Design and Development of 3 D Mobile Games

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Design and Development of 3D Mobile Games

Article · January 2010

DOI: 10.1109/ACHI.2010.24 · Source: DBLP

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5 authors, including:

Zameer Jhingut Soulakshmee Nagowah

University of Mauritius University of Mauritius


R.K. Moloo Leckraj Nagowah

University of Mauritius University of Mauritius


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2010 Third
Third International
International Conferences
Conference on
on Advances
Advances in
in Computer-Human
Computer-Human Interactions

Design and Development of 3D mobile games

M. Zameer Jhingut, Ibtihaaj M. Ghoorun, Soulakshmee D. Nagowah, Raj Moloo and Leckraj Nagowah
Computer Science & Engineering Department,
University of Mauritius,
Reduit, Mauritius.,, {s.ghurbhurrun, r.moloo, l.nagowah}

Abstract -A major issue arising nowadays is the lack of the possibilities for building a game which can simulate a
entertainment due to up-going level of stress. In this era of virtual reality. However, 3D mobile games require higher
technology, where mobile has become more of a necessity than performance, resolution and memory on the handset [3].
a luxury, a new form of distraction has taken birth, that of Development time and number of resources needed can
mobile games. Mobile games are one of the primary
entertainment applications at present. These games provide a
be twice or even thrice more than that needed for a 2D
means of relaxation and help to draw users’ attention away from game development project. There are also new required
routine tensions. However, mobile game development is more skill-sets, compared to simple 2D mobile games, in terms
difficult than desktop application development because of scarce of graphics design and network communications.
resources. Performance is one of the critical requirements for
mobile games. With the advancement in technology, mobile II. RELATED WORK
multiplayer games have started to evolve. This paper discusses
This section gives a brief overview of the mobile
about 3D mobile games development for both single player and
multiplayer and also evaluates two different APIs namely MIDP
game trends during the last decade.
2.0 GAME API and M3G API.
Nokia developed the first mobile game, Snake in 1997.
Keywords- 3D games, mobile games, MIDP 2.0 game API, The game became surprisingly popular and was
M3G API permanently installed on the phones [3]. Few years later,
mobile phones were equipped with color screens and
I. INTRODUCTION downloadable Java games. The games started to be more
Modern mobile phones are like small computers, innovative and in 2001 some of the best WAP games such
with limited processing power, but are one of the most as “Lifestylers”, a casual turn-based WAP game, was
powerful compact devices available for mobile computing developed by Picofun and “Wireless Pets” was published
purposes. A recent study carried out by ITU (International by Digital Bridges [4]. Nokia introduced its N-Gage
Telecommunication Union) shows that by the end of platform and wireless online gaming with N-Gage Arena
2008, mobile penetration has almost reached 50 percent; in 2003. The first 3D games were being released in Japan,
about 4 billion mobile subscribers worldwide while ten with titles such as “Ridge Racer” mobile game. On the
years ago it was close to zero and the number is growing other hand, during the same year JAMDAT released
annually [1]. This indicates that mobile phone is one of “Bejewelled Multiplayer”, a multiplayer version for the
the most widespread devices available today. famous popular Bejewelled which was a killer stroke at
Mobile games are one of the fastest growing segments of one time [4]. The “World of Legend” is the first network
the game industry. Recent advancements in mobile games game embedded on mobile phones released in 2005 by
include single player, multiplayer and 3D graphics. With Nokia, which marks the official debut of network games
the advent of new mobile phones with network for mobile phones. Other striking popular games such as
connectivity capabilities, multiplayer games are quickly “Downtown Texas Hold 'Em poker”, one of the first poker
finding an audience, taking advantage of the ability to game, developed by Downtown Wireless was released in
play against other people. Primarily geared for voice data, the same year [5]. In 2006, I-Play released “The Fast and
mobile phones can send and receive other kinds of data as the Furious - Tokyo Drift” game which made big hit [6].
well. This ability to share information offers an In 2007/8, Nokia introduced a new version of N-Gage. It
opportunity to design games where players can interact was released with some excellent games such as “Reset
with others [2]. Generation”, “Metal Gear Solid Mobile” and “ONE”.
Moreover, the introduction of 3D in mobile games With the arrival of Touchscreen iPhone, developers were
development has become a major challenge. 3D able to sell their games directly to consumers without
development provides a greater means of expression and having to deal with publishers and operators [7].

