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ee ee ae A specialty Division ofthe Philippine Medical Association 114. Malakas Street, Diliman, Quezon City ‘Tel No, 738-68-14; TelFax No 92031-92 E-mail WHEREAS, during the regular meeting of the Philippine Soctety of Pathologists, Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal office at PSP Building, No, 114 Malakas Street, Diliman, Quezon City do hereby certify that at the meeting of the Board of Governors and Officers of the PSP held on August 14, 2015, at which meeting a quorum was present, the following resolution was unanimously adopted and approved, to wit: “RESOLVED, that the Members of the Board of Governors unanimously approved as hereby approves a the implementation of the mandatory minimum fee schedule for private clinical laboratories and professional ~~ fees for Pathologists as follows: 1 CLINICAL LABORATORIES y Laboratory Category ~ Primary Aa Secondary Xs Free-Standing Ul, Hospital-Based Tertiary 501 and above Im the computation of the gross income for Clinical Pathology, the following are deducted: 1. Senior Citizen discount Urban P8,000.00 P.15,000.00 P 20,000.00 30,000.00 Stockholder’s discount, if applicable 2 3, Gross Income from Anatomic Pathology ~ Surgical, Pap’s smear, etc. 4. Charges for Clinical Pathology procedures that Reader's Fee had been applied (eg Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS), Gram Stain, Acid-fast Baclll (AFB) smear, KOH, ete...) fe 5. Send-out test procedures Rural 5,000.00 P 10,000.00 P15,000.00 P 20,000.00 10% 9% 8% ™M% 6% 5% LNon-Hospital Based I. Hospital-Based Percentage of the Gross Income of the Clinical Laboratory depending on the authorized bed capacity as stated in the License to Operate (LTO) issued by the Department of Health. Up to 100 beds 401- 200 beds 201-300 beds | 301 - 400 beds 401 -500 beds | ‘ SS cae PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS, INC. A specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association 114 Malakas Street, Diliman, Quezon City ‘Tel No. 738-68-14; TelFax No 920-31-92 E-mail pspine! Il, MINIMUM PROFESSIONAL FEES (READER'S FEE) IN CLINICAL PATHOLOGY ‘ Minimum Recommended Fee Peripheral Blood Smear 250.00 Grams stain P 200.00 AFB smear P 200.00 | KOH P 200.00 Malarial and other blood parasites smear 200.00 ‘Toxic granules ~ P 200.00 Bone Marrow smear P1,500.00 S ‘Wet Mount (Trichomonas) P 200.00 ‘TMG (Trichomonas, Monilia, Gardnerella) ~ 300.00 N Special test that requires interpretation (e.g, IF, Electrophoresis, Molecular diagnostics, etc)~--- Reader's Fee tobe agreed upon by both the Pathologist and Administration Hil, MINIMUM PROFESSIONAL FEES (READER'S FEE) IN 4 ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY ‘A. SURGICAL SPECIMENS Specimen Category Minimum Professional Fee ‘Small (up to 3.0 em in greatest diameter) P 800.00 é Medium (3.1cm to 7.0 em in greatest diameter) P 1,400.00 Large (more than 7.1cm in greatest diameter) 2,600.00 Pea scines sree eg al S dissection, blood vessel dissection, and/or involves more than one type of issue) __—P3,800.00 Biopsy (eg. endoscopic biopsies, core | needle, punch biopsies, etc.) P 1,500.00 Sx B. MINIMUM PROFESSIONAL FEES (READER'S FEE) FOR OTHER ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY SPECIMENS: cyTOLoGy \ Gynecology (Pap's smear) oe 250.00 Non-gynecology without cell block (Max of 4 slides) - P:800.00 i (Additional slides in excess of 4 shall be charged _P150.00/slide Non-gynecology with cell block P 1200.00 &/ {Additional slides in excess of 4 shall be charged PhP 150.00/slide) PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS, INC. A specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association 114. Malakas Street, Diliman, Quezon City ‘Tel No. 738-68-14; TelFax No 920-31-92 E-mail. pspincl950( Ayape fy pathologists: 1. All pathologists applying for and/or renewing his/her headship for clinical laboratory pursuant jp the applicable rules of the Bureau of Health Facilities and services of the Department of Health shall obtain and submit a CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING from the Philippine Society of Pathologists, Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) ‘A. Ultrasound guided, CT-Scan guided 1. Assessment for Adequacy =----~ PhP 1,000.00 2. Reader's Fee -- PhP 2,500.00 B, Performed by the Pathologist including Reader's Fee PhP 4,000.00 IMMUNOSTAINS AND OTHER SPECIAL STAINS Shall apply prosent = PF schedule of the institution FROZEN SECTION PhP 5,000.00 Fee for waiting time and cancellation shall be mutually arranged and agreed upon by the Pathologist and the Hospital administration.” ‘ Inc. (PSP). 