The Level of Customer Satisfaction of Selected Marketing Students On The Service Provided by Delivery Service Provider FINAL THESIS

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The Level of Customer Satisfaction of Selected Marketing Students on the

service provided by Delivery Service Provider

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Business Management and

Accountancy Divine Word College of Legazpi

Legazpi City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management





In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Science in Management and Accountancy, this thesis entitled: “The Level of
Customer Satisfaction of Selected Marketing Students on the service
provided by Delivery Service Provider” prepared and submitted by ANNA
MARIE B. ARINGO and NORIEL D. DALIVA is hereby submitted to the Thesis
Committee for consideration and approval.


Thesis Adviser

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Management and Accountancy, this thesis entitled: “The Level of
Customer Satisfaction of Selected Marketing Students on the service
provided by Delivery Service Provider” prepared and submitted by ANNA
MARIE B. ARINGO and NORIEL D. DALIVA is hereby recommended for final
oral defense.




Member Member






Place : SBMA Defense Room

Date :

Time :




AGNES V. SOMERA, MBA ________________


Miriam K. Manalo, LPT Ed.D MBA ________________



Thesis Adviser


Upon the recommendation of the Thesis Committee / Panel of Examiners,

this thesis entitled: “The Level of Customer Satisfaction of Selected
Marketing Students on the service provided by Delivery Service Provider”
prepared and submitted by ANNA MARIE B. ARINGO and NORIEL D.
DALIVA is hereby APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Management and Accountancy.


Class Adviser, Business Thesis


Dean, School of Business, Management and Accountancy


This is to certify that the thesis entitled: “The Level of Customer

Satisfaction of Selected Marketing Students on the service provided by
Delivery Service Provider” prepared and submitted by ANNA MARIE B.
ARINGO and NORIEL D. DALIVA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Management and Accountancy, has been
edited by the undersigned, and reviewed to conform to the institutional format of
Divine Word College of Legazpi School of Business Management and
Accountancy and elements of technical writing.

Issued this _____ day of ________, in the year of our Lord 2022 at Divine
Word College of Legazpi, the Philippines.




We would like to thank Father President Rev. Fr. Nielo M. Cantillado,

SVD for demonstrating and teaching us the right path of Jesus Christ, our Lord,

and Savior, for providing wisdom, strength, and knowledge in creating

opportunities, for providing guidance in helping us overcome all of the trials that

we faced, and for providing strength to complete the tasks that needed to be

completed. Thank you, and God bless you!

CHONA S. BERNARDO, MECON LPT, the dean of School of Business

Management and Accountancy, for supporting our research and motivating us to

strive hard;

Tressa Adelfa M. Mortola, LPT, CPA, Ph.D, the chairperson of the

thesis committee, for her guidance, recommendation and comments in our study

to be better and valuable;

Agnes V. Somera, MBA and Miriam K. Manalo,LPT Ed.D MBA, our

wonderful panelists, for demonstrating and educating us on how to conduct this

study successful, meaningful and to make it possible. With your sincere

assistance, patience, experience, and recommendations, we are able to make

the research successful. Thank you and God be with you!

CRIS JOHN P. LORENA, IEWP, BSBA-MM, PCM, our dedicated adviser,

who shared his knowledge and guided the researchers in the making of this

study, for being supportive to us in revising our research, by suggesting and

mentoring us. Thank you for your time and consideration, and may God bless


Third year and Fourth year Marketing Students, the respondents, an

appreciation to those who have taken part in this survey for giving up their time in

answering the questions for this study, without them the data gathered will never

be attained. Thank you!

This research paper is possible thanks to our Beloved Parents,

Professors, and, most importantly, GOD, who gives us strength and allows us

to understand the task. Thank you to the researcher who contributed to the

achievement of this study through hard work and cooperation. Keep striving!


ARINGO, ANNA MARIE B. “The Level of Customer

Satisfaction of Selected Marketing
DALIVA, NORIEL D. Students on the service provided
by Delivery Service Provider”
(Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to School of Business,
Management, and Accountancy -
Divine Word College of Legazpi’
Legazpi City, December 2022)

A food delivery service provider is an online delivery platform created in an

application or website linked to a particular restaurant that prepares and accepts
the customer orders. Customers can quickly and conveniently order their favorite
foods by clicking on an app and ordering it regardless of time and place as long
as they can afford it via cash on delivery, credit, or e-cash. Convenience is one of
the main reasons why people purchase and patronize food delivery services. The
study aimed to determine the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing
students on the service provided by delivery service providers such as
Foodpanda and Grabfood. The following are the statement of the problem that be
addressed. (1) The profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, residence,
preferred delivery service provider, and frequency of purchase. (2) The
comparable marketing concepts applied by the different delivery service
providers in terms of service, price, place, and promotion. (3) Level of satisfaction
in terms of affordability, reliability, accessibility, and value for money. The study
used a survey questionnaire to assess the level of satisfaction of the seventy (70)
respondents with the use of frequency, weighted mean, and ranking as the
statistical tool to measure, analyze, and interpret the results of the study.

The results confirmed that, majority of the respondents are female than
males. Age between 18-25 from Legazpi. Foodpanda is the most preferred

delivery service provider than Grabfood. Foodpanda respondent’s frequency
purchase prefers to order food one time, afternoon snack, in Saturday. Grabfood
respondent’s frequency purchase prefers to order food one time, noon, in
Thursday. Findings show, in the comparable marketing concepts applied by the
different delive ost satisfied, and Grabfood, in terms of service, ranked as 1, as
the most highly ry service provider. Foodpanda, in terms of place, ranked as 1,
as the m satisfied marketing concept applied based on the level of satisfaction of
the respondents. In the results of level of satisfaction, Foodpanda, in terms of
reliability, ranked as 1, as the most highly satisfied, and Grabfood, in terms of
value for money, ranked as 1, as the most satisfied based on the level of
satisfaction of the respondents on the level of satisfaction applied by the delivery
service provider. It is recommended that Foodpanda improve more their
marketing concept, especially on the price to have a better marketing concept to
increase the level of satisfaction of the costumers. Grabfood needs to develop
new strategies and their marketing concept in terms of place/distribution of
goods, to increase their costumers and better retention.

Keywords: Food delivery service provider, service, marketing concept, level of





Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Scope and Delimitation 4
Significance of the Study 4


Delivery Service Provider 6
Online Food Providers and their Delivery System 7
Marketing Mix/ Strategy 8
About Foodpanda 8
Foodpanda’s Business Model 9

About GrabFood 10
GrabFood Marketing Strategy 10
Consumer Satisfaction for Delivery Service Provider 11

Affordability 12
Delivery Reliability 12
Accessibility 13
Value for money 13
Online Food Delivery service 14
Factors Affecting Organizational Success:
A Case Study of Foodpanda 15
Measuring Service Quality of Food Delivery Services 16
Synthesis of the State of the Art 17

Gap Bridged by the Study 18

Theoretical Framework of the Study 20
Conceptual Framework 20
Definition of Terms 23


Research Design 26
Sources of Data 27
Respondents of the Study 27
Research Instrument 28
Data Gathering Procedure 28
Statistical Tools 29


Respondents profile 30
Frequency of ordering food 31
Frequency of ordering food (Foodpanda) 31
Frequency of ordering food (Grabfood) 33
The comparable marketing concepts applied by the
different delivery service provider such as Foodpanda
and Grabfood 35
Marketing Concept in
terms of Service, Price, Place,
Promotion (Foodpanda) 34

Marketing Concept in terms of Service, Price, Place,
Promotion (Grabfood) 37
The level of satisfaction 41
The level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability, Reliability,
Accessibility, and Value for Money (Foodpanda) 41
The level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability, Reliability,
Accessibility, and Value for Money (Grabfood) 44


Summary 47
Findings 48
Conclusions 49
Recommendations 52
Areas for Further Study 53
References 54


Appendix A
Request Letter to conduct a survey and list of third –
fourth year marketing students 57

Appendix D
Survey Questionnaire 58




1 Respondents Profile 30
1.2 Frequency of ordering food (Foodpanda) 32
1.3 Frequency of ordering food (Grabfood) 33
2 Marketing Concept in terms of Service, Price,
Place, Promotion (Foodpanda) 35
2.1 Marketing Concept in terms of Service, Price,

Place, Promotion (Grabfood) 38
3 Level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability,
Reliability, Accessibility, and Value for Money
(Foodpanda) 41
3.1 Level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability,
Reliability, Accessibility, and Value for Money
(Grabfood) 44

FIGURE 1 Theoretical Paradigm 21
FIGURE 2 Conceptual Paradigm 28



In this digital age, the internet is one of the most advanced technologies

created across the globe. Internet demands are rising because of the advanced

use in communication, transferring data, gathering information, and using it in

business, just like the food delivery services that have been very useful at this

time. According to Knowledge of Design Week (2022), the food delivery industry

is one of the advanced technologies that benefit from it. Almost everyone uses

and patronages this kind of service because it helps their daily lives by giving

them easy access to order anything they crave.