978-0-7695-3957-7/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 119

DOI 10.1109/ACHI.2010.24
III. DESIGN ISSUES Another concern which affects mostly online multiplayer
This section discusses about some of the design games is mobile network latency. Most of the mobile
issues related to mobile game development. games are turn-based which further aggravates the
problem because players have to wait for the other players
Mobile devices are quite constrained compared to involved to make their move. Furthermore, the game
consoles or PCs especially in terms of screen size, cannot be constantly alive due to limited bandwidth [10].
processing power, keypad layout and software IV. SYSTEM STRUCTURE
implementation. Designing mobile games involves many
critical issues that must be taken into account such as This section proposes a system structure for the
application size, memory space, processing power design of a 3D game along with a description of its
amongst others. different components. Figure 1 shows the system structure
The primary issue is the application size where there is an components.
upper limit on how large an application can be and still
run. Mobile games have limited memory and if a game is
bigger than the allocated working memory on a device
then the game simply will not run. Program code,
graphics and sounds all take up space and contribute to
the application’s compiled size which leads to another
major concern which is the application memory space.
When an application runs, it consumes more memory than
the application file itself. Every device has a limit on the
amount of memory usable by applications. Consequently,
it must be ensured that, the game designed can run in the
available space without ignoring the processing capability
of the mobile handset [8].
Moreover, mobile games are the most processor-intensive
applications available. Each new generation of games
provides better graphics, requiring more processing
power. However, for small J2ME games, processing
power is not a serious constraint since MIDlet size limits
prevent games from containing graphics that require too
much processing power [8].
Mobile devices have screens that are much smaller than Figure 1. System Structure Components
those on PCs. This is one of the main reasons why mobile
games cannot be played for large time periods. The game Mobile games can be played in two modes: single or
must be designed in a way to fit in the device’s screen. multiplayer mode. Single player is the most common play
However, this affects the quality and type of games that mode for all mobile games. Depending on the game type,
can be implemented on mobile phones since it should be the user can race against time or acquire a maximum
made aware of the various resolutions and color ranges number of scores in a given time. On the other hand,
available on the different phone models. It is even harder multiplayer mode requires two or more players.
when developing for 3D games since it is more complex
to export 3D game objects to different screen sizes than a A. Score and Game Rule
2D object [9].
One of the major components of the proposed structure
Furthermore, user interface is another issue for mobile
consists of the rules and score tracking component. This is
game development and this concerns mostly the
a vital component present in all games. This component
playability of games on mobile handsets. Mobile phones
varies with different games. Depending on the game type,
are designed primarily for voice telephony, as are the
most of them use collision detection techniques to allocate
controls on most of these devices. These are not
score to a player for 3D mobile games.
optimized for use in games. In J2ME implementations,
this can be worked around by using MIDP’s high-level
B. Collision detection
“game actions” (Left, Right, Fire, and so on), which each
device will map correctly to appropriate keys. However, Collision detection adds more realism to games.
MIDP’s high-level actions are limited [9]. Depending on the game logic, it can restrict the

movement of players within a particular region or F. Position Tracking
determine whether an object has been intersected. Position tracking goes in pair with synchronization. It
In 3D applications, the M3G API makes use of the ray enables the application to keep track of the players’
intersection class for collision implementation. Rays are position. The dead reckoning technique can be used for
casted through groups of objects and intersections with calculating the players’ present position from a past
objects are calculated, together with the distance where position and their velocity since, rather than from physical
the collision occurred. For most 3D games, this class is referents such as landmarks. With dead reckoning, clients
sufficient for collision detection. need to transmit only changes in the velocities of the
For MIDP 2.0 GAME API, collision detection is moving objects. The exact position of each object is then
implemented by making use of the sprite collision method extrapolated from its last known location and velocity.
-collideWith(). It makes use of pixel based collision and This enables the game to be operated on limited
checks whether images/sprites overlap. bandwidth.
Graphics3D is a class in the M3G API for the rendering This section proposes a generic architectural design
of all 3D scenes. To render a scene with Graphics3D, it is for 3D mobile games development. The design illustrates
necessary to bind the Graphics3D instance to a target a system structure comprising of the logical layers of the
object which is generally a Graphics object. Then the game application along with the core functions associated
rendering of the world is done, and the target is released. to each of them. The architecture diagram in Figure 2 can
Otherwise, the Graphics3D instance cannot be bound to be accustomed to any single player game.
other object again and the buffers are not flushed.
On the other hand, MIDP 2.0 GAME API makes use of Single Player Architecture
the Sprite and LayerManager class for the manipulation of
graphics images. These images are stored as an ordered User Interface Layer
list of layers each having an index which indicates their
position front to back. The LayerManager is a class in
MIDP 2.0 GAME API which manages the display of Application Layer
image/sprite layers and the view window, hence
simplifying the game scene rendering process.
Figure 2. Logical Layers of the single player architecture
D. Friction
For added realism in motion game, a frictional component A. User Interface Layer
is essential for monitoring the acceleration and The User Interface layer encapsulates user-interactivity
deceleration of objects. This component can be functions for the game play. It allows a user to do specific
implemented in various ways depending on the equation actions according to specified game key states. Table 1
being used. A simple example would be the velocity shows the different functions in the User Interface Layer.
equation v = u + at which is responsible for the linear
increase of speed with respect to time until a maximum TABLE 1 USER INTERFACE LAYER FUNCTIONS
speed is reached. However for applications such as card Functions Description
or strategy game, this component might not be essential. processKeys() Performs different action according to the specified
game key states. For example if the user has pressed
the left button, the application will also make the
E. Synchronization
player in the scene move left.
Multiplayer games require a synchronization component paint() Is actually part of the Canvas class, which represents
to synchronize the game state of two or more players. an abstract drawing surface for graphics operation.
This enables the same game scene to be viewed by the drawWorld () Displays the current scene to the screen which
consists of the group of objects and the camera.
players. It allows the exchange of the position of players
among the different mobile devices. However, a B. Application Layer
hindrance to proper game synchronization is network The application layer consists of game initialization and
latency, which is the time between sending a request and game playability methods. In the M3G API, it will consist
receiving a response and this lag average to several of methods for loading m3g file containing the world and
seconds. For proper game play, the synchronization other objects required for the rendering and managing
component should be optimized to minimize network each object in the 3D world. It also has methods that
latency or even an AI component can be added in case of initializes the camera, updates the 3D world to a new state
network disruption to predict players’ positions. and handles collision. Alternatively, for MIDP 2.0 GAME

