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No Indikator

1 Menunjukkan 1. In the new school year, there will be a period of intimacy between
kesetiaan, kepedulian, students with the school environment and with their new friends
dan penghargaan yang consisting of students from various regions. During the period of
tinggi terhadap bahasa, intimacy the teacher directs students to help each other, use good
lingkungan fisik, sosial, Indonesian and to keep order in compliance with the school rules.
budaya, ekonomi, dan This is done by the teacher to direct students to have…
politik bangsanya A. Nationalism
dalam mendidik, B. Racism
mengajar, C. Patriotism
membimbing, D. Socialism
mengarahkan, melatih, E. Virtuous
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
2 Mempertahankan 2. In the village where Budi lives, there are various people with
persatuan, kesatuan, individual differences, both differences in religion, breed, ethnicity
serta kepentingan dan and language. With these differences, the people in Budi village
keselamatan bangsa continue to follow the community service to clean the environment in
dan negara sebagai harmony, enthusiasm and mutual respect for each other. The people
kepentingan bersama di of Budi village reflect the attitude of…
atas kepentingan A. Sociable
pribadi dan golongan B. Sustain the unity and integrity of the nation
dalam mendidik, C. Sustain the applicable of community service rules
mengajar, D. Sustain the joy to look nice
membimbing, E. All the answers are right
mengarahkan, melatih,
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
3 Menjunjung tinggi 3. Read the following statement!
keunggulan bangsa (1) Following the flag ceremony
Indonesia dalam (2) Loving domestic products
mendidik, mengajar, (3) Does not damage the environment
membimbing, (4) Does not like to make mistakes and blamed
mengarahkan, melatih, (5) Always make jokes to others
menilai, dan From the statement above, which statements show the attitude of
mengevaluasi peserta patriotism?
didik A. (1) (2)
B. (1) (3)
C. (1) (2) (3)
D. (1) (3) (5)
E. (3) (4) (5)
4 Mengembangkan sikap 4. As a kind and respectful child to family members at home, Linda
rela berkorban untuk wants to help her mother clean the house and lends her cell phone to
kepentingan negara dan her sister who wants to use it for school purposes. What Linda did
bangsa dalam reflects the implementation of a … attitude for the nation and
mendidik, mengajar, country.
membimbing, A. Nationalism
mengarahkan, melatih, B. Sincere and obedient
menilai, dan C. Willing to sacrifice
mengevaluasi peserta D. Responsibility
didik. E. Politics

5 Menciptakan 5. A teacher always invites students to think critically and openly. The
persamaan derajad, teacher always ensures that each individual has a different belief,
persamaan hak dan language, and even different skin color. With these differences, each
kewajiban asasi setiap individual can learn new things and complement each other. What
manusia, tanpa should the teacher do?
membeda-bedakan A. Making an equation of degree
suku, keturrunan, B. Making a sense of responsibility
agama, kepercayaan, C. Making mutual respect
jenis kelamin, D. Making an attitude to show how to love your own country
kedudukan sosial, dan E. Making a sense of environmental care
warna kulit dalam
mendidik, mengajar,
mengarahkan, melatih,
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
6 Mengkarakteristikkan 6. In dealing with a child's problem at school, such as dealing with
keputusan yang diambil children who like to make noise, disturb and even make their friends
harus dapat cry. So, the teacher must be able to examine the cause of the child
dipertanggungjawabkan like that and not immediately blame or punish the child directly after
secara moral kepada he/she did it and discuss with the principal and his/her parents to deal
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, with what the child did. From this, the teacher has instilled the value
menjunjung tinggi of…
harkat dan martabat A. Prioritize common interests
manusia, nilai-nilai B. Samapta (in readiness)
kebenaran dan keadilan C. Firm and authoritative
mengutamakan D. Kind and firm
persatuan dan kesatuan E. Prioritize the children's development.
kepentingan bersama
dalam mendidik,
mengarahkan, melatih,
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
7 Mempertahankan 7. When on vacation to the botanical garden, the teacher directs
kekayaan alam students not to take or damage anything contained in that place. This
Indonesia dalam simple thing is done by teachers to teach children to…
mendidik, mengajar, A. Maintain the beauty of the botanical garden
membimbing, B. Maintain beauty for the best photos
mengarahkan, melatih, C. Maintain natural wealth
menilai, dan D. Keep the rules of the botanical garden
mengevaluasi peserta E. Follow the instructions of the officers on guard
8 Mengapresiasi 8. In the current era of globalization, k-pop culture is very popular with
kekayaan budaya children, so children tend to prefer learning k-pop culture rather than
bangsa lain sehingga their own nation's culture. One of the efforts that can be done by
memperkuat jati diri teachers to overcome this problem is….
bangsa Indonesia dalam A. Forbid students from k-pop culture
mendidik, mengajar, B. Scold students who like k-pop culture
membimbing, C. Give students an understanding that k-pop culture is very bad
mengarahkan, melatih, D. Educate the nation's cultural character education
menilai, dan E. Support the actions of students who like k-pop culture and forget
mengevaluasi peserta about national culture
9 Menunjukkan 9. Mrs. Ani is an early childhood educator. During teaching and
keberanian dalam learning activities, Mrs. Ani only pays attention and praises the
membela kebenaran children she likes, and ignores the abilities of other students. This
dan keadilan pada shows that Mrs. Ani is….
proses A. Fair
mendidik,mengajar, B. Subjective
membimbing, C. Objective
mengarahkan,melatih, D. Maniputrain
menilai dan E. Creative
mengevaluasi peserta
10 Mengembangkan 10. Read some of the statements below!
pribadi yang taat serta 1. When participating in the flag ceremony, Ayu is wearing the
menghormati hukum complete ceremony attributes
dan aturan pada proses 2. Susan arrived late when she got her shift
mendidik, mengajar, 3. Bayu and Surya play in class during break time
membimbing, 4. Budi does his schoolwork well and responsibly
mengarahkan, melatih, The attitude of not complying with applicable regulations is
menilai dan indicated by the number….
mengevaluasi peserta A. 1) and 4)
didik. B. 2) and 4)
C. 2) and 3)
D. 1) and 3)
E. 3) and 4)

11 Mengatakan benar atau 11. An example of a firm attitude shown by the teacher during the
salah sesuai dengan learning process is….
yang sebenarnya dalam A. Give warning to students who are playing during class hours
mendidik,mengajar, B. Give a lot of assignments to students
membimbing, C. Let the students eat in class during class hours
mengarahkan,melatih, D. scold students who can't do their homework
menilai dan E. Invite students to learn while playing
mengevaluasi peserta
12 Menampilkan perilaku 12. Mrs. Rahayu is an early childhood educator who always tries to find
yang bijaksana out and overcome various problems that her students have. This
meskipun dalam situasi shows that Mrs. Rahayu is....
yang sulit pada proses A. Discipline
mendidik,mengajar, B. Fair
membimbing, C. Friendly
mengarahkan,melatih, D. Wise
menilai dan E. Grumpy
mengevaluasi peserta
13 Memberikan 13. Giving rewards and punishments should be adjusted to….
penghargaan atau A. Age of students
hukuman kepada B. Big mistakes and student achievements
peserta didik sesuai tata C. Physical and psychological conditions of students
tertib sekolah dalam D. Student’s stage development
mendidik, mengajar, E. All answers are correct
mengarahkan, melatih,
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
14 Menampilkan sikap 14. Good learning activities are learning activities that are able to
senang dan nyaman provide a sense of comfort and pleasure to students. To create a fun
dalam mendidik, learning process, the attitude that should be done by the teacher is….
mengajar, A. Only loving well known students
membimbing, B. Give a lot of assignments to students
mengarahkan, melatih, C. Invite students to play all day
menilai, dan D. Differentiate students' social status
mengevaluasi peserta E. Educate and teach students wholeheartedly
15 Menunjukkan sikap 15. As a teacher, we must have a samapta attitude. An example of a
kesiap-siagaan dalam teacher's actions that reflect the attitude of samapta is except...
proses mendidik, a. Prepare various kinds of learning media
mengajar, b. Prepare various learning methods
membimbing, c. Prepare various learning material
mengarahkan, melatih, d. Prepare pocket money for students
menilai, dan e. Prepare physically and mentally
mengevaluasi peserta
16 Menampilkan 16. When responding to questions from students, the things that need to
tanggapan sebagaimana be considered are...
yang dihayati peserta A. Give an example that is close to the child's environment
didik dalam mendidik, B. Provide explanations in long-winded language
mengajar, C. Using sophisticated tools to support teacher’s explanations
membimbing, D. Give an explanation by guessing the answer
mengarahkan, melatih, E. Provide explanations assisted with abstract examples
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
17 Merancang berbagai 17. When carrying out their duties, a teacher must adhere to the principle
usaha untuk of working thoroughly, so that learning objectives can be achieved
menuntaskan pekerjaan optimally. The attitude that reflects the teacher has the principle of
dalam mendidik, working thoroughly is except...
mengajar, A. Have a high spirit to complete all tasks and obligations
membimbing, B. Not half-hearted in carrying out all his duties and obligations
mengarahkan, melatih, C. Focus on doing all the tasks and obligations
menilai, dan D. Don't procrastinate the works
mengevaluasi peserta E. Carry out their duties and obligations with dignity