A food delivery service provider is an online delivery platform created in an

application or website linked to a particular restaurant that prepares and accepts

their order. With the appearance of delivery applications, customers can quickly

and conveniently provide or order their favorite foods by clicking on an app and

ordering it regardless of time and place as long as they can afford it via cash on

delivery, credit, or e-cash. Convenience is one of the main reasons why people

purchase and patronize food delivery services. It saves clients time by allowing

them to choose from a range of eateries and by storing their payment

information. Through this, restaurants can send food to clients' doorsteps through

online food delivery applications such as Foodpanda and Grabfood. Due to the

increasing working population and the frantic work-life culture in cities, the

concept of food delivery is swiftly gaining attraction.

Especially here in the Philippines, according to a survey conducted by

Rakuten Insight in the Philippines, seventy-one (71) percent of the respondents

stated ordering more food through food delivery apps due to the imposed closure

of all restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic as of June 2020. With this new

norm, Food delivery service providers Foodpanda and Grabfood responded to

this crisis with an alternative way to order food by giving contactless options.

Food delivery service providers can assist through phone, laptop, or tablet with

just one click without going out of their homes and help them to avoid traffic

behind their wheel. Food delivery service providers’ quality of services and food

positively impacts customer satisfaction. It includes food style, personnel attitude,

delivery speed, food price, sales promotion, and a user-friendly app with rating

and feedback options to express their satisfaction with the product and the

services. As a result, with its effectiveness and popularity, Food delivery service

providers Foodpanda and Grabfood emerged in Legazpi city to provide service

and satisfy every customer with convenience.

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction of the

selected marketing students of Divine Word College of Legazpi on how satisfied

are them, on the marketing concept applied in terms of service, price, place, and

promotion and analyze their level of satisfaction with their preferred delivery

service providers such as Foodpanda and Grabfood.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the level of customer satisfaction of

selected marketing students on the service provided by delivery service

providers. The research study seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 

a. Gender

b. Age

c. Present address

d. Preferred Delivery Service Provider

e. Frequency of Purchase  

2. What are the comparable marketing concepts applied by the different delivery

service provider?

In terms of:

a. Service

b. Price

c. Place

d. Promotion

3. What is the level of satisfaction?

In terms of:

a. Affordability

b. Reliability

c. Accessibility

d. Value for Money

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study aimed to know the level of customer satisfaction of

selected marketing students on the service provided by delivery service

providers. The researcher seeks answers on how delivery service providers'

marketing concepts impact consumer satisfaction levels in the selected

marketing students. The scope of this study is limited only to marketing students

of Divine Word College of Legazpi in their third and fourth years that use food

delivery services such as Foodpanda and GrabFood provided by the Delivery

service provider. That gives the researchers accurate data because of prior

knowledge of 3rd and 4th year marketing students about marketing.

Students of Accountancy, Engineering & Computer Studies, Education,

Arts and Science, Nursing, Management Accounting, Hospitality Management,

Business Administration major in Financial Management, Human Resource

Management, and Marketing Management first and second-year students, and

other schools and universities will served as the delimitation of this study.

Significance of the Study

This study served as source of reference and knowledge about the level

of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students of Divine word college of

Legazpi on the service provided by the delivery service providers. The result of

this study will be significantly beneficial to the following:

Customers of the Foodpanda and Grabfood:  This study will serve as a

reference to the customers with regard to choosing which service provider can

provide their needs and wants.

Merchants associated to the delivery service providers: This study will help

business owner’s review and evaluate the service or products provided by

delivery service providers to the customer. The result of this study will guide the

merchants in improving their products and the service provided by the delivery

service provider in improving its service.

Future Researcher: This study will serve as a reference for the future

researcher whose study is in connection with the present study about the level of

customer satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided by

delivery service provider.



This chapter includes the related literature and research conducted by the

researchers, which will provide background information and relevance for

understanding the current study and using it as a reference to determine the level

of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided

by delivery service provider.

Delivery Service Provider

A delivery service provider is a third-party business that provides services

to companies, people, and other parties. Businesses that want to distribute their

products and services to customers have the option of using a third-party delivery

service provider. Companies can contract with a third-party delivery service to do

these tasks rather than using their cars and personnel. These providers can

handle the job load and maintain an efficient delivery process for the business

(Wingo, 2022).

The delivery service provider has the process of providing services to

customers across all available channels. The planning, designing, implementing,

and supporting of services are among the several tasks involved in this process.

A delivery service provider is essential to business because it helps

organizations achieve their objectives, increase income while cutting expenses,

and analyze their services and the people who deliver them to improve their

operations. Because of this, organizations must take care to select the best

service providers for each job. Also, the delivery service provider is usually

referred to as third-party contractors or suppliers who are not part of the

organization’s staff (Rusell, 2021).

Online Food Providers and their Delivery System

Food delivery is a courier service in which a restaurant, store, or

independent food delivery company delivers food to a customer. An order is

typically made through a restaurant, grocer's website, phone, or food ordering

company. The delivered items can include entrees, sides, drinks, desserts, or

grocery items and are typically delivered in boxes or bags. The delivery person

will generally drive a car, but in bigger cities where homes and restaurants are

closer, they may use bikes or motorized scooters. Depending on the delivery

company, customers can choose to pay online or in person, with cash or a card

(Definitions, 2022).

Food delivery providers can be categorized as being either Restaurant-to-

Consumer Delivery or Platform-to-Consumer Delivery operations. Restaurant-to-

Consumer Delivery providers make the food and deliver it, as typified by

providers, such as KFC, McDonald’s, and Domino’s. The order can be made

directly through the restaurant’s online platform or via a third-party platform.

These third-party platforms vary from country to country. Third-party platforms

also provide online delivery services from partner restaurants which do not

necessarily offer delivery services themselves, a process which is defined as

Platform-to-Consumer Delivery (Li, 2020).

Marketing Mix/ Strategy

Marketing professor and author E. Kevin McCarthy originally presented the four

Ps classifications for creating an efficient marketing plan in 1960. E. Kevin

McCarthy stated that a complete marketing plan must include a variety of areas

of focus in order for the marketing mix to be effective. The term often refers to a

standard classification that began as the four Ps: product, price, placement, and

promotion (Kenton, 2020).

Product - Represents an item or service designed to satisfy customer

needs and wants. To effectively market a product or service, it's important to

identify what differentiates it from competing products or services.

Price - The sale price of the product reflects what consumers are willing to

pay for it. Pricing based primarily on consumers' perceived quality or value is

known as value-based pricing.

Place - The type of product sold is important to consider when

determining areas of distribution.

Promotion - Joint marketing campaigns also are called a promotional mix.

Activities might include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public


About Foodpanda

Foodpanda, based in Manila's food business district, provides city dwellers

with the most convenient option to order high-quality meals. Our mission is

straightforward: to become the world's quickest and most innovative company in

the excellent food area. The best articles are written at foodpanda with creativity,

wit, and a clear understanding of local cuisine culture (Foodpanda,2021).

Foodpanda’s Business Model

Foodpanda is an online food delivery marketplace that connects users to

different food establishments. It maintains one of the most prominent apps for

ordering from restaurants. Users can search through various menus and order

items for pickup or delivery to their homes at the most affordable price (Kumar,

2021). The Foodpanda marketing strategy is as follows: 

Experience (Service) - Foodpanda ensures a healthy and delectable

eating experience without the hassle of traveling or pre-planning. It connects

customers to the restaurants of their choice. After choosing the meal, you will

receive an SMS (Short Message Service) on your order confirmation and

estimated delivery time. Foodpanda also lets you see and upload reviews of the

restaurants you visit. Customers can comment on the delivery, sales process,

taste, and overall impression.

Price - Foodpanda has grown quite popular as a result of its cost-effective

pricing strategies. It has implemented a value-added pricing approach, which

ensures that clients receive high-quality cuisine at a reasonable price. Customers

of Foodpanda are rewarded with discounts and exclusive deals. Foodpanda

stands out in the congested meal delivery industry thanks to this treatment, which

ensures client retention.

