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Jl. Letkol Atang Sanjaya Rt. 01/02 Desa Pasir Gaok Kecamatan Rancabungur
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Lembar Soal
Fasilitator : Aep S, S. Pd, Aulia N, S. Pd, Utami, S. Pd, Indah LF, S. Pd
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Kompetensi Keahlian : XII / Semua Jurusan
Hari, Tanggal : ............................................
Alokasi Waktu : 75 menit
Guru Mata Pelajaran : ...............

a. Soal Pilihan Ganda B. are I doing                     D. aren’t I doing

1. I ... English everyweek in this English club.
A. Learn C. Learning 12. We…… each other 2 years ago
B. Learns D. Learned A. Love C. Are love
B. be loving D. Loved
2. My doctor ... a lot of medicines
A. Gives C. Give 13. They……. this musc two hours ago
B. Given D. Giving A. listened C. listening
B. listen D. be listen
3. My wife ... every morning and I don't like.
14. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
A. Sleeping C. Slept
A. cooking C. cooks
B. Sleep D. Sleeps
B. cooked D. Cook
4. They ... in a big company
15. I……a cake to your house last night
A. Working C. Work
A. bring C. brings
B. Works D. Worked
B. brought D. bringing
5. When I invite Nadia, she always .... .
Long time ago, when the gods and goddesses used to
A. Come C. Came
mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a small
B. Comes D. Coming
kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. 
The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man.  He had
6. It is now 11.00 pm. Iriana ….. sleeping in her
an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was
famous for her beauty but she was not married.  One day
A. Is C. Are
Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a
B. Am D. Were
show of strength.
7. I need an umbrella because it’s ……right now.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden
A. rain                      C. raining
Begawan had won the competition.  Unfortunately, the
B. rains                     D. Rained
wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used magic power to render him
8. What ……. you …….. ?
unconscious and he forgot his wedding.  When Sang
A. is – doing            C. am – doing
Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
B. are – doing         D. were – doing
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. 
The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden
9. They … a cup of coffee, but chocolate.
Begawan.  When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she
A. is not collecting           C. is not drinking
was very sad.  So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.
B. are not drinking         D. are not collecting