API, it will consist of methods used to load the graphics TABLE 3 APPLICATION LAYER FUNCTIONS
images and detect collision with other Sprites. Functions Description
The different functions in the application layer are shown startMultiplayer() When a connection with the server has been
in the Table 2. established, this method initiates the client
before starting to communicate together
TABLE 2 APPLICATION LAYER FUNCTIONS serverFound() Checks if the server has already been hosted
and will return true if it’s the case.
Functions Description runServer() Initializes the server.
init() Loads the m3g file containing the world and other runClient() Starts the client and thus establishes a
objects required for the rendering of the 3D world. connection between the two devices.
getObject() Fetches every individual object from the m3g file serverClient Acknowledges if a successful connection
according to their object ID so as to be able to ConnectionEstablished() has been established between the client and
differentiate each of them when the 3D world will be the server and displays the status of the
rendered. players.
initWorld() Renders the 3D world by creating the first part of the
track using every object that has been fetched B. Communication Layer
previously and it also initializes the camera.
updateWorld() Updates the 3D world to a new state. The communication layer is crucial for good
startApp() Loads the graphics images such as sprites by passing synchronization in multiplayer games. As the game
a newly created Image object into the Sprite
proceeds, at regular time interval, each player must see
append() Manages graphic elements such as sprites to create a the same scene and be at their respective positions on
complete scene by combining them together. each mobile phone. The game is synchronized by
getIntersected() Inbuilt method for M3G API provided by the ray message passing. Table 4 shows the different functions in
Intersection library which is used to check for the Communication Layer.
collideWith() Detects collision with other Sprites, Tiled Layers TABLE 4 COMMUNICATION LAYER FUNCTIONS
and Images.
winCheck() Is implemented based on the game rules to Functions Description
determine if the player has won or not getLocalDevice() Retrieves information about local device
resume() Stores the initial state of the game available
reset() Reinitializes all variables to start a new game DiscoveryAgent. Places the device into an inquiry mode and the
startInquiry() application should specify an event listener that
will respond to inquiry-related events.
Multiplayer Architecture
DiscoveryListener. Is called each time an inquiry finds a device.
Based on the layers and methods described above, an deviceDiscovered()
architectural design is now designed for multiplayer getDiscoverable() Gets information about the current discovery
games consisting of some additional methods which are mode of the Bluetooth device. It will return an int
specific for a multiplayer game. The user interface layer that is either NOT_DISCOVERABLE, LIAC, or
for a multiplayer game is similar to that of the single Parses the URI and returns a Connection object.
player game. readData() Reads from the Input Stream
writeData() Writes to the Output Stream
User Interface Layer
closeConnection() Closes the Connection when finished