Place/Distribution Network- Foodpanda is owned by Germany-based

'Delivery Hero SE' and lets customers order food from restaurants and other

dining places through its website and mobile app.

Promotion - The company informs its consumer base through email

about food festivals, special deals, and other incentives. Foodpanda uses social

media platforms to launch its advertisements. It has a Facebook page for regular

updates and interactions as well as to maintain visibility and brand value.

About GrabFood

GrabFood is a food delivery service that connects customers and local

restaurants. After we get your order through GrabFood, we designate one of our

delivery partners to pick it up from the restaurant and deliver it to you. Based on

what is available nearby, GrabFood offers a range of food, including Filipino,

Western, Asian, European, Fusion, and more. As we grow, we will continue to

provide more options and variety as we expand (GrabFood, 2018).

GrabFood Marketing Strategy

Filipino consumers voted GrabFood as their most often-used meal

delivery platform in the Philippines in 2019. GrabFood has maintained its position

for ten months by expanding its service to more cities and providing new services

and cutting-edge solutions for Filipinos (Grab, 2019). The GrabFood marketing

strategy is as follows:

Product/ Service - GrabFood can position itself as the go-to service when

one is missing mom’s cooking or misses being home. GrabFood can also hit the

sentiments of those who work late and don’t have enough time to cook delicious,

healthy meals that taste like those made at home. Connecting to eater’s

emotions can help bring them back to the app, driving retention.

Price - The order’s total cost includes the price of the menu items that you

ordered, plus a delivery fee. The delivery fees help us pay our drivers and

provide the best service possible. Please note that the variable delivery fee may

apply to certain areas, times, and certain merchants.

Place/ Distribution – Direct marketing efforts through Email and the app.

Grab also advertises on many social media channels, such as Facebook,

Youtube, and Google.

Promotion - Email marketing. Due to its inexpensiveness, email

marketing has become an integral component of Grabfood's marketing strategy.

It is also worth noting that it is much easier to send promotional emails to existing

customers than to use direct emails.

Consumer Satisfaction for Delivery Service Provider

Since customers are the most crucial component of e-businesses,

customer satisfaction must come first in everything we do. When offering a

delivery service, nothing changes in this regard. It includes offering simple

delivery service options on the website and acknowledging the order by email

after the purchase. Therefore, providing a delivery window helps ensure that

customers will be satisfied with their experience and revisit the store (Smith,


Also, it was found that digital applications have become one of the fastest-

growing trends in food delivery since consumers today have the freedom to

select from a variety of cuisines from a range of food suppliers listed in the e-

commerce area, wherever they may be. The user's convenience has risen thanks

to additional features, including no minimum order value and a wide range of

payment choices like net banking, digital wallets, and cash on delivery.

(Thamaraiselvan et al, 2019).


Affordability means that something is low, reasonable in price, and accessible to

most people. A product or service that is reasonably priced will fit most people's

budgets. Regarding the Affordability of Delivery Service providers, choose

express or same-day delivery from the list of affordable delivery service providers

who want packages delivered as soon as possible and deal with perishables.

Customers can also choose cash-on-delivery, in which they pay the delivery

riders in cash. Within a few minutes or hours, express courier services carry

goods from one doorstep to another. The delivery cost may vary depending on

the job's speed and urgency, and if reserved, the service is days in advance

(Aubrey, 2019).

Delivery Reliability

Delivery reliability (DR) is a term used to describe the number of deliveries

to customers that are considered free of any error on the part of the vendor or

shipper compared to the total number of deliveries that occur within a specified

period of time. The idea is to determine the ratio of successful deliveries and

deliveries that still need to meet the standards set by the company operation. A

periodic review to determine the current ratio of delivery reliability can help a

company identify flaws in the delivery process and make changes that help to

minimize the number of errors that occur during the delivery process (Tatum,



The majority of businesses understand the value of providing excellent

customer service. Customers are more likely to become devoted and frequent

when they have an excellent customer service experience, which increases their

confidence and trust in the business. Because of this, all businesses must

provide accessible services. The term "accessibility service" refers to offering

products or services that empower or permit people with disabilities to use your

products or services. Therefore, all service providers must publish an

Accessibility Statement on their websites. The accessibility statement should

state how the service provider ensures that information regarding their products

and services’, including all information provided to most end-users, is accessible

for disabled end-users (ComReg,2020).

Value for money

Value for Money is about providing services of the right quality, level, and

cost that reflect the needs and priorities of citizens, taxpayers, and the wider

community. It is a term used to assess whether or not an organization has

obtained the maximum benefit from the goods and services it acquires and

provides within the resources available. Judgment is therefore required when

considering whether it has been satisfactorily achieved. It not only measures the

cost of goods and services but also takes account of the mix of quality, cost,

resource use, fitness for purpose, timeliness, and convenience to judge whether

or not, together, they constitute good value (Encyclopedia of Information Science

and Technology, 2015).

Online Food Delivery service

The study entitled “Customer Satisfaction on Online Delivery Service in

Olongapo City” shows that, in terms of reliability, all three online delivery services

(OrderM, Groover, Foodpanda) received an evaluation of “Strongly Agree” this

implies that all customers of three online delivery services agreed to all of the

statement under expectation. The overall expectation means it falls under the

Likert Scale 4.21-5.00, which indicates that all respondents using the three online

delivery services “Strongly Agree” about all the above expectations. In

satisfaction literature, customers consider expectations as “predictions” about

what is likely to happen during a particular transaction. In contrast, in service

quality literature, it is viewed as the desire and wants of the customer, that is,

what they feel a service provider “should” offer rather than “would offer” (Lazaro,

De Lean, 2020).

In the study entitled “The Level of Customer’s Satisfaction towards Food

Service Delivery,” the summary of the Level of Consumer Satisfaction shows

that; Product from food handling has a weighted mean of 3.48 with a verbal

interpretation of Satisfied and a verbal description of satisfied with the service

rendered; Promotion for service delivery has a weighted mean of 3.48 with an

oral interpretation of Satisfied and a verbal description of satisfied with the

service rendered; Price has a weighted mean of 3.44 with a vocal interpretation

of Satisfied and a verbal description of satisfied with the service rendered; Place

has a weighted mean of 3.42 with a verbal interpretation of Satisfied and a verbal

description of satisfied with the service rendered.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the summary on the level of

consumer satisfaction shows an average and weighted mean of 3.44 with a

verbal interpretation of the satisfaction and verbal description of satisfaction with

the service rendered. It only means that the customers are satisfied with the

establishment's product, price, place, and promotion efforts.

The study entitled “Customer Satisfaction on Food Delivery Services

during Covid 19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Greenwich Pizza Restaurants in

Selected Cities in Cavite,” shows that customer satisfaction according to the

reliability of food service delivery. Regarding customer satisfaction according to

the reliability of food service delivery, the mean which got the highest rank, 3.72,

is statement number 1, which implies that the respondents have the highest

satisfaction (very satisfied) about the food delivery at the exact location. On the

other hand, the item with the lowest mean response is item number 3, where the

respondents are satisfied with the freshness of the food. Overall, the respondents

are very satisfied with the food service delivery (Verdin L. et al., 2021).

In the study entitled “Outsourcing to Online Food Delivery Services:

Perspective of F&B Business Owners,.” It concludes that customer affordability to

pay delivery fees is ranked as the third reason for not outsourcing delivery to

third-party online delivery service providers, as suggested by respondents. As

mentioned by these restaurants, they serve food at a low price, most of which

costs less than RM10. Therefore, if they were to outsource online delivery

services, most of their food would cost the same as the fees charged by the third-

party delivery services (Goh, 2017).

Factors Affecting Organizational Success: A Case Study of Foodpanda

Based on the data collected, most of the customers are satisfied with the

services given by Foodpanda. There are 50 respondents in this survey. The

result showed that most respondents said that Foodpanda made their orders

correctly, and only a few said otherwise. The respondents' mistake in the survey

is that Foodpanda sometimes needs to make the right or left orders. Left orders

usually happen to small items such as ice cream since the 65 drivers may focus

on the main dishes. Foodpanda would give the customer an appeal voucher as

their apology for the mistakes. Delivery is mostly on time. Most of the

respondents were satisfied with the delivery services provided by Foodpanda.

The delivery is fast and on time. However, some respondents said otherwise, as

the delivery was late and the customers needed to wait more than 15 minutes

until the riders arrived with the orders. The drivers could encounter some

obstacles, such as the distance between the restaurant and the arrival point, long

queues for orders, the traffic lights, and the weather (Kamilah, 2020).

