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Study and Learning Skills Dr.

Anna Liza Ameera Shahnawaz 091211437 Open Book Quiz A1) The nine views of intlligence are: Intelligence is a general, underlying cleverness which is fixed for life means individuals have the intelligence by birth and this can differ from each other , Anything learnt will be easily applicable years after . There are multiple intelligences, not one general intelligence -Its researched that there are multiple intelligences where individuals are scored. Some are considered multilingual, bodily kin aesthetic, inter personal, intra personal skills, musical skills etc. And these intelligences can be developed by attending several workshops, meditation etc. Intelligence can be developed- means individuals can develop these intelligence based on their ability to learn Intelligence depends on life opportunities- Individuals are exposed to different life opportunities and the appropriate use of such opportunities enhances their intelligence Intelligence depends on what is needed and relevant within a culture: this explains that individuals not only carry the intelligence on their heads but it also depends on the culture, environmental tools and the society. Intelligence is about applying what you know to new contexts: means skills are made up of several sub- skills and intelligence is about applying those sub skills to new ideas. Intelligence is about how much you know: this explains how much individuals know and the knowledge they hold about any subject Intelligence can be measured: there are several IQ tests to measure individual intelligence in multiple areas. Intelligence depends on study habits and study skills can be learnt : it depends how individuals choose the appropriate study styles and skills to be effective learners and produce best results.

A2) I believe Intelligence depends on life opportunities because individuals vary in their level of education, cultural differences, environmental tools and life opportunities. These opportunities are different for each individual and its acknowledgement is extremely important. It enables individuals to make their decisions and avail any available opportunity to achieve success. A3) Learning Foundations: for academic learning to occur its extremely important to have strong basics/ foundations. Once we are familiar with the information it becomes to understand and start implementing knowledge, hence learning process takes place. Our brains take time to understand new information and might need to see what the information is all about. Individuals who are a quick learner have strong foundations. A4) Gardners multiple intelligence explains that individuals need to be scored at their different levels of intelligence as it depends on several internal and environmental factors. Cutural plays a very important role and hence there are individuals intelligent in languages, certain skills, musical, logical. It describes a persons ability to learn a new thing and these intelligences are developed over time .

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