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You do not want an unqualified trampoline coach, coaching you when your doing

trampolining especially when you have paid for the service. The poster was placed on
the customer notice board as well as the entrance to all three changing rooms. Every
single employee is handed a copy as well when they are employed to the company.
A broken family could be prevented by self disciline and devotion to their families
(Pinoy OFW, 2012). As said earlier, this solution could only be applied to the leaders.
The leaders should aim to fix the problems on a smaller scale, within local bounderies.
If the suggestion is to be taken in to action, the issue of broken families could be solved.
It is said that half of the world’s community is plagued by broken families and crime.
Over the past few decades, marriage has become less important and that is the cause of
the problem. Better parenting and stronger families is the key to mending the broken
society. (Problem of the Broken Family, 2014) In single family homes, children develop
greater autonomy where they tend to spend more time alone or with peers.
One of the major problems that the country faces today is the issue of broken marriages
among Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). One of the major problems of OFWs is the
struggle of broken families, these are caused by the feeling of loneliness, and the feeling
of freedom from the long distance with their wives or husbands. This may also be
caused by a situation that OFWs encounter, which is an active extramarital relationship
(Pinoy OFW, 2012).
“There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing that when families disintegrate,
children often end up with intellectual, physical and emotional scars that persist for
life.” He continues, “We talk about the drug crisis, the education crisis, and the problem
of teen pregnancy and juvenile crime. But all these ills trace back predominantly to one
source: broken families. (Zinsmeister, n.d.) Broken homes and broken hearts are not
only the reason for so many social problems.
Over the past few decades, marriage has become less important and that is the cause of
the problem. Better parenting and stronger families is the key to mending the broken
society. (Problem of the Broken Family, 2014) Families are the core of society. When
families fall apart, society falls into social and cultural decline.
Sometimes death of one member of the family can lead to broken family. Or else broken
family is incomplete. However, no matter how ideal a family in the terms of their
relationship, there are still hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the
way. Broken family varies from numerous reasons why it had to be that way.
A lot of Yeats’ poems about love are linked back to the love of his life, Maud. She is
represented in many forms in Yeats’ poetry and Broken Dreams is no exception. By
using Maud, Broken Dreams involves themes such as loss, love and time. ‘THERE is
grey in your hair. Young men no longer…’ In these first two lines Yeats has set the
basis of what the poem will be about, comparing Maud to what she was like when she
was young and what she is like during the writing of the poem.
Structurally, family/homes is either broken or intact. A broken home in this context, is
one that is not structurally intact, as a result of divorce, separation, death of one parent
and illegitimacy. According to Frazer (2001), psychological home conditions arise
mainly from illegitimacy of children, the label of adopted child, broken home, divorce
and parental deprivation.
Or if someone dies, then of course they’re broken inside the most. Though your answer
is very good, I think you miss one detail. Another cause for a broken family, is abuse.
Maybe the parents or parent hits the kids, and wife. Or maybe the son hits the parents. I
think that is a very big reason in why many family’s are broken.
How high school students are socially affected with broken families in Zamboanga city.
2. How do they cope with their “broken family” situation? References Bigner, J. (2002).
Parent-Child Relations: An Intoduction to Parenting. (6th ed). Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall. Freeman, H. S. Family transitions during the adolescent
transition: implications for parenting.
There are causes why there are broken families or broken homes, around the world.
Some of this are maybe because of the Wrong choice in marriage, Disagreement is the
only language they understand.. In this kind of situation, hatred, unfaithfulness, fighting,
anger, suspicion, cheating becomes the order of the day and break-up is the end result.
Members of a complete family are also capable of handling problems than a member
from a broken one but they are both acceptable in the society. In today’s society broken
family is a major problem that should be given enough attention. The behaviour of
family setup affects the social, economic and political aspects of a country.
Thus, the family starts to be broken. Broken Family is a family with children involved
where parents are legally or illegally separated…whose parents have decided to go and
live their lives separately for several reasons/problems. [Original source:]

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