drop up to about 15-20 canisters, and then
they'll leave for good! Use those items to power yourself up, but these are
the last powerups you'll see in the 1st area of the desert!

There's not really much to say on how to get past this area, but pay attention
to the dropships, which drop endless supplies of small robots that are
annoying and cause lots of damage. Shoot the dropships to take them out, but
to get rid of the small robots it spawned, run away from them so that the
screen covers all the robots and come back. Because the robots were part of
the dropship and not part of the level, they will disappear. The flying mines
are also annoying and hard to kill. Try to destroy them; they take quite a lot
of health from you if they crash into you, and there are only a few in this

*2nd Area*

In this area, there are three powerup boxes for you to power yourself up, but
use them wisely; this is the last area here!

A huge earthquake is happening, and rocks are falling from the ceiling! Shoot
upwards to prevent them from hitting you and causing damage. The earthquake
only stops when you go right, onto the platform to see a cutscene. It turns
out that the earthquake was caused by a craft that's taking off!

After the cutscene, walk to the right until you see a massive mechanical
Robot! It's boss time!!!

= BOSS #7 - Giant Robot =

To defeat him, concentrate all your fire on his chest area. You're supposed to
be aiming at his arm, his back, and his...erm...groin? He will throw
everything at you constantly, from missiles shooting from his back, to
shooting laser projectiles at you! You may not be able to avoid it all, but
try to at least stay away from him, long enough to avoid most of the attacks
and line your shots!

When you destroy his parts, the only thing you need to do now is finish him
off! Shoot his head until he self destructs! Watch the cutscenes and enjoy
your easy victory!

====================== Mission 8 (Chase) ===================================

NOTE: This mission can only be accessed when you beat the game once and start
a new file.

*1st Area*

You start on a ship that's flying towards your destination, but enemies and
other things are constantly shooting at you! This part of the mission is
pretty tough, because none of the enemies here drop items at all! Shoot out
any enemy you see, and avoid all projectiles and beam attacks not coming from
the ship you're standing on!

The Laser Gun is this part's best weapon. Whether you use it or not doesn't
matter, but don't overlook it!

When you survive this onslaught, you'll land on the ship. This is where
Mission 8 kicks in, so skip this and go to Mission 8 of this guide!

====================== Mission 8 ===================================

*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, your mission is to simply
destroy the boss!

*Tip!* The Flight Unit is this mission's best option unit. Whether you use it
or not doesn't matter, but don't overlook it!

Start by flying downwards at the front of the ship between the metal beams and
shooting its front plate until it is destroyed, gaining you an extra piece of
energy. Next, fly back to where you started from and start shooting the gun
turrents off the ship. Carry on and destroy the hanger entrance where the
robots are spawning from. Jump up on the top and continue forwards, destroying
everything that can be destroyed! Then go round the back and start shooting
the engines inside the ship to totally bring it down! Don't forget that most
enemies and ship parts drop precious energy!

Once you've got enough energy to keep you content and you're ready to beat
the next boss, go forward until a cutscene happens. When this starts, your
character and everything else is frozen in place! Don't worry; the game hasn't
frozen at all! The second area appears after the cutscene.

*2nd Area*

Boss time! Only thing is, you're flying! Use the directional keys to move
around while hovering!

= BOSS #8 - Flying Ship =

To defeat it, concentrate all your fire on all the parts of the ship! The ship
will shoot at you like the last boss, only he also uses Mine Drones that
explode on contact! Destroy them to gain energy! They keep on coming until
you destroy certain parts of the ship or destroy all the mines, so take your
time and collect the energy!

However, this boss has a sneaky way to defeat you! If you don't defeat him in
5 mins, he will launch a missile at your base, causing you to fail the
mission! He will prepare the missile after 2 mins! Don't let him do it and
defeat him!

Watch the cutscenes and enjoy your easy victory!

