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HST 433 Video Analysis Assignment

1. Which lesson or lessons are shown in the video clips? Identify the
lesson(s) by lesson plan number.

[ The lesson that is shown in this video is from Lesson Plan #9, which took place on
October 26th. The topic for the lesson was perception. Within this lesson, the processes
such as top-down and bottom-up processing were touched on in great detail.]

2. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment

Refer to scenes in the video clips where you provided a positive learning environment.

1. How did you demonstrate mutual respect for, rapport with, and
responsiveness to students with varied needs and backgrounds, and
challenge students to engage in learning?

[ The tone for a positive learning environment was set right from the beginning, as I
opened the floor for each table of students to share their own examples for both
top-down and bottom-up processing. It seems like something minor, but doing so, it
gave students an opportunity to show their learning while also allowing them to have a
voice in the classroom. It also showed that I valued what they had to say just as they
showed me as I was lecturing later in the video.]

3. Engaging Students in Learning

Refer to examples from the video clips in your responses to the prompts.

1. Explain how your instruction engaged students in

◼ developing the skills of inquiry, interpretation, or analysis in relation to sources or

accounts of historical events or a social studies phenomenon

◼ building and supporting arguments or conclusions

[ It is hard to tell in the video, but to begin the class, each table of students was given
either a box with a puzzle inside or a plastic bag with a puzzle inside. They then
compete to see who could finish the puzzle first. This was used to demonstrate
top-down and bottom-up processing. From there, they were asked to debrief the activity
and think about their own examples for both forms of processing based off of what they
just did. In this way, they were able to think about what they were learning, think
critically about the activity, and also share their own interpretations.
1. Describe how your instruction linked students’ prior academic learning and
personal, cultural, and community assets with new learning.

[ Students were welcomed to think about their own life experiences and examples to
share to the class to demonstrate top-down and bottom-up processing. Within the
examples, a student shared how the music they listen to plays a role in top-down
processing. Another discussed a blind date vs. dating someone they knew. One even
discussed having to find new classes on the first day of school. These examples show
that students were linking their learning, and I was linking instruction, to aspects of their
lives to support new learning of top-down and bottom-up processing. ]

4. Deepening Student Learning During Instruction

Refer to examples from the video clips in your explanations.

1. Explain how you elicited and built on student responses that supported
students’ ability to form inquiries, interpretations, or analyses of history/social
studies sources or accounts AND build and support arguments or

[ After the students shared their examples of top-down and bottom-up processing, the
next part of the lecture was spent discussing what these processes then contribute to
other parts of perception. ]

1. Describe and cite examples from the video clips of how you supported
students in using evidence from one or more sources to support
interpretations or analyses and arguments or conclusions about historical
events or a social studies phenomenon.

[ I feel that I did not fulfill this, and is something that I want to do in future lessons.]

5. Analyzing Teaching

Refer to examples from the clips in your responses to the prompts.

1. What changes would you make to your instruction—for the whole class
and/or for students who need greater support or challenge—to better support
student learning of the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)?

Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different
strategies/support (such as students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners,
struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic
knowledge, and/or gifted students).

[ The class I am teaching is an AP class. From what I have observed, there are no
students are require specific needs or support. For the whole class, other than what I
listed above in 4B, one thing I wish I would have do wish I would have done is ask them
to define top-down and bottom-up processing both at the beginning (before giving them
definitions) and at the end (after they had learned about both for 44 minutes). ]

1. Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support
your explanation with evidence of student learning AND principles from
theory and/or research.

[ I do think this change would be effective in that the students could see how much they
learned in a relatively short amount of time. The students in the class had no knowledge
of these processes before the class. At the end, they had a good grasp on the material
and seemed accomplished. Having them realize how much they learned could motivate
them to want to show up and do the same thing every single day.]

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