Measuring Service Quality of Food Delivery Services

The study entitled "Measuring Service Quality of Food Delivery Services:

A study of Generation Z" shows that service quality in food delivery service

providers was looked at empirically to find out how consumers perceive service

quality in food delivery service providers by identifying what dimensions bring

satisfaction." Concerning food delivery service providers, the gap scores analysis

was carried out provided answers to the asked questions. The overall perceived

service quality is low as expectations exceed perceptions meaning customers

desire more than what is offered to them as of now, this might be due to high

competitiveness in the industry. As a result of this gap, it is clear that customers

are not satisfied. Studying the perceptions and expectations of consumers, it can

be seen that none of the dimension of service quality brings consumer

satisfaction." (Dr. Benerjee, et al, 2019).

Synthesis of the State-of- Art

The related literature has a significant relationship with the present study

in determining the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students

on the service provided by delivery service providers of Foodpanda and

Grabfood. The different information gathered from other sources added insights

to this study.

According to (Wingo, 2022), a delivery service provider is a third-party

business that provides services to companies, people, and other parties.

Businesses can use them to deliver their products and services rather than their

cars and personnel. These providers can handle the job load and maintain an

efficient delivery process for the business. A marketing plan must include a

variety of areas of focus, according to E. Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy presented

the four P's classification for creating an efficient marketing plan in 1980. The

term marketing plan often refers to a standard classification that began as

product/service, price, placement, and promotion. Product/Service represents an

item or service that satisfies customer needs and wants. To effectively market a

product or service, it's essential to identify what differentiates it from competing

products or services. The price is the sale price of the product and reflects what

consumers are willing to pay for it. Pricing based primarily on consumers'

perceived quality or value is known as value-based pricing. The place is the type

of product sold and is important to consider when determining distribution areas.

And the promotion is a joint marketing campaign, also called a promotional mix.

Activities include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public


Also, it found that digital applications have become one of the fastest-

growing trends in food delivery since consumers today have the freedom to

select from a variety of cuisines from a range of food suppliers listed in the e-

commerce area, wherever they may be. The user's convenience has risen thanks

to additional features, including no minimum order value and a wide range of

payment choices like net banking, digital wallets, and cash on delivery.

Gap bridged by the study

The study entitled “Customer Satisfaction on Online Delivery Service in

Olongapo City” shows that, in terms of reliability, all three online delivery services

(OrderM, Groover, Foodpanda) received an evaluation of “Strongly Agree” this

implies that all customers of three online delivery services agreed to all of the

statement under expectation. The overall expectation means it falls under the

Likert Scale 4.21-5.00, which indicates that all respondents using the three online

delivery services “Strongly Agree” about all the above expectations. In

satisfaction literature, customers consider expectations as “predictions” about

what is likely to happen during a particular transaction. In contrast, in service

quality literature, it is viewed as the desire and wants of the customer, that is,

what they feel a service provider “should” offer rather than “would offer” (Lazaro,

De Lean, 2020), is similar to the study in terms of getting customer satisfaction

on online delivery service. However, their study focused on three delivery service

providers, while the present study focused on two delivery service providers,

such as Foodpanada and Grabfood.

In the study entitled “Outsourcing to Online Food Delivery Services:

Perspective of F&B Business Owners.” It concludes that customer affordability to

pay delivery fees is ranked as the third reason for not outsourcing delivery to

third-party online delivery service providers, as suggested by respondents. As

mentioned by these restaurants, they serve food at a low price, most of which

costs less than RM10. Therefore, if they were to outsource online delivery

services, most of their food would cost the same as the fees charged by the third-

party delivery services (Goh, 2017). The studies mentioned were closely related

to the present study regarding price and affordability. However, the previous

research focused on outsourcing online food delivery services. In contrast, the

present study is focused on knowing the level of customer satisfaction on the

service provided by the delivery service provider.

The present study being conducted is different from other previous

studies’ scope. The study’s scope focused mainly on the level of customer

satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided by the

delivery service provider. In contrast, previous studies differ in an enormous

range of focus, respondents, and scope. The review of related studies and the

present study revealed that they are likely similar in getting customer satisfaction.

Still, no such research focused on the level of customer satisfaction of selected

marketing students on the service provided by delivery service providers. This is

the gap bridged by the study.


The Cognitive Dissonance Theory by Leon Festinger (1957). According to

Festinger, perceived dissonance causes a person's perception of certain

cognition to change. This change has a psychological reason. Since feeling the

dissonance between whatever a person thinks about the qualification of

something and what they realize from actual performance is unpleased and

creates discomfort in a person's mind, thus this uncomfortable feeling

encourages the person to change their idea about cognition.

According to the theory, when a specific product or service cannot meet

the customer’s expectation, negative disconfirmation will occur and leads to

customer dissatisfaction. Positive disconfirmation leads to the customer’s

satisfaction if the perceived performance of a specific product or service can

exceed the customer’s satisfaction. And when there isn’t any difference between

the customer’s expectation and the actual performance of a specific product or

service, it means perceived performance equals expectation; thus, simple

confirmation occurs. Utilizing this model will help the study evaluate the level of

customer satisfaction of the selected marketing students to analyze if they are

satisfied or dissatisfied with the marketing concept and level of satisfaction

applied by the delivery service provider.

Figure 1 shows the four components: expectations, perceived

performance, disconfirmation, and satisfaction, which can measure customer

satisfaction from the difference between expectation and experience in perceived

products or services.


Disconfirmation Satisfaction

Cognitive Dissonance Theory by Leon Festinger




This study showed the solution and method used to determine the level of

customer satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided by

the service provider.

Figure 2 indicates customer satisfaction on the service provided as the

variable that needed to be answered to achieve the study's goal. The

respondent's gender, age, place of residence, preferred delivery service (such as

Foodpanda or Grab Food), and purchase frequency would help the study acquire

a good overview of the respondents' detailed profile information. The marketing

concept in terms of service, pricing, location, and promotion will help the

researchers to determine whether the company strategy succeeds in meeting the

preferences of the target market and audience. And the level of satisfaction in

terms of price, dependability, accessibility, and value for money will help the

researchers to evaluate how satisfied the selected marketing students are with

the effectiveness of the marketing concept provided to them.

The framework demonstrates the significance of the respondent’s profile,

the marketing concept and the level of satisfaction with the preferred delivery

service provider in reaching the selected marketing students' satisfaction with the

service provider's offering. Each component is essential in determining how

satisfied a group of marketing students were with the services they received. The

conceptual framework will guide the researchers to determine the level of

satisfaction among a group of selected marketing students with the marketing

concept in terms of service, price, place, promotion, and level of satisfaction in

terms of affordability, reliability, accessibility, and value for money used by the

delivery service provider.

                Level of Customer Satisfaction

on the service provided

Profile of the Respondents

 Gender
 Age
 Present address
 Preferred Delivery
Service Provider
 Frequency of Purchase

Level of Satisfaction Marketing Concept
 Affordability  Service
 Reliability  Price
 Accessibility  Place
 Value for money  Promotion



Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually, how it used, and

operationally for the purpose of clarifying the words used throughout the study.

Customer Satisfaction - Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement

that determines how happy customers are with a company’s products, services,

and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and

ratings, can help a company determine how to improve best or changes its

products and services.

Service – In marketing, Adrian Payne defines service as an activity that has

some element of intangibility associated with it, which involves some interaction

with customers or with property in their possession, and does not result in a

transfer of ownership. A condition change may occur, and service production

may or may not be closely associated with a physical product.

Marketing Students – Refers to the students that majors marketing studies and

exposed to branding and promotion of products and services, advertising,

communications, consumer behaviour, public relations, and marketing strategy

and research (Follman, 2019).

Marketing Concepts - The Marketing Concept is preoccupied with the idea of

satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product as a solution to the

customer's problem (needs).

Delivery Service Provider - A service provider is an individual or entity that

provides services to another party. The provision of services between a service

provider and a company is typically governed by a service agreement.

Foodpanda/Grabfood – An online ordering a food delivery service that connects

local food businesses to consumer. It allows users to conveniently discover food

around their neighborhood and directly order their favorite meals online or via


Internet - The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the

world. Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from

anywhere with an Internet connection.



