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Humanity's Strongest Soldiers: The Conquerors of Titans


At some time in the past, there was a legend story that tells the heroic story of a hero named Levi.
The setting occurs in Shiganshina city. The people that lived there live a common way of living, the
Shiganshina city is surrounded by high walls, the wall serves as the shield and protection coming
from outdoor. It is believed that beyond that wall, there reside a large number of titans that eats
humans. The people that lived inside the wall lived with frightened and fear from the titans.

On that particular place, the strongest soldier named Levi reside. He was a quite furious and
arrogant. He has a deep loathe towards the titans since his parents was killed and eaten by the
titans. He was a brave and very talented, he exceeds the limits of a normal human, he obtained a
superhuman strength. Alongside with his squad, Eren who is the kindest of the group and the vice-
captain of the squad, Jinwoo, the most popular of the squad also one of the strongest members of
the group, his power is magical power. Through his experience in the battle he on par the captain of
the squad, Levi. The 3rd member is Aizen, his power is based on his sanpakto, his sword. He can
manipulate his opponent and deceived the five senses of the opponent. The last member is kozuki,
he is the eldest and the most unpredictable man in the squad, his strength is hidden, very
mysterious, and it is believed to be one of the most formidable character in the story. Levi alongside
with his squad, serve under the Soul King. He is 1000 years old and the king of the city for almost 900
years. He is the one who built the walls alongside with his former companion that died in the great
war era. In that era, the city and all the titans have the greatest battle between the humans and the
titans. The city was in the brink of total destruction until the King made a sacrifice. He used all of his
strength to build the most durable and substantial wall so that the titans cannot interrupt and cause
harm to the humans. The royal guard, Levi and his squad serve to protect the city. The city has an
army of almost 100,000 personnel. They have different characteristics and abilities, some use sword
and guns, but the most usual abilities of the army is magical power. Levi and his squad are believed
to be the strongest of the strongest, they referred to as the “Army of Heaven”. Levi as the strongest
character, he consists of all powers including physical and magical power. His physical and magical
prowess made him formidable. Along with his squad, eren, jinwoo, aizen, and kozuki, they served to
protect the whole city and the king.

The wall exists for almost 800 years, the wall slowly started to become weak and hollowed
out. The wall seemed to be cannot stand anymore and protect the people in the city. The titans
continue to destroy the wall and make an interreference, allowing the city to become frightened, the
whole city was in a panic. The people inside the wall fell terror towards the fear of the collapse of
the wall.

Until one day, the wall was finally destroyed by the titans. The titans flocked in the village, the
people were disturbed and the titans started to eat some humans. The people experience despair,
they were killed ruthlessly by the titans. They were powerless to defend themselves and to fight the
titans. The people started to lose hope, the army could not defend their pose and abandoned their
duty, allowing the city to become unstable and messed up. The titan killed almost half of the
population of the city, the army is helpless towards the titans. Their magic and physical attributes is
not enough to counter the titans. Until the royal guard arrived. They bring light to people and are
the only one who is capable of fighting the titans, they protected the people and killed every titan
that will come in their path.
Levi as the front line fulfilled his duty and save people as many as possible. Levi, Jinwoo, Aizen, eren
and kozuki are the main force the city. But, the enemy is very large and 10 times stronger to a
normal human. Even though the royal guard are strongest squad, they still couldn’t handle the large
number of titans. That become their advantage leading the army and the royal guard to worn out
and exhausted. Yujiro, the king of the titans almost wiped out the army, and become and gave a
hard time to Levi and his squad. The strongest of the squad Levi and Jinwoo fight the king of the
titans. The royal guard started to unite and tried their best to fight the king of the titans. The people
witnessed his bravery and were drive by the courage of the man that fights the titans. The people
started to unite and try to fight the titans. The whole city admired the courage of Levi and his squad
and started to rise their spirit and counter the titans. They slowly started to get the advantage.
Kozuki, as the most mysterious character in the story decided to make a huge sacrifice to defeat
Yujiro, the king of the titans.

Later on, the army, Levi and his squad became victorious and was praised by the people,
they became the center in the eye of the people. they became the conquering heroes of the city.
Levi was throne as humanity's strongest soldier. The people started to rebuild the structures and
walls that was destroyed by the titans. The city people happily celebrated their victory after the
heroic deeds of Levi that marks the history of Shiganshina city. They mourn the death of their friend
and companion, Kozuki, the people admired the sacrifice of Kozuki to defeat the king of the tians.
The king decided to inheret the throne to Levi.The people lived in harmony and remember the
sacrifices of the people who fight the titans.

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