====================== Mission 9 ===================================

*INPORTANT NOTE*: Before you start this mission, choose your weapons wisely!
This is not because of the mission, but because the game freezes when you take
the wrong weapons with you! Here are the weapons that freezes:
1. The Sailing Vulcan freezes the game itself!

2. The Satellite Funnel freezes the game when you try to pair it with the

3. The D-Mine freezes the game when you try to pair it with any Option part
but the Assault Armour!

Yay! A space mission! However, the controls are like handling a bouncy ball:
Awkward! It's like the last mission's boss fight, except your craft bounces
around! Try to get used to the controls as soon as you can!

When you finally gain control of your character, your mission is to simply
destroy the boss!

*1st Area*

When you feel like moving on, go to the right to see about the next area.

*2nd Area*

Keep going right, destroying robots as you please. Look out for the gray-black
robots, because they drop energy when destroyed!

After you reach the main ship, a cutscene happens, and you'll fight a
miniboss! Beat him by simply shooting at his head. The Laser Rifle works well
in this situation, as its armour-piercing capability gives you no-miss
factors! Try not to get hit by that laser beam attack, because it does a lot
of damage and the mini-boss always tries to adjust itself to hit you with it!

After you destroy him, carry on to the right to go into the third area, the

*3rd Area*

Time for some platforming action! Don't worry about getting lost, because the
way forward is easy. No need to explain what you have to do, but the robots
here give off energy when you defeat them! By this point, you should remember

that pipes can be destroyed if the way to go seems lost!

*4th Area*

This area is more like the 3rd Area, except it now has turrents that are the
only enemies that don't give off energy at all! There are far too many
turrents to destroy, but hang in there and keep going!

*5th Area*

Boss time! Nice music to go with it, but it reminds me of that two-faced boss
from Dynamite Headdy!

= BOSS #9 - Multi-legged Robot! =

This boss is annoying! He will first shoot you with missiles, then he'll use
the laser beam to trap you! Whether he traps you or not, he'll then start
shooting bouncing laser blasts that you cannot dodge or destroy! Then, he'll
shoot weird little orange ball projectiles at your position, so destroy or
avoid them! Finally, he'll start shooting the same blasts the Satellite Funnel
can shoot! They are hard to dodge, and can jam themselves in you to wipe out
your shield! They disappear when they go off the left side of the screen,
though! He'll repeat this cycle until you destroy it!

First of all, try to stay under or behind him, as you don't want to get hit by
those laser blasts or missiles. Next, when the orange ball projectiles come,
go to the left side of the screen and try to avoid them! When the Satellite
Funnel blasts come, stay on the left side of the screen and they will
disappear instantly! After he's done shooting those, go under him again! At
the same time, shoot him constantly until you finish him!

Afterwards, keep going right, and then you'll find yourself ambushed by loads
of energy-dropping robots! Take them out after you gain control of your
character and proceed right. Use the energy to heal, as well as give you a
shield, because the next battle is long!

*6th Area*

Now you're at an elevator! After a cutscene, it's time for battle!

= BOSS #10 - Two Flying Robots! =

Simple, this one. The one on the left will constantly try to grab you. If this
happens, his teammate on the right will then shoot at you constantly while
you can't avoid the shots! You may not be able to avoid the attack, but that's
why you have the armour and health!

Keep shooting at either of the two robots and soon they will fall! Destroy
one of the robots, and the other will be destroyed as well!

Watch the cutscene, then when you fall down the shaft, try to stick to the
edges of it so that you can get the item boxes and power yourself up. Fall
down further to complete the mission!

====================== Mission 10 ==================================

*1st Area*

When you finally gain control of your character, you have to fight a

This robot is pretty easy to beat. Keep shooting at her while she's not busy
charging around! She will shoot you with plasma shots, so keep dodging these
projectiles! Believe it or not, the attack you have to watch out for is the
charging attack! It makes her immune to most damage while she's doing it, plus
it does massive damage! Jump to avoid it! The best way to defeat her is to
jump, so that she jumps with you. When you're on the ground, shoot her while
she's in the air! This is because she can't get you while hovering!