This chapter presents the research methodology used to determine the

level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service

provided by delivery service provider. It contains the research design, research

methodology, sources of data, population of the study, research instrument, data

gathering procedure, and statistical tool.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used descriptive research to determine the

level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service

provided by delivery service providers. With the help of a survey questionnaire,

this descriptive method will assist the researchers in gathering precise data from

the respondents. The term "descriptive research" refers to a type of method that

focuses on describing the characteristics of a phenomenon or population. It can

provide and describe the critical features and information about the target

population or environment. It describes the answers to questions like what, who,

how, when, and where. Descriptive research aims to highlight the already

present data or features in the given population. In other words, descriptive

research seeks to explain the phenomenon and the reasons and assumptions

behind the specific behavior (Solanki, 2022).

Therefore, utilizing Descriptive Research will help this study to describe

the characteristics of similar marketing concepts applied by the delivery service

providers and the level of satisfaction of the selected marketing students on the

service provided by delivery service providers.

Source of Data

In this study, the researchers gathered the data from the selected

marketing students of Divine Word College of Legazpi through purposive

sampling who had prior knowledge in answering the survey questionnaire as the

study's primary data. The secondary sources were from unpublished thesis study

entitled Customer Satisfaction on Online Delivery Service in Olongapo City, The

Level of Customer’s Satisfaction towards Food Service Delivery, Customer

Satisfaction on Food Delivery Services during Covid 19 Pandemic, Outsourcing

to Online Food Delivery Services: Perspective of F&B Business Owners,

Measuring Service Quality of Food Delivery Services: A study of Generation Z,

and other sources from the internet.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the selected marketing students at

Divine Word College of Legazpi (DWCL) school year 2022-2023. The

respondents of this study will gather from two (2) year levels from the third year

(3rd) students to fourth (4th) year students that are engaging in delivery services

such as Foodpanda and Grabfood. The total respondent of this study composed

of seventy (70) marketing students from thirty (30) third-year (3rd) and forty (40)

fourth-year (4th) students. The Two (2) year levels are selected for this study

because they are the ones who have prior knowledge and insight into marketing

concepts of Marketing.

The researchers utilized purposive sampling from the selected marketing

students of Divine Word College of Legazpi to determine the level of customer

satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided by the

delivery service providers.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey questionnaire in this study. This survey

questionnaire will give the researchers the advantage of gathering the data

precisely and organized in a short period of time. The survey questionnaire was

formulated to determine the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing

students on the service provided by the delivery service provider at the selected

student of Divine Word College of Legazpi. The survey questionnaire is divided

into three (3) parts; the first part is the respondent’s profile of the respondents:

gender, age, residence, preferred delivery service provider, and frequency of

purchase. The second part is the marketing concepts applied by the delivery

service provider (Foodpanda and GrabFood) in terms of service, price, place,

and promotion. The third part is the respondent’s level of satisfaction in terms of

affordability, reliability, accessibility, and Value for money.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study used a purposive method to gather data from the selected

marketing students that use delivery services like Foodpanda and Grab food.

First, the researchers will send a letter to the registrar and from our Dean of

Divine Word College of Legazpi to request permission to get the total number of

selected marketing students and permit them to conduct the survey. Then, the

researchers will distribute the survey questionnaire personally to those selected

marketing students in their vacant time.

Statistical Tools

The data gathered from the respondents is analyzed and interpreted using

the statistical tool. The researchers will be using the formula shown below:

Frequency distribution: Frequency distribution is the representation of

observation for each possible value variable using graphs and frequency tables

obtained from data of individuals or groups.

Weighted Mean: A weighted mean is a statistical tool that calculates an average

by multiplying by a number (weight) based on the relative importance of each.

The level of Satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided.

Scale Range Adjective Rating

3 2.50 – 3.00 Highly Satisfied

2 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Satisfied

1 1.00 – 1.49 Not Satisfied

Ranking – An efficient data collection technique to understand the respondent’s

perception or preference for an item or specific criteria.



This chapter presents the findings, analysis, and interpretations of data

and information concerning the respondent’s profile of selected marketing

students, the comparable marketing concepts applied by the different delivery

service providers, such as Foodpanda and Grabfood, in terms of service, price,

place, and promotion, and the level of satisfaction in terms, of affordability,

reliability, accessibility, and value for money.

1. Respondents profile

The respondent’s profile presents the profile of the selected marketing

students at Divine Word College of Legazpi. Such as age, gender, present

address, a preferred delivery service provider such as Foodpanda and Grabfood,

and frequency of ordering food in terms of times of order in a week, the meal of

the day usually order, and what day usually order.

Table 1.

Respondents Profile

Male 27
Female 43
Total 70
18-25 66
26-30 1
31-36 2
37-42 1
Total 70
Present Address:
Camalig 3
Daraga 15
Albay 14
Legazpi 34

Sorsogon 2
Oas 1
Ligao 1
Total 70
Preferred Delivery Service Provider
Foodpanda 59
Grabfood 11
Total 70

Table 1 shows the frequency of the respondent’s profile of the selected

marketing students according to gender, age, and preferred delivery service

provider. Regarding gender, the selected marketing students are female, with a

frequency of 43 and males, with a frequency of 27. In terms of age, the majority

are age 18-25 with a frequency of 66, followed by age 31-36 with a frequency of

2, age 26-30 with a frequency of 1, and age 37-42 with a frequency of 1. Under

present address, most of the respondents are from Legazpi, with a frequency of

34, followed by Albay, with a frequency of 14; Daraga (15), Camalig (3), Oas (1),

and Ligao, with a frequency of 1. The result shows that most of the selected

marketing students preferred Foodpanda, with a frequency of 59 and Grabfood,

with a frequency of 11, as their preferred delivery service provider.

Frequency of ordering food

This stable covered the frequency of ordering food in terms of how many

times of order in a week, the meal of the day usually order, and what day usually

order by the respondents of Foodpanda and Grabfood.

Table 1.2.

Frequency of ordering food (Foodpanda)

Frequency of ordering food Frequency

1. In a week, how many times do you order?
1 26
2 14
3 11
4 3
5 2
6 0
7 3
Total 59
2. What meal of the day usually do you order?
Morning 4
Noon 18
Afternoon 7
Afternoon Snack 19
Midnight 11
Total 59
3. What day do you usually order?
Monday 6
Tuesday 4
Wednesday 7
Thrusday 2
Friday 8
Saturday 19
Sunday 13
Total 59

Table 1.2 shows the frequency of ordering food in terms of how many

times of order in a week, the meal of the day they usually order, and what day

they usually order by the respondents of Foodpanda. In terms of how many

times of order in a week, the majority of the Foodpanda respondents ordered

once with a frequency of 26, ordered two times with a frequency of 14, ordered

three times with a frequency of 11, ordered four times with a frequency of 3,

ordered seven times with a frequency of 3, ordered five times with a frequency of

2, and ordered six times in a week with a frequency of 0, with a total of 59

frequency. In terms of the meal of the day usually order, the majority of the

Foodpanda respondents ordered a meal in the afternoon snack with a frequency

of 29, ordered a meal in the noon with a frequency of 18, ordered a meal in the

midnight with a frequency of 11, ordered a meal in the afternoon with a frequency

of 7, and ordered a meal in the morning with a frequency of 4, with a total of 59

frequency. In terms of what day they usually order, the majority of the

Foodpanda respondents ordered on Saturday with a frequency of 19, ordered on

Sunday with a frequency of 13, ordered on Friday with a frequency of 8, ordered

on Wednesday with a frequency of 7, ordered in Monday with a frequency of 6,

ordered in Tuesday with a frequency of 4, and ordered in Thursday with a

frequency of 2, with a total of 59 frequency.

Table 1.3.

Frequency of ordering food (Grabfood)

Frequency of ordering food Frequency

4. In a week, how many times do you order?
1 5
2 4
3 1
4 1
Total 11
5. What meal of the day usually do you order?
Morning 0
Noon 6
Afternoon 1
Afternoon Snack 3
Midnight 1
Total 11
6. What day do you usually order?
Monday 0
Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2
Thrusday 5
Friday 1
Saturday 2
Total 11

Table 1.2 shows the frequency of ordering food in terms of how many

times of order in a week, the meal of the day they usually order, and what day

they usually order by the respondents of Grabfood. In terms of how many times

of order in a week, the majority of the Grabfood respondents ordered once with a

frequency of 5, ordered two times with a frequency of 4, ordered three with a

frequency of 1, ordered four times with a frequency of 1, ordered five times, six,

and seven times with a frequency of 0, with a total of 11 frequency. In terms of

the meal of the day usually order, the majority of the Grabfood respondents

ordered a meal at noon with a frequency of 6, ordered a meal in the afternoon

snack with a frequency of 3, ordered a meal at midnight with a frequency of 1,

ordered a meal in the afternoon with a frequency of 1, and ordered a meal in the

morning with a frequency of 0, with a total of 11 frequency. In terms of what day

they usually order, the majority of the Grabfood respondents ordered on

Thursday with a frequency of 5, ordered on Saturday and Wednesday with the

same frequency of 5, ordered on Friday and Tuesday with the same frequency of

1, and ordered on Monday with a frequency of 0, with a total of 11 frequency.