2. All Pathologists MUST follow the minimum recommended mandatory laboratory fee schedule and the professional fees (reader's fee) for Clinical and Anatomic Pathologists as recommended ancl approved by the Philippine Society of Pathologists, Inc. 3. A duly notarized contract must be executed by the Pathologist and the owner of the clinical laboratory stating the amount of the laboratory fee if a free standing laboratory or the percentage for the laboratory gross income for hospital-based laboratory. Duties and responsibilities of the Pathologists shall likewise be stated as mutually agreed upon by both parties. ‘The following must be stated in the contract as part of the duties and responsibilities of the Pathologist: “RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following guidelines shall be strictly followed in the implementation of the recommended minimum mandatory fee schedule for private clinical laboratories and professional fees for sl eee Ae ‘A. Constitutes an organizational chart that clearly defines the administrative framework of the laboratory and clearly defines the functional responsibilities of all the sections thereof. \ 0 B. Designates Associate Pathologist/s, if any and Medical Technologist/s to take specific technical and administrative duties and responsibilities in the laboratory based on the organizational chart. The Pathologist designated as PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS, INC. A specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association 114 Malakas Street, Diliman, Quezon City Tel No, 738-68-14, TelFax No 920-31-92 E-mail section head shall have direct responsibility and authority over all administrative, technical, and operational concerns of the section. Designation and/or appointment of a laboratory section head shall be ‘subject to ianagement review on a yearly basis C.Supervises the Medical Technology staff and other laboratory operational efficiency as well as quality control and assurance of < all laboratory work or processes. In this regard, all laboratory personnel shall be subject to semi-annual performance evaluation review to align personnel career advancement, diseipline, and productivity in achieving the section goals and objectives. £ D.Bstablishes and regularly reviews administrative and technica 8 g g ' procedures to keep abreast with current medical laboratory 5 trends and/or updates, and to continuously improve on the performance of laboratory tests procedures and other value- i added services including the assurance of the quality, accurate, K and timely release of laboratory results. E. Evaluates and recommends equipments and consumables that will be purchased for, and utilized in the laboratory with the assistance of Associate Pathologist/s and senior staff of the laboratory taking into consideration the specific needs of the | aX patients, attending physicians, and other stakeholders. Q F, Participates in the cost analysis of assays in the laboratory and yi shall take steps to initiate improving the services and performance which shall be directly communicated to the Administration, The Pathologist shall propose schemes to increase the revenues of the laboratory and help reduce the cost of operation. G. Sets the guidelines for the implementation of a Quality Assurance Program of the laboratory including Internal Quality Control Program for technical procedures, Internal Quality Assurance Program for inputs, processes, and outputs and Continuous Quality Improvement Program covering all aspects of = laboratory performance, PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS, INC. A specialty Division of the Philipine Medical Assocation 114 Malakas Street, Diliman, Quezon City Tel No, 738-68-14, TelFax No 920-3192 ‘E-mail. pspine! H. Evaluates the manpower needs of the laboratory and participates in the hiring, evaluation, promotion, and imposition of disciplinary actions on all laboratory personnel as outlined In the human resource policies of the institution, 1. Implements a continuing education program of the technical staff in skills the laboratory and those that are pertinent to their duties and function required by the Department of Health (DOH) for licensing, J. Addresses administrative and technical concerns of the laboratory that are appropriately referred in a timely and accessible manner. K. Provides clinical consultative services to clinicians which is accessible and timely. 