After defeating it, it drops energy, so you get to spend on armour and health!
After the cutscene, it's time for the main boss in the second area!

*2nd Area*

You're flying in this one! Hopefully, you have gotten used to the controls,
because this boss is mercilessly tough! After a scene, it's time to fight!

= BOSS #11 - GEO!! = (Well, that's what some of the messages say!)

He had an impenetrable shield on, but your friends will risk their lives to
destroy the shield! Now you can hurt him directly!

Start by concentrating your attack on the bird-like head. It will start

shooting you there, so shoot it to destroy it and gain energy! Next, when the
turrent appears at where the bird head should be, shoot that as well! After
shooting it enough times, it will detach from the main body to attack you
solo! Shoot it to destroy the annoying thing and gain the energy it drops!

*Tip!* If you position yourself correctly, between the bottom and the left
side of the screen, you can avoid ALL of the turrent and the bird head's
attacks without moving anywhere!

Next, concentrate your attack on the egg-like thing the entire body is
holding. Destroying it will reveal a crystal-ball-like appendage that shoots
multiple waves of plasma energy at you! Shoot the plasma balls constantly to
break them apart into smaller pieces and absorb them better! All the while,
keep shooting at the crystal-ball-like appendage to destroy it!

However, this creature has a nasty trick up it's sleeve: when you get close
to the boss, it will fire a hail of plasma balls from its eye that you can't
destroy, and rips into your armour like wildlife! It also pushes you around
the room like a toy! Try not to go close to the boss so that he doesn't use
the move at all!

Now, shoot at the main body to defeat GEO!

Oh wait! Did I say "defeat GEO"? Sorry, I meant "get the boss angry to take
his rage out on you in his final form"!

= BOSS #11 - GEO!! = (Well, his head, that is!)

The baby-faced part is still alive! Keep shooting at his face to destroy it!
His face is covering the main part that keeps him intact, so shoot his face
until it comes off! Don't worry about the enemy robots shooting at you, just
keep shooting at him!

When the face-like shell has come off, now it's time to damage him! The robots
that were shooting at you will disappear now! This boss has a variety of
attacks you should watch out for. These are:

(1) The boss extends his face with his neck, then proceeds to spit out
...erm...foetus? (Yes, he is indeed spitting out under-developed, homing,
spinning babies at you!) Think that's bad? It gets worse, because if the
babies ever come out of their bubbles and you shoot them, they explode into
multiple laser projectiles that are nigh-impossible to avoid! Shoot them while
they're in their bubbles to eliminate the problem!

(2) The boss shows a red jewel-like eye in the opening and then he shoots out
a red beam! Hard to avoid, but try going from one side of the screen to
another, and vice-versa.

(3) The boss shows his face, and then shoots out weird hooped projectiles that
push you away from the boss while damaging you! Try to avoid this attack!

While he's doing all those attacks, he hones in on your vertical position,
much like that mini-boss from mission 8! Try to manipulate the boss's
movements so that you don't need to move to try and keep up with him to shoot

After much shots, the main part gets completely destroyed, and he leaves
behind that jewel-like eye that shoots beams at you, to shoot laser blasts at
you! You don't need to move around much, just keep shooting him. His laser
shots are the only thing that can hurt you a lot; touching the boss won't hurt
you that much!

Watch the cutscenes and enjoy your easy victory! Or rather, you can't just
yet, because the place is about to blow! Get your butt out of there!

*3rd Area*

Go forwards and then a cutscene event appears. When you gain control of your
character, shoot the glass tube containing what seems to be another "GEO" and
enjoy the scenes!

You've now just beaten this entire game! Now go and give yourself a break;
you've earned it!


