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Lesson 1: Introduction to Statistical Concept - Statistics is not suitable to the study of

qualitative phenomenon.
Statistics help to decide on everyday life.
- Statistics does not study individuals
Statistics – science of collecting organizing, - Statistical laws are not exact
summarizing, and analyzing information to draw - Statistics table may be misused
conclusions or answer questions. - Statistics is only one of the methods of studying
a problem.
 About providing a measure of confidence in any
conclusions. Process of Statistics
Field of Statistics - Identify the research objective
- Collect the information needed to answer the
A.) Mathematical Statistics – this study and
development of statistical theory and methods in questions.
the abstract - Organize and summarize the information
B.) Applied Statistics – the application of statistical - Draw Conclusion from the information.
methods to solve real problems involving Branches of Statistics
randomly generated data and the development of
new statistical methodology motivated by real - Descriptive Statistics – concerned with the
problems. description and summarization of data. Deals
with the techniques used in the collection,
Function of Statistics presentation, organization, and analysis of the
Condensation – reduce or to lessen a huge mass of data data on hand.
into few observations (classification and tabulation) - Inferential Statistics – concerned with the
drawing of conclusions from data. Deals with
Comparison – compare data collected from different the techniques used in generalizing from
sources (through graphs and charts, summary measures). samples to populations, performing estimations
Forecasting – to predict or to estimate beforehand and hypothesis test determining relationships
(times series data) among variables and making predictions.

Estimation – is related to model building, finding the Definition of Terms

most appropriate parameter that best describes the - Universe – set of all entities under study
multivariate distribution of historical data - Population – is the total or entire group of
Test of Hypothesis – is used to access the plausibility of individuals or observation from which
a hypothesis by using the sample data using statistical information is desired by a researcher.
test or analysis. - Sample – subset of the population
- Individual – is a person or object that is a
Scope of Statistics member of the population being studied.
 Statistics and Industry: widely use in industries - Parameter – is a numerical summary of a
(control charts) population
 Statistics and Commerce: blood life of - Statistic – is a numerical summary of a sample
successful commerce Variables – characteristics of the individuals within the
 Statistics and Economics: population.
 Statistics and Education
 Statistics and Planning - Qualitative Variables (Categorical
 Statistics and Medicine Variables): a variable that yields categorical
 Statistics and Modern Applications responses. It is a word or a code that represents a
class or category.
- Quantitative Variables (Numeric): takes on
numerical values representing an amount or
Limitation of Statistics
 Discrete Variable – a quantitative 1. Set the objectives for collecting data
variable that either a finite number of 2. Determine the data needed based on the set
possible values or countable number of objectives
possible values 3. Determine the method to be used in data
 Continuous Variable – has an infinite gathering and define the comprehensive data
number of possible values that are not collection points
countable 4. Design data gathering forms to be used
5. Collect Data
6. Organize, Summarize, and Analyze data
Level of Measurement
- Nominal – Qualitative Variable; also called Sources of Data
categorical scales/data. Classifies persons or
objects into two or more categories. - Primary Data: Include information and
- Ordinal – Qualitative Variable; involves data processed directly by the researcher
that may be arranged in some order, but 1. Direct Personal Interviews – The
differences between data vales either cannot be researcher has direct contact with the
determined or meaningless. interviewee. The researcher gathers
- Interval – Quantitative Variable; specifies that information by asking questions to the
the distances between each interval on the scale interviewee.
are equivalent along the scale from low interval 2. Indirect/Questionnaire Method – This
to high interval. A value of zero does not mean method of data collection involves sourcing
the absence of the quantity. Arithmetic and accessing existing data that were
operations such as addition and subtraction can originally collected for the purpose of the
be performed on values of the variable. study.
- Ratio Data – Quantitative Variable; has the  Keep the questionnaire as short as
properties of the interval level of measurement possible
and the ratios of the values of the variable have  Decide on the type of questionnaire
meaning. A value of zero means absence of the (Open or Close ended)
quantity. Arithmetic operations such as  Write the questions properly
multiplication and division can be performed on  Order the questions appropriately
the values of the variable.  Avoid questions that prompt or motivate
the respondent to say what you would
Lesson 2: Data Collection and Sources of Data like to hear.
Data Collection - Is the process of gathering and  Write and introductory letter or an
measuring information on variables of interest, in an introduction.
established systematic fashion that enables one to  Write special instructions for
answer state research questions, test hypothesis, and interviewers or respondents
evaluate outcomes.  Translate the questions of necessary.
 Always test your questions before taking
Consequences from Improperly Collected Data the survey. (Pre-test)
- Inability to answer research questions
- Distorted findings resulting in wasted resources.
- Compromising decisions for public policy. Open Ended VS Closed Ended Questionnaire
- Inability to repeat and validate the study
Open Ended: Advantages
- Misleading other researchers to pursue fruitless
avenues of investigation. - More detailed answers
- Causing harm to human participants and animal - Could reveal additional insights
Steps in Data Gathering
- Difficult to Encode, Tabulate, and Analyze
- Low response rate
- Respondents must be articulate
- Respondent could feel threatened
- Responses could have different levels of detail

Close Ended: Advantages

- Easy to Encode, Tabulate, and Analyze

- Easy to Understand
- Enables Inter-study comparisons
- Saves time and money
- High Response Rate


- Could frustrate respondents

- Potentially biased response sets
- Difficult or impossible to detect if respondent
truly understood the questions.
3. Focus Group – Is a group interview
approximately six to twelve people who
share similar characteristics or common
interests. A facilitator guides the group
based on a predetermined set of topics.
4. Experiment – is a method of collecting data
where there is direct human intervention on
the conditions that may affect the values of
the variable of interest.
5. Observation – Method of collecting data on
the phenomenon of interest by recording the
observations made about the phenomenon as
it happens.
- Secondary Data: Information that has already
been collected, process and reported out by
another researcher/entity.
 Method of Collecting Secondary Data
- Published report on newspaper and periodicals
- Financial Data reported in annual reports
- Records maintained by the institution
- Internal reports of the government departments
- Information from official publications.

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