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AutoCAD (Exercise 1)

Reeds Computer School

1st Floor, Unit 14, Block A. BE1518
Bgn Hj Ahmad Awg Hassan, Kiulap

Phone: +673 – 2450381/ 2453565

Set up your drawing units same as the figure below:

Exercise 1:
1) Draw two squares by using a line and rectangle (100 x100)
2) Circle
a) Draw a circle 50 radius mm.

b) Convert the circle into a semi-circle

3) Draw A Flower In AutoCAD
a) All line are 5.

R 50

b) Draw The Circles.

R 50

c) Use Trim To Clean The Flower.

4) Draw A 5 Point Star In AutoCAD
a) Draw a polygon with 5 sides.

b) Connect edges of the polygon such as shown on the figure below.

c) Use the TRIM command to clean your star.

d) Use the ERASE command to delete the polygon. You should be left with a star.
5) Draw a ship
6) Draw A Love In AutoCAD
7) Draw arrow
8) Draw A ‘ W ’ In AutoCAD
9) Draw A Tree In AutoCAD
a) Draw A Triangle.

b) Copy.
10) Draw A House In AutoCAD

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