2. The comparable marketing concepts applied by the different delivery

service provider such as Foodpanda and Grabfood

This section covered the comparable marketing concepts applied by the

different delivery service providers, such as Foodpanda and Grabfood, in terms

of service, price, place, and promotion.

Table 2.

Marketing Concept in terms of Service, Price, Place, Promotion


Delivery Service Provider marketing Weighted Adjective Ranking

strategy/concept mean Rating

Perceived quality Delivery Service 2.38 Moderately
Estimated time of Delivery/ speed of Moderately 3
Delivery 2.28 satisfied
Customer Service when there is a Moderately
complaint about the order. 2.33 satisfied
2.33 Moderately
Overall mean satisfied

The cost given (such as delivery fee and
tax) by the delivery service provider has a Moderately
good value. 2.23 satisfied

Prices indicated on the Platform are as at

Moderately 4
the time of each Order and may be subject
to change. 2.30 satisfied

The product price given by the delivery Moderately

service provider fits the customer’s budget. 2.35 satisfied
Overall mean 2.29 satisfied

Provide a variety of food products and Moderately
brands from food manufacturers. (to sell 2.47 satisfied
and trade their products to reach the target
audience, particularly those who don't 1
usually visit stores or live a distance from
Ability to deliver food from 7-10 km from the Moderately
delivery address to bring more restaurants 2.33 satisfied
and shops closer to customers.
Availability of local food stores (karinderya,
turo-turo) and fast food restaurants 2.35 Moderately
(McDonalds, Jollibee, Greenwich, Etc) in satisfied
the Food delivery Platform.
Overall mean 2.38 satisfied

Provides discounts through email.
2.25 Moderately
The Food Delivery service provider
advertises and promotes the products using Moderately 2
social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, 2.42 satisfied
Instagram, YT adds, etc.).
Delivery service provider offers various
coupons and discounts benefits when using Moderately
their application. 2.42 satisfied
Overall mean 2.36 satisfied
Legend: 2.50 – 3.00 Highly Satisfied 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Satisfied
1.00 – 1.49 Not satisfied
Table 2.1 presents the marketing concept in terms of Service, Price,

Place, and Promotion of Foodpanda.

Under service, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction is the perceived quality delivery service, having a mean

of 2.38. The next topmost satisfaction is customer service when there is a

complaint about the order, with a mean of 2.33, followed by the estimated time of

delivery/speed of delivery, having a mean of 2.28, and ranked as 3 in the level of

customer satisfaction of selected marketing students under marketing concept

with an overall mean of 2.33 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under price, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as their

topmost satisfaction is the product price given by the delivery service provider fits

the customer’s budget, having a mean of 2.35. The next topmost satisfaction is

the prices indicated on the platform are as at the time of each order and may be

subject to change, having a mean of 2.30, followed by the cost given (such as

delivery fee and tax) by the delivery service provider has a good value, having a

mean of 2.23, and ranked as 4 in the level of customer satisfaction of selected

marketing students under marketing concept with an overall mean of 2.29 and

adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under place, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as their

topmost satisfaction is providing a variety of food products and brands from food

manufacturers, with a mean of 2.47. The next topmost satisfaction is the

availability of local food stores and fast food restaurants in the food delivery

platform, having a mean of 2.35, followed by the ability to deliver food from 7-10

km from the delivery address to bring more restaurants and shops closer to

customers, having a mean of 2.33, and ranked as 1 in the level of customer

satisfaction of selected marketing students under marketing concept with an

overall mean of 2.38 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under promotion, the leading indicators of selected marketing students'

topmost satisfaction are the food delivery service provider advertises and

promotes the products using social media channels and the delivery service

provider offers various coupons and discounts benefits when using their

application, having the same mean of 2.42, followed by it provides discounts

through email, with a mean of 2.25, and ranked as 2 in the level of customer

satisfaction of selected marketing students under marketing concept with an

overall mean of 2.36 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Table 2.1

Marketing Concept in terms of Service, Price, Place, Promotion (Grabfood)

Delivery Service Provider marketing Weighted Adjective Ranking
strategy/concept mean Rating

Perceived quality Delivery Service 2.72 Highly
Estimated time of Delivery/ speed of Highly 1
Delivery 2.72 Satisfied
Customer Service when there is a Highly
complaint about the order. 2.72 Satisfied
Overall mean 2.72 Satisfied

The cost given (such as delivery fee and
tax) by the delivery service provider has a Highly
good value. 2.54 Satisfied

Prices indicated on the Platform are as at

the time of each Order and may be subject 2.54 Highly
to change. Satisfied 3

The product price given by the delivery M
service provider fits the customer’s budget. oderately
2.18 satisfied

Overall mean 2.42 satisfied

Provide a variety of food products and Highly
brands from food manufacturers. (to sell 2.27 Satisfied
and trade their products to reach the target
audience, particularly those who don't 4
usually visit stores or live a distance from
Ability to deliver food from 7-10 km from the Moderately
delivery address to bring more restaurants 2.36 satisfied
and shops closer to customers.
Availability of local food stores (karinderya,
turo-turo) and fast food restaurants 2.54 Highly
(McDonalds, Jollibee, Greenwich, Etc) in Satisfied
the Food delivery Platform.
Overall mean 2.39 satisfied

Provides discounts through email.
2.54 Highly
The Food Delivery service provider
advertises and promotes the products using 2
social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, 2.54 Highly
Instagram, YT adds, etc.). Satisfied
Delivery service provider offers various
coupons and discounts benefits when using
their application. 2.72 Highly
Overall mean 2.6 Satisfied
Legend: 2.50 – 3.00 Highly Satisfied 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Satisfied
1.00 – 1.49 Not satisfied
Table 2.1 presents the marketing concept in terms of Service, Price,

Place, Promotion of Grabfood.

Under service, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction are the perceived quality delivery service, estimated

time of delivery/speed of delivery, and customer service when there is a

complaint about the order, having the same 2.72 weighted means, and ranked as

1 in the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students under

marketing concept with an overall mean of 2.72 and adjective rating of highly


Under price, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as their

topmost satisfaction are the cost given (such as delivery fee and tax) by the

delivery service provider has a good value and prices indicated on the platform

are as at the time of each order and may be subject to change, having the same

mean of 2.54, followed by the product price given by the delivery service provider

fits the customer’s budget, having a mean of 2.18, and ranked as 3 in the level of

customer satisfaction of selected marketing students under marketing concept

with an overall mean of 2.42 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under place, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as their

topmost satisfaction is the availability of local food stores and fast food

restaurants in the food delivery platform, having a mean of 2.54. The next

topmost satisfaction is the ability to deliver food from 7-10 km from the delivery

address to bring more restaurants and shops closer to customers, having a mean

of 2.36, followed by provide a variety of food products and brands from food

manufacturers, having a mean of 2.27, and ranked as 4 in the level of customer

satisfaction of selected marketing students under marketing concept with an

overall mean of 2.39 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under promotion, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction is the delivery service provider offers various coupons

and discounts benefits when using their application, having a mean of 2.72. The

next topmost satisfaction is it provides discounts through email, and the food

delivery service provider advertises and promotes the products using social

media channels, having the same mean of 2.54., and ranked as 2 in the level of

customer satisfaction of selected marketing students under marketing concept

with an overall mean of 2.6 and adjective rating of highly satisfied.

3. Level of satisfaction

This section covered the level of satisfaction applied by delivery service

providers, such as Foodpanda and Grabfood, in terms of affordability, reliability,

accessibility, and value for money.

Table 3.