18 Menunjukkan 18. When carrying out learning, a teacher must show concern for the
kepedulian yang tinggi needs of his students. Examples of teacher’s actions that can reflect
terhadap kebutuhan this attitude are...
peserta didik dalam A. Asking students to try on their own in dealing with the obstacles
mendidik, mengajar, they experienced
membimbing, B. Guiding students patiently when experiencing problems in
mengarahkan, melatih, understanding the material being taught
menilai, dan C. Giving children gifts to motivate them in solving problems they
mengevaluasi peserta faced
didik. D. Ignoring and focusing on other students
E. Giving an explanation in a hurry when students have difficulty
understanding the material being studied

19 Mendeteksi situasi 19. At the time of carrying out the learning process, it appears a student
yang membutuhkan who seems often restless, scared, and crying. In response to this, the
bantuan dalam actions that a teacher can take are except...
mendidik, mengajar, A. Carrying out a personal approach to find out the causes of the
membimbing, problems experienced by the child
mengarahkan, melatih, B. Asking the child to behave naturally
menilai, dan C. Carrying out discussions with the child's parents regarding the
mengevaluasi peserta condition experienced by their child
didik. D. Applying a humanistic approach in carrying out the learning
E. Understanding the nature and instilling a positive impression in
20 Mendemonstrasikan 20. In a school, it appears that a teacher is often late in giving the results
sikap tanggung jawab of the evaluation of assignments to his students. This behavior
pribadi terhadap situasi reflects that the teacher does not have the...
yang membutuhkan A. Samapta
bantuan dalam B. Authority
mendidik, mengajar, C. Responsibility
membimbing, D. Assertive
mengarahkan, melatih, E. Tolerance
menilai, dan
mengevaluasi peserta
21 Disajikan deskripsi
tentang teknik penilaian 21. An English teacher assesses students' speaking ability using a
yang digunakan oleh performance assessment. This assessment is equipped with a very
seorang guru, peserta complete and clear rubric so that it is very easy to implement.
menganalisis prinsip Based on this information, the principle held by the teacher is ...
penilaian yang A. Objective
digunakan. B. Fair
C. Comprehensive
D. Open
E. Accountable

22 Disajikan kegiatan 22. A teacher teaches English using counseling theory. Teachers use
pembelajaran, peserta this method using language that is adapted to the conditions and
dapat menentukan situations of their students to explain English material. Teachers
metode pembelajaran teaching English will also adapt to the culture, classroom conditions,
yang sesuai and level of proficiency. The teacher will only provide English
material when the atmosphere of the students is excited and in a
happy condition. Which method is appropriate to the characteristics
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Audio Lingual Method
C. Silent Way
D. Total Physical Response
E. Community Language Learning

23 Disajikan kegiatan
pembelajaran, peserta 23. Here are some specific characteristics when selecting a method to use
menentukan teknik dan with learners in the classroom:
strategi pembelajaran 1. An easy to follow the sequence
2. Familiar storyline
3. Illustrations that support the understanding to the text
4. Interesting characters that the listeners can identify with
5. A clear message or moral
Based on the characteristics above, which one is the most appropriate for
the learning method for the learners?
A. Total Physical Response Method
B. Teaching English by using song
C. Teaching English by using games
D. Teaching English by using stories
E. Teaching English by using pictures
24 Disajikan deskripsi 24. An English teacher conducts an assessment after the learning
tentang konsep process is complete. This assessment is conducted to provide
penilaian, peserta recognition of the achievement of student’s learning outcomes. So
menentukan salah satu the principle of assessment held by the teacher is…
prinsip assessment A. Assessment of learning
(Assessment of B. Assessment for learning
Learning Assessment C. Assessment as learning
for Learning dan D. Assessment for teaching
Assessment as E. Assessment as teaching
25 Disajikan KI/KD 25. The following is one of the basic competencies, namely applying the
Bahasa Inggris SMP, structure of the text and linguistic elements to carry out the social
SMA dan SMK, function of the expression of agreement, as well as the response,
peserta merumuskan appropriate with the context of its use. Which one is not the indicator
indikator pencapaian of these basic competencies?
kompetensi yang A. Understand the structure of the text to carry out the social
Spesifik, terukur, function of the expression of agreement.
praktis, sesuali alokasi B. Understanding linguistic elements to carry out the social function
waktu of expressions of agreement.
C. Understand the social function of the expression of agreement, as
well as its response, according to the context of its use.
D. Apply the structure of the text to carry out the social function of
the expression of agreement.
E. Apply linguistic elements to carry out the social function of the
expression of agreement.
26 Disajikan konteks, 26. The following is one of the English competencies, namely applying
peserta menentukan social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of spoken
(1)kompetensi utama and written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of
(2) kompetensi giving and asking for information related to circumstances / actions /
pendukung yang akan activities / events that are carried out / occur regularly or are general
dicapai oleh kurikulum truths based on the context of its use. Based on this competency, the
appropriate supporting indicators are…
A. Analyze the structure of oral transactional interaction texts
involving the act of giving and asking for information related to
circumstances/actions/activities/events that are carried out/occur
B. Analyze the linguistic elements of spoken transactional
interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for
information related to circumstances/actions/activities/events that
are carried out/occur regularly
C. Explain the structure of oral transactional interaction texts that
involve the act of giving and asking for information related to
circumstances/actions/activities/events that are carried out/occur
D. Compile an oral transactional interaction text that involves the
act of giving and asking for information related to circumstances/
actions/ activities /events that are carried out/occur regularly
E. Describe the linguistic elements of written transactional
interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for
information related to circumstances/actions/activities/events that
are carried out/occur regularly
27 Disajikan satu tujuan 27. The following is one objectives of learning English in class VIII.
pembelajaran, peserta Students can compare the text structure of several special texts in the
dapat menentukan (1) form of greeting cards correctly with discussion. Based on this goal,
metode/ teknik/ strategi the appropriate material to be taught is…
pembelajaran, (2) A. Greeting cards
materi pembelajaran, B. The sentence arrangement
(3) media C. Linguistic features
pembelajaran, (4) D. Discussion
asesmen E. Language structure of greeting cards
28 Disajikan satu tujuan 28. The following is one of the goals in English, namely through
pembelajaran, peserta discussion, students are able to compose written interpersonal
dapat menentukan jenis interaction texts that involve the act of asking, inviting, asking for
evaluasi yang tepat permission, and responding to them by paying attention to social
(portfolio, essay, functions, text structures, and linguistic features that are correct and
multiplechoice, cloze appropriate with the context. The kind of assessment based on this
test matching) objective is…
A. Description test
B. Multiple choice test
C. Oral test
D. Performance test
E. Product assessment
29 Disajikan sebuah 29. The following are the English competencies, namely distinguishing
KI/KD SMP, SMA, social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of several
SMK, peserta mampu oral and written descriptive texts by giving and asking for
merumuskan tujuan information related to tourist attractions and famous historical
pembelajaran Bahasa buildings, short and simple, according to the context of their use.
Inggris yang memuat Based on these competencies, the appropriate learning objectives
unsur Behaviour C1 are…
(remembering), C2 a. Through reading activities, students can analyze famous tourist
(understanding), C3 attractions based on the context of their use.
(Applying), C4 b. Through reading activities, students can analyze the linguistic
(analysing), dan C5 elements of famous tourist attractions based on the context of
(evaluating) their use.
c. Through reading activities, students can analyze the structure of
written descriptive texts by giving and asking for information
related to famous tourist attractions based on the context of their
d. Students can analyze the structure of written descriptive text by
giving and asking for information related to famous tourist
attractions based on the context of their use.
e. Students can analyze the structure of written descriptive text by
giving and asking for information related to famous historical
buildings based on the context of their use.
30 Disajikan suatu butir, 30. These are the following components of syllabus :
peserta dapat 1. Identity
menentukan (1) 2. Basic Competence
aspekaspek silabus, (2) 3. Indicator
program tahunan, (3) 4. Main Material
program semester 5. Assessment
6. Time allocation
7. Learning resources
Based on these components, which one that have HOTs elements ?
A. (2), (3), (4)
B. (2), (3), (5)
C. (3), (4), (5)
D. (3), (4), (6)
E. (4), (5), (6)
31 Disajikan sebuah 31. What is wrong with this sentence? "My uncle will buy a car if he
konteks, peserta have enough money."
mampu menentukan A. "will buy" must be "buy"
klausa berbentuk B. "have" must be "has"
conditional type 1 C. "have" must be "will have"
dengant tepat. D. "will buy" must be "buys"
E. “will buy” must be “bought”

