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NAME: Niez, Atasha Shyrille F. FACULTY: Ms.

Prudence Entrata

SECTION: BSMA 1-2 DATE: May 1, 2022

Activity #5

How do we boost our self-esteem and self-concept?

As a growing woman, I used to have a lot of insecurities and it destroy me a lot

because I tend to overthink, and it always result to stress and anxiety. I isolate myself
whenever I don’t feel well. In comes with the pressure of society’s standard, it’s frustrating
and sad because of the beauty standard of the society discriminates majority of the people
especially to those who are just starting mold his/her esteem. With, here’s the helpful tips
to boost your self-esteem and self-concept.

1. Self-care, be gentle to yourself. There are times that you’ll always have self-
doubt because of the pressure you’re feeling. It’s forgiven, it’s not always your day,
be gentle and don’t be hard on yourself.
2. Set your own goals and expand it. I know there are factors that will always made
us compare our achievements on other people’s. Focus on your own timeline and
everything will follow.
3. Be Productive. Working out can help our mental health and self-care.
4. You are beautiful and unique. Be your own fan, you are unique, always bring out
your best.
5. No one’s perfect. There are failures and it’s normal. Appreciate every mistake
and conflicts because that will make you stronger.
6. Not everything is in your control. Focus on the things you can control because
that would make a huge leap for you. Do not waste your energy on the things you
can not change.
7. Reward yourself. You deserve to be happy, do what makes you comfortable and
happy as long as it doesn’t harm anyone, or it will not harm you.
8. Small achievements are still achievements. Celebrate your small wins because
it’s an effort that needs to be appreciated.
9. Be genuine and considerate. Of course, the world doesn’t revolve only on you.
You should be also supportive with other people because peace and love are the
most beautiful thing in the world.
10. Be with the squad who supports you genuinely. This the most important thing
that we have, somebody who’ll cheer you up. It will help you because they
appreciate you genuinely. Beware to those fakers!


The Reach Out,

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