Level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability, Reliability, Accessibility,

and Value for Money (Foodpanda)

Level of Satisfaction Weighted Adjective Ranking

mean Rating

Cost of Delivery fee 2.18 Moderately
The Minimum order value required to order Moderately 4
food 2.32 satisfied

VAT charges and additional charges 2.15 Moderately

Overall mean 2.21 satisfied

Offers Food Security/standard that
maintains the food fresh and newly cooked. 2.40 Moderately
Provides accurate information about the M 1
product (such as name, type of food, price, 2.49 oderately
and food rating review). satisfied
Ability to request an order cancelation as
long as the food merchant has not yet 2.72 Highly
accepted the order. Satisfied
Overall mean 2.53 Satisfied

Offers a wide variety of food products from
different brands and types of food. 2.37 Moderately
Food Delivery application’s location
navigation 2.35 Moderately 3

Food delivery service provider offers 24/7 Moderately

delivery service 2.32 satisfied
Overall mean 2.34 satisfied

Value for Money

The delivery service fee has a good value
for the money 2.44 Moderately
The product price provided is worth paying 2
for. 2.49 Moderately
The product received is the same as it
advertised. 2.33 Moderately
Overall mean 2.42 satisfied
Legend: 2.50 – 3.00 Highly Satisfied 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Satisfied
1.00 – 1.49 Not satisfied

Table 3.1 presents the level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability,

Reliability, Accessibility, and Value for Money of Foodpanda.

Under affordability, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction is the minimum order value required to order food,

having a mean of 2.32. The next topmost satisfaction is the cost of the delivery

fee, having a mean of 2.18, followed by the VAT charges and additional charges,

having a mean of 2.15, and ranked as 4 in the level of customer satisfaction of

selected marketing students under the level of satisfaction with an overall mean

of 2.21 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under reliability, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction is the ability to request order cancellation as long as the

food merchant has yet to accept the order, having a mean of 2.72. The next

topmost satisfaction is it provides accurate information about the product, having

a mean of 2.49, followed by it offers food security/standard that keeps the food

fresh and newly cooked, having a mean of 2.40, and ranked as 1 in the level of

customer satisfaction of selected marketing students under the level of

satisfaction with an overall mean of 2.53 and adjective rating of highly satisfied.

Under accessibility, the leading indicator of selected marketing students

as their topmost satisfaction is the offers of a wide variety of food products from

different brands and types of food, having a mean of 2.37. The next topmost

satisfaction is the food delivery application's location navigation, having a mean

of 2.35, followed by the food delivery service offers 24/7 delivery service, having

a mean of 2.32, and ranked as 3 in the level of customer satisfaction of selected

marketing students under the level of satisfaction with an overall mean of 2.34

and an adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under value for money, the leading indicator of selected marketing

students as their topmost satisfaction is the product price provided is worth

paying, having a mean of 2.49. The next topmost satisfaction is the delivery

service fee has a good value for the money, having a mean of 2.44, followed by

the product received is the same as it advertised, having a mean of 2.33, and

ranked as 2 in the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students

under the level of satisfaction with an overall mean of 2.42 and adjective rating of

moderately satisfied.

Table 3.1.

The level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability, Reliability,

Accessibility, and Value for Money (Grabfood)

Level of Satisfaction Weighted Adjective Ranking
mean Rating

Cost of Delivery fee 2.27 Moderately
The Minimum order value required to order Moderately
2.36 4
food satisfied

VAT charges and additional charges 2.54 Highly

Overall mean 2.39 satisfied


Offers Food Security/standard that
maintains the food fresh and newly cooked. 2.63 Highly
Provides accurate information about the
product (such as name, type of food, price, 2.63 Highly
and food rating review). Satisfied 3
Ability to request an order cancelation as
long as the food merchant has not yet 2.27 Moderate
accepted the order. Satisfied
Overall mean 2.51 Satisfied

Offers a wide variety of food products from
different brands and types of food. 2.63 Highly
Food Delivery application’s location Highly 2
navigation 2.54 Satisfied

Food delivery service provider offers 24/7 Highly

delivery service 2.63 Satisfied
Overall mean 2.6 Satisfied

Value for Money

The delivery service fee has a good value
for the money 2.63 Highly
The product price provided is worth paying 1
for. 2.54 Highly
The product received is the same as it
advertised. 2.63 Highly
Overall mean 2.6 Satisfied
Legend: 2.50 – 3.00 Highly Satisfied 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Satisfied
1.00 – 1.49 Not satisfied
Table 3.1 presents the level of satisfaction in terms of Affordability,

Reliability, Accessibility, and Value for Money of Grabfood

Under affordability, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction is the VAT charges and additional charges, having a

mean of 2.54. The next topmost satisfaction is the minimum order value required

to order food, having a mean of 2.36, followed by the cost of the delivery fee,

having a mean of 2.27, and ranked as 4 in the level of customer satisfaction of

selected marketing students under the level of satisfaction with an overall mean

of 2.39 and adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

Under reliability, the leading indicator of selected marketing students as

their topmost satisfaction are the offers food security/standard that maintains the

food fresh and newly cooked and provides accurate information about the

product, having the same mean of 2.63, followed by the ability to request an

order cancellation as long as the food merchant has not yet accepted the order,

having a mean of 2.27, and ranked as 3 in the level of customer satisfaction of

selected marketing student under the level of satisfaction with an overall mean of

2.51 and adjective rating of highly satisfied.

Under accessibility, the leading indicator of selected marketing students

as their topmost satisfaction is offers a wide variety of food products from

different brands and types of food, and the food delivery service provider offers

24/7 delivery service, having the same mean of 2.63, followed by the food

delivery application's location navigation, having a mean of 2.54, and ranked as 2

in the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing student under the level

of satisfaction with an overall mean of 2.6 and adjective rating of highly satisfied.

Under value for money, the leading indicator of selected marketing

students as their topmost satisfaction is the delivery service fee has a good value

for the money and the product received is the same as it advertised, having the

same mean of 2.63, followed by the product price provided is worth paying for,

having a mean of 2.54, and ranked as 1 in the level of customer satisfaction of

selected marketing students under the level of satisfaction with an overall mean

of 2.6 and adjective rating of highly satisfied.



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations

of the study as the result of the interpretation and analysis of the data gathered

through the survey questionnaire given. It presents the data review of the study

entitled the level of customer satisfaction of selected marketing students on the

service provided by delivery service provider.


The main objective of this study is to determine the customer satisfaction

of selected marketing students on the service provided by delivery service

providers. The researchers seek the following question. (1) What is the profile of

the respondents in terms of gender, age, present address, preferred delivery

service provider, and frequency of purchase. (2) What are the comparable

marketing concepts applied by the different delivery service provider in terms of

service, price, place, and promotion. (3) What is the level of satisfaction in terms

of affordability, reliability, accessibility, and value for money.

The study use (theory) to determine and analyze the level of customer

satisfaction of selected marketing students on the service provided by their

preferred delivery service provider.

The study utilized a descriptive method to assist the researchers in

gathering precise data from selected marketing students with a total of 70

respondents. It used frequency, weighted mean and ranking as the statistical tool

to measure, analyze, and interpret the study results.


Based on the data and analysis gathered from the selected marketing

students of Divine Word College of Legazpi, the researchers were able to arrive

at the following findings:

1. The profile of the respondents

The data gathered shows that the selected marketing students are

composed of a female total of 43 than a male with total of 27, with a majority of

ages 18-25. Most of the respondents are from Legazpi city, Albay, and Daraga.

Most of the respondents preferred Foodpanda over Grabfood as their delivery

service provider. Regarding the frequency of purchase, Foodpanda and

Grabfood respondents preferred to order food once a week. In the meal of

ordering, Foodpanda respondents preferred afternoon snacks and Grabfood

respondents preferred noon. And on the day of ordering food, Saturday is the

best for Foodpanda respondents, while Grabfood respondents preferred


2. The comparable marketing concepts applied by the different delivery

service provider

The data gathered from the selected marketing students, with 59

respondents that preferred Foodpanda, revealed that in terms of marketing

concept applied. The Service is ranked 3, with an adjective rating of

moderately satisfied. Price is ranked 4, with an adjective rating of moderately

satisfied. Place is ranked 1, with an adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

And Promotion is ranked 2, with an adjective rating of moderately satisfied. In

contrast, the selected marketing students that preferred Grabfood, with 11

respondents, revealed that the Service is ranked 1, with an adjective rating of

highly satisfied. Price is ranked 3, with an adjective rating of moderately

satisfied. Place is ranked 4, with an adjective rating of moderately satisfied.

And Promotion is ranked 2, with an adjective rating of highly satisfied.