32 Disajikan sebuah teks 32. Professor John's invention was national recognized. The correct
kalimat, peserta mampu word to replace the underlined word is….
menganalisis untuk A. Nationality
mengganti kata tersebut B. Nationalize
menggunakan afiksasi C. Nationalization
yang benar. D. Nationally
E. National

33 Disajikan sebuah teks 33. “My mother met old friend …. is my classmate.”
rumpang, peserta The correct clause to complete the sentence above is….
mampu melengkapi A. Whose son
teks dengan klausa B. Her son
yang sesuai C. Who is son
D. The son of us

34 Disajikan sebuah 34. I …. (give) you present if today is your birthday.”

konteks, peserta The correct word to complete the sentence above is….
mampu menentukan A. Will give
bentuk conditional B. Gave
(fulfilled/unfulfilled) C. Gives
dengan benar. D. Give
E. Would give

35 Disajikan sebuah teks 35. Read the dialog below!

percakapan Lia : Alex, Angel and I want to go to the cinema. There is an
transaksional, peserta interesting new movie. Do you want to join us?
mampu menentukan Alex : No, thanks Lia. I have been working since 5 o’clock this
idiomatic expression morning. I’m too tired to go the cinema. I need to go home and get
yang tepat untuk some rest.
konteks yang ada. Lia : Alright, Alex. We can hang out next time. Go home and get
some rest.

The appropriate idiom to describe Alex’s condition is….

A. On your last legs
B. Break a leg
C. Could eat a horse
D. Under the weather
E. Once in a blue moon
36 Disajikan sebuah 36. “My brother will be visiting my parents tomorrow.” The
konteks, peserta passive form of this sentence is …
mampu menentukan A. My parents will be visited by my brother tomorrow
kalimat berbentuk pasif B. My parents will be being visited by my brother tomorrow
yang benar C. My parents would have been visited by my brother tomorrow
D. My parents would be being visited by my brother tomorrow
E. My parents would be visited by my brother tomorrow
37 Disajikan sebuah teks 37. Read and complete the text below!
rumpang, peserta Buckingham Palace is one of the London’s 1) destination. As
mampu melengkapi the official residence of the Queen, it flies Her Majesty’s personal
teks dengan frasa yang standard when she is in residence. Visitors may tour the state
sesuai. rooms, which include the Throne room, the Picture Gallery, and
the State Dining Room.
The appropriate phrase to complete the paragraph above is ….
A. Famous
B. Useless
C. Unattractive
D. Delicious
E. Healthy

38 Disajikan sebuah teks, 38. Read the text below!

peserta mampu Once upon a time, there lived and old couple who didn't have a
menentukan lawan kata child. One day, the wife prayed, "If I only had a dear little baby, I
kata yang should not care what it was like. I should be thankful for one if it
digarisbawahi. were no bigger than my husband's thumb." A queen of the fairies
finally granted her wish. The wife was really and thanked to the
fairy. His husband was also delighted. He then named their child
"Tom Thumb" because he was no bigger than a thumb. The baby
was very well, and merry. Even though he was small, he could
help his parents.
“The baby was very well, and merry.”
The antonym of the underlined word is …
A. Big
B. Happy
C. Safe
D. Gloomy
E. Grumpy

39 Disajikan sebuah teks, 39. Recycling is easy to do and really can make a difference. It is
peserta mampu important to both the natural environment and us. Before we
menentukan time transform something old into something new, it benefits the
conjunctive yang tepat environment in a number of ways. Materials and natural resources
(as soon as, by the aren't wasted. Energy is saved during the manufacturing process.
time, until, dll) There's less waste going to landfills. Not to mention, it helps keep
wildlife safe. Recycling is very important as waste has a huge
negative impact on the natural environment. It is also essential to
cities around the world and to the people living in them. In
conclusion, many people think their efforts alone won't make a
difference. But with recycling, even a single person can affect
some change. We do not need to be an environmental activist to
make a difference. Just recycle waste at home and teach your
relatives to do it, too.
“Before we transform something old into something new, it
benefits the environment in a number of ways.”
The correct conjunctive time to replace underlined word is….
A. When
B. Before
C. Until
D. As soon as
E. While

40 Disajikan sebuah teks, 40. Read the text below!

peserta mampu The Colosseum is an oval shaped amphitheater in the center of
menyampaikan makna Rome and it is the largest amphitheater ever built, making it one of
menggunakan tata urut the greatest wonders of the world. Still very much intact, the
unsur ungkapan Colosseum is one of the best preserved ruins of the Roman Empire
berbentuk frasa ajektiva and this site dates all the way back as far as AD 72 under the rule of
the emperor Vespasian. The visitors can sit in the stands and see
evidence of the amphitheater's intricate underground passageways
and trap doors-the staging areas for erstwhile entertainment.
That making Colosseum one of the greatest wonders of the world
because it is ….
A. A small amphitheater ever built
B. The largest amphitheater ever built
C. A young amphitheater ever built
D. The highest amphitheater ever built
E. The biggest museum ever built

41 Disajikan paragraf 41. Read the text below!

tanpa gagasan utama, The Colosseum is an oval shaped amphitheater in the center of
peserta mampu Rome and it is the largest amphitheater ever built, making it one of
menentukan gagasan the greatest wonders of the world. Still very much intact, the
utama yang sesuai. Colosseum is one of the best preserved ruins of the Roman Empire
and this site dates all the way back as far as AD 72 under the rule of
the emperor Vespasian. The visitors can sit in the stands and see
evidence of the amphitheater's intricate underground passageways
and trap doors-the staging areas for erstwhile entertainment.
The main idea of the text above is ….
A. The symbol of the Colosseum
B. The functions of the Colosseum
C. The numbers of visitors in the Coloseum
D. The numbers of entrances in the Coloseum
E. The shape and the history of Coloseum

42 Disajikan berbagai teks 42. Read the text below!

(genre) dalam bentuk I want to tell you about my plan next Saturday. If the weather is
tertulis, peserta mampu nice, I will hang out with friends. If we have enough money, we
menyimpulkan makna will go to a theme park. I will try to ride a roller coaster if my
tersurat friends want to ride it, too. I have never ridden a roller coaster
before, so I want to ride it once. I hope I will not be afraid. If I'm
afraid, I will ride a ferries wheel. It is safer than the roller coaster.
It will be interesting. I hope the weather will be nice next Sunday.
From the text above, the writer wants to do following things next
Saturday, except…
A. Riding a ferries wheel
B. Hanging out with friends
C. Visiting a zoo
D. Riding a roller coaster
E. Visiting a theme park

43 Disajikan berbagai teks 43. Read the text below!

dalam bentuk tertulis, Mount Fuji is Japan's highest mountain with 3,776 meters. It is an
peserta mampu active volcano, which most recently erupted in 1707. It stands on the
menganalisa tujuan border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Perfectures and can be seen
komunikasi. from Tokyo and Yakohama on clear days. Visibility tends to be better
during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early
morning and late evening hours than during the middle of the day. If
you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely place and from a nice
natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko)
region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot
spring resort. Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and
August via several routes.
The main purpose of the text above is ....
A. To explain how Mount Fuji was created
B. To show the shape of Mount Fuji
C. To retell past event of Mount Fuji
D. To describe and promote Mount Fuji
E. To inform the location of Mount Fuji

