Activity 2 Prefinal 1

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Activity 2: Developing on-grade and culturally relevant instructional materials


With your group, think of a short or story that has been orally told in your community. Before you start brainstorming on your,
please note of the characteristics of a Level 1 story- a story for children who are learning to read in their L1 or in a new
language. This characteristic were enumerated in the previous activity. Discuss with your group mates the story that you want
to write. Complete the story arc below.

3 In this part the monkeys want to

make a revenge for their lost friend.
4 The turtle begs not to be thrown in
They carry the turtle and want to the river this part the turtle planned to
2 Because of anger the turtle will kill throw to the river not knowing that fool the monkeys in such a way he can
the monkey and it gets worse cause all the turtle can swim and it will fool escape from them. He begged to get
the other monkey knew what the turtle them. This is the climax of the story. the trust of the monkeys so that they
did. This is where the problem will get will believe him that he can’t really
worse in the story. swim.

1 The monkey and the turtle meet each other 5 The turtle successfully fooled the
which in they are both hungry. So, they monkeys. He successfully got them in to
decided to plant a banana because they want the river. In this part the character has
to overcome their hunger. But the monkey change from an ordinary turtle to a turtle
will soon soon betray the turtle. This will be that who fought for his right from a group
the problem that will get in the way. of monkeys that fooled him.
Now that you are done with your story arc, you next task is to transform your story into a level 1 story. It is suggest that a level 1 story
should not be longer that eight sentences and must be “picturable”. Rewriting your story into eight Sentences. Make sure that each
sentence can be illustrated. Write your sentences on the blanks below how you intend illustrate that sentence.

Sentence 1: Once upon a time there is a monkey and the turtle and they are both hungry. So, the monkey suggests that they should
find food together.

Illustration 1.

Sentence 2: They walk along together until they found some nice plants which they dug up and decided to set it somewhere else to
claim it theirs.
Illustration 2:

Sentence 3: And few weeks later, they came back to see their plants and found monkey's plants is dead and the turtle’s plant is
standing tall and bearing with fruits but the turtle however, cannot climb a tree to gather the fruits.
Illustration 3:

Sentence 4: So, the turtle volunteers to pick them up however, the selfish monkey eat all the ripe fruits and throws to turtle all the
green ones.

Illustration 4:

Sentence 5: Therefore, the angry turtle decided to teach the greedy monkey a lesson so, he gathered some sharp bamboo which he all
around under the tree, and he exclaimed that crocodile is coming.

Illustration 5:
Sentence 6: And when the monkey gets down, he stung and died, the turtle decided to cut the dead monkey into pieces and sold his
meat to other monkey, but the other monkey decided to throw the turtle into the water as a revenge for killing their friend.

Illustration 6:

Sentence 7 :When monkeys caught the turtle, they planned to cut him into pieces but the wise turtle said that he have been struck
with a hatchet many times, So the monkeys decided to throw him into the water not knowing that he lives in the water, therefore
when they throw him, the monkey are surprised when they see the turtle came up with a lobster.

Illustration 7:
Sentence 8: The monkeys begged him to tell them how to catch lobsters, so the turtle told them what to do and as they tied the strings
with a stone on it on their waist, and when all was ready, they plunged into the water and never to come up again.

Illustration 8:


A. Editing your own/other group’s level 1 story.

Congratulation! You just completed you first Level 1 story. But you are not sure yet done. That your story’s content is sound,
interesting and well-organized, your language use is correct and under-stand able to new readers, and your writing mechanics
(spelling and punctuation) is flawless. Exchange your 8-sentence story with another group. Using the checklist below, evaluate
your peers’ story.

-As I read the story made by Group 3, I can say that it is well arrange from the start up to the end.

The story is also easy to understand, since, they use the filipino language, all the translated text has thesame meaning as in the
original text of the story, all the sub-points are included and the language use are very clear and natural and they put pictures as well in
every sentences which gives interest to the readers to read it especially the children, this pictures has also big help to catch our
attention and gives us reasons to finish the story.