2. The level of satisfaction

The data gathered from the selected marketing students with 59

respondents that preferred Foodpanda revealed that in terms of level of

satisfaction applied. The Affordability is ranked 4, with an adjective rating of

moderately satisfied. Reliability is ranked 1, with an adjective rating of highly

satisfied. Accessibility is ranked 3, with an adjective rating of moderately

satisfied. And Value for money is ranked 2, with an adjective rating of

moderately satisfied. In contrast, the selected marketing students that

preferred Grabfood, with 11 respondents, revealed that the Affordability is

ranked 4, with an adjective rating of moderately satisfied. Reliability is ranked

3, with an adjective rating of highly satisfied. Accessibility is ranked 2, with an

adjective rating of moderately satisfied. And Value for money is ranked 1 with

an adjective rating of moderately satisfied.


Following the above findings, the researchers concluded that the

marketing concept used by Grabfood in terms of service, price, place, and

promotion, as well as the level of satisfaction concerning affordability, reliability,

accessibility, and value for money, resulted in a level of customers satisfaction of

mostly highly satisfied. On the other hand, the survey completed by the selected

marketing students revealed that the level of customer satisfaction with

Foodpanda was mostly moderately satisfied.

The following are sets of conclusions that drawn based on the findings:

1. The profile of the respondents  

The researchers concluded that the selected marketing students are more

female than male, with most respondents aged 18-25 from Legazpi, Albay, and

Daraga. Respondents preferred Foodpanda as their delivery service provider

instead of Grabfood. According to respondents from Foodpanda and Grabfood,

they liked to order food once per week. In terms of the meal they ordered,

respondents on Foodpanda preferred afternoon snacks, and those on Grabfood

preferred noon. And when it comes to ordering meals, Saturday is the best day

for Foodpanda respondents, while Thursday was preferred by Grabfood


2. The comparable marketing concepts applied by the different delivery

service provider

The researchers concluded that of the 59 respondents that preferred

Foodpanda in terms of the marketing concept applied. The most favorable

customer satisfaction is the Place ranked as 1, with an adjective rating of

moderately satisfied, followed by promotion, service, and price, with an

adjective rating of moderately satisfied. In contrast, The 11 respondents that

preferred Grabfood concluded that in terms of marketing concept applied. The

service is the most favorable customer satisfaction, ranked as 1, with an

adjective rating of highly satisfied. Therefore, in the comparable marketing

concepts applied, most Grabfood respondents evaluated the service, with an

adjective rating of highly satisfied, ranked as 1, as the most satisfying

marketing concept used. And among the Foodpanda respondents considered,

the place, with an adjective rating of moderately satisfied, ranked as 1, as the

most satisfying marketing concept applied.

3. The level of satisfaction

The researchers concluded that of the 59 respondents that preferred

Foodpanda in terms of the level of satisfaction applied. The most favorable

level of satisfaction is reliability, ranked as 1, with an adjective rating of highly

satisfied, followed by value for money, accessibility, and affordability, with an

adjective rating of moderately satisfied. In contrast, The 11 respondents that

preferred Grabfood concluded that in terms of the level of satisfaction applied.

Accessibility and value for money are the most favorable customer

satisfaction, ranked as 1 and 2, with an adjective rating of highly satisfied,

followed by reliability and affordability, with an adjective rating of moderately

satisfied. Therefore, in the level of satisfaction applied, most Grabfood

respondents evaluated accessibility and value for money, with an adjective

rating of highly satisfied, ranked 1 and 2, as the most satisfying level of

satisfaction. And among the Foodpanda respondents considered reliability,

with an adjective rating of moderately satisfied, ranked as 1, as the most

satisfying level of satisfaction applied.

From the preceding discussions of findings and conclusions. The

researchers came up with the following recommendations:

It found that most of the customer level of satisfaction of selected

marketing students using Grabfood were highly satisfied but had fewer users,

rather than Foodpanda with a level of customer satisfaction of moderately

satisfied but had a lot, several users.

It is recommended that Grabfood develop a better strategy for being

affordable in terms of the cost of delivery, as the survey gathered from the

respondents with the lowest mean and an effective strategy to convince the

customer to use their service and patronize them.

It is recommended that Grabfood improve its marketing concept in terms

of place/distribution of products, according to the survey gathered that resulted in

the last rank in terms of the marketing concept applied, to have more food

choices and increase the retention of the customers.

Also, it is recommended that Foodpanda to improve more their marketing

concept, especially in price to be more affordable according to the survey

gathered that will appreciate by the customers to increase its level of customer

satisfaction using their platform.

Areas for further study:

1. A study about the competitiveness of food delivery service provider in the

students of Divine Word College of Legazpi.

2. A study about the retention of customers towards food delivery service


3. A study about the effectiveness of marketing concept applied by the delivery

service provider.


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Request Letter to conduct a survey and list of third – fourth year marketing


The Level of Customer Satisfaction of Selected Marketing Students on the Service
Provided by Food Delivery Service Providers

Researchers :
Anna Marie Aringo and Noriel Daliva
BSBA Marketing Management 4

Dear Respondents,
We are 4th Year BSBA Marketing Management Students undertaking this
resesrch for our undergraduate thesis. We respectfully request your permission and kind
assistance to participate in this survey and provide as many accurate and truthful
answers as you can. The highest level of secrecy will be maintained with regard to all
information gathered.

Thank you for your cooperation.

-The Researchers

Name: (Optional) __________________________________
Gender: __________
Age: __________
Course & Year: _________________
Present Address: ___________________________________
Preferred Delivery Service Provider ___ FoodPanda ___ GrabFood

Frequency of ordering food:

1. In a week, how many times do you order?
☐1 ☐2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐6 ☐7
2. What meal of the day usually do you order?
☐Morning ☐Noon ☐Afternoon ☐Afternoon snack ☐Midnight
3. What day do you usually order?

The following questions can be answered by the following:

Legend: 3 – Highly Satisfied 2 – Moderately Satisfied 1- Not Satisfied

Delivery Service Provider marketing strategy/concept 3 2 1

Perceived quality Delivery Service

Service Estimated time of Delivery/ speed of Delivery

Customer Service when there is a complaint about the


Provide a variety of food products and brands from

Place food manufacturers to sell and trade their products to
reach the target audience, particularly those who don't
usually visit stores or live a distance from them.

Ability to deliver food from 7-10 km from the delivery

address to bring more restaurants and shops closer to

Availability of local food stores (karinderya, turo-turo)

and fast food restaurants (McDonalds, Jollibee,
Greenwich, Etc) in the Food delivery Platform.

The cost given (such as delivery fee and tax) by the

Price delivery service provider has a good value.

Prices indicated on the Platform are as at the time of

each Order and may be subject to change.

The product price given by the deliver service provider

fits the customer’s budget.

Provides discounts through email.

The Food Delivery service provider advertises and
promotes the products using social media channels
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YT adds, etc.).

Delivery service provider offers various coupons and

discounts benefits when using their application.

Legend: 3 – Highly Satisfied 2 – Moderately Satisfied 1- Not Satisfied

Level of Satisfaction 3 2 1
Cost of Delivery fee
The Minimum order value required to order food

VAT charges and additional charges

Offers Food Security/standard that maintains the food

Reliability fresh and newly cook
Provides accurate information about the product (such as

name, type of food, price, and food rating review).
Ability to request an order cancelation as long as the food
merchant has not yet accepted the order.
Offers a wide variety of food products from different
Accessibility brands and types of food.
Food Delivery application’s location navigation

Food delivery service provider offers 24/7 delivery service.

The delivery service fee has a good value for the money.
Value for
money The product price provided is worth paying for.

The product received is the same as it advertised.


P8 DSWD Resettlement Site Brgy. 56, Taysaan
Legazpi City
Mobile number: 09918800491
Email Address:

Personal Information:
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 02, 2000
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single

Educational Background:
 Tertiary: Divine Word College of Legazpi
Cor.J.P Rizal and Fr. J.L. Bates Sts. Legazpi City

 Secondary: Senior High School

Divine Word College of Legazpi
Washington Drive, Legazpi City

Junior High School

Divine Word College of Legazpi
Washington Drive, Legazpi City
 Primary: Albay Central School
Old Albay, East Washington Legazpi City


Jaucian Village, Tabon-tabon, Daraga Albay
Legazpi City
Mobile number: 09458521560
Email Address:
Personal Information:
Age: 22
Gender: MALE
Birthdate: September 24, 2000
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single

Educational Background:
 Tertiary: Divine Word College of Legazpi
Cor.J.P Rizal and Fr. J.L. Bates Sts. Legazpi City

 Secondary: Senior High School

Divine Word College of Legazpi
Washington Drive, Legazpi City

Junior High School

Divine Word College of Legazpi
Washington Drive, Legazpi City

 Primary: Tanon – Tabon elementary School

Tabon – Tabon, Daraga Albay


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