44 Disajikan sebuah 44. My father, ……… I respect, congratulated me on a job well done.
kalimat, peserta mampu A. Who
menentukan relative B. Whom
pronoun yang tepat C. Whose
D. Which
E. That

45 Disajikan sebuah 45. Maria already given a trust and permission to adopt a dog by
konteks, peserta her mom. Which sentence has has adverbial clause according to
mampu menentukan the context?
klausa adverbial yang A. the dog will be adopted by Maria
tepat. B. Marria is allowed to adopt a dog
C. Since I trust you to take care of it, we will adopt a dog today.
D. her mom said, you are allowed to adopt a dog today

46 Disajikan sebuah 46. My sister is reading in the library,....................?

statement, peserta A. She is
mampu merespon B. is she
dengan tepat. (Contoh: C. isn’t she
It\'s so cold today. D. is my sister
Peserta memilih satu E. isn’t my sister
dari pilihan2 ini: a.
b. it is, isn\'t it? c. ait
was d. it must be e. it
should be. Yang benar
adalah b.)
47 Disajikan teks tulis, 47. Please read the text carefully and answer the following questions!
peserta mampu Student's Organization SMA Tunas Bangsa
menentukan fungsi JL Sumpah Pemuda no.1 Indonesia
sosialnya dengan tepat. Dear Nia,
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
Day/date: Saturday/11 July 2016
Time: 10.00 pm
Place: at AULA School
The meeting will discuss about preparation class meeting completion.
Please come on time, see you there.
Dian and Rudy
Secretary Chairperson
What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
A. to invite Dian and Rudy to Nia’s event
B. to invite Nia to Dian and Rudy’s birthday event
C. to invite Nia to be the secretary chairperson
D. to invite Nia to attend the meeting to discuss about class completion
E. to invite Nia to attend the meeting to discuss about preparation

48 Disajikan sebuah teks, 48.

peserta mampu Amazing Day
menganalisis kesalahan I woke up at about five o’clock yesterday. It wasn’t a regular day,
gramatikanya. because I was about to propose a girl. After praying and taking a
bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine o’clock I was in my
office but my soul wasn’t there. I was thinking about the lines that I
had to say to her. At one o’clock, I had my lunch but I wasn’t
enjoying it either. So, I practice the lines to almost all girls I met at
my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o’clock.
I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to
pick her up and of course proposed her. I met her at four o’clock,
took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic
dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife.
Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She
smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her
finger. Then she said “Yes.” After driven her home I went back to
my house.
So, I practices the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. This
sentence has grammatical error. Which reason is appropriate to support
this statement?
A. “I” belongs to singular pronoun that not appropriate to use –s/-es into
the verb. Beside, this text is formed to tell past even. It should be
B. All girls is supposed to be all girl because it becomes one
C. At my lunch supposed to be in my lunch.
D. At my lunch supposed to be on my lunch.

49 Disajikan dua klausa, 49. “I was slapped around”

peserta mampu “I stared fighting back”
menentukan hubungan Pick one of these conjunction that indicates an event happens
logika antar klausa immediately before or after
berdasarkan A. By
conjunction yang B. Because
digunakan. C. Until
D. Since

50 Disajikan dua kalimat, 50. Back then, the haunted house is a forbidden place visited by the
peserta mampu visitor. Yet, day by day we found that this haunted house become a
membedakan old dan great destination for horror maniac.
new information dalam What kind of new information you able to get from those line?
kalimat tersebut A. Nowadays, people like to visit the haunted house
B. The haunted house was being a forbidden place
C. The haunted house become an horror destination since long time
D. The visitors still freaky when visit the haunted hause.
E. Covid-19 restricts us to mobilize since it will increase the risk of
having direct contact with others. As an effect, the government of
Jakarta has issued a policy regarding the regulation of odd-even
traffic rule which starts in March 2020 due to the Covid-19
pandemic. This rule is reinforced in August 2020 for the four-
wheel vehicles.

51 Disajikan teks 51. Read the text below!

discussion, peserta Covid-19 restricts us to mobilize since it will increase the risk of
mampu menentukan having direct contact with others. As an effect, the government of
informasi rinci di Jakarta has issued a policy regarding the regulation of odd-even
dalamnya traffic rule which starts in March 2020 due to the Covid-19
pandemic. This rule is reinforced in August 2020 for the four-wheel
vehicles. Jakarta Provincial Government re-imposes this rule due to
the increase of Covid-19 cases in Jakarta and the emergence of office
cluster. Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin
Liputo, said the odd-even system is expected to limit the mobility of
residents who want to enter and exit the Jakarta area to minimize the
spread of Covid-19. It is also due to the removal of the policy of
SIKM for residents outside Jakarta. On the other hand, after a month
of implementing odd-even traffic rule, the Covid-19 Task Force
asked Jakarta Provincial Government to evaluate the policy. Reports
say that the odd-even rule has an impact on increasing transportation
and mobility. Even so, Jakarta Provincial Government said that this
regulation is able to reduce the mobility rate of the citizens in
Jakarta. In the end, each regulation is expected to help reduce the
number of citizen mobilization and reduce the spread of Covid-19. In
addition, citizens are expected to always comply with regulations so
that the efforts to combat the Covid-19 run well

This odd-even system for each regulation created by expecting

A. Covid-19 can be against by Jakarta Provincial Government
B. the odd-even system is expected to limit the mobility of
residents who want to enter and exit the Jakarta area to
the spread of Covid-19
C. Each regulation is expected to help reduce the number of
citizen mobilization and reduce the spread of Covid-19.
D. No one match

52 Disajikan beberapa 52. (1) Lake Toba is located in North Sumatera, this lake is also the
kalimat acak dari largest lake in Indonesia. (2) Around Lake Toba has a very amazing
sebuah teks (deskriptif, view, because around it are a lot of shady trees. (3) Lake Toba is one
prosedur, recount, of the most famous tourist attractions in Indonesia. (4) Because this
argumentatif, atau jenis lake has a length of 100 KM or 62 miles with a width of 30 KM or 9
teks lainnya, peserta miles and the depth of this lake is 505 meters. (5) So that makes us
mampu menyusun teks feel calm and comfortable while on vacation in this place.
tersebut dengan Arrange those sentences into a proper descriptive text!
struktur yang benar A. 3-1-4-2-5
B. 3-4-1-2-5
C. 3-2-4-1-5
D. 3-1-2-4-5

53 Disajikan sebuah teks, 53. Two police officers apprehended a young male in his twenties that
peserta mampu has escaped from South Texas County prison. The correct word
menggunakan kosa kata that matches the underlined word above is?
yang bersinonim A. freed
dengan kata yang B. unbound
digarisbawahi. C. arrested
D. accused
E. captured

54 Disajikan sebuah teks, 54. Septi : I am astoundingly pitiful for my blunders.(saya sangat sedih
peserta mampu atas kesalahan saya)
mengungkapkan makna Jerri : That is OK. (tidak apa-apa)
berbentuk ungkapan Septi : I apologize I hurted your sentiments. (saya minta maaf saya
dengan urutan melukai perasaan anda)
gramatika yang benar Jerri : Forget about it. (lupakanlah)
pada frasa nomina atau Septi : I am astoundingly pitiful I had various blunders. (saya sangat
klausa. sedih karena membuat banyak kesalahan)
Jerri : Yes, it doesn’t have any kind of effect. (ya, hal itu tidak
membuat perbedaan)
“Yes, it doesn’t have any kind of effect”. What do you think about
Jerri’s feeling based on this line?
A. he hurt but trying to realize
B. he forgive her
C. He express that it can’t be changed
D. He tried being wise

55 Disajikan sebuah 55. If it rained tomorrow, I..........skip the exams.

konteks, peserta A. will
mampu menentukan B. might
kalimat conditional C. would
type 2 dengan benar. D. have to
E. would have to

56 Disajikan short
functional texts, peserta To: Ade
mampu mengevaluasi Don’t forget to eat your breakfast. I have put your uniform at
your cupboard. Bring your umbrella to school, it’s been rainy
koherensi lewat
penggunaan tense -Mom-

56. Read the text below to answer the question

From that text, which sentence performs Present Perfect Tense?