1 Represents the laboratory in the planning, development, promotion, and policy making activities ofthe institution, Pathologists shall actively participate inal activities of the Institution including the Committee/s assigned to them. M, Schedule of visits: Free-standing clinical laboratories - regular weekly visit of at least one (1) hour Hospital-based clinical laboratories - a Pathologist on a daily duty 4, All Private Clinical Laboratories must accomplish and issue a BIR Form 2307 which states the compensation of the Pathologist and the taxes withheld on a monthly basis. 5, NO Pathologist shall accept any position in any clinical laboratory without the knowledge and endorsement of the existing Pathologist/s. 6, Any disagreement between a Pathologist and an institution regarding arrangements and contractual relationships must be submitted to the Philippine Society of Pathologist for arbitration. (Admin Manual 3.8.2 - Relations Between the Pathologist and Institution, item 7. The Philippine Society of Pathologists, Inc. shall recommend to the Bureau of Health facilities and Services (BHFS) of the Department of Health these guidelines as part of the requirements in the licensing of clinical laboratories. LIS le. ase hk LNA. PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS, INC. A specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association 114. Malakas Street, Dilimen, Quezon City ‘Tel No, 738468-14; TelFax No 920-31-92 E-mail “RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, that If found guilty of violation of this recommended Minimum Fees for both Clinical and Anatomic Pathology and the guidelines thereof, the concerned Pathologist/s will be meted with the following sanctions: FIRST OFFENSE: ‘SECOND OFFENSE: i Le ‘The PSP shall notify the DOH immediately and its Regional Offices when a Pathologist Written reprimand issued by the Board of Governors of the Philippine Society of Pathologists, Inc. upon recommendations by the Committee on Professional and Laboratory Fees, Committee on Institutional Relations and Committee on Ethical Relations. Delisted as a member of good standing of the Society and prevents him/her for one (1) year from handling any clinical laboratory or from performing any acts of a duly certified Anatomie Pathologist. The penalty shall be imposed upon recommendations of the Committee on Professional and Laboratory Fees, Committee on Institutional Relations and Commitee on Ethical Relations to the Board of Governors of the Philippine Society of Pathologists, Inc, where a vote of 2/3 of the Board of Governors present there being a quorum. PD a7 here e Expulsion with revocation of the certificate(s) from the Philippine Board of Pathology and certification of PSP as Alplomate or fellow in Clinical Pathology, Anatomic Pathology or both. He/She will not be allowed anymore to practice Pathology. This after the recommendations of the Committee on Ge. Professional and Laboratory Fees, Committee on Institutional Relations and Committee on Ethical Relations to the Board of Governors of the Philippine Society of Pathologists, Inc, where a vote of 2/3 of the Board of Governors present there being a quorum and must be ratified by the majority of diplomates and fellows in good standing in the business meeting of the next annual convention. , was delisted as a member of good standing of the Society or when the certificate/s was/were revoked.” PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS, INC. A specialty Divison of te Philippine Medical Association 114. Malakas treet, Diliman, Quezon City Tel No, 73868-14; TelFax No 920-31-92 E-mail “FINALLY RESOLVED, that the foregoing resolution shall be implemented effective January 1, 2016 and shall continue and remain in full force and effect until repealed and/or amended by subsequent resolution/s of the Board of Governors ofthe Philippine Society of Pathologists, In.” TRESS nnany we have hereunto set our hands at 14% day of August 2015 1A wed dps sno i a President Vice-President Secretary DEMEPRIOL. VALLEJR,MD LINDA D. TAMESIS, MD ees MD. Treasurer Immediate Past President Board of Governor pot ~ Pf cove EDITHS.TRIA, MD. ROSALIE SABINA MICHIKO S. (agate MD. Board of Governors Board of Governors {ARDO VICTORIO S. QUIMBO, MD Board of Governors REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) QUEZON CITY ) OCT 96 2015 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this __ day of _____ 2015 in Quezon City; Affiant exhibiting to me her Community Tax Cert. No. issued on at 5 Doe. no. 247 Pronto SER> a —lp AITY. FLORIMOND C. ROUS 4 .ctary Publie for Quezen City Unbl DECEMBER 31, 2015 PTR No. 0569712 /01.08-15/0.G, IBP LIFETIME NO, 00315. ROLL No, 25769 / TIN; 142-154-035 MCLE 5 Comp-0001650} 1-22-2014 Series of

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