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Assignment 1

(Renewable Energy Systems RES 402/604) Instructions Marks: 20% of the unit total marks. Due date and time: 2 pm Monday 22nd August 2011.

Each student is required to submit an individual assignment. The problem has no unique approach/ solution and therefore the methods/ solutions are expected to be different from one student to another.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any material deemed by the marker to be plagiarized in any form will receive a mark of zero.

You may make best possible assumptions if any extra information is required. As this is an assessment of the unit, requests for individual or group consultations on the assignment (other than clarifications) will not be accepted, to be fair with all students. Students may be called for the oral assessment with the assessors discretion.

Case details
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a micro-grid. The most of the demand of the microgrid is to be supplied by wind power generating units. Diesel units are proposed to provide the reserve power to the electricity consumers under intermittent and other operating conditions as necessary. The micro-grid can operate as grid connected or standalone mode. The grid connected mode depends on the availability and output power of generating units in the micro-grid in addition to the operating sate. It is proposed to incorporate PV and storage units to the micro-grid in order to minimise the use of fossil fuel based power generation and to increase the use of renewable power. However, the energy supply security should not be compromised with renewable energy technologies. The micro-grid supplies power to five villages which are represented as bus 3,4,5,6, and 7. These villages have peak loads of 0.4MVA (power factor =0.88), 0.5MVA (power factor =0.9), 0.4MVA (power factor = 0.85), 0.4MVA (power factor = 0.89), 0.3MVA (power factor = 0.9) respectively. It is given that 10%, 20%, 50%, 15%, and 20% of loads respectively connected at bus 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are critical loads. Number of fixed speed wind turbine units are installed at busses 3, 4, 6, and 7 to supply the demand with the support from the diesel units. Diesel units can be installed as central generation locating at a single bus or dispersed by locating at multiple busses. Each wind turbine unit is rated to 100kW and number of units can be connected to a bus as needed and taking into account technical and economical benefits. The loads connected at bus 5 represents commercial loads and it is proposed to connect a number of 5kW rated PV arrays at bus 5. The PV units are to supply 10% of the load demand at bus 5. Table 1 shows the peak loads of the micro-grid system. Table 2 shows the feeder technical data which can be used to determine the sizes of feeders that are suitable for the micro-grid. Micro-grid feeders are to be designed to carry at least 60% of excess loading than the nominal loading at any operating condition. Table 3 gives the average loads of each bus, normalised wind power output, and peak sun hours in a typical day of respective months. Wind power output is normalised by dividing the actual output of the wind plant by its installed capacity. The diesel units proposed for the micro-grid are 1x200kVA, 1x300kVA, and 1x500kVA.

(a) Draw a detailed diagram showing the connections of wind, PV, diesel, and other devices to the micro-grid by enhancing the Figure 1. Clearly show the auxiliary components that are

needed for the micro-grid operation justifying reasons. Describe the function of each auxiliary device. [10 marks]

(b) Calculate number of wind turbine units and PV arrays required to meet the demand of the micro-grid. Determine the appropriate diesel units and locations for the improved benefits of the micro-grid. Size the feeders using the given technical and costing data to meet the given loading conditions. Use energy storage solutions as needed justifying technical and economical benefits. PV array(s) is (are) to be oversized by 32% to compensate for the internal and other losses of components. Assume no shading effects in your calculation. Ignore the power losses of the micro-grid network. Show all the calculation details, assumptions, and technical and economical justifications where possible. [50 Marks]

(c) The micro-grid operator is planned to increase the wind power generation by increasing the installed capacity of wind plants at each wind site in (b) by 50%. The control and coordination of micro-grid are performed by a central and distributed control system. (i) Show schematically in enhanced Figure 1 in (a), the sitting locations of central and distributed control units. (ii) Describe the issues that are to be taken into account in controlling and coordination of the micro-grid resources given in (a) and (b). (iii) How would the control system operate to increase the revenues by exporting electricity to the utility grid? (iv) What design challenges of micro-grid that would arise with 50% increase in wind power generation? Propose remedial measures to mitigate challenges. (v) Propose alternative design strategies that would improve overall benefits.

Answering this part should include technical justification, economical benefits, strategic benefits, and analysis where possible, referring to the given case. [20 Marks] (d) Present a formal report covering (a) to (c) sections, presenting the engineering judgements you made, a discussion, conclusion, and references. The arguments, discussion and conclusion must be made referring to the given case of the assignment. No marks will be given if students just reproduce conclusions, discussions, or justifications that are commonly available in published literature. [20 Marks] Students are allowed make reasonable and realistic assumptions; however, they should be technically feasible and economically justified as appropriate. Students may use online (or published) technical data apart from the data given in the assignment however; the sources of information should be given as references. The marker will only mark what is in the body of

the report and not the appendices. Long tables of data such as Excel tables should only be in appendices.
Bus number 3 4 5 6 7 Feeder sizes A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Month R (/km) 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.07 0.05 Table 1: Hourly load data Peak load (MVA) 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 Table 2: Feeder technical data X ( /km) Power factor 0.88 0.89 0.85 0.89 0.90 Price ($/MVA/km) 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000

Capacity (kVA)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0.13 120 0.13 140 0.1 160 0.1 230 0.1 300 Table 3: demand and generation data Demand at each load Normalised wind bus (in % of peak generation output power connected load) 90 0.34 95 0.35 90 0.38 85 0.37 90 0.29 95 0.26 100 0.24 95 0.24 85 0.26 100 0.29 90 0.33 90 0.34

Peak sun hours in a typical day 3.23 3.85 4.38 5.28 5.48 5.84 5.51 5.40 4.94 4.61 3.36 2.58

Figure 1:

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