A. 1
B. 1 and 3
C. 2
D. 3
E. All of the sentences
57 Disajikan teks 57. Read the conversation text
conversation, peserta Dani: Why were you not coming to the class yesterday? (1)
mampu menentukan Adi: I hate Physics (2), it makes my head hurts
ungkapan yang Dani: You are exaggerating too much (3)
digarisbawahi yang Adi: I’m serious (4), why don’t you teach me after school
menyiratkan rasa tidak Dani: Alright (5), just come to my house
senang. The expression of dislike is shown from the expression number……
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

58 Disajikan short 58. Read the text to answer the question

functional texts, peserta
To: Erwin
mampu menentukan
Congratulation for making the final, we so proud of you. Break a
discourse markers leg for the final.
/referensi eksoforik -Mom and Dad-

yang digunakan dalam

teks. The underlined word refers to…
A. Erwin
B. The game
C. Mom and Dad
D. Mom
E. Dad

59 Disajikan beberapa 59. Choose the best answer for these

kelompok kata, peserta questions Which of these words is
mampu membedakan misspelled?
unsur bunyi (vowel, A. Accommodate
consonant, diftong, B. Aquire
atau consonant claster) C. Calendar
dalam kelompok kata D. Colleague
E. Experience
60 Disajikan teks tulis, 60. She (S) walked (V) to (….) the park (Adv)
peserta mampu What is the best answer to fill the box
menentukan struktur A. Adjective (Adj)
makro dengan tepat. B. Subject (S)
C. Preposition (P)
D. Object (O)
E. Article (A)

61 Disajikan sebuah 61. All students……… Mr. John to teach again in this school
konteks, peserta A. Wish
mampu menentukan B. Forbid
bentuk subjunctive C. Allow
mode dengan tepat. D. Answer
E. Ask

62 Disajikan sebuah 62. She collects the goods

konteks, peserta Which one is the correct passive form?
mampu menentukan A. The goods is collected by her
kalimat berbentuk pasif B. The goods are collected by her
yang benar. C. The goods are collect by her
D. The goods was collected by her
E. The goods was collect by her

63 Disajikan berbagai teks 63. Read the text carefully

dalam bentuk tertulis,
peserta mampu
koherensi teks melalui
generc structure.

Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour to Europe. They were travelling on a
guided tour to five countries. They were going to travel through The
Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France for two weeks.

The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day of the travel the guide told
them to check their passports, their traveller cheques, and their foreign
cash. He told them to keep them safely.

They travelled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The
guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural
importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the night and ate
in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In big towns, they
went for shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They
enjoyed the two-week tour.

After you read the text, one of the generic structures is using …….tense
A. Present Perfect
B. Simple Present
C. Simple Past
D. Present Continuous
E. Past Continuous
64 . Disajikan jenis teks
How to Make Cheese Omelette
dalam bentuk tulis, Ingredients:
peserta mampu
 1 egg, 50 g cheese
menyimpulkan struktur  1 cup milk
teks.  3 table spoons cooking oil
 A pinch of salt and pepper


 Frying pan
 Fork
 Spatula
 Cheese grater
 Bowl
 Plate

How to make it:

1. Crack an egg into a bowl.

2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth.
3. Add milk and whisk well.
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan.
7. Turn the omelette with a spatula when it browns.
8. Cook both sides.
9. Place on a plate, spread salt and pepper.

64. Read the procedure text carefully

What is the structure of the text above?
A. Identification and Description
B. Orientation, Complication, and Resolution
C. Goals and Steps
D. General Classification and Description
E. Orientation, Events, and Reorientation

65 Disajikan sebuah teks 65. Read the conversation text to answer the questions
conversation, peserta Sarah: Hey Lisa, wait up! I’ve wanted to have a chance to talk to
mampu menentukan you.
tindak tutur ungkapan
yang diberi garis Lisa: Hi! What’s up?
Sarah: This weekend I’m having a birthday party for Ted. I’d like
you to come.

Lisa: I ’d love to. When is it?

Sarah: We’re having it this Saturday at 8:00 at my house. We’re
going to order a pizza and play some games. Then whoever wants to
stay longer can hang out and watch a video.

Lisa: It sounds like a lot of fun. But now that I think about it, I
promised I would do something with Nathan Saturday night.

Sarah: Well, why don’t you bring him along? It would be fun. Ted
would really like that. I’m sure.

Lisa: Really? That would be great. Okay, I’ll ask Nathan to come
along. What can I bring?

Sarah: Nothing. Just bring yourselves. No presents are necessary

and everything else has been planned.

The statement of “I’d like you to come” is expressing….

A. Confusion
B. Like
C. Dislike
D. Asking information
E. Request
66 Disajikan short Lenovo A100
functional texts The new generation of Smartphone from Lenovo!
Introducing Lenovo A100!
(advertisement, Lenovo A100 sound quality as good as the real album sound
announcement, leaflet, with Twin Speaker Dolby ATMOS!
Equipped with:
memo) peserta mampu Big internal memory 16GB and 2GB RAM
menganalisis tujuan Twin speaker Dolby ATMOS
Best camera 13MP and 5MP front camera
komunikasinya Best performance with Qualcomm Processor 64-bit and 4G LTE
Buy now and get the Internet bonus 2GB from Simpati!

66. Read the advertisement text belo

The purpose of the advertisement text above is
A. To educate the reader about the product
B. To persuade reader to buy the product
C. To make readers happy
D. To inform about a discount
E. To share a product

67 Disajikan short
functional texts To: All employees From:
General Manager Date:
announcement, leaflet,
memo) peserta mampu May 9th, 2021
menyimpulkan ide Subject: Regular Meeting
We will hold regular meeting on May, 11th 2021. It is not similar to
previous agenda since there is urgent matter to discuss with all of the

That is why please allocate the time, and prepare all the necessary
materials as what we usually do in regular meeting. In the end of the
session, there will be additional information that I will share.

67. Read the memo to answer the question

What is the main idea of the memo above?
A. In the end of the session, there will be additional information that
I will share.
B. General Manager
C. May 9th, 2021
D. All employees
E. We will hold regular meeting on May, 11th 2021

68 Disajikan short
functional texts To: Gery
(advertisement, Thank you for your hard work in this season. The organization
would not reach this level without your contribution.
announcement) peserta Frank
mampu menentukan
makna tersirat.
From the text, we can infer that Frank is Gery’s….
A. Colleague
B. Supervisor
C. Friend
D. Family
E. Customer

69 Disajikan short 69.

functional texts
announcement, leaflet,
memo) peserta mampu English club opens new member registration. For students who are
menyimpulkan makna interested, please come on Saturday, August 14 2021 at 1 until 5
pm in the English club room.
Please bring a 3 × 4 photo.

For more information, contact Steff 0022113

What do the participants need to bring?

A. Twelve photos
B. Three or four photos
C. Photos with the size 3 times 4 length
D. Registration fee
E. Bring the proper information

70 Disajikan short 70.

functional texts seperti
announcement, leaflet, To :Jono
From : Bono
memo dan sebagainya,
Jono, can you go with me to Denpasar? I want to buy new shoes for
peserta mampu the prom night. I hope you can go with me. Thank you, my friend.
menyimpulkan struktur Why does Bono want to go to Denpasar with Jono?
teksnya. A. He wants to chill
B. He wants to buy shoes
C. He wants to sell shoes
D. He wants to thank his friend
E. He wants to hope something

71 Disajikan transactional 71.

dan interpersonal texts, Dancing Competition
peserta mampu
menentukan tujuan
komunikasi Our school will have a Dancing Competition that will be held on 2
June 2022

Registration will be held on 6th-9th at OSIS room. Free registration

and full of prize!