10. Diana : Look! It’s snowing. 16. Which one of the following statements is false about
Anggi : So beautiful. This is the first time I have Sang Prabu?
ever seen snow. It …….. in my country. A.  Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
A. are not snowing            C. was not snowing B.  Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West
B. am not snowing            D. is not snowing Java
C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked
11. Sally : Now, close your eyes and listen fairy
carefully. D.  Sang Prabu was a wise man
What …… (I, do)?
 Inggrit : You are knocking the door. 17. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make
A. am I doing C. is I doing Raden Begawan unconscious?
A.  She didn’t like Raden Begawan C. expressing opinion
B.  She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the princess D. asking the price
C.  She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her
wedding 25. Riswan : Afterschool, Dino feels very tired and he
D.  She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry gets
The princess Dizzy.
Dinda : I think ….. And if it’s not necessary he
18. What do you think will happen if gods or doesn’t
goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in leave the bed
the earth at that time? A. You must go to school
A.  Princess Segara will have married with Raden B. You have to take him to the hospital
Begawan C. She would take rest
B.  Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition D. He should lie down and have bed time
C.  Raden Begawan will not die
D.  Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s
26. Novi : …….
19. So a nice fairy took her to the Rian : I think it is delicious and tasty.
Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the A. what do you think of this battle
sentence refers to… B. what about the food taste
A.  The wicked fairy C. how do you feel about the outfit
B.  The nice fairy D. how about cooking food
C.  Princess Nirmala
D.  Prince Teja 27. Nuno : What should we do for our final project?
Nura : ……
20. The similarity between fairy and human according A. I am not sure about that
to the text. B. I think we should finish the task before the
A.  The place they live deadline
B.  The jealousy that they posses C. I doubt that
C.  The way they don’t feel a love D. What do you think about it
D.  The strength they have
28. Messi : What if we do our homework tonight?
21. Andy : What do you think about the restaurant? Siska : …….
Budy : The price is too expensive The best expression to show the agreement is…
From the dialogue above we can conclude that .…. A. I think it’s not a good idea
A. Andy is giving his opinion B. That sounds good
B. Andy is agree with Budy C. I disagree with you
C. Budy is giving his opinion D. I don’t agree with you
D. Budy is agree with Andy
29. Brian : You know that Anna always works late and
22. Vernon : Hai Josh neglects her sleep time.
Joshua : Hai bro, What are you doing? Lisna : That’s right. I am afraid it will affect her
Vernon : Well, just wanna see a sunset. Btw have health
you seen a task from Mr. Kim? ….. about the task? if she doesn’t change her bad habit.
Joshua :  In my opinion, he gave us a very difficult What is expresses…
task A. Agreement
A. What's your opinion? B. Disagreement
B. What's your favorite color? C. Sympathy
C. What's your problem? D. Possibility
D. In my opinion
30. Dian : I feel that children should explore more
23. Nadhira : We’ll have a long holiday next month. outdoor
What are you going to do? activities.
Nisrina : ….. Adel : … Outdoor activity can help develop
Nadhira : I hope you have a nice trip motoric
A. I don’t know what to do sensory. It is also beneficial for children.
B. It’s not your business A. I agree C. Disagree
C. Sorry, I can’t tell you B. I’m not sure D. I totally agree
D. I am thinking of going to Bali
31. Santi : …… my I speak to Mr. Rudy?
24. Gabriel : What do you think of this T-shirt? Receptonist : I am sorry Mr. Rudy has just left his
Cikal : I think it’s great! office ten minutes ago
From the dialog we know that Gabriel is ….. A. Hello everyone
A. asking for opinion B. Hello, my name is Rizky
B. giving for opinion C. Hello, Rudy’s company
D. Hello, Who’s speaking? Jane : I can’t seem to remember, but I remember
32. Manda : Hello, this is Nizar …..Could I speak it in my bedroom yesterday.
to Mom : ………….
Mrs. Desi please? A. You have to buy new ones.
Receptionist : Sure. B. You should check your bedroom more carefully.
A. I am from Dimensi Bahasa Inggris C. You should have bought two pairs.
B. May I leave the message D. You could find the box in my room.
C. Who I am talking with
D. Hello, My name is Daniel 39. Mark : There’s a lot of restaurants to
33. Mr. Aep : Hi, I am Aep from SMK Golden. I call from on this app.
you a half hour ago to talk to Mrs. Siti. Johnny : I agree. And the good ones don’t have
Is she at her office now? the
Indah : I am afraid ….. I believe he is heading food vouchers!
to Mark : Yeah, we have to use the coupons one
the office. by
A. Mrs. Siti is available one to check its validity. Why don’t we
B. You need to call back fifteen minutes later just go to the drive-thru nearby?
C. Mrs. Siti will be at her office Johnny : ……………Let’s go right now!
D. You can not talk to Mrs. Siti A. I don’t think so.
B. We should eat right now. 
C. I think that’s a great idea.
D. I suppose we could eat tomorrow. 

40. Jim : There’s so many things to do but so little

34. Tami : I need to talk to Mrs. Indah Lily : Yeah, but if we don’t finish this homework
Secretary : …… if you don’t mind waiting Mrs. by
Indah will be finish her phone call. tomorrow, we’re going to get punished 
Jim : You’re right, …. 
A. I will connect you to Mrs. Indah Lily : Yeah I agree, so let’s stop talking and get to
B. Mrs. Indah will call you back work.
C. I am sorry, Mrs. Indah is having another phone A. We could done this yesterday. 
call B. We should have do the homework. 
D. I am sorry, Mrs. Indah is on meeting C. We will must finish the homework. 
D. We must finish it by tomorrow
35. Shop keeper : Hello, Golden mart. Can I help
Harry : I am harry. Can I speak to Mr.
Shop Keeper : He is busy right now. ……
Harry : It’s not necessary. I will call him
A. You need to leave a message
B. Would you like to leave a message? b. Essay
C. Would you like to call him back?
D. Wait a minute
Wedding Invitation
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Syaputra
36. I love living in Australia …. the weather. Request the pleasure of your presence of the
A. because C. as marriage reception of their beloved son.
B. since D. because of
Aep Saepudin, S. Pd
37. Keith lost his job due …. Cut backs in the
department. to :
A. for C. to
B. at D. by Riyadi Ahmad

Please join us for a celebration on:

38. Nisa : Mom, have you seen my ear pods
around Sunday, the fourth of December
here? Two thousand and twenty two
Mom : No, do you remember where you put them Nine o’clock in the morning
last At Reception Hall of Salak Hotel The
time? Herritage

Bogor City
1. What kind of invitation is it?
2. When will the celebration be held?
3. Who is Aep Saepudin, S. Pd?

Dear my best friend,

I would like to invite you to come to my
wedding party. It will be held:
Date : Sunday, September 28th, 2014
Place : Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung
Time : 08.30 a.m.
Hopefully you can come to my precious
moment, your coming in my honor, Thank you
very much for your coming.

4. Who is recipient of the text above?

5. What kind of party will Juwita held?

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