B. Translating Your Level 1 story

Another important task that you will be required to do as a teacher of Mother Tongue is to translate stories into your class’ mother
tongue. As an exercise, translate your own story into another language.

In translating, you always need to remember that a good translation is all about translating meaning, not world. The translation
must be (1) clear that allows readers to understand the translation, (2) accurate in which the translation communicate the same ideas of
the original author, and (3) natural because it is written using a language that is familiar to the intended readers (Malone, 2013

Write your translation inside the box:

Liminakag y duwa nga makkofun, Danaw nga duwa nga makkofun ay da ayong anni dagga,
Tadday nga aggaw ay minay kanu ira nga nappasiyar ta agig na bebay.Tatun nga pappasyaradda
ta aggig na bebay ay nakasingan ira tu tadday nga fun na dupo, ay kinattu da nga duwa. Taton
nga pappasafasiarda ta agig na bebay ay naketavug ira ta tadday nga fun na dupo', ay kinattu da
ni ayong anna ni dagga, Tallabbe' da ta balley da ay nagadduadda nga duwa ay ya ina' ni
dagga'tu funna. “ Si ayong gapa” kwa'ya nguruna tafena nalogon nga matuvu kunna kanu ay
ina'na Tap pamula Ta edda kanu sa pangimula, tatun pammulara ay navayavayag nga ari
nattullun. Tat tadday nga aggaw ay minay kanu ira nattulun ay narakay kanu ta yas swerte ni
ayong ay natay, yore dupo'na nga egga yang nguruna, “ay ni dagga' kanu “ay natolay. Taton
kanu nga aggaw ay maraddam kanu si ayong ay magayaya' gapa si dagga'. Labbe' ngana kanu
nap pavvunga ta navayavayag kanu nga aggaw ay minay ira kanu nga nattullun taton nga
karufatadda ay ya navunga yak kwa ni dagga', dupo' ni dagga' ay nalutuak kanu. “Labbe' kanu
ni ayong” sa kinalena kanu si dupo'. Pakkalena kanu sa ay yore: iddammake'” ayong, kunna
kanu ni dagga”'.Gafu ta arianna ka la sa iddan, enna kanu sinitan yaf fun nad dupo'’ Passi'na
kanu gattag kanu ni ayong nasisitak kanu ngamin yab bagivagina.” Ngem inay gapa si dagga'”,
nattotto' tag gukan nak katul Pattotto'na kanu tag gukan nak katul ay gimittag kanu si dagga'
ayong ay nasisitan kanu yaton. Enna kanu magituvang taf (fun nak) katul, kinaga'na kanu gapa
ni dagga ya ifu'na (ni ayong). Pakkaga' kanu sa ay: sinni yaw? Yore binukeran na kanu yan
nasinganna si dagga'. Iddaggammu ta pafatayattaka, kunna kanu ni ayong. Iddaggammu ta
ituppataka ta afi, kunna kanu labbi sa Nafia yaya yap pagararuan nak kakavulukku, kunna kanu
Ilappattaka tad danum, kunna kanu sa Ikallo'ma' ayong, yaya so yap patayakku kunna kanu a.
Inilappanna kanu tad danum Nagayaya' kanu si dagga' Ariammu ammu tu yaw ig gyan na bale'
kunna kanu kani ayong anna nabalin.

Ask yourself:

1. Is the meaning in the translated text as the same as in the original text?

-Yes, all the translated texts had thesame meaning as in the original text of the story. We use Ibanag Dialect since we are here
in tumauini which is most of the children here are Ibanags.

2. Are all the sub-points from the original text included?

-Yes, all the sub-points are included from the original text. In translating a story we need to translate it in detailed so that our
reader will not confused.

3. Is the language clear and natural?

-Yes, the language are very clear and natural because we use simple, direct and common words for our readers to understand
easily our story. We really make sure that the words we use are simple because we know that mostly of our readers are







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