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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Division of Sagay City SCORE
District of Sagay IX
Colonia Divina Integrated School

First Quarter Examination

NAME: __________________________________________________________ GRADE/SEC: ________________________

General Direction: Read the following items carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____1. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the ICT?

A. Internet and Computer Technology B. Information and Computer Technical
B. Internet and Communication Technology C. Information and Communication Technology

_____2. The following are the realities in the Philippines in the field of ICT EXCEPT ONE.
A. The use of communication technology spread in the entire country now a day even in rural
B. There are 119 million mobile phone subscriptions from a total population of 101 million and
47 million active Facebook accounts.
C. The Philippines is the slowest growing app market in Southeast Asia and the lowest digital
population in the world.
D. The top online activities are social media, videos, online mobile games, location-based search
and online shopping.

_____3. What version of the world wide web that allows interactivity between the users and the website?
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 3.0 C. Web 2.0 D. Web 4.0

_____4. A version of world wide web that is known as dynamic.

A. Web 1.0 B. Web 3.0 C. Web 2.0 D. Web 4.0

_____5. The first development of World Wide Web where web pages are static. It also known as flat or
stationary page and it cannot be manipulated by users.
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 3.0 C. Web 2.0 D. Web 4.0

_____6. A web application where a user can communicate, create and share content, and participate in
online communities?
A. Convergence B. Social Media C. Mobile Technologies D. Assistive Media

_____7. A website that allows you to broadcast short message.

A. Social News B. Microblogging C. Bookmarking Sites D. Media Sharing

_____8. Which among the following is an example of bookmarking site?

A. Facebook B. Intagram C. Pinterest D. Tumbler

_____9. A web application where a user can communicate, create and share content, and participate in
online communities?
A. Convergence B. Social Media C. Mobile Technologies D. Assistive Media

_____10. A platform that assists person with disability.

A. Assistive Media B. Convergence C. Social Media D. Semantic Web

_____11. The act of sending sexually explicit text messages, images, and videos.
A. Cyber Staking B. Sexting C. Cyberbullying D. Identity Theft


_____12. Magan was surprised that she has another Facebook account even though she didn’t create this.
Andrea was a victim of?
A. Cyber Staking B. Sexting C. Cyberbullying D. Identity Theft

_____13. Albert take a scandalous video of Armie and uploaded this to social media. Hour later, the video
received thousands of shares and Armie received several negative messages in her account.
Armie was a victim of?
A. Cyber Stalking B. Sexting C. Cyberbullying D. Identity Theft

_____14. A software intentionally designed to cause harm or disruption to a computer, server, client, or
computer network, leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems,
deprive users access to information or which unknowingly interferes with the user's computer
security and privacy. It is also known as malicious software.
A. Software B. Hardware C. Malware D. Application

_____15. Which of the following is considered as a malware?

A. Twitter B. Trojan C. Facebook D. Reddit

_____16. A malicious program that disguised as legitimate program that user will accept and use but take
control of your computer.
A. Virus B. Trojan C. Worm D. Spyware

_____17. A malicious program that replicates itself by copying itself to another program.
A. Virus B. Trojan C. Worm D. Spyware

_____18. It blocks the user from accessing the programs or files and demands to pay the ransom through
online method for the removal of the virus.
A. Rootkit B. Ransomware C. Botnet D. Keylogger

_____19. A program that runs in the background and steals user credentials and confidential information
and send back to hack by recording every keystroke that a user makes on their computer or
A. Rootkit B. Ransomware C. Botnet D. Keylogger

_____20. The following are the Core Rules of Netiquette by Seth T. Ross, EXCEPT ONE.
A. Don’t respect other people's time and bandwidth.
B. Share expert knowledge.
C. Help keep flame wars under control.
D. Respect other people's privacy.