Application Layer
To evaluate our proposed architecture, two
different games have been implemented. Furthermore,
two different API namely MIDP 2.0 GAME API and
Communication Layer M3G API have been used and a single player and
multiplayer game were implemented respectively.
Figure 3. Logical Layers of multiplayer architecture
Single player game
A. Application layer For the single player game, a Snowboard game using
M3G API has been developed. The game has a realistic
This layer consists of the same methods defined for the game environment consisting of a snowboarder speeding
single play game but with additional methods specific to down a long track, with various flags and obstacles. The
multiplayer architecture. These include server snowboarder’s aim is to perform different actions such as
initialization, server localization, accepting/ turn right, turn left, accelerate and decelerate. On both
acknowledging clients and establishing client sides of the track, there are trees that act as barriers to
connections. Table 3 shows the different functions in the prevent the snowboard from going off-track. The
Application Layer. application also keeps track of the user’s score and

cumulates the points obtained by the latter until the time VII. TESTING AND EVALUATION
limit is reached or the required points have been obtained. This section focuses on the testing and evaluation
The game then displays the best time or highest score. of the games which is critical to ensure that the
Collision detection has also been implemented in the applications work fine. The main factors that have been
game to prevent players to go beyond the track boundary taken into consideration for the testing phase are
and to cater for collision with some obstacles. Figure 4 performance, portability, responsiveness and 3D graphics
shows the snowboard application which has been amongst others. The tests have been carried out for both
developed with J2ME and tested on Sun Wireless Toolkit. snowboard and table tennis game.
Snowboard game
The snowboard application has been tested on several
handsets and the result is shown in Table 5. The game
was tested for a time period of 20 seconds and the average
distance covered on the track is also listed in Table 5.

Make Model Average Distance Comment

Figure 4. Overview of Snowboard game Covered (units)
Nokia N73 1330 Game runs smoothly
Multiplayer game Sony W880i 842 Game runs but stagnates a
A multiplayer table tennis game has been implemented Ericson little
Motorola V3i 940 Game runs but is slow
using MIDP 2.0 GAME API. The game consists of a
Nokia 6600 - Game does not run as it
table, a ball and two rackets of different colors. The requires CLDC 1.1
players’ aim is to hit the ball in the direction of their
opponents with their respective rackets whilst moving Table tennis game
left, right, up and down. Each player has to hit the ball in The discovery time of different Bluetooth devices was
such a way that it falls in the area of their opponent. If measured. When a user launches the game, the application
after one bounce the opponent is not able to hit the ball, it searches for existing servers and if none has been located,
is the player who earns one point. Otherwise, if the player it hosts one and waits for a client to connect. The
has hit the ball and it falls out of the table, it is the discovery time varied only slightly between the devices
opponent who scores one point. The first player who and was on average in the order of 15 seconds.
reaches a score of 11 is the winner. Service alternates A series of tests were carried out to determine the
every two points. Collision detection has also been maximum range that the game can be played among the
implemented to allow players to strike ball with their two Sony Ericsson handsets namely W880 and K850.
respective bat in direction of their opponent and Table 6 shows the results obtained.
distinguish which one has earned a point. Moreover it
allows for bouncing of the ball when it falls on the table. TABLE 6 RESULTS BETWEEN W880 AND K850 HANDSETS
Proper game synchronization has been implemented so
Average Comment
that both player see the same scene and are at their Distance (m)
respective positions on both phones at a particular time. 1m Smooth running between the two handsets and is
Figure 5 shows the table tennis application which has perfectly synchronized.
been developed with J2ME and tested on Sun Wireless 5m Game runs fine between the two handsets and is
still perfectly synchronized.
Toolkit. 7m Game stagnates a little between the devices and
synchronization is fair
9m Both devices are still connected but the game is not

Another series of tests were carried out between Sony

Ericsson K850 and Nokia N73 handsets. The results
obtained were similar to the two Sony Ericsson handsets
in Table 6.

Figure 6 shows the feedback obtained out of 25 users for

the snowboard 3D and for table tennis 3D.
Figure 5. Overview of table tennis game

snowboard game M3G API is supported only on
handsets which support MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1.
• Camera View: It is easy to setup different camera
positions due to camera class provided by M3G in
snowboard game. Alternatively a single position
camera has been implemented for the table tennis
In this paper, we evaluated two different APIs
namely MIDP 2.0 GAME API and M3G API for mobile
games development and our approach can be adapted to
different mobile games that have similar features or
scenarios. We believe that there are still many
improvements that can be made to both games. For the
snowboard game, one of the major enhancements is
allowing players to select different snowboarders with
different characters and choose tracks to race. Moreover,
the multiplayer version of snowboard can be developed.
For the table tennis game, different tables and rackets can
be made available to the gamer as a choice before
launching the game. The graphics can also be enhanced in
Figure 6. User Evaluation of snowboard 3D and table tennis 3D
order to perceive the player instead of seeing only the
rackets. Last but not least, a single player version of table
The evaluation of the two games has been done in terms tennis 3D which will include an artificially intelligent
of: player can be implemented.
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