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Detroit become human interrogation 3 androids

This page contains IGN's walkthrough for the chapter Public Enemy in Detroit: Become Human. If the player decides to save Hank, JB300 will kill Connor, some police officers and FBI Agents before being shot by SWAT officers. If there is no reaction to the prob, then that Android is not the deviant. Very sad indeed, but he will return so not that sad.
Markus will make the two other machine JB300s aside from the deviant one leave the room when he and the hijacking crew enter the place. You'll begin an interrogation of the androids there in order to find an accomplice. This walkthrough is designed to guide you to the "Good" ending of Detroit - though you can find information on the other endings
and choices here as well. Go onto the boat and hit the prompts to row with her along the water. Determinant Detroit: Become Human:"Public Enemy" to "Last Chance, Connor" JB300 #336 445 581 is a deviant android in Detroit: Become Human. After exploring the area the game will pretty much direct you to the deviants location. Look towards the
ground and hit the prompts to move and get to the core before the timer runs out. All his appearances are determinant. Contiune the conversation and answer a few more questions to Amanda, and eventually the cutscene will end. Public Enemy[] In "Public Enemy", Connor interrogates the three JB300s about the broadcasting of the deviants'
message. Rooftop choices: There is a couple of things that Connor can analyze revealing that a deviant might not have jumped. The deviant one will assist Simon with the broadcast controls. The two of them will have a conversation, where you'll be asked a few questions. Walk over to the other side of the control panel and examine the footage. After a
short cutscene, the chapter will end. As you question, you'll be able to choose whether to question and/or threaten each android. Tell Amanda about Hank, and pick the Determind option, followed by No Use. He sometimes glances at Connor when the other two androids are being interrogated. Gallery[] Extras Gallery "Android - Broadcast
Team".JB300 in Last Chance, Connor References[] ↑ "Public Enemy" ↑ "Last Chance, Connor" As only one of them can be asked within a playthrough, it is probable that they are supposed to have different numbers but only one answer was recorded in the game. Connor can trick him into giving the key to Jericho, by pretending to be Markus. Make
the choice to grab the officer's gun and shoot at the deviant. If the player decides to take a gun from an FBI agent, Connor will shoot and kill JB300, saving the lives of everyone in the hallway. If the player is able to recover and chase him, he will steal an assault rifle from the nearest SWAT officer. Inspect the footage on the screen and you'll scan the
image of Marcus. Once the briefing is over, you'll enter the main broadcast room where the events of the previous chapter happened. You'll have to make a big choice here. You can analyze and scan the cap on the ground and bullet holes in the walls nearby, as well as the blue blood next to them. Your answers will increase or decrease Amanda's trust
in you. He works as a broadcasting operator with other androids that look like him for Channel 16 in Stratford Tower. Connor charges Simon and Simon gets killed. You'll have to look for a reaction during your questioning in order to spot the deviant. Connor can talk to him, but the deviant will refuse to help him as he does not recognize his voices as
one of the deviants, demanding Connor to leave him alone. When you regain control of Connor, hit the button and hold it to automatically follow Hank and the officers for a briefing of the situation. Start by asking questions to each one and paying attention to their reactions, if there are any. In November 2038, he aids a group of deviants in hijacking
the broadcast room and broadcasting a message to the public. If the player is able to recover, but runs the opposite way, JB300 will kill everyone in the hallway except for Hank and Chris, and Hank will have killed the android by the time Connor arrives. Connor will eventually be reunited with Hank at the Stratford Building from the previous chapter.
When you do so, you'll run out and see the deviant fighting with Hank and everyone else. Biography[] JB300 #336 445 581 is a JB300 android working as a broadcasting operator for Channel 16 at Stratford Tower, along with other JB300 androids. After the hijack, the Detroit police and FBI start to investigate the break-in at Stratford Tower. If the
player decides to rush him, he will shoot himself and kill police officer M. This deviant android appears to be a skilled actor playing the machine part near flawlessly, but he has one subtle tell. This will lead to a reaction to the real deviant, whether you've picked the right one or tortured one of the other androids. If Connor interrogates him but fails to
reveal him, he will appear with a shocked expression on his face. Wilson, if he was saved in "The Hostage". Walk over to the kitchen directly ahead of you with the androids inside. After a short dialogue between Hank and Connor, you'll be able to investigate the room. The deviant will damage Connor and he'll have to recover his core before he dies.
This will prevent Hank from being killed, as well as everyone else in the room from being massacred. You'll also be able to probe one of the androids to see if they are a deviant. Amanda will be on there waiting for you. You'll question each of them and do a number of actions to see which one is the odd android out. Stay in cover and see Simon get
blasted away and open up a scenario for later. You'll scroll through the camera footage and scan the prompt that appears. Walk across the bridge and over to the left to a small boat. Once he is reactivated, his eyes are blacked-out and he is blind asking where he is. When Connor stops talking to him, he will panic and Connor will shut him off.[2]
Notes[] He and the other two JB300s all give the same serial number when prompted. Last Chance, Connor[] In "Last Chance, Connor" The JB300 will appear in Detroit Police Central station's evidence room if Simon was not caught in "Public Enemy". You can either call to Hank or grab the gun from the nearby officer and shoot the deviant before it
kills Hank. 2. You must succeed in hitting the right buttons for this. 3. Once the deviant attacks Connor hit the button prompts to fend it off. Connor charges Simon and gets killed. 1. The JB300 and two identical other JB300s are placed in the kitchen in the meantime.[1] The Stratford Tower[] In The Stratford Tower, he is seen in the broadcast room
with the other identical androids. If Connor successfully pressures him, he will attack Connor and flee, leaving Connor wounded. At some point you'll be able to torture one of the androids by pulling its core out, but this is not necessary. Three things can happen here. advertisementWhen the chapter begins, you'll be controlling Connor and will need
to find Amanda in the garden. Connor will need some biocomponents from Daniel to reactivate him. Inspect the security camera over the first door on your way. There will be a bunch of spots you can interact with. Hank is glad Connor survives. You can still follow them and listen in without holding the button, but you'll get a cinematic view if you do.
The JB300 will be glad to help him. You'll have to discern which of the three identical androids is the deviant. JB300 #336 445 581 will occasionally glance at Connor, this is the only sign he is the deviant of the three.
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