_____21. Which of the following is NOT an example of productivity or office software?

A. Microsoft Office B. Libre Office C. WPS D. Chrome

_____22. Which of the following is the productivity tool of Microsoft Office use for document processing?
A. MS PowerPoint B. Google Docs C. Document D. MS Word

_____23. A productivity tool of MS Office that is used for presentation processing.

A. MS Excel B. MS Word C. Google Presentation D. MS PowerPoint

_____24. The following are formulas that MS-Excel can understand, EXCEPT.
A. =Sum(a1+a2) B. =a1+b2 C. =average(a1+a2) D. =1a+b2

_____25. Jam is done encoding their thesis and it is now ready for printing. How will Jed print the file?
A. Go to Home Tab and Click Print C. Go to File Tab and click Print
B. Go to Help Tab and ask for help D. Go to Home Tab and search for Print

_____26. Queno is done revising its thesis and he wants to update it to a new File Name. How will he save
it into a new File Name without affecting the previous version of his file?
A. Go to File Tab and Click Save C. Click CTRL+S in the keyboard
B. Go to File Tab and Click Save As D. Make a copy and rename it.

_____27. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out?
A. Address book B. Greeting line C. Start Mail Merge D. Preview Results


_____28. This error value refers to a cell that contains 0 value or blanks.
A. #N/A B. #NULL! C. #VALUE! D. #DIV/0

_____29. Which of the following arithmetic operators is use for addition?

A. + B. - C. ^ D. *

_____30. Which of the following software are commonly used for presentation that contains animation?
A. Microsoft Word B. LibreOffice Calc C. Microsoft Excel D. PowerPoint

_____31. Which of the following errors will appear if Excel encounters invalid cell has inappropriate value
was given for the lookup value argument?
A. #REF! B. #Value! C. #N/A D. ######

_____32. Which of the following errors will appear if Excel encounters invalid cell reference?
A. #REF! B. #Value! C. #N/A D. ######

_____33. The following are wrong formula, EXCEPT ONE.

=SUMA1:A30 B. =SUM(A1:30) C. =AVE(A1:A30) D. =AVEA1:A30

_____34. Which of the following set of effects that can be found in PowerPoint apps?
A. Mailings B. Layout group C. Custom Animation D. Hyperlink

_____35. Which of the following MS Excel formula is use for addition?

A. =SUM(A1+A30) B. =ADD(A1+A30) C. =SUM(A1/A30) D. =SUM(A1*A30)

_____36. Which of the following is a feature of MS PowerPoint that link reference data that the reader can
directly follow either by clicking or tapping?
A. Presentation B. Hyperlink C. Animation D. Mail Merge

_____37. The following tasks can be done using MS Excel, EXCEPT ONE?
A. Computation of data C. Making report presentation
B. Creation of office forms D. Producing tabular and statistical data

_____38. The following are tasks that can be done using MS Excel, EXCEPT ONE.
A. Making letters, resolutions and other forms C. Producing office forms
B. Making report presentations D. A & B are wrong.

_____39. A function used to count the number of cells that contains something if the criteria are met.

_____40. Which principle of design have equal distribution of visual weight?

A. Space B. Proximity C. Balance D. Alignment

_____41. Which principle of design duplicate the characteristics of similar elements?

A. Repetition B. Proximity C. Balance D. Alignment

_____42. Which principle of design refers to lining up the elements?

A. Space B. Rhythm C. Contrast D. Alignment

_____43. Which principle of design use conflicting elements or colors?

A. Space B. Rhythm C. Contrast D. Alignment

_____44. What kind of balance occur when a design have equal graphic weight?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance

_____45. What kind of balance occur when a design have unequal graphic weight?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance

_____46. What kind of balance occurs when the design elements swirl out?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance


_____47. Which element of design defined by points moving in space?
A. Direction B. Shape C. Texture D. Line

_____48. Which element of design refers to the surface quality of a shape?

A. Direction B. Shape C. Texture D. Line

_____49. Which principle of design maintains a relationship between items that go together?
A. Space C. Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm
B. Balance D. Proximity

_____50. Which principle of design duplicates the characteristics of similar elements to contribute to
design consistency?
A. Space C. Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm
B. Balance D. Proximity


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