This part explains some tips and tricks you can exploit so that you'll have a
better chance of beating the levels in the game. If there are some other tips
and tricks that isn't mentioned here, send me an e-mail and I'll be happy to
add them here as well as give you credit for it!


Yep, you read that right; you can double jump in the game! Here's how to do

Press the jump button to jump, then press the jump button again a few
milliseconds after leaving the ground. If this is done correctly, you'll do
another jump while in the air! It's hard to notice, but when you do the trick
correctly, the jump gives you more height than the normal jump held down!
Combine with the Boost Jump and you'll be able to jump higher overall than
using the normal jump held down with the Boost Jump!

NOTE: Do not confuse this with the Boost Jump, as that jump is a hovering
jump while the Double Jump is another normal jump.

This trick makes enemies disappear that spawn or suddenly appear! Here's how
to do it:

Run away from the enemies so that the screen covers all of them, and then come
back. Because most of the robots are not part of the level (as in, placed in
the level), they will disappear! This can work on most enemies in the game!

However, this only works for enemies that weren't placed in the level in the
first place; They will still be there when you come back!


*NOTE*: this may also serve as a questions bank for questions already
answered, should you feel the need to contact me for a question that's not on
the list.


Q1: Wait...isn't this a hentai game?!

A: Indeed it is. I had a bit of doubts with this game, especially about the
fact that this game hasn't been put up as a game on game guide websites, let
alone reviewed or even had some information about the game. However, "BMX XXX"
and even "Panic Dolls" had information on other game guide websites, so why
not this game?


Q2: Can I contact you for help regarding gameplay/passwords/content/other?

A: Yes you can. I can help as much as I can, but not to the extent of knowing
this game inside-out! Just don't spam my e-mail!


Q3: Do you need help regarding gameplay/passwords/content/other?

A: Yes I do. Any extra information or even a translation of the text in this
game is needed to make this guide more complete and more accurate. I also need
to know the commands and other Japanese-language-related stuff in the game
that should be put into this guide.

*IMPORTANT NOTICE* I may not have cracked the weapon-collecting at all! The
first time I played the game, I got both the Laser Rifle and the Flame
Launcher at the end of the 5th Mission. The second time I played this game, I
got the Flame Launcher at the end of the 4th Mission! Maybe it has something
to do with levelling up weapons. However, if you have any information on
this that may bring out the insight to this, please contact me by my e-mail:
It's at the top of the page!


Q4: Can you send me the game via e-mail/other?

A: Only if you are going to contribute to this guide. Otherwise, that's a no.


Q5: This game is hard to beat! Any suggestions?

A: Try moving slowly and destroy anything that even looks at you wrong. Just
don't go too slowly or destroy mission-critical things, or you'll have to
start over again!



29th November 2009: Just started this guide! Hopefully, all that Japanese
language won't be a language barrier to me at all, despite being an English

The guide at that point was at 15% completion.


15th December 2009: Added a lot of things. Decided to leave the enemy guide
out, since the game doesn't give out names for each boss!


26th January 2010: Nearly completed this guide! Now to add the maps and the
rest of the walkthrough!

The guide at that point was at 86% completion.


26th February 2010: Decided to release the guide as-is; finished without a
translation of the in-game text!

The guide at that point was at version 1.0.


1. Full Motion Video's Forum: Without this great website for PC-98/88
downloads, this guide wouldn't have been made at all.


2. This website has great information about PC-98 games, and has
one of the largest collection of PC-98 games ever. (Too bad that most of the
games cannot be downloaded without contacting the webmaster because of
file size limits)
3. Myself: For spending time on a guide based on a game that has tons of a
language I can't understand.

4. You: for reading this FAQ. ;)

5. ASCII Generator: for the title of this guide!



This guide is copyrighted 2009 (C) Jason Adam Wayne Andrew Paul
(Txpot, ZERO-00). This guide may be used in other websites, provided that the
content is left entirely unaltered, and credit must also be given to this
author. This FAQ may NOT be used for any commercial purposes.

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