Contact person: Tata (003321)

From the example above, the correct structure of the text are…
A. Tittle, announcement, date, contact person
B. Purpose, day and date, place, sender or contact person
C. Purpose, registration time, contact person
D. Tittle, time of event, time of registration, contact person
E. Tittle, purpose, date, announcement, contact person
72 Disajikan transactional 72.
dan interpersonal texts, True Friends
peserta mampu Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking
menyimpulkan makna through the old village. They knew that anything dangerous can happen
tersurat. any time there. So, they promised each other to always be together and
protect each other.
Suddenly, they saw a large tiger getting closer toward them. One of them
hide her body in the small tunnel. But unfortunately, the other one did
not know how to get in. So being led by his common sense, he lay down
on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.
The tiger came near the one who was lying on the ground. It touched in
his ears, and slowly left the place because the tiger does not want to
frighten the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down
and asked her friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the ghost
do into your ears?” The other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised
me not to believe a false friend”.
The purpose of text above is…
A. To explain the reader about the friendship’s meaning
B. To describe the important of friendship
C. To entertain the reader
D. To inform the reader about an important information
E. To invite someone else

73 Disajikan transaksional 73.

dan interpersonal
Debating Competition
conversations, peserta
mampu mengevaluasi Announcement!

koherensi teks lewat Our school will have a Debating Competition that will be held on 5
exophoric reference June 2022, there will be great gifts for those who can gain 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd winner. And all participant will get the certificate. The total
yang digunakan. gifts is around 1 billion.

Registration will be held on 6th-9th April 2022 at OSIS room. Free

The correct information based on the text is…
A. The competition is self-funded and will be held in April 2022
B. The competition is fully-funded by the school and will be held in 5
C. The competition is free, can be registered at OSIS room at least at 9th
D. All participant and winner will get a big trophy
E. The competition is focus on dancing

74 Disajikan sebuah teks, 74. Interviewer: How quickly can you join our company?
peserta mampu Candidate: I do have to serve a notice period of 30 days if I
menyampaikan makna put down my resignation.
menggunakan tata Interviewer: Okay, and what are your expectations of salary.
urut/struktur unsur Candidate: I would prefer if it was according to the industry.
ungkapan berbentuk Interviewer: Okay. Do you have any questions from your end?
frasa nomina. Candidate: No. I do not have any questions.

From the conversation above the word “it” in the I would prefer if it
was according to the industry pointed to…
A. Industry
B. Salary
C. Question
D. Candidate
E. Interviewer

75 Disajikan short 75. Yesterday I went to one of the greatest supermarket in Senayan City.
functional texts There are a lot of beautiful branded stuff there such as elegant
(announcement), gowns, luxurious jewelries, and magnificent shoes. At that moment, I
peserta mampu really wanted to by those. I took all the things I need. I thought those
menyusun struktur teks will be spent much cost, and yes, they were. I went to the cashier to
pay all, unfortunately it should pay by card and I don't have a bank
account, because I didn't know my mother's maiden name. I was a bit
panic, fortunately my friend brought a black credit card, she landed it
to me.

Based on the text above, the incorrect statement is…

A. The supermarket provides very limited branded stuff
B. Magnificent gown is one of the branded stuff involved there
C. The writer did not panic, she just canceled all payment
D. The writer has a bank account and help her friend to pay
E. The writer didn’t know her mother maiden name, so she
didn’t have a bank account and did a payment through bank
card or bank account

76 Disajikan transactional 76. Attention please to all the visitors of Krisna Fantastic Land, (1) KFL
dan interpersonal texts, staff (2) We would also like to remind you to keep our hospital
peserta mampu environment clean, beautiful, and safe. (3) As it is already mentioned
menentukan non- in the information board, there will be a slight change in the visiting
formulaic expressions hours in 24 August 2021. The schedule can be seen on the second
(terdengar seperti board in the third floor. (4)Thank you very much.
terjemahan dari bahasa For the fourth part of the previous text is called as…
Indonesia) yang A. Date and place
digunakan dalam teks. B. Purpose
C. Reason
D. Announcement
E. Sender

77 Disajikan sebuah 77.

konteks, peserta 1) Heat cooking oil on pan. Add the blended ingredients and sauté
for a while.
mampu menentukan
2) Blend garlics, shallots, chilies, and salt until smooth.
bentuk conditional 3) Add rice and sweet soy sauce. Stir well.
4) Add sliced chicken and sausage. Stir well again.
(fullfiled / unfullfiled) 5) Crack an egg on pan, stir it for seconds.
dengan benar. 6) Add the slices of cucumber and tomato. Serve while hot
7) Turn off the stove and move the rice to the
plate.. The best arrangement for those sentences
A. 2-1-5-3-4-7-6
B. 1-2-5-3-4-7-6
C. 5-2-1-3-4-7-6
D. 2-5-1-3-4-7-6
E. 3-2-5-1-4-7-6

78 Disajikan sebuah 78. to: All member of class 9A

konteks, peserta As a part of Indonesia Independence Day celebration, our classroom
mampu menentukan will join “2020 Badminton Competition” on Friday, August 23th
spatial conjunctive 2021. All male student of class 9A need to gather after today’s end
yang tepat (in which, at of class to choose student who will be the representative of our class
which,) football team. Let’ register,free for everyone.

The best part to fulfill the blank space is…

A. Off the top of my head
B. All ears
C. Spread like wildfire
D. Taking in
E. In the loop

79 Disajikan short 79. The music/.........../ she spoke/ was boring.

functional texts (leaflet, Phrase: A party is held /at a place/. It is implied.
memo) peserta mampu
menetukan makna From those sentences, the proper spatial conjunction to fill the blank
tersirat is…
A. Which are
B. Of which
C. In which
D. Which is
E. At which
80 Disajikan transactional 80. TO : Jane Lubis
conversation text, FROM : Selly, Market Research
peserta mampu Assistant DATE : June 14, 2022
menyimpulkan struktur SUBJECT: Fall Clothes Line Promotion
teks Market research and analysis show that the proposed advertising
media for the new fall lines need to be reprioritized and changed.
Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent that
we need to update our advertising efforts to align them with the
styles and trends of young adults today. No longer are young adults
interested in sitcoms as they watch reality televisions shows. Also, it
has become increasingly important to use the internet as a tool to
communicate with our target audience to show our dominance in the
clothing industry.
From the text above, we can think that Jane Lubis is…
A. Boss
B. Marketing executive
C. Assistant manager
D. Manager
E. Research staff

81 Disajikan deskripsi 81. Hotel: Good afternoon. Welcome to Puri Saron Hotel. May I assess
pembelajaran, peserta you? (A)
mampu menentukan Guest: I have a reservation for today. It's under the name of Metri
metode yang tepat (B)
dalam mengajarkan Hotel: Can you please spell that for me, sir? ( C )
aspek kebahasaan Guest: Sure. M-E-T-R-I (D)
dalam konteks tertentu. Hotel: Yes, Ms. Metri, we've reserved a double room for you with a
view of the ocean for two nights. Is that correct? (E)
Guest: Yes, it is. (F)
Hotel: Excellent. We already have your credit card information on
file. If you'll just sign the receipt along the bottom, please. (G)
Guest: Whoa! Five hundred and ninety dollars a night! (H)
Hotel: Yes, sir. We are a five-star hotel after all.(I)
Guest: Well, fine. I'm here on business anyway, so at least I'm
staying on the company's dime. What's included in this cost anyway?

Please have a look to the conversation above, the G part is called

A. Offering assistance
B. Making appointment
C. Giving over about time
D. Accepting appointment
E. Helping part

82 62. Disajikan sebuah 82. Ms. Utami would like to teach the students about descriptive text in a
KD, peserta mampu remote teaching context. The followings are technological based
menentukan bahan teaching materials she may want to prepare, EXCEPT…
ajar berbasis TIK A. Video containing an example of descriptive text and the analysis
of its text structure
B. Video containing example of someone describing an object
C. Presentation slides about descriptive text structure, social
function and language feature used in descriptive text
D. Video narrating a story
E. Video containing example of someone describing a place

83 63. Disajikan sebuah 83. What type of text which has a social function to retell events for the
KD, peserta mampu purpose of informing and entertaining?
menentukan fungsi A. Descriptive
sosial, struktur dan B. Argumentative
unsur kebahasaan C. Narrative
dalam teks D. Recount
E. announcement
84 64. Disajikan sebuah 84. Mr. Hanafi teaches first grade of SMP. This is the first day of school,
KD, peserta mampu he wants to teach about self-introduction. What indicator appropriate
menganalisis for his students?
indikator pembelajaran A. Students are able to do self-introduction in front of the class
yang sesuai dengan independently
tingkat B. Students are able to introduce themselves with language cues
kemampuan siswa provided by teacher
C. Students are able to introduce themselves in an interview context
D. Students are able to introduce themselves either in formal or
informal situation
E. Students are able to do self-introduction and explain about all of
his family members
85 65. Disajikan sebuah 85. Learning objective: The students are expected to be able to do
KD, peserta mampu transactional dialog involving asking information expression.
menganalisis A teacher can do the followings to reach this learning objective…,
tujuan pembelajaran EXCEPT..
A. Provide a model dialog using asking information expressions
B. Provide examples of asking information
expression C. Ask the students to do any dialog they
want to
D. Ask the students to search for more language expressions
through exploring other learning sources
E. Ask the students to search for more language expressions
through exploring other learning sources and practice them
in dialog
86 67. Disajikan sebuah 86. In teaching writing, Mr. Ridwan often uses think-pair-share strategy.
KD, peserta mampu Recently, during remote teaching he wants to involve whatsapp
mengintegrasikan application with this technique. Which step of THINK, PAIR,
TPACK dalam model SHARE do you think whatsapp can be integrated?
pembelajaran A. None
kooperatif B. Think
C. Pair and share
D. Think and pair
E. Think and share
87 68. Disajikan sebuah 87. To teach about Announcement, Ms. Sintya often asks students to
KD, peserta mampu create a digital announcement. Since it is in the form of digital,
mengintegrasikan students are allowed to integrate various apps. What app do you
TPACK kedalam model know best for this?
pembelajaran berbasis A. Babbel
projek B. Canva
C. Lirica
D. Rosetta stone
E. duolingo
88 70. Disajikan sebuah 88. To describe about certain tourism object, Ms. Jenny often utilizes
KD, peserta mampu video before she begins her description. The use of video may….
menunjukan A. Motivate students to learn
kelebihan sumber B. Enhance students enthusiasm and curiosity
belajar yang berbasis C. Trigger ideas and imagination
TIK D. Provide real example and visual cues
E. Help student to think about abstract concept
89 66. Disajikan sebuah 89. The students are expected to understand announcement text. To
KD, peserta mampu engage students with solving real-world problem, Mrs. Jeny may ask
mengintegrasikan the students to create a digital announcement. She can ask her
TPACK dalam model students to, EXCEPT…
pembelajaran berbasis A. Draw digital announcement using ibisPaint
masalah B. Make a virtual announcement using canva
C. Create annoucement by using
animaker D. Do the assignment using
E. Create announcement by using Fotor
90 69. Disajikan sebuah 90. Instead of explaining various language expressions of asking
KD, peserta information, Mrs. Jessy wants the students to discover these by
mengintegrasikan utilizing technology. She may consider assigning the students to…..,
dalam model A. Listen and identify expressions of asking information from video
pembelajaran discovery provided in Fluent U
learning B. Watch a movie which may contain the intended expression and
take a note
C. Learn from you tube video tutorial on asking information
D. Ask their parents through whatsapp video call
E. Browse in the internet for more sources
91 diberikan data interaksi 90. Mrs Jenny: “Is this your own
kelas yang melibatkan story?” Made : “Yes, I wrote it by
tindakan memuji, myself” Mrs Jeny: “Wow, …..”
peserta mampu What can Mrs Jeny say to give compliment?
menentukan jenis tidak A. We should celebrate this
tutur yang tepat. B. It is a beautiful story. You really have a sense of a writer
C. Congratulation
D. I think I need to check your language
E. It’s nothing
92 71. Diberikan sebuah 92. Student: : “the coyote, the bison and the cr...crane."
data interaksi kelas Teacher: “And the crane. We ….. crane”
yang mengandung A. Say
tindakan corrective B. Speak
feedback, peserta C. Said
mampu menentukan D. Spoke
tindak tutur yang E. says
tepat71. Diberikan
sebuah data interaksi
kelas yang mengandung
tindakan corrective
feedback, peserta
mampu menentukan
tindak tutur yang tepat
93 74. Diberikan sebuah 93. What kind of assignment that engage students to understand
teks narrative, peserta the structure of a story and a poem at the same time?
mampu meenentukan A. Please read a story about Cinderella
perintah (soal) agar B. Please read the story entitled “Cinderella” and create a poem
siswa merespon teks describing Cinderella’s characters
tersebut dalam bentuk C. Please read the story entitled “Cinderella” and create a poem
puisi pendek. narrating the plot in Cinderella story
D. Please create a poem about Cinderella
E. Please create a poem and read a story about cinderella
94 73. Disajikan sebuah 94.
teks exposition, peserta There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides
mampu menentukan which are commonly used may cause many problems. I think combining
perintah (soal) agar different management operations is the most effective way to control
siswa merespon teks pests.
secara kritis Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in
the environment and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This
reduces the quality of farm product.
Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This
means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed.
Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such
as fish and bees. This affects the ecology and environment as well.
So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control.
Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully so that they don’t
affect the ecological balance and environment. Therefore, integrated pest
management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in
agriculture and livestock.

What kind of question a teacher need to ask so that students respond

critically to the text?
A. What is not directly affected by pesticides used?
B. What can you say about paragraph two and four?
C. How does understanding of ecology of an area help a lot in pest
D. What is one of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides?
E. What does the word “resistant: in the sentence (paragraph 3)
above means?
95 Disajikan konteks 95. Mr. Ridwan tries to teach students about expressions of giving
tentang pembelajaran compliment. What kind of assessment, in relation to this topic,
berbasis TPACK, that gives the most positive wash back?
peserta dapat A. Ask his student to watch a You Tube video about various
merumuskan asesmen expressions of giving compliment.
yang memberikan B. Summarize the intended expression from the text book
washback positif C. Ask other English teacher about various expression of
giving compliment.
D. Ask his student to watch a You Tube video about various
expressions of giving compliment, takes a note on important
points and creates a video by using these expression
E. Ask his senior student
96 77. Disajikan sebuah 96. In a remote English teaching context, an English teacher wants the
konteks pembelajaran, students to have individual practice to improve their speaking ability
peserta dapat by watching real-world videos, she recommends the students to
menentukan teknologi learn this through:
pembelajaran yang A. powtoon
tepat B. Fluent U
C. Hot potatoes
D. Quizizz
E. storyboards

97 78. Disajikan sebuah 97. Teacher: “There are several …… such as myself, yourself, himself,
konteks pembelajaran, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. They are used
peserta dapat to specify that the subject is doing something by or to itself. Instead
menunjukkan aspek of acting upon another object, the subject is acting upon itself” This
Content Knowledge teacher try to explain:
terpenting yang A. pronoun
dibutuhkan B. reflexive pronoun
C. possessive pronoun
D. relative pronoun
E. reciprocal pronoun
98 76. Disajikan sebuah 98. Students: “I think the answer is A”
konteks berupa kegiatan Teacher: “Excellent, that is correct, how do you know this?”
pembelajaran, peserta Student: “because I think …”
dapat menentukan What is the teacher trying to do? She is trying to give … feedback
prinsip pembelajaran A. Evaluative.
yang sedang diterapkan B. Interpretive.
dalam sebuah sesi. C. Supportive.
D. Probing.
E. Understanding.
99 79. disajikan sebuah 99. You are an English teacher. Today you want your students to
konteks pembelajaran, understand the character of a story and are able to express this
peserta mampu characterization orally. How do you reach this goal?
memfasilitasi siswa A. Asking the students to read the story repeatedly
dalam B. Asking the students to read only the dialog
mengaktualisasikan C. Asking the student to perform the dialog expressively
karakter secara verbal D. Asking the student to write the ending of the story
E. Asking the students to explain the character
100 80. Disajikan situasi 100. A teacher should know how extrovert students learn in the
guru menyelesaikan classroom. The following activities can make them more
masalah yang berkaitan comfortable in learning EXCEPT ....
dengan karakter siswa, A. answering questions verbally
peserta menentukan B. discussing a topic in groups
jenis cara yang C. working on worksheet independently
digunakan guru dengan D. presenting materials in front of the class
tepat (kritis, kreatif, E. solving problems with others
101 82. Disajikan situasi 101. The following is what an English teacher need to consider to
tentang keadaan siswa help students learn English effectively, except…
di kelas, peserta A. Their existing language input
mampu menganalisis B. Their affective states during learning process
kondisi dan C. Their use of knowledge of their mother tongue
menentukan instrumen D. Their level of motivation in learning English
evaluasi sikap yang E. The rich learning sources
102 81. Disajikan sebuah 102. What is teacher’s empathetic communication strategy when he
situasi dalam bentuk knows his student answer the question wrongly
pernyataan, A. Repeat the question or restate the question in different way
peserta dapat B. Tell him to pay attention
mengidentifikasi teknik C. Instruct him to read the material
evaluasi sikap yang D. Ask him to ask his classmate
sesuai. E. Ask him to do it as homework
103 84. Diberikan konteks 103. When students have difficulties in understanding a listening task,
pembelajaran, peserta what a teacher should do?
dapat A. Ask them to take it as homework
menentukan perbaikan B. Ask them to ask their classmate
pembelajaran C. Repeat the recording twice to give more listening opportunities
keterampilan reseptif D. Write the answer in the whiteboard
(listening, reading) E. Ask them to guess the answer
104 85. Diberikan konteks 104. To see speaking competence, what elements teacher should
pembelajaran, peserta observe?
dapat A. Dramatizing an event, performing transactional monologs
menentukan evaluasi B. Narrating past events, describing things
pembelajaran C. Performing interpersonal and transactional dialogs and
keterampilan produktif transactional monologs
(speaking, writing) D. Reporting events, describing places
dengan tepat E. Describing objects, dramatizing an event
105 86. Disajikan sebuah 105. To measure students’ speaking competence within the context of
kondisi pembelajaran, understanding narrative text, an English teacher can ask students to:
peserta A. Telling their past experience
menentukan teknik B. Retell a short story they have discussed in the classroom
evaluasi dan platform C. Interview classmates about their past experience
yang sesuai D. Having the class engage in a debate
E. Interview other classmates about their hobbies
106 87. Disajikan satu 106. Mrs. Utami is about to activate students’ formal schemata of
bentuk isntrumen lexical items used in a report text. For the purpose, she can involve
evaluasi, peserta her students…
menyeleksi beberapa A. to find the synonym or the antonym of words
teknik evaluasi yang B. to identify words in jumbled letters
sesuai C. to label pictures with appropriate words
D. to guess word meanings from the context
E. to find the meaning of words in dictionary

107 88. Diberikan indikator 107. Indicator: the students are able to identify the text structure of a
sebuah kompetensi narrative text
dasar, peserta What instruction is most suitable to evaluate factual knowledge?
dapat menentukan A. Please read the story carefully!
rumusan soal yang tepat B. Please mention the text structure of the story and in which
untuk menilai paragraph you can find them!
pengetahuan. C. Please take note important incident in the story!
D. Please mention how many characters are in the story!
E. Please state what moral message you can learn from the story!
108 83. Disajikan konteks 108. To measure students speaking competence within the context of
pembelajaran, peserta understanding recount text, Mr. Ketut asks the students to:
dapat A. Telling a short story
menginstruksikan B. Telling their last holiday experience
penerapan asesmen C. Performing a role play
otentik yang tepat D. performing a mini drama
E. Read a poem
109 90. Diberikan indikator 109. Free practice designed for an effective lesson plan integrates the
sebuah KD, peserta focus structure / vocabulary/functional language into students’
dapat overall language use. It often encourages students to use the target
menentukan rumusan language structures in the followings, EXCEPT ….
soak yang tepat untuk A. games and puzzles
menilai B. small group discussions
keterampilam. C. quizzes and formative tests
D. written work (paragraphs and essays)
E. longer listening comprehension practice
110 89. Diberikan konteks 110. A student was texting Ms. Jeny as follows: “Excuse me, Mam.
pembelajaran, peserta When can you meet me to discuss my report? I have a question to
dapat ask. Thank you”
memberikan instruksi How should Ms. Jeny have responded to her student by texting back
dalam memperbaiki not to make her embarrassed?
tingkat kefasihan A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you
berbahasa (lafal, pilihan see me?”
kata, ejaan) B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher. You must see
C. “Is your language polite enough, Sandra? Check your
D. “Sandra, be polite please, can’t you? Should I meet you?”
E. E. “You are really not polite, Sandra. Keep your manner.”
111 91. Disajikan deskripsi 111. The problem in Mr. Jati’s class is the students tend to compete
komponen PTK dan excessively in reading class. They don’t have much experience in
permasalahan working together in task groups. She believes that they need to have
dalam pembelajaran more opportunities to work together to change as their attitudes in
bahasa Inggris di suatu competing leads to an unhealthy class atmosphere. To solve the
kelas, peserta problem, she designs an innovative instructional strategy through
mampu menentukan classroom action research. The steps of which will need to have the
judul PTK yang bisa elements of…
dilakukan. A. KWLH
C. Jigsaw
D. mind and mapping
E. click and clunk

112 92. Disajikan deskripsi 112. Widyasari is a solitary type of a student. The most suitable
studi kasus, peserta learning source for the teacher to facilitate her in reading
mampu comprehension would be….
menentukan keputusan A. pictured workbooks
terbaik dalam B. E-learning modules
menyelesaikan C. reading passages
masalah. D. audio recordings
E. Worksheet
113 93. Disajikan deskripsi 113. To cater for the learning style of his students who are field
tentang keadaan siswa independent, when teaching reading, Mr. Rian will require his
dalam students to ……
pembelajaran bahasa A. seek for specific information
Inggris di suatu kelas, B. follow in depth ideas in each paragraph
peserta mampu C. imply the meaning in passages
menganalisis D. retell details of all paragraphs
permasalahan yang E. identify the main points of passages
114 94. Disajikan deskripsi 114. A teacher asks the students to make a video containing their
tentang teknik penilaian presentation of procedure of cooking certain food. To adjust with the
yang involvement of the 21st century skills, he will assess the following,
digunakan oleh seorang EXCEPT…
guru, peserta mampu A. communication
menganalisis B. creativity
prinsip penilaian yang C. collaboration
digunakan. D. critical thinking
E. discipline
115 95. Disajikan KI/KD 115. A teacher want to make sure that his students are able to identify
Bahasa Inggris SMP, the narrative text structure, he then asks his students to….
SMA dan SMK, A. analyse a short story based on its text structure
peserta mampu B. read the short story in detail
merumuskan indikator C. listen to a short story
pencapaian D. arrange the parts of story into correct sequence
kompetensi yang E. retell the story in front of class
Specifik, terukur, dapat
diterapkan, sesuali
alokasi waktu)
116 96. Disajikan sebuah 116. In his class, Mr. Made found students have low motivation in
konteks, peserta mampu participating in reading activity. He tries to make a classroom action
menunjukan research by involving students in cooperative learning activities. He
topik PTK yang perlu can choose to apply the followings, EXCEPT:
dilakukan untuk A. PQRST technique
mengatasi sebuah B. STAD technique
masalah C. Jigsaw techniques
D. Think pair share
E. Number Heads together
117 97. Disediakan studi 117. Due to a pandemic, all teachers need to conduct remote teaching.
kasus, peserta mampu Mr. Ridwan is a professional English teacher, once he learns about
menentukan the situation he starts..
salah satu karakteristik A. Assigning students with online homework everyday
guru yang profesional B. Teaching from home by giving assignment
C. Providing students with online learning sources, assignments and
D. Finding new job
E. Answering students’ questions when he has time

118 98. Disajikan sebuah 118. Classroom action research is a research that is most appropriate
konteks, peserta mampu to be conducted by teacher because….. EXCEPT:
menentukan A. It provides a proper exposition and report of concrete situation of
manfaat utama PTK. teaching learning process where the research is conducted.
B. It allows researcher to seek and find the actual teaching learning
improvement which is appropriate to the situation at the time.
C. It helps teachers in investigating problem encountered in class
and finding the solution
D. It is an evidence of teachers’ required performance for their
career level advancement
E. It allows teacher to do reflective thinking that is to think
creatively, imaginatively, and at times, self-critically about their
classroom activities.
119 99. Disediakan 119. A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not
deskripsi pembelajaran only spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have
masa kini, peserta face-to face idea exchanges can most appropriately utilize….
mampu mengelola A. skype
pembelajaran dengan B. short message services
learning C. multimedia language laboratory
management system D. teleconference
berbasis IT E. Google messenger

120 100. Disediakan 120. A teacher expects his students to be able to categorize the word
deskripsi pembelajaran, classes: verbs, nouns, adjectives. He tries to asses :
peserta mampu A. Factual knowledge
membedakan jenis B. Procedural knowledge
pengetahuan faktual, C. Conceptual knowledge
konseptual, D. Metacognitive knowledge
prosedural dan E